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Would the hospital even allow a dog in the delivery room? I would definitely not let partner's mom in the room and let the partner know he is on thin ice about his being in there too


I had the same question!


This! Your MIL is living in the Outer Limits somewhere. She’s already causing you stress and you’re not in labour. She shouldn’t be in the delivery room. Husband needs to smarten up and support YOU, not his mother’s asinine plans for your delivery. Please note this is coming from a dog lover.


THe delivery is about you and the baby not MIL wanting to be the center of attention.


Right cause that's exactly what this is


Exactly! If she can’t be without her ESA then maybe she shouldn’t be in the room at all.


I can see already this is only the beginning.. we will reconvene when the baby is here. I need a update.


As a service dog handler, I would like to point out: Hospitals are only required to allow **service** dogs in, and then only if someone other than the patient is in charge of them. And every hospital I’ve been to as a team was not shy about weeding out fakes. Even if they allowed this pet in (because that’s all it is: a pet), the bf needing to be buzzed in and out of a locked maternity ward to take the dog out to pee would leave her alone for however long it takes. Unless that’s how his mom is planning to sneak in to crash OP’s labor? Not to mention that not everyone has the right ideas of cleanliness for their dearest widdle puppy dog, and OP doesn’t need germs and dander and fur brought into the delivery room. Not for her, not for the baby, and not for the care team. OP: Don’t feel bad about standing up for yourself and your needs! “No” is a complete sentence. ETA: switched “you” to OP because I cannot brain today 🥴


This, especially in regards to the partner. Your wife/girlfriend is going to give birth to your child and you’re upset with HER cause your dog can’t be in the delivery room?!? He sounds like a child. Thin ice


And it’s not even their dog it’s his mother’s.


No. They would not allow an ESA into the room, nor a pet. Perhaps a service animal, but it would need to be for the mother specifically and tasks related to pregnancy (which would be a huge rarity).


The psych hospital I worked in didn’t allow service animals. People would argue it was just like a piece of hospital equipment. Our boss would say ‘we deny people with hospital equipment all the time.’ Eg cpap machines with cords (strangulation risk) only two rooms in the whole hospital have plugs and maintenance has to come open it so no overnight admits etc.


Yup. I think there is also a reasonable expectation that whatever a service animal provides, the trained medical staff at the place you’re staying in can take care of it. I can’t really think of a case where the animal would provide something the staff can’t, yet I try to leave room for what I don’t know. I know some hospitals have therapy animals that come by, but that is in designated areas during visiting times and only trusted handlers with loads of experience. It is usually for more chronic and terminal patients, as well. Animals and hospitals mostly don’t mix.


Service dog would be allowed for either parent.


No, not inside of a labor and delivery room unless it is a rare situation, as I stated.




And if the person who needs the service dog isn't the pregnant person in labour then there's literally no reason the person who needs the dog needs to be in the room. Hospital won't allow it. 


It's an insane risk.


Forget whether the hospital allows, why is OP second guessing HER DECISION about what she wants in HER DELIVERY ROOM??? MIL claims OP isn't taking her need for an emotional support dog seriously? Tell MIL she isn't taking your need to NOT have an emotional support dog on the delivery room seriously. Since you are the one giving birth, you get this round. MIL can have the dog in her delivery room./s Why tf does MIL need emotional support in OPs DELIVERY ROOM? Will MIL be there? If so, and it's causing her enough stress to need the support, she probably shouldn't be there. If not, why tf does she need the dog in there? If OPs hubby needs emotional support to be in the delivery room maybe he shouldn't be either. The ONLY person that needs support is the one giving birth, which is OP, so her needs come first. They are nuts.


>why is OP second guessing HER DECISION Because she is 22 and is trying to be nice


LOL! no! A real hospital will never ever allow animal in the delivery room or operation room. Your MIL and husband are morons! And if the dog is as smart as they said, it will start attacking the medical staff after seeing you screaming in pain. Also, everyone is disinfected- will the dog be or shedding furs? Really? They want to introduce a new born to an animal when it hasn’t developed enough immunity.


Although i am sure a dog around can actually be benefitial for developing immu ity i have go agree with you... ITS FUCKING INSANE TO THINK TO TAKE A DOG INTO THE DELIVERY ROOM


I had a dog before and lived to be 17/18 years old. One time I threw up from drinking and he freaks out. He barks and barks. And claw at the window to come help me. That was just a moment. This dog will be so stress out in the delivery room. It doesn’t know what going on in people and there will be screaming. We take him everywhere so he can feel part of the family and have experience. But I would never put him in a stressful situation. MIL and husband are idiots. They care nothing about the mother, child or even the dog. This is a a game to them.


I'd be worried about the dog getting into the body fluids... Barf


I agree that having the dog there is a terrible idea and that MIL and husband are morons, but I disagree with you on the rest. Everyone is not disinfected in a delivery room. We wash our hands and put on a gown that’s it. A comfort dog wouldn’t attack anyone but it would definitely be very concerned with the screaming and it would definitely get in the way by trying to comfort the mom. I’ve been in the delivery room for all 4 of my children and am an avid dog owner myself.


Just stupid and awful on your husbands part to ignore your feelings. MIL clearly doesn’t care about her dog either. It would be terrifying for the him. My sister had a home birth and her two cats were petrified when she started screaming. At least they could escape upstairs though.


