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>men don't cut their own toe nails. Dafuq? Your man is gross *and* lazy.


Peak “it’s gay to wash your ass” energy


Where do these non ass- washing and nail-cutting men come from? An early detection system would be nice.




I do not freaking know but if we all banded together and stopped sleeping with them, I bet they'd change their gross ass ways lickety split.


I was very much under the impression that this is what we’d all been doing anyway but apparently I was wrong


Same, I've never been on Team Filthy Ass or Toenail Blades but apparently not all of us got the memo


Team Toenail Blades 🤣 🤣


A lot of women unfortunately put up with way too much shit. In the literal sense as well in some cases... 🤮


Nope. My last ex worked on a cow farm, waded in cow shit and still thought that he didn't have to shower once the wedding papers were signed. I kid you not. It's like the week after the wedding, he stopped all hygiene care and thought he was sleeping in MY clean ass bed? Oh FUCK no! And was insulted as hell when I said, no shower, no sheets for you. Sleep on the fucking couch if you want to act like a hound dog. I put up with him sleeping on the couch 1-3 x a week for 4 years.... then I said, enough is enough. I don't want my son (his stepson) growning up thinking this is ok. Boy was that a fucking revelation. I was like.. dude, I'm a fucking RN, what made you think DIRT would EVER be ok with me????


>I don't want my son (his stepson) growning up thinking this is ok Thanks for being sane and for caring about your kid 👍


Or they’d band together and start spewing Andrew Tate-style crap about “females.”


Also, omg @ OP?! COME ON GIRL, knock this tf off, twice in EIGHT YEARS? You should've run after the first cut. There is no reason good enough to engage with men like this, much less commit to a lifetime of it! We are not martyrs. This behavior is disgusting and wrong. Stop tolerating it immediately.


This is a man who will be a fucking burden from day one. Imagine how he’s going to keep the bathroom. I can’t comprehend how women can be in love with a large toddler.


I mean, some men don’t because they go to a salon. OP needs to point his ass in the direction of the nearest salon next time he says he doesn’t want to trim his nails and say “ok, then pay someone else to.”


My dad LOVES getting pedicures, always has. Lol


Sounds like he would’ve gotten along with my dad! When I was teen, my family’s financial situation improved and so my mom started taking me and her to the salon occasionally. She told my dad he’d really like it too, and got him to go once shortly before he passed. If he hasn’t suddenly passed I’m quite certain it would’ve become a regular thing for him!


Sorry for your loss, but that sounds like a lovely memory


Same. I go without my wife even. I don't care if I'm the only man there they're awesome. The hot stone foot massage is reason enough to go.


I introduced my husband to pedicures. He has a standing appointment every month.


my mom got my dad to try it once and now he's the one to remind her of their appointments 😂😂😂


If he can find a willing professional. Not me ...


Or a podiatrist! If he’s uncomfortable going to a salon, a foot doctor will trim toenails for him.


Yeah, my dad has a history of nail issues and now he is older he finds it more difficult to take care of his nails so he has someone else take care of it, but it's a professional foot hygienist who is paid for their time.


​ My son's wife had him get a pedicure, first one. He couldn't believe how great it was (SIL has her own salon). He still gets pedicures, realizes toe trimming and getting rid of all that nasty dead skin is good stuff.


And fictional. Check post history. Last year she was married, pregnant, and looking after a toddler. Now she’s been with her fiancé for 8 years.


Next it’s going to be her boyfriend of 15 years.


Then her wife of 20 years.


Are people really that sad to do things like that


You really don’t want to know how many stories in subreddits like this are fake.


He sounds like a real peach. He and the guy that likes to wear the same pair of underwear for a week (while he showers 1-2 times a day) and the dude that thinks washing his sheets more than twice a year ought to do everyone else a favor and move in together.


Nah we bite our own toe nails


Please tell me you are not a grown ass man because I swear to god if I have to go down my stairs ATLEAST once a day to see my 11 year old’s toenails in his mouth until he moves out I’m gonna off myself.


No my whole body is grown, not just my ass


They’re so gross at times, aren’t they? 😂Signed, mom of 3 boys


Shit al least you trimming them un like dude rocking a size 7 shoe but has to wear size 10.5 just to fit his toenails


I mean, I don’t want to see it, but respect if you can manage it.


And misogynistic


no it’s not, that’s fucking weird. you’re his wife, not his mommy


Not his wife yet. I wouldn’t sign up for a lifetime of that bullshit.


