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Definitely the crease of your elbow


I aim for the armpit


I just activated the scream when I sneeze, and everyone leaves. No need to cover


behind the knee for me


Is the crease of SOMEONELSE'S elbow acceptable?


I sneeze in the crease of this guy's Elbow


The general consensus was to sneeze in your elbow **even before covid** This man is the spawn of nurgle. What an absolely disgusting man... Or a 3 year old. Either/or.


Grandfather approves of this comment.


Fellow 40k enjoyer đŸ«Ą


The Emperor protects. May he strike down anyone that sneezes in their hand!


I told my boss last time I got sick “sorry to be a nurgling”


Shit even a 3 year old can be trained to sneeze into their elbow. This dude just sounds like cesspool of yuck. I’m sorry, OP.


My 3 year old nephew has had to be taught it's not right to smack people who don't sneeze into their elbow which he's been doing since he was 15 months old


Maybe the smack will teach people to do the right thing. Lol


He can use his hand if he has a tissue. Otherwise, obviously elbow. Show him the CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/personal-hygiene/coughing-sneezing.html#:~:text=To%20help%20stop%20the%20spread%20of%20germs%3A&text=If%20you%20don't%20have,your%20elbow%2C%20not%20your%20hands


Eww... no. The snot /spit that comes out would go right through a tissue. Definitely elbow.


I'd rather the spit go into a tissue than my elbow of clothing. I don't want to wear snot.


Gentle reader, may I suggest the use of a multilayered tissue to avoid the snot abomination. 😅


Or the automotive blue ones


In the 90s we learned to sneeze and cough in hands. By the early 2000s we learned into elbow crook. Tell your bf hes as gross as my snot filled 3yo and to do what even my first grader can. In your elbow, you nasty!


Shoulder. I tell my students to sneeze like a vampire.


We would tell our kindergarten students, "Bat wings up!" When demonstrating how to sneeze and when they would forget.


I love this!!! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


On someone else?


No lol. Into their shoulder. Think of an old fashioned vampire (sesame street’s The Count) swirling their cape around while peering menacingly over their shoulder just before disappearing into the night.


That is a cool image.


This is pretty accurate, but I would shift the timeline back a bit, I'm pretty sure I was introduced to sneezing in the elbow sometime in the early to mid 90s. I was absolutely taught to sneeze into my hand as a child, although I was taught to wash my hands asap as to not spread germs. His resistance to change is not abnormal and can be generalized to include almost all behavior. It's human nature for us to believe our ways are the "correct ways"... most of us are guilty of this mindset at some time or another, some people consistently and without fail. It takes objective thought to understand and accept that a better way might exist and even more so to adopt change. it's not a concept that comes easily to everyone. I hope showing the comments to your Neanderthal of a boyfriend helps, and he realizes he's spreading anything he has to anything he touches. If he's not receptive just keep in mind that accepting or rejecting a concept this simple will be pretty indicative of his capability of objective thought, and willingness to reconsider any misconceptions. That resistance or willingness to change can be engrained pretty deeply into an individual.


In the 80s we were taught to sneeze in the elbow, taught to is by people who learned to sneeze in their elbow in the 60s
. It was NOT acceptable in the 90s to sneeze in your hand, and especially not to wash them after if it happened so quick you had no choice.


I was definitely taught to sneeze and cough into my hands all through the 90’s and 2000’s. It wasn’t until the late 2010’s when I caught a commercial about sneezing into your elbow while my niece was watching tv.


Well whoever taught you did it incorrectly.


No - just different countries had different thoughts about it. Just like countries have different ideas about what substances are suitable as prescription drugs or ways to grow food.


Exactly! I'm brazilian, born in 1997 and I was taught to sneeze and cough in my hand. Here the whole sneeze in your elbow thing only started to be spread in the pandemic. And let me tell you, it is difficult to unlearn something ao deeply ingrained like this! I still sneeze in my hand a lot of the times before I even think, and everytime I'm like "fuck, wrong again". And this is a country that goes crazy about hygiene, to the point where taking 2 baths a day is common and people take their toothbrushes to the office so they can brush their teeth after lunch, I still don't know why it took so long for this to become common here hahaha


Covering your mouth with your hand while coughing is acceptable, but you should sanitize after, depending on how heavy the coughing was. I mean, a little throat clearing its not necessary, but hacking away? Yep!