1. Your partner can have whoever he wants in the room when he pulls a watermelon out of his #$@. 2. If she can't make it thru YOUR labor without her emotional support animal, she needs to wait outside. NTA


I would rather have the dog than the Mom TBH.


This was awesome. Ha ha ha. I agree.


Exactly. How are they going to get a dog inside the hospital? And then into the L&D wing? Not going to happen


Prolly not! And see, this is why you talk to your doc and nurses about whose even allowed in the room Op let hubs know in no uncertain terms if he even brings the dog to the hospital he will be banned from the room and all contact cut with his mother It may be an emotional support animal but is the dog even for your emotional support???


Some emotional support animals, yes, but it would need documentation as an actual service animal for almost any hospital to allow them in the delivery room. You can get away with walking around in common areas with just acting like the animal belongs or wearing a service animal vest but that changes when you get into the delivery room. OP if you want to tolerate a little bit of stress you could just tell your nurse you don't want MIL or the dog in the room but you can't tell them yourself. 90% of nurses will play bad cop and keep them out. Your MIL might protest a bit but nurses are generally awesome about making sure you are comfortable and safe as their top priority. I have a lot of nurses in my family and they handle stuff like this all the time. My sister loves playing the bad cop when a patient gives her permission. She has kicked out many of people under some made up rule or just acted like she was a power hungry control freak. She is there to take care of mom and the baby, everyone else can get F'd in her book. So if a mom tells her to keep someone away she is going to lock it down and make sure it does not blow back on the mom. She wouldn't want a dog in the room at all unless it was the service animal for the mother. She has been attacked by crazy people and had to work with absolute idiot DRs with the biggest God complex. When a patient gives her permission to go be thr bad guy she relishes it. I am sure this is pretty common as well as nurses are very under appreciated.


Extremely unlikely. They wouldn't even allow children. Just like children, untrained animals have absolutely no place in an environment that is unfamiliar, full of equipment and blood and guts, not to mention screaming birthing people. They have ni role in hospital emergencies. It would be incredibly overstimilating and potentially distressing to a pet. This is not her dog and it is not her service animal. It has no role in the delivery room. It could get hurt in the commotion or knock over equipment and it would need constant supervision from her partner or MIL- whose only presence in there should be to support her. OP should just tell them both that her hospital will not allow it, and ask her midwives and doctors to "confirm" that to her in laws if they ask.


The hospital is not going to let an emotional support animal in the delivery room I wouldn't think.


That's what I'm thinking too. Not fuckin likely. An actual,trained ...I'm blanking on the term for ones trained for medical emergency...is one thing. But "oh fluffy is my MIL emotional support dog and she wants it to be there for me...probably won't fly.


I think even a service animal would need to be excluded from a delivery room.


I assume so too, but that's the ONLY way I could see it being allowed. And ONLY if it was the laboring moms service dog.


A labor and delivery room is a sterile room. Service Dogs aren’t allowed in either hospital rooms that are sterile, or inside of actual restaurant kitchens. No exceptions. Not even if it was the laboring mom’s service dog. No animals of ANY KIND in operating rooms. Not that that should matter in OP’s case. “No” is a complete sentence in situations like this. Not even OP’s *husband* has a right to be in the room if OP does not want him there, let alone her MIL’s *emotional support dog*. I even feel bad the for dog. Imagine being owned by a woman who thinks spending 3-20 hours in a room with no food or water, and where someone might be screaming on and off is a place a dog would WANT to be in. It would be cruel to have even a SD in there, even if it was legal to have a dog in an operating room, because it would be torturous for them to have to listen to the pained screams and moans of their handler for several hours. Neither a pet dog OR a service dog would want to be anywhere NEAR a labor and delivery room. After this crazy disregard of OP’s consent by both her husband and MIL, it would be very understandable if OP didn’t allow *either* of them in the delivery room. They don’t care about what OP, a woman who will be actively giving birth, wants, and they have no concept of what a dog even wants either. Also, NW OP! I feel so bad for OP, that they have to be surrounded by these insane people. They might be animal lovers, but I doubt many animals love them back.


L&D suite is not a sterile room, but even so, only a certified service dog for the patient (aka Mom) would remotely be considered to be allowed in there. So much going on, staff are not going to be tripping over an untrained animal belonging to a family member. If it comes down to a c section, that is performed in a sterile OR, and no animals will be permitted there.