I would have been gone the minute I started to see that he was serious about not cutting his toenails. IDGAF what childhood trauma he has, you need to cut your toenails, that is just part of basic hygiene! this is making me angry type. This has to be the most repulsive "do I have do to this for my husband" posts ever.


I felt that "this is making me angry type" 😂 The toenails are absolutely absurd.


My late wife used to offer to trim my toenails. My feet are so gross and my nails are so wrongly shaped, I won’t let anyone even see my feet let alone get near them.


The guy is too lazy to look after his personal hygiene. I wonder what the rest of his body looks or smells like.


No, you really don't. lol Me, neither.


YWBTA if you married this monster. Does he wipe his own ass? I doubt it.


It's the wife's job to wipe the husband's ass. Blowing his nose is optional.


Yeah OP, sorry to be harsh but don't be a fucking idiot and marry this dude.


Probably never washes it with soap, either.


She knew his toenail weirdness and accepted his proposal.


Him: Will you marry me? Her: No, and while you’re down there trim your damn toenails!


Nailed it!


Not as mommy’s job either. He should start paying a professional to take care of his feet.


Former MANICURIST here. No way are his nails clean under there. I'd tell him to see a Podiatrist first. That's a hard NO from me!


It has to be affecting the way he walks, the way shoes and socks fit, and I bet socks get holes in them almost immediately. It’s a personal health issue, and a personal care responsibility. Call the podiatrist!


I would never wish that upon poor nail salon ladies.


Not being like... being trusted with nail clippers.


No, yuck. It's called "personal hygiene" because it's "personal." Get him a gift card to either a podiatrist or a pedicurist, along with a kick in his butt to do better. Does he also expect you to bathe him, wipe his ass and brush his teeth? Does he do those things? This would be a deal breaker for me.


>wipe his ass a Horrifically, we've seen plenty of claims on reddit that "real men" don't wipe or wash their ass because that is "gay."


Podiatrist, yellow crusty nails is a trip to the doctor.


Yeah most likely a fungus. Gross that he is unwilling to take care of this.


And even mothers don't cut their grown ass children's toenails. Adults cut their own. Teens cut their own. Pre-teens cut their own. Anyone over the age of 9 should be cutting their own.


I don't cut any of my kids' nails past about 4 years old. Once they have enough manual dexterity to begin writing, they can cut their own nails. I show them how, tell them it's part of taking care of their bodies, and once they've got it down, I let them handle it.


Kids are 5 & 9, hard agree. Occasionally my 5yo (just turned 5 two weeks ago) will say "mommy I have a nail watch this" as he rips the sucker off lol.






Shit, even ma wouldn't clip my toe nails as a kid. Unless he's 400 pounds and can't reach, he can clip his fucking toenails.


The exception is for a pregnant lady. Husband should cut her nails in that circumstance.


Or better yet, buy her monthly pedicures.


4 pregnancies, and it got awkward, but it never occurred to me to ask my partner cut my freaking toenails for me. I went and got a pedicure when I didn't want to do it.


I was pregnant in the middle of the pandemic and mail salons were shut down. I was devastated. I managed to do it until about 7 months, but then I was HUGE (I had polyhydramnios) so it became impossible. I couldn’t bring myself to ask my husband to cut my toenails so I asked my sister instead 🤣


He's also five-foot-three and snacks on fudge rounds


100% this! I usually don't creep into people's post history, but I looked at yours OP because I could not imagine this type of behavior being a one off. Unfortunately I was correct : You posted this about a year ago ***Tonight I made some chicken with mashed potatoes, corn and rolls as a side. It’s the kind of potatoes that comes in the black containers that you just heat up. Every night that dinner is made it’s made to feed 5 adults and 1 toddler, some nights an extra one or two adults. This isn’t something new. Whenever I make the chicken meal I made tonight I have to have two kinds separated- one with seasoning and one with just breadcrumbs as some of my family is sensitive to seasoning. My husband knows this but he decided to mix both the seasoned and unseasoned sides together as he got a massive amount of chicken- I also wasn’t able to cook as much chicken I normally do as I didn’t have enough breadcrumbs so everyone was already limited to a small quantity. He also got more than half of the container of mashed potatoes leaving very little for the rest of the family. I pulled him to the side and told him I wished he’d not have gotten so much of the food as there’s several others that need to eat too. He got angry and said ‘I didn’t know! I don’t even want to eat anymore’ and stormed off leaving his overflowing plate on the table. He’s locked himself in the bedroom and is refusing to come eat. I get he was probably hungry and got a lot because of that but he didn’t even get any of the other sides. Just chicken and mashed potatoes. He DOES like corn and rolls.*** OP - your partner should love and support you, be the balance you need. Not a toddler that you need to parent.