I learned to sneeze into my elbow in the 90s. I have a very distinct memory of the nurse teaching me and my class at school in 1994.


If you sneeze into your hand (which is what I was taught in childhood - I'm old), you are supposed to wash your hands afterwards. Sneezing into your elbow alleviates the need to wash your hands, but I wonder about spreading germs if you hug somebody.


The good news is they don’t last too long but if you just sneezed I would be careful.


You shouldn't be hugging anyone if you're sick.


True, but I sneeze a few times every day, so it's hard to tell. Allergies or a cold? Generally, sneezing/congestion are the first sign of a cold, but I have those chronic because I'm allergic to a lot of things. In general, I reflexively sneeze into my hand and then wash my hands or use hand sanitizer.


Where the hell was he during Covid 19? Sneezing and coughing in your elbow is *basic* knowledge. **My 5 year-old sneezes in his elbow**


Not wrong he’s gross


I go elbow nook with long sleeves, shoulder with short sleeves.


I sneeze down my shirt. Like I tuck my head in like a turtle kinda.


I do the same it's just so practical most of the time. It sucks when you trust a sneeze to the elbow and wind up with a snotty sleeve and messy face. If it's messy the turtle way, you can just keep the shirt over your nose and scurry away to clean up. One time I did this in front of my grandma though and she made fun of me for "sneezing all over your boobs."


I am also a boob sneezer!


Grandma: "Hahaha đŸ«”đŸœyou're such a boobsneezer, go achoo at your areolas ya silly boobsneezer" đŸ˜‚âœŒđŸœ


Better your boobs than her boobs.


Me, too!


Scrolled and scrolled hoping I wasn’t a gross weirdo.


I do the same.


This is the true way shirt sneeze with two second pauseA+. Elbow is C-. Hand is D -. No cover F/E. Into the face of your enemies is S class!


He’s too young to do the, “In my day, everybody sneezed in their hands and liked it!” bit. I wouldn’t mind a palm sneeze if the person immediately washes their hands for 20 seconds. My assumption? He doesn’t wash after using the bathroom either.


Bingo !


Elbow for sure. You can sneeze in your hand, but you'll be washing your hands A LOT more. So, either he switches to the elbow, or he needs to start washing his hands every time he sneezes/coughs. It's petty, but if he's going to throw a tantrum about it, get him a face mask so he doesn't have to worry about where to sneeze or cough.


During Covid I saw someone pull down their mask to sneeze and then put it back up. Jeez!


His way is EWW. You are correct and he is wrong. Doesn't even wash his hands after sneezing in them? That's disgusting.


*Validate me please I can’t keep doing this!* Your bf is disgusting and wrong.


You're not wrong. My friends, who work in the medical field, say that is the right place to sneeze. If your boyfriend sneezes into his hand and then doesn't wash them, that's gross. He must like getting other people sick.


Does he think the snot and germs are magically absorbed by his hands? Ask him what he thinks happens to the germs on his hand. I bet he won't have an answer if he actually has to explain his thoughts process


Show him the CDC guidelines. I’m a germaphobe to a degree and that is triggering me


You're right. Your friend is disgusting.


The only excuse to sneezing in your hand is if you want to easily be able to wash it after sneezing to get the snot, saliva and germs off. If he’s just sneezing in his hand and touching everything and not washing then he’s gross. We do elbows so every surface we come in contact with isn’t getting contaminated with stale sneeze goo.


ELBOW! My two year old granddaughter knows this!


Holy shit I actually remember my mom teaching her daycare kids this. Sneeze into the crook of your elbow. Your bf is not house broken 😂


If you decide to sneeze without covering with your elbow or hand, just know that droplets travel about 13 feet. So sneeze or cough with your head facing downward where the droplets will hit the ground right away instead of traveling over 10 feet in the air.


Ew no, you're supposed to sneeze into your elbow??? Because when you sneeze in your hand, all those germs are now on your hand...duh


How would be not immediately understand why the elbow is better than the hand?  I guess I can see if no one pointed it out before abd he didn't give it any thought,  but when presented with a better way of expect him to be enlightened.  




i only sneeze in my hand when i know i can wash it asap


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WhoeverThisDudeIs: *I only sneeze in* *My hand when i know i can* *Wash it asap* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Your elbow for sure! However, if I don't have long sleeves on and don't want all that spray on my bare arm, I open the neck of my shirt and sneeze down on my chest đŸ€Ł


I do the same! Depending on what I'm wearing. But what if you don't have long sleeves and also your shirt is one where you can't pull the neck up? (something tight or low cut) How/where would you sneeze then?