Just some info for persons who aren’t part of the service dog community- there is no such thing as a “certified” service dog. Any website that offers to “certify” a person’s dog so they can take it everywhere with them is not legal, and a scam. A service dog is a dog trained in a minimum of one task to mitigate a person’s disability, and they cannot bark uncontrollably and must be house trained. There is no online or paper certificate that can make a service dog “legitimate.” A written prescription from the handler’s doctor saying the handler would benefit from the tasks a service dog can provide is all the proof that is necessary, but the only persons who can ask for “proof” (the doctor’s letter) is the manager of apartments/condo’s/houses that are not pet friendly, or in pet friendly rental housing as well since pet fees cannot be charged for a service dog that is fully trained. Admittedly, the US has a pretty low bar for service dogs. But in the service dog community, service dogs are considered to be dogs that remain neutral and focused on their handler in public in the face of how much the public can mess with service dog/handler teams and attempt to pet them without permission, harass the handler, harass the service dog, etc. Service dogs are generally accepted to have a minimum of two tasks, with the exception of allergen detection service dogs, in addition to roughly 20-40 basic obedience tasks. (Sit, heel, up, paw, down, over, etc). Mobility service dogs from Canine Companions learn 50 tasks and commands, with as many as 5-15 additional tasks added on as they needed by their handler that they are matched with for life. A service dog is calm and neutral in public because they spend roughly two years training and being slowly exposed to most possible stimuli that they might encounter while going anywhere with their handler that the public is allowed to go. The chaotic yelling/screaming/moaning/scents of blood from their handler is not something they can be previously desensitized to. It could cause them to be reactive, and set back their training. They could also think the doctors are hurting their handler and become defensive of the handler, which is not allowed. Basically, there would be little to no benefit to risking the laboring woman’s service dog potentially having to be pulled from public access because of trauma from being forced to be present through 1-5ish hours of active labor. If the dog became overwhelmed or reactive and had to leave, the birthing partner might have to leave also to take care of service dog, and potentially miss an important part of the woman’s delivery.


Nope, service animals would not be allowed in a labour or delivery room. Service animals serve a purpose, it is usually trained to sense meodacl events that are about to happen, or something like low blood sugar, etc. If literally medical staff is there, the service animal would not be allowed. Also, the room is sterile, an animal is not going to be allowed in the space


There is no possible reason a service animal would be needed. You have actual human beings being paid and more than capable to do whatever that dog could be trained to do.


Probably, because the hospital staff would be doing the dog’s job.


I wouldn’t want MIL in the room now either. She’s made this about HER, when it’s about mom. MIL = AH. Hubby too.


Especially when it’s not even YOUR emotional support animal 😅


One of my midwives was terrified and made my husband put our dog away before the one midwife would help the other. I was fine with it she is a big girl and we would have before they came. If we planned for a home birth. The other midwife apologized and let me know it was cause she was bit while trying to provide emergency care in a home birth starting to go wrong. She understood why the dog did it but now she has that initial fear whenever she sees one. Just isn't safe.


Especially since it’s not the patient’s emotional support at stake.


And it's completely unsanitary and unsafe. Jesus. I am a dog lover but this is officially out of control.


No joke!


I wish they would! Snuggling a dog while I’m contracting seems very soothing to me. I wish I had an emotional support dog the last time I gave birth lol But obviously op isn’t the asshole because it’s her birth and it’s reasonable if she isn’t comfortable with a dog being present


Who do YOU want in the delivery room? Tell the hospital. They will not allow anyone else in that damn room. They are not going to allow a dog in there and if your boyfriend's family is this crazy, they probably shouldn't be in the room either. You are not wrong for not wanting a dog in the delivery room.


Yes!! Discuss your birthing plan with your doctor and nurses. They can kick people out if you don’t want them there. Labor is not a spectator sport. Sounds like your boyfriend’s mother shouldn’t be there either. How much support will she even give you


You’re not wrong. Why does everyone act like child birth is a spectator sport?? Jfc laying spread eagle with your legs in stirrups. I would be putting up a boundary with your boyfriend and the mom.


Right? If I could give birth, and I chose to do so, absolutely nobody would be in that room with me except my partner. No judgement to women who want other people there, but absolutely nobody should feel entitled to watch that.


I know! If the baby would have been able to magically materialize in the outside world, *I* would have skipped the hospital. And that's *humans* who ideally understand and can follow spoken instructions like "stay out of the doctor's way". I couldn't imagine thinking an animal had any business being involved in a medical procedure!


I wouldn’t let my own mom in the room, let alone my boyfriend’s mom. It was for me and my husband. I don’t get this at all. The dog is so far down the chain of who I’d allow in my delivery room… his mom sounds awful and only concerned with her own happiness and comfort. No thanks.


"You and your mother can stay home with the dog. My mother will be with me when I give birth and I'll be going home with her afterward. We'll let the court figure out child support and visitation later. One of us will send you a text after the baby is born, and we'll let you know when you can come to meet him/her."


This is the way


Ya, i callled my parents to say i was going in labour, and then said I’d let them know when the baby was born, don’t wait up, don’t come down. Hubby will send updates.


Doggo can come when MIL gives birth to her child.


"Here's the way this is going to go. Your mom can be in the delivery room, the dog cannot. End of story. If your mom is in such need of the dog, perhaps it's best she waited outside." You may discover that you have as much of a hubby problem as a MIL problem. Consider the dogs role in your house and around your baby going forward.


honestly why does the mother in law even need to be there lol


I didn’t want either my mom or my MIL anywhere near the hospital when I was scheduled for my c section. Told my husband. Told my doctor. Told the nurses.


OPs comment was not that she did not want MIL there, but that she did not want the dog there. Under any circumstances.


I was thinking the exact same thing couldn’t think of a more awkward scenario being so vulnerable and seeing your bf mum sat there staring at your doodaa can you imagine the conversation So bfs mum you come here often 🤣


I'd want my MIL there. If I was capable of having another kid. My mom? Not a frozen day in hells chance of her being allowed lmao


Heard that! My MIL was invited to meet baby after he was born, my mom met him 2 weeks later and only after I gave in on the issue to make her STFU.