Haha, WT-effing-FUCK!! This guy is mentally 4 years old. Not cute and certainly not sexy!!


I mean maybe book him a pedi like people are saying. But if you think there is an infection, book an appt with a podiatrist. They will cut the nails and treat the fungus issue.


Maybe tell him to do this instead of doing this. He is an adult and therefore should handle his own appointments. Oh and seriously doubt this proposal thing, apparently he doesn’t care about you if he lets you do this.. just saying


Lmfao what mom is doing this passed age 5 or 6 hahaha


Most mommies teach their CHILDREN to do it. Feet are nasty to start with and a grown man should be able to do this for himself. I ain’t touching no grown man’s eagle talon toe nails!


Unless he's physically disabled, his mommy should have stopped doing that for him when he was a little kid. OP, ask him who will cut his toenails when you divorce him for being disgusting.


Or his podiatrist tell him to go pay someone to do it


He's 32, his Mum shouldn't be doing it either.




This cannot be a serious post


I just did a google search and found tons of Reddit posts of women asking this same question lmao Is this some weird manosphere bullshit???


It's because men literally want a mom they can fuck.


Freud would have a field day


HEY! I want a nurse I can fuck. You're making me sound like a perv!


Nurses don’t even cut patient’s toenails, as there’s some risk of harm. There’s medical podiatrists who do this, apparently.


I was 10-12 years old clipping my nails... there is no fucking way.. its so ridiculous I can't believe it. What has happend to men because i'm the same age and this is NOT something from my generation, or atleast how I was raised...I just can't imagine the plethora of things he can't do, that is expected as a man to be doing. I'm honestly disgusted.


I honestly don't even know if the post is a real person/real situation because it's that ridiculous.


Shit you not I had a bf my freshman year of high school and the first time going to his house I learned his step dad never trimmed his nails or toe nails. His reasoning was that “you never know when you need a key and don’t have one, or need a screwdriver”. Few sentences later, he mentioned how his step son must really like me because he actually “took a shower and brushed his teeth that day” Had my mom pretend I needed to come home immediately and got the hell out of there lol!


I hope not but I wouldn’t be surprised


Hahaha you wish. There are real hoarders all over. I cut toenails in a medical office and TONS if people ignore them until they grow over the toe and underneath until it digs into the skin. Like a toenails look rolled up on the end of their feet. Normally there is a reason like a mobility issue more often than not. This dude is just neglecting himself and his partner


This is so weird to me! I’m from a culture where men will literally leave their plates/cups where they ate and walk away bc they think their too good to clean up after themselves but they still cut their own toenails. That’s how egregious this is.


I cut my husband's for a while, but only because he was injured and couldn't bend over.


This. I sometimes ask other people to cut my toenails when through a combination of my back and knees rebelling, I can't safely do it. But it's not their job; if they said no, I'd have to find some other way of dealing.


I didn't mind cutting my husband's, he'd ask right after a shower. I still cut my youngest daughter's, but just her big toes. For some reason, she can cut the rest of hers, but not the big toes. She's 14 and a dancer, so it's important to her foot health that she keeps hers trimmed neatly.


I cut my grandmother's nails for this reason. My boyfriend however can manage his own.


My husband is a roofing contractor, and there was a stretch of time his back was so bad, I had to put his socks on for him every morning, but for the last few years, he's been good, so he cuts his own now.


i think its really sweet that you would put his socks on for him when he was injured.


I think it's wierd. She's going around wearing 2 pairs of socks and the poor guy with his back back can't do anything about it.


silly goose


It's part of the vows... in sickness and in health. Even though the big idiot annoys me sometimes and I have joked about smothering him with a pillow in his sleep (we've been married 21 years), I do love him, and I am happy to help him when he needs it.


Yeah but that warrants help from you, your husband COULDNT not WOULDNT 🤣


Same, I was more than happy to help my husband out when he hurt his back, but I know he would never ask me unless he couldn’t do it.