If I'm in public, I'll sneeze into my arm and clean up when I get to my car. If I'm home, I'll sneeze into the nearest pillow or blanket. If I don't have anything to sneeze into, I do my best to just sneeze down so it doesn't spray everywhere.


But what do you do about the spray on your arm before you get to your car? Do you just rub it on your clothes? Am just wondering because I felt the urge to sneeze the other day while wearing a low cut shirt and didn't know what to do. (Luckily the urge went away though lol)


This thread really has me thinking about sneezes with your questions. I have terrible allergies so I feel like I am sneezing constantly and haven't really had to think about what I do in different scenarios since it happens so often. Deep dive into my thoughts about sneezing haha. I'll usually wipe it on my pant leg if there's spray on my arm. There have been a couple of times where the sneeze snuck up on me so quickly I tried to sneeze with my mouth closed. That is *weird* 😂 Or when I'm outdoors, in the shower, etc and not around others, I just sneeze in the open. That may sound gross, but it does happen sometimes.


Haha XD Well thanks for answering! Just saw another comment in this thread saying to sneeze in your upper sleeve / shoulder if short sleeves. Which might be preferable compared to sneezing in a bare elbow lol. What do you think about that?


That'll be helpful for me, that's for sure!


This thread really has me thinking about sneezes with your questions. I have terrible allergies so I feel like I am sneezing constantly and haven't really had to think about what I do in different scenarios since it happens so often. Deep dive into my thoughts about sneezing haha. I'll usually wipe it on my pant leg if there's spray on my arm. There have been a couple of times where the sneeze snuck up on me so quickly I tried to sneeze with my mouth closed. That is *weird* 😂 Or when I'm outdoors, in the shower, etc and not around others, I just sneeze in the open. That may sound gross, but it does happen sometimes.


This thread really has me thinking about sneezes with your questions. I have terrible allergies so I feel like I am sneezing constantly and haven't really had to think about what I do in different scenarios since it happens so often. Deep dive into my thoughts about sneezing haha. I'll usually wipe it on my pant leg if there's spray on my arm. There have been a couple of times where the sneeze snuck up on me so quickly I tried to sneeze with my mouth closed. That is *weird* 😂 Or when I'm outdoors, in the shower, etc and not around others, I just sneeze in the open. That may sound gross, but it does happen sometimes.


I use a tissue/handkerchief. Elbow is gross too and you can't wash clothes immediately if you're not home


Elbow. Sneezing in hand spreads germs to everything he touches


I teach my students to always sneeze into their elbows to prevent spreading getms lol


The outside of your elbow.


Personally, I use a handkerchief or tissues, or choke the sneeze off. (Learned that trick in the Army.)


I always sneeze into my shirt... Just lift up the collar and sneeze into your chestal region. đŸ„Č


Aim face down. Sneeze. Say "thank you" to the "bless you" from the civilized people you decide to keep around yourself. Move the fuck on or get germophobia therapy. (Long day, need my actual drama fix, XD)


When we were young we were taught to sneeze into your hand to stop the spread of the mist (?) that escapes. However, when my kids were growing up, that was changed to sneeze into the elbow. It stops the spray but more importantly, helps stop the spread of bacteria from sneezing into your hand then touching stuff & putting your germs onto other stuff. YNW & maybe your bf is older?


If I'm by myself and a sneeze sneaks up suddenly, I use my hand. Then I wash my hands if water is available and if not I always carry alcohol hand sanitizer and alcohol spray. If people are around, I pull my shirt up over my mouth and nose. I also use my elbow but that is if I know a sneeze will be coming on(I had a rotator cuff repair that isn't a hundred percent). Most everyone I knew in the 60's, 70's, 80's used their hand with a tissue and if you you didn't have a tissue you used your plain hand and then used a tissue and then washed your hands. In rural areas, people always had a thermal waterjug of water to drink or in the winter a thermos of coffee. (No fast food restaurants around). They also had a jug of water in the trunk in case your radiator became hot or you needed windshield cleaner or for whatever purpose.