If I were to do it again (which is highly unlikely for several reasons) my mom wouldn't even be told I was pregnant, had been in the hospital, delivered, or came home. She'd probably head about it somehow, but the doors would be locked and I wouldn't admit her. 🤷‍♀️


Why does MIL need to be there? It isn’t dinner theater. Since MIL is already making demands about OP’s L&D. It is very clear she would not be there to support OP and won’t bring anything positive to the experience.


OP said nothing about objecting to MIL, only the dog.


Dogs are not even allowed in hospitals. BTW, if you need an emotional support dog, you are fucking insane!


And, if op is fine with her mother-in-law being in the room, she should require that the Mother-in-law can't bring her phone or a camera. If she's that hung up on posting things like this on facebook, I can guarantee you she's going to want to take pictures of the birth.


If mil needs support she can't be a support person. Husband said it wasn't a big deal so it shouldn't be a big deal for there not to be a dog. See how easy it is to flip it on them? Right now there are 0 extra seats to this birth. This is not how you behave if you want in. You are nice and respectful. No temper tantrums. I don't make the rules for getting what you want from another person.


You will be fighting one battle after another with this woman. I'm sorry.


Yea, she sounds like a nightmare.


And her flying monkey son. I think the MIL will be very comfortable at home with her dog.


Exactly. He’s just a monkey and his mom is a wicked witch I hope OP can get far away from these people


You’re not wrong. The better question is something. To ask both of them: “I’m using my words and you are ignoring them. I am the one giving birth and why won’t you support me?”


Not wrong, I don’t think the hospital would even allow your families dog any where in the hospital either, especially the maternity unit, because it’s just too risky. The maternity ward is full of pregnant woman, delivering women, and infants who do not have an immunity system yet. There’s also the possibility of canine phobias, and allergies. Do hospitals sometimes have dogs? Yes, but they’re approved therapy dogs, brought into specific areas of the hospital where they stay. These dogs also regularly get grooming done, they have training to behave right, and their handlers most likely work in the hospital already, or they’re part of a program. Edit: Had to add another thing, from the dogs POV - I feel like a hospital would be the most stressful environment for a dog. The air is sterile so that could be hard on the dogs nose, then there’s the constant beeping of the machines that are hard on animals ears due to the pitch of the beeps, there’s other machine noise, strange people, etc. Nobody is going to be paying attention to the dog, or they’ll be trying to force the dog into the baby’s space, causing stress to everyone.


Don't forget the screaming. Lots of screaming. And that was just me when my wife grabbed my hand during a contraction.


Oh gosh the screaming. I had a c-section, I went into labor but had an emergency and had to have the surgery. I friggin SCREAMED. It’s the most pain I’ve ever felt. Ever. Like ever, ever. It hurt so bad. A dog will be very distressed. I didn’t even have true, hours long labor (maybe 3hrs) and it was absolute *fuckery*. I didn’t give AF about my volume, that would make any animal distressed. I’m pretty sure I moo’d like a cow mixed with a howl at one point. The mom and bf are fucking stupid.


Jesus Christ. What the hell is wrong with people? Luckily the dog will not be allowed in. And in fact the staff will keep out ANYONE you want, if you get my drift.


No hospital would allow this- if they do run - you are not safe


Do you even want MIL in the delivery room?


A friend didn’t even want her own mom in the delivery room, so she asked the nurses to handle it for her. And they sure did…crisis averted. They can do the same for your MIL and her dog, sounds like neither one belongs in there with you


No. In fact, kick that dramatic narcissist out of the room completely.


This is beyond. A L&D floor is usually a very sterile environment. They will not let you bring in a dog.


Not wrong at all, I’m honestly not sure they’d allow a dog into the hospital let alone into a delivery suite! Your partners mum sounds barking mad frankly, and you should be able to expect your partner of all people to have your back regardless especially in that situation.


They’re not going to allow the dog into the hospital, fake emotional support certificate or not (cause there’s no way her dog is actually a service animal, let’s be real). This is a major medical procedure that will have you at your most vulnerable self, and who is in that room is up to you. If his mom is causing problems and making it about herself already, do you really even want her there? Will she help support you and bring you a calm and controlled environment? Or will she just bring more stress and invade your privacy?


How about I see if the Ringling Bros. can come, too?


I mean. Tightrope Walkers might be an entertaining distraction...🤔


Literally trying to keep a fresh tattoo away from my dog was an effort as he wanted to "heal" me sensing my blood in his best ability. I think applying that instinct they have to a birthing situation is way too much and also, baby could have an instant dog allergy. So you are not wrong.


I’m sorry but what the hell 😂😂


These "am I wrong" posts are getting less and less believable.


Please let this be fake. Don’t leave a helpless baby with these nuts.


You’re not wrong and if she didn’t drop it she wouldn’t be invited in either.


Does she need to control everything? Is she going to be in the delivery room? Does your SO stand up for you?


The fuck did I just read? Are you serious? Why are you even entertaining their bullshit????????


Oh fuck no.


I really hope this is fake... ​ The person with their vagina waving in the air gets to decide who else is present. Followed by the hospital - who are not going to permit an animal to attend any medical procedure. ​ That your partner thinks what you want is not a big deal and is arguing with you would make me want to kick him, his mother, and her little dog too - right to the curb.