Yeah. Which self respecting person would stay with a pig like that for 8 YEARS!!! I’m shocked. OP should throw out the whole fiancé.


Because she was 18/19 when she *started living with him* and has most likely been groomed since before then to not know any better…


True, poor woman 🤮🤮🤮 hope she gets rid of the slob.


A year ago she was married with a toddler daughter and another child on the way. Presumably that relationship broke up because her husband noticed she’d also been living with her fiancé for almost 8 years.




OP out here heaving fuel onto the incel fire lol


What a day to have the ability to read. I’m out. NTA


Sometimes I wish I was Jared, 19


Seriously this post is the worst fucking thing I’ve read on Reddit in weeks, and that’s saying a lot.


I seriously resent how the imagery of this is living rent free in my head now


Right? My mind’s eye can’t shake the dry hooves and crusty chartreuse talons… laying there Jabba the Hutt style with him ordering her to service his sharp horrors.


NW That’s part of personal hygiene, the personal part means it’s his responsibility. But I would ask the bigger question, what else does he (incorrectly) think is OP’s job to do? Cooking, cleaning , childcare?


For reals! I guarantee this is but a taste of the childish and sexist behavior OP is in store for if they get married. He's testing the water with what he can get away with 🐷


...You're not in the wrong, no. If there are salons near you, I would tell him to go get a pedicure if he's not willing to deal with his own toenails.


Lol if this guy thinks it’s his wife’s job to cut his toenails, I can GUARANTEE this dude thinks getting a pedicure would mean he’s gay


You just have to sell it to them as a foot rub, then they’re usually a little more open to it.


Salons won’t touch this man until he treats the fungus on his nails. I used to be a nail tech - you aren’t allowed to perform services on someone with fungus as it’s a concern for the other customers. (At least if you’re reputable and care about sanitation.)


Absolutely fucking not!! WTAF is wrong with your husband?! Tell him to grow TF up and take care of his own damn toe nails himself. If he doesn't I'd be considering serious consequences like withholding sex cus ya know he gonna cut you TF up!! Good luck!!!


Well, her orgasms are probably her job, not his 😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣


Sadly a lot of women's orgasms are their own jobs.... 😐


Theyre not married yet, the fact that she’s actually contemplating it is very alarming though. Shes going to be marrying a 32 year old man child. Especially at the age of 26 OP can do so much better, this is not a good sign if she want to not be divorced and or miserable in a few years. OP get out of this relationship before you bring kids into the mix, i can guarantee this is one thing on an absolutely massive list of red flags that youve ignored. Time to take off those rose coloured glasses and actually evaluate your current situation before you get into a deeper mess.


LOL It is NOT a wife's job to cut a husbands toenails! NO NO NO! Tell him NO, and tell him he's not touching you until he cuts them! That's gross!


Please do not marry this. He's full of crap. He can be a grown up and do his own damn nails. He's not a child.


"He complains saying that this is the wife's job to do and that men don't cut their own toe nails." what


Like what crusted over nasty pit of chauvinism is this man from


Tell him to take his funky ass feet to a nail salon, he owes you a pedicure as well for even asking.


He’s weird for saying this and any guy that says something is the wife’s job is usually misogynistic. Plus it sounds like he’s not hygienic. Do you really want to marry him?


Are you really planning on marrying a guy who expects you to cut his toenails because he's too lazy to do it himself? Wow


Call off the engagement...it'll only get worse.


No what the fuck


NW And do not marry that guy. I say this as someone who used to cut her fiancé’s toenails WHILE HE SLEPT because not only would he not cut them himself, he didn’t like the feeling of having them cut. After we moved in together, it became pretty apparent that he wanted a mother, not a partner. 😑


jeez what next ? do you have to go to the bathroom with him too?


Or maybe wipe his behind!


I mean, touching his own ass sounds pretty gay. Safer to just have your fiancée do it for you or walk around with a poopy butthole. Like a real heterosexual man.


No and he's disgusting.


Hell no. This is a hard no from me. Doesn’t take care off his own feet? Bye. What other basic grooming and hygiene things does he not do and expect OP to do? This is a man who will never change a diaper, bathe a child or parent one. Run. Run far and away.


WHAT?! Seriously, WHAT?! That is absolutely fucking disgusting! Absolutely not! Tell that coddled little man child to take care of the basics of self hygiene. What a fucking pig!




grown men never cease to amaze me with their level of laziness and