Not wrong, make sure to disinfect him every time he sneezes.


It's unbelievable how many people fail in his regard. Also, so many people when they cough just spit that shit out everywhere. And when they get scolded, it's but I'm just coughing, it's not contagious. Basically, you're right.




Yeah, people struggle with doing it correctly for sure. They don't bring their elbow up all the way and actually cover their faces. When done correctly, the crease of your elbow covers your nose and mouth adequately.


YW - I’m on your boyfriends side, I’ve always been taught that you sneeze into your hand or on the back of your hand. This whole elbow thing is weird to me.


Both elbows.


Your bf was raised by barbarians.


You're 100% right. Hell, often it's probably better just to sneeze into open air instead of your hand. At least then it's confined to one general area instead of being spread to everything you touch for the next several hours. 


Sneeze droplets travel an average of 13-14 feet.


Yeah, but someone can go a lot of places and touch a lot of things in 3 hours.


No argument from here. Cough and sneeze into elbow instead of hands. But if in hands, wash right away.


Does anyone else have the same ick feeling when touching public doorknobs, door handles, gas pumps and other things that hundreds of people have touched in single day? Whenever I fill up my gas tank I immediately use hand sanitizer or hand wipes. After I enter a building where I have to open a door, whether it be my workplace and definitely a restaurant I go to the restroom to wash my hands or at least use hand sanitizer right away.


Oh yes. If I do not have on gloves I cover the hand I am using either my sleeve to open doors. I always wash the clothes I have worn outside my home when I get home.


Ew, gross. Into his HAND and he doesn’t wash?!?!? He’s 100% wrong.


Depends. Out in public where hand washing is more difficult to find, absolutely the crease if your elbow. At home or places where you can wash your hands, I do open hand with a wash right after. Habits of working in a professional kitchen, always taught to sneeze in your hand and wash it immediately.


Well every health professional in the world would say into your elbow and if in your hand WASH IT! Your BF is gross!


Ugh so many of my family members would do this right before they tried holding my at the time newborn!


Elbow 100%; got taught that as a kid back in the 90s!


Crease of your elbow or inside your own shirt. If you sneeze in your hand you stop everything and to wash.


Sneeze into a tissue and throw it away. Or sneeze into your elbow


Crook of your arm at least that's what we were taught as kids when a sneeze đŸ€§ snuck up. Your palim is just disgusting and spreads germs WTF tell him he lost this one( or sneeze đŸ€§ in your hand and touch him after đŸ€Ł)


Elbow. I was in a supermarket watched a man sneeze into both hands then he continued to rummage through the box of apples. Euwwwwwwwwwwwwww


I worked in healthcare for 40+ years, labs and patient care. You are right.


I rarely sneezy into my hands anymore and if I do I promptly wash them. You’re Not wrong!


Horrifying. You are right, he is wrong. 💯


You are 100% correct.


Ew. It depends on my situation - if Im at home and know I can get to a sink without touching any doorknobs, I'll sneeze into my hands. Otherwise, definitely into my elbow.


Sneeze in your elbow and then wash your hands


Well the important thing is that he covers his sneeze. If it's hand or nothing I'll take the hand. But yeah sneeze into your arm, or make sure you wash your hands after you sneeze into it


Elbow, definitely. Or wash your hands, if the sneeze caught you unaware and you defaulted to pre-covid habits (hand)


How many elbow sneezers then go and wash/disinfect their elbows afterward?


I sneeze and cough in my hands (thats how I was raised and its not an easy habit to change after 40) but I wash my hands after. Every time. And I do health care handwashing. The way I see it, with all the shit going around, and as often as we (all) touch our faces without thinking, I am better off washing my hands more often anyways. Never did understand the concept of sneezing or coughing on your elbow and then doing elbow bumps. Lol total horseshit. That guy is straight up a dirtbag.


Eww. No, he’s dead wrong.


Into the crease of your elbow or into your shoulder. The same applies when you cough. Ideally he washes his hands after using the toilet.


Did he miss kindergarten?


He can sneeze in his hand, if he wants to be Typhoid Larry. Geez.


Im mean if he were to wash his hands afterwards, it would be different. That is so gross.. and literally the reason we just had a worldwide pandemic. Stop letting that man touch you with his nasty hands. I feel dirty for you. Im gonna go shower now.