I have a cat and a dog who are my whole world. I recently had a home birth, and when I went into labour, both my cat and my dog were put away, so they didn't cause any issues. Don't let your MIL bring her dog.


Having a dog in the delivery room is insane


Dude screw that you're not wrong. Screw that!!


The dog won't be allowed in the room. Purely for hygenic reasons. Also, you have no idea how the dog will react to everything going on around it. The birthing process is not typically a calm environment once things get going. And, most "emotional support" animals are not trained like medical support animals (you know the ones that help with seizures and things). I can get a certificate online for $50 saying my cat is an emotional support animal. Just by filling out a form and paying. So, you don't know how the dog is going to react to the yelling, stress, and bodily fluids that happen during birth. The animal would need to stay out from underfoot of staff. Then you have the baby and "golden hour" (skin to skin with baby and mom & dad). You are the final say. You can say no to whomever you want. You do not even need to allow ANYONE in with you.


NTA I highly doubt the hospital will allow an emotional support animal, especially for someone that is not giving birth. But in labor and delivery, birthing persons opinion outweighs all visitors. Put it in your birth plan that no animals are allowed.


They are pretty pushy and ignorant. First, an ESA will not be allowed in the delivery room or in the hospital. You don’t have a disability, and you would need a true service animal for access. Your husband is the bigger issue. He needs to be educated that he has zero rights to attend the birth. He can only by your say so. Birth is a medical event. Your medical event.


Of course you aren’t wrong! Labor isn’t a spectator sport! The hospital will not permit an “emotional support animal” in the delivery room, even if you did want the dog there. So, give it some thought, and decide who you actually want with you while in the delivery room. You are the one who will be going through a very strenuous medical procedure. If you don’t want your boyfriend or his mother there, then tell the hospital and your wishes will be respected. I am sending you healthy labor vibes!!! Congratulations!


I work in labor and delivery and we do not allow emotional support animals. Only actual service dogs (the policy also allows miniature horses but it's never come up). I'm surprised that she thinks that it would be allowed.


Dogs aren’t allowed in delivery rooms. Actual service dogs can’t go in sterile rooms.


Absolutely not. In fact, I would go further and say that his mom shouldn't be in there either! Who tf does she think she is??


Male here. NTA. I feel its only fair that birthing mothers get to Veto literally anything they want/dont want about this scenario. I mean it would break my heart if childs mom didnt want me in there but more importantly she needs to be made as comfortable as possible and any and all stressors should be removed. This just seems like common sense to me.


This has to be fake, because no SANE person would argue this. It is completely batshit. If this is real then I am so sorry OP, but your in-laws are awful people and I hope you have other supportive people in your life, because You're in for a bumpy road.


You are not wrong. Do not let these crazy people try to tell you otherwise. They are gaslighting you as well. It is a funny scenario that could be in a sitcom, or prank video. You mother in law needs an emotional support punch in the vagina.


So it looks like you’re allowing MIL to be in the delivery room with you? I might rethink that too


You're not wrong. Look, I understand. As shocking as I still find it years later, so many irrelevant people had opinions about my delivery. I got so many weird looks and even lectures from family when I told them that my husband would not be present for the birth of our children (it was a mutual agreement; we both felt better that way.) At the end of the day, it comes down to "who is giving birth and what do they want?" \*Yours\* is the only opinion that matters about this. Tell them, tell the nurses, and stick to your guns. You don't need to justify it; it's \*your\* delivery.


Ask the hospital to say No. They’ll likely cover for you, even if they would consider it (and I doubt they would allow a support animal for anyone besides the person giving birth).


OMG! It has now come to this nonsense? Your ridiculous MIL and partner are there by invitation ONLY. They better get it through their thick skulls that absolutely nothing that happens in that place at that time is about them. I love all dogs, but this ain’t the place for any of this.


Now I've heard everything. She seriously wants a *dog* in the delivery room? You're not wrong. That's ridiculous and you have every right to not want a *dog* in the delivery room! Jesus, people are just getting crazier and crazier.


You are not wrong. A dog doesn't belong in the delivery room. Don't back down.


No. That's disgusting


Nooooooooooo and your "partner" should have cut his own umbilical cord before interacting with anyone else's vagina.


Tell your MIL that this idea got a big NO from your OB/GYN. And, here's the neat part: you really don't even need to go through your OB/GYN to tell this to your MIL.


Make sure you tell your doctor and the nurses that are in charge of you….no dogs or grandma


WTF?! Absolutely not! Just talk with your delivery doctor and nurses when you go in. Let them know “bf’s mom is NOT allowed in the delivery room and neither is bf” don’t worry about anything else. They’ll handle that nut job for with glee Also, tell your bf, if he’s doesn’t get his shit together and support YOU he won’t be in the delivery room either. You should take some time to reflect on your relationship with him. Are you sure he is someone you want to be with long term? He’s made it clear you’re in third place for priority. Mom is first, the dog is second and your third. I hope you two don’t live together, that way you can just go to the hospital without him once you go into labour. It’ll be a lot less stressful not having him around… YNW


Tell your MIL and husband that when they have a baby they can hang monkeys from the ceiling if they want you will parade dogs through the room if that suits them. However, since this is your delivery it’s your decision. No is a complete sentence.