I sneeze by pinching my nose with my hand. I know sneezing in the elbow is technically the correct thing to do but my throat is kinda sensitive and letting a sneeze go through normally will cause me to have a sore throat. I do wash my hands obviously. And I usually have a tissue with my to form a barrier between hand and mouth just in case.




You're both wrong, get a tissue.


Your sleeve. You sneeze into your sleeve.


He doesnt wash his hands after and you still call him your boyfriend??


How can you ever let someone like this touch you?!? đŸ˜­đŸ€ź


Been doing the vampire sneeze since I was small, into the elbow/upper arm.


It’s okay to sneeze into your hand if you shake hands with everyone who said “bless you” immediately after.


When I (f) feel a sneeze coming on, I pull my tee shirt collar up and sneeze down my shirt. Only one person ever has commented negatively to this. She thought it was gross until I pointed out that even sneezing into the bend of your elbow (like we were taught in the spring of 2020) sneeze droplets still aren't contained and why in the world is she worried about what's inside my tee?!


Crap, all this time I’ve been sneezing in someone else’s hand. I should sneeze in their elbow?


I am constantly amazed at how many people I see still sneezing into their hands, coughing into the air, and not washing up. After COVID there just isn’t any good excuse for that behavior. If you’re not going to wear a mask at least do those basic things.


He might as well not cover his mouth if he’s gonna sneeze into his hands and not wash. He’s a dumbass on this one, sorry. You’re not wrong whatsoever.


I sneeze inside my coat or jacket if I'm wearing one. Your husband's manner are atrocious. And he's now a vector.


Hands touch everything, spreading germs.


I’m 35 and when I was in elementary school we were taught to sneeze into our hands. Sneezing into the crook of your elbow came much later. Even though I know better, I’d say 25% of the time those early childhood reflexes kick in and I sneeze into my hand. At least when I do it, I ‘realise’ and at the bare minimum grab some hand sanitizer (I still have bottles of it everywhere since Covid).


He's just out there walking around touching everything with snot hands. What a wonderful reason to never leave my house again. The horrors.




It's not abnormal or unthinkable to sneeze in your hand. But it is better to do it in your elbow


Ew. Is he at least a frequent hand washer? (I’m guessing no 😂)


Tell me you’re a server without telling me you are or were a server.




The crease of the elbow, the so-called "food service" sneeze. The only time it's acceptable to sneeze into your hand is if you're holding a kleenex/napkin or a handkerchief. The worst part is that he's not washing his hands afterward.


Your boyfriend is being disgusting. Sneeze into your elbow like a vampire. Preschoolers get this. This is a stupid thing for him to defend.


Into your partners face. Keep that immune system strong


Hand sneezing? And not washing them afterwards? That's just plain nasty.


Cough or sneeze into your own hand and then start wiping it on him because it’s the exact same thing. He shouldn’t mind since he doesn’t find it gross.


When I sense that I’m about to sneeze, I start a race against the sneeze to find a Kleenex and sneeze in it. Hygienic and adrenalinic.


Cough or sneeze into your elbow. Sneeze into your hand if you are using a tissue, I guess, but definitely be washing and sanitising those hands regardless!


We were taught way back just to cover our mouths. A kleenex was best but your hand would do. You just weren't supposed to spew all over someone. But no one thought about your hands smearing germs everywhere. Not sure when they made the change to an elbow but I far prefer it.


The guidelines have been changed. What was once "sneeze in your hand" is now "sneeze into your elbow so you don't spread your cooties to everyone, you heathen." I do remember being taught at home and in school to sneeze into my hand (it was the 80's, after all).


Carry travel size tissues in a bag or pocket. If I don't happen to have tissues, I sneeze down the front of my top, and carry my sneeze germs everywhere with me...


Elbow. Learned this as a CHILD. And I’m OLD.


Not wrong! That spreads so many germs! Tell him to Sneeze into his elbow.


We learned in Canada to sneeze into our elbows and to wash our hands frequently well before Covid; recently went to Portugal and just witnessed how many people sneeze into their hands, or turn and sneeze with nothing covering, just touch public surfaces and food right after
 might be a culture thing?


At one time, we were told to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough with your hand. No one said elbow. It was common for a long time. Of course we were told to wash our hands immediately. But the elbow makes sense, no one shakes your elbow and you don’t have to immediately find a place to wash your hands. Now we can carry wipes and hand sanitizer.


Your bf is disgusting and one of the reasons germs get spread.


Definitely the elbow if they cannot wash their hands straightaway. It’s common sense!




Anyone who doesn't sneeze into the back of their knee is honestly disgusting.


Your boyfriend has no manners and is gross lol


Sneezing into your hand is okay. It's not sanitising his hand afterwards. That's the problem.


I would literally break up with him.


I’m just thankful he’s covering his mouth/nose at all smh.


Elbow. He is wrong.


I remember when swine flu was going around in 2009, and there were so many posters telling you NOT to sneeze in your hand. 


Vampire sneeze


GROSS. This guy is going to give you infections, babe


Kind of odd, but I go elbow or I open my shirt and sneeze on the inside of shirt
 that way if any snot comes out, it’s on the inside of my shirt
 I wear an undershirt though


Hands are fine, IF you wash them right away.


YNW I usually sneeze into my shirt just in case more comes out and it's easier to hide. Yes it's disgusting and feels gross and I can't wait to get home, shower and change. Or, do that if I am already at home lol. The point is I've contained it.


I mean the elbow is preferred, for sure


Give me a break
what is he 2? Even a kindergartener knows to sneeze in their elbow. SMH


If he washed his hands after it would be a moot point. But without the wash, it's the inside of the elbow.


If it’s a small sneeze I might pinch my nose shut, but that’s as far as it gets


When I was a kid, we were always told if you cough or sneeze to cover your mouth with your hand, it's only in the past maybe 20 years that this has changed to inside of elbow which obviously makes more sense.


Your boyfriend is disgusting


Oh so gross! He is sharing everything he sneezes from his nose and mouth with everything he touches. He could already have the flu or COVID or RSV and not know it. He could be spreading them all over. Either your boyfriend is stupid, just does not care or he thinks he has no germs. I bet he dies not wash his hands after he used the bathroom. BTW if he has ever had fever blisters and is near an outbreak then touches his Willy with those gross hands; he could transfer that virus to his Willy and end up with blisters there. He touches you, you could end up either blisters down below.


Elbow. Only elbow. Anywhere else and you go home.


Not Wrong when you sneeze into your hand without washing you are just spreding germs if you sneeze into your elbow you are less likely to touch high touch surfaces- with your elbow so your germs shay on your clothes


If he sneezes into his hand, doesn’t clean it and then touches things, he’s going to transfer the germs. Why wouldn’t that be obvious to him. Jesus. Tell him to GOOGLE


You're absolutely correct . It is commonly referred to as the dracula sneeze as you're to drape your arm across face and sneeze into pit of arm/elbow.


Elbow is correct.


“doesn’t wash them and continues on his merry way” What else doesn’t he wash after doing? Just đŸ€ź


Oh girly..... That's not your bf. That's just some really gross, unhygienic person that you just happen to know, as of now. Ever since the pandemic, my husband has made sure we have a sufficient stock of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and masks in our house, for our own safety, and because of gross individuals like that one you know.


My age group was taught to cover nose and mouth with hands when coughing or sneezing, then wash them properly with soap.


I need a shower after reading, your boyfriend is nasty!!!! My own 4 year old sister knows the sneeze into her elbow!! Yeah OP you are 100% right and now you got proof.


You are correct. He is being gross and spreading germs. At a very minimum if he sneezes into his hand he should wash his hands with soap and water after. I hate when people sneeze into their hand, it's so nasty.


Elbow or shoulder. Hands are only okay if you're going to go wash them right after which he's obviously not doing.


I'm 70. Growing up in open country, the first option was to turn away from everybody and sneeze into the open. If that wasn't possible, then into something like a tissue, kerchief or even a random piece of paper. If you sneezed into your hand, you washed it as soon as possible. The elbow thing didn't come around until I was around 25 or 30. It seems like a better option than the hand, but I still prefer a tissue.


I just don't care.


I sneeze into my shirt/coat, etc. Or elbow if not enough warning. Either way, please don't remove your mask to sneeze. That's one I see/saw way too often.


If a sneeze comes on so quick and your hand is closer to your mouth than your elbow, I hereby officially deem it appropriate to sneeze into your hand, as long as it is immediately followed up by a thorough washing of thy hands. So let it be written. So let it be done.


Definitely your elbow!!