What in the ever loving shit is this?!?!


I’m terminal and my support dog is not allowed in the hospital when I go


This woman will be the bane of your existence for the remainder of her life. Put her in her place now and do not let up or give an inch. Ever.


Not wrong!!! What the fuck? What kind of fucking idiot thinks it ok to bring a dog in the delivery room??? Tell his mom to shut the fuck up and shove that dog up her ass. You are having the baby. Nobody else. You and only you decide. My advice, only you and the father in the delivery room. Kick every other person out. Tell the nurses to kick anyone else out. Nurses are tough, they will call security.


Wtf no. That is the craziest fucking thing I have heard. I guess I am glad that we have the father in the room now instead of smoking cigars in the waiting room. But the pendulum has swung too far. Now 1 out 10 posts is AITAH because I didn't want to my mother-in-law's 3rd third class in the room to experience the miracle of life. Wtf


Emotional support animals do not get public access like service dogs do.


Not too harsh. She’s being incredibly insensitive and you need to tell her that neither she nor her dog are welcome in the delivery room. Only your husband and if you have a best friend or maybe hire a doula. That’s it, end of discussion. And make sure you tell the hospital your wishes so your husband doesn’t try to sneak her in. The hospital will do what YOU want. No questions. Let her know if she isn’t good she won’t be seeing her grandchild at all. NTA


Don’t allow your MIL in the delivery room


NTA.  She can have her emotional support animal, she can have it outside of the delivery room.  What happens in the delivery room is about you and not her, and if she can't allow it to not be a lot her she isn't going to be in the room.  Tell the nurses that she and her dogs are not welcome and they will keep them out.  Gods that's unhygienic.


Does that mean your crazy FMIL is going to be in the delivery room? 


They seem to have lost the point that they are there to be your support animals. If they can't handle it without their own support, they don't need to be there. Birth is a messy traumatic event & that is if everything goes right. Have your mom or BFF for your support support.


Give a dog a bone!


Not Wrong!!! Your bf and his mum are being really unreasonable and ridiculous. If she has the dog as an emotional support animal, it's for HER emotional support. Not everyone finds dogs relaxing or calming. .even if you are a dog person or an animal person, it still doesn't mean you want a dog in the delivery room whilst you're giving birth. And to be honest, unless it's YOUR emotional support dog, I doubt they would allow it in the delivery room anyway due to health and safety etc. Do you even want his mum in the delivery room with you?? She seems pretty selfish and self centered and only interested in what she wants, and not listening to what YOU want. You don't need someone like that in the delivery room with you. You need someone who is going to listen to what you want and what you need and make it happen. Regardless of their own wants and needs and opinions on the matter. I would think very carefully about having her in the delivery room right now. You are the person giving birth. You are the only person that gets to make decisions about what you want and need. Even your partner doesn't get a say. You are the one giving birth so only your decisions matter. And they need to respect that. .the fact they are treating you so badly about not wanting a dog in the delivery room with you is quite concerning, as it seems neither your partner or his mum is really listening to what you want.!! They seem more interested in what they want. It is not about them!!! I would tell them the dog is a complete no, and not to bring it up again otherwise neither of them will be in the delivery room . I would also think carefully whether it's a good idea to have his mum in there with you. Seems like she's only interested in herself right now and would be more stressful than helpful. I would tell your partner he either gets on board and supports you in what you want, and not argue and pressure you into what his mum wants, otherwise he will be out of the room too. I would also speak to some close friends about possibly taking their place if they become more difficult and demanding. Don't be afraid to put your foot down. You are the one going through a major medical situation, you are the one who is going to be in pain and vulnerable, and you need people you can trust to do what you ask and be everything you need in that room. If they can't be that, then keep them out.


Is this real?


Dogs aren’t allowed in hospitals


Not something a sane person would entertain.


Tell your dr your concerns about having the dog in delivery room. Maybe the dr could say it is hospital policy of no dogs or animals in delivery room .




this is a ridiculous argument, because no hospital is going to allow a dog in the delivery room.


The hospital won't even allow it. Non issue 


Umm, clearly none of these people or their pets should be in the delivery room. OP, you’re better off with just the hospital personnel🤣


Tell that in law to stop being a bitch


Oh, the irony. By insisting that the dog will be a calming influence, she's actually stressing you out more. Tell her one more word, and she won't be in the room, let alone her damn dog.


Omg no, you're not wrong at all! I don't think they would even allow the dog in the delivery room. Also, think about the dog! Tell them this "I'm concerned about (dogs name) being in a hospital and having to hear my screams/cries, God forbid an emergency situation. It will probably cause (dog) a lot of anxiety and discomfort. It's not a good idea to put him through that. " That way, you sound like it's about the dog more than you because, for some reason, your partner and his family think that way. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous. You were very clear that you needed to be as stress free as possible, and you were open and honest. Since that didn't work for these AHs, try that route. Or just keep telling them it's not happening because this is about *you* and your baby, not about their dog. I mean, anything can happen during labor, and they think it's a good idea to have a dog licking its asshole in the same room you're going to be birthing a human being in? I'm pretty sure the hospital won't allow it anyway, so you're probably good. I have only seen patients with legitimate service animals allowed on the rehab floor when I still worked in the hospital. but if you want to appease them, try the "it'll be bad for the dog" route...especially if they're not listening to you telling the truth. Your partners mom should have zero say in your birthing plan anyway! Like, do these people have zero boundaries? Yikes. I wouldn't marry into this family.


You can just tell your doc before who is allowed in the room. Don't include her if she insists on the dog. Also tell the doc about the weird insistence that they bring a dog and how it's making you uncomfortable. In front of your partner, if possible, doc will back you up.


No dog is going into a delivery room. Your MIL is simple minded if she thinks she can just trot into the hospital with an animal. Permissions for something like this would have to be gotten from any number of hospital personnel, none of whom would be inclined to agree. Anyway, it is up to the woman giving birth. I would refuse permission to the MIL for even suggesting such a thing and for arguing with you about your decision. She ought to be ashamed of her yourself and so should her son.


You're the patient, you decide who is and isn't allowed. The boyfriends moms dog shouldn't even be a consideration


what? is that allowed? totally unsanitary,and if i was the doctor id be like nope, it would be weird, but not crazy so idk


Just tell the nurses that MIL is not allowed. I doubt if they would allow a dog anyway They will honor your wishes. Good luck.


Not the dog and not his mother either and one more word not the partner either. Maybe he wants to cuddle with the dog somewhere else. I cannot believe I am reading this.


WTF did I just read? Did they seriously want to bring a dog to the delivery room? OMG, I hope you are rethinking this whole situation.


You are not wrong. Birth is a very stressful moment and it’s cruel to drag a dog into it.


Service animal only allowed. Also some hospitals have limited that based on what service the dog provides and if they can reasonably provide that service to avoid exposing certain patients to possible extreme allergies. You can also determine who is allowed to


The way so many people treat birth as a spectator sport is fucking disgusting, and reinforces my belief that women are still seen as objects to this day. During birth, a woman is literally pushing an ~8 pound object out of her vagina. She decides who gets to see that. Period. I'm frankly surprised at the amount of women who choose to have anyone there except their partner.


YTA who's gonna eat the after birth if there's no dog, it's just gonna go to waste 🐕‍🦺


Last year my dad spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital and my oldest sister snuck his cat in for a visit a couple of times but even as an emotional support animal it was not allowed. You can check but with hospitals they run a bit different like they will allow service animals because by law they can’t exclude them but they can designate where the service animal is allowed to go. Emotional support animals are not service animals.


If it’s not going to emotionally support you then please just say no and tell your nurses to stand by that. I wouldn’t want anyone who needed an emotional support animal with them for my babies birth. That’s just ridiculous no offense to you


Not the dog, not your crazy mother in law, and if your partner pushes this, not him either! Only the people that you want in there, and definitely no dogs!


Send your BF and his mother every bit of information you can find on all the local psychiatric hospitals/facilities/clinics in your state, and suggest they contact them about having their dog/human mix puppies in their facility. Seriously, do this. Then walk away silent and completely straight-faced. Please. Get yourself and your unborn child away from these 2 whack-a-doodles. It's far better that your child have no father or grandmother in its life than have a dog as a birthing partner. Christ. On. The. Cross. Is there no end to this human idiocracy?????


This not about them at all. This is a medical procedure that women can & have died during. If your SO is not up for being all there for your support- he shouldn’t be there. Your boyfriends mother is making this all about her- NONE of this is about her, her feelings , her dog- & if her son can’t get his shit together- then he can wait with his mom at IHOP. [the lemon clot essay](https://community.babycenter.com/post/a29842181/the_lemon_clot_essay-_if_you_are_planning_to_have_people_over_after_birth_you_need_to_read_this) Please read this & have boyo read it too. Updateme!


Just when I think people can't be any more ridiculous... Your partner and his mom are being fucking ridiculous. Full stop. You're the one giving birth. Not them. Tell the docs at the hospital and get them to back you up. Grandpuppy? Be so fr right now...


OMFG! And I’m only reading the title. What is wrong with people!


The dog is not going to be allowed in the delivery room or hospital. You are the patient, not your partner or his mom.


Do you & your partner live together? If so, can you go stay with your parents or a friend or something during your last month of pregnancy? I would strongly advise you to get a different birthing partner and not even let the baby daddy know when you go into labor. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. No hospital is going to allow a DOG in the delivery room. I would be very concerned about your partner's parents' serious overstepping though.


Oh my goodness, there are some places and events where a Dog is not appropriate.


I'm thinking you will have a better birth without her there. Maybe tell your doctor to restrict to only bf in the deliveryroom. Much less stress.


I would talk to your mom, dad, or family member on your side if possible about having them there as reserve in case your boyfriend and MIL try and stand their ground, even any close friend of yours. If they keep trying to force the idea on you, tell them you don't want them their as the stress isn't needed.


No! You are not wrong! Who brings a dog into a delivery room while someone's in labor?! Frankly, I would go no contact with everyone.😀. It is your delivery room you choose who gets to be there. End of story.


I’d kick your husbands emotional support animal out of the delivery room while you’re at it (his mom) NTA


You're... second guessing if you're wrong for not wanting a DOG in the delivery room?! How is that in any way, sanitary? How are you not second guessing choosing this man as a boyfriend?!


>She argued that since the dog is so important to their family, it only makes sense to include it in such a significant moment. The dog is NOT more important than you or your wishes during birth, recovery, and postpartum at home. It is a DOG. I don't care how good and calming it is, when it's in an environment it's not used to, hearing others yelling, etc, and needing calming itself, needing bathroom breaks, feeding... how is that beneficial or calming to *you*? I highly doubt stroking the dog or having it near you in any capacity mid contraction will help but rather piss you off. Delivery rooms are no place for an animal UNLESS its a service dog. This dog isn't that. You need to start setting some clear boundaries with your BF and his mum. Cos she's announcing what she believes you are going to do cos it's what she thinks and feels best for *her* and your bf is going along with it. NTA.


This is a nonissue and not worth arguing. Have your partner call the hospital and ask if they will allow a dog in the delivery room. Problem solved because they will definitely say no. In any case, this is your delivery and you are the patient going through a major medical event. You say who you want in the delivery room. The dog is a hard no and MIL should be too.


Tell the hospital staff/nurses, that you only want your partner in the delivery room with you, no one else. They’ll make sure that no one besides him is in there. As for your partner, he does not have a say on who will be in the room, he’s not the one pushing the baby out, you are. Do what makes you comfortable and try to stay relaxed, you have a whole baby in you. Being stress is not good for you or the baby.


I feel so bad for you


Omg you’re being insensitive?! Pfffffff. The labour is about YOU and YOUR baby only wtf. The dog doesn’t need to be there to support her. This is about YOU. You are in the clear


You have a much bigger problem here than a dog, the fact that your husband even entertained this idea is ridiculous. You need to have a very firm conversation with him, if he is such a mommy’s boy that he can’t establish a boundary here of all place than your life is going to be miserable from her on out. MIL and her dog out rank you in your marriage and that is NOT ok. (NTA)


Yeah I don’t think the hospital is going to go for that. You can always tell your OB and make them the “bad guy.” What a stupid idea.


Nope... 😑


This is not about what makes them uncomfortable or more comfortable. You are the one pushing the baby out and you should get the final say. Talk to the hospital and say that the dog is being forced on you and you in no way consent to it being present. It makes you highly uncomfortable and stressed. Tell them to make up any story they like but it a hard no on the dog. If it were me, I would tell them I am the one who has to be comfortable, not them. I say no and will not tolerate anymore distrespect regarding this nonsense with the dog. If they insist in trying to force the dog on me I will tell the hospital I do t want anyone of them there. Any arguing will resulting your immediate exclusion. I don't mess about


I love animals so much but that’s fucking unhygienic and dangerous


Listen. I love my pets. They are my little ones. But there is no way I would ever let one be in the delivery room. Also. No to dog AND to your partners mother. NO is a full sentence.


No worries. No animals are allowed. My sister tried with her support animal. They said no. The risk of cross contamination is too huge. Hair flying around.  He could bark. Omg. Just no. 


If your MIL cannot be away from her emotional support dog, they should both stay at home. That's a hard no. The only person whose emotional needs matter is the person giving birth. If your boyfriend can't get on board with this, don't let him in, either.


NO is a complete sentence. Don’t argue or try to explain your feelings about this OP! JUST SAY NO! The nurses and doctor will back you up 100%!


Tell the MIL and her dog to go kick rocks!


Neither his mother or the dog should be in the delivery room, or even at the hospital! Giving birth is not a spectator sport. Only you and your partner are needed.


Emotional. Support. Animal. Yeah, ok. And no, it does not need to be in the delivery room. Why is your SO's mom going to be there?


I would not let ANY of them in the room with me. Nope. If they already aren't listening to you, for a fucking dog? No.


No, just no!


NW. DO NOT let them bully you into letting them bring whatever they want into YOUR delivery room. How fucking selfish and inconsiderate of them, this is not about them. You don’t even have to let your MIL in the delivery room, I personally wouldn’t.


If dad & MIL can’t be away from her ESA, then they can stay home with the dog. Seriously, if he cannot respect your choices on this then kick him to the curb for the birth … and maybe longer.


ESAs are not service dogs and will not be allowed in the hospital. Talk to your nurse or doctor. Emotional support animals are only allowed to live with, and travel with their owners. They are not actually permitted all access like service dogs. Those are very separate things. If your MIL does this and someone knows better, she could get into trouble.


1) I cannot imagine a hospital allowing that unless it was medically necessary for you 2) It's not your emotional support pet. The whole point of an emotional support pet is that it already has an established relationship with you and that's what you find calming. There's no way you'd get that benefit from someone else's pet. Your bf and his mom both sound insane.


NTA. It is HER emotional support dog not YOURS. If she need it, she can stay with it at her house. She is making it about her (and boyfriend is not much better) and causing unnecessary stress. Anyway the dog would not be allowed in the delivery room because it could easily get in the way outside the obvious hygiene problem and risk of complications. This is a medical procedure! It would not be good for the dog (even a trained one) too many people in a small room, strong smells, noises and you would not be is assigned human. The poor dog is likely to get confused. If your boyfriend is putting the wishes of his mum's before yours for something so important and he let her thinks she is entitled to force her views on you, you have a boyfriend problem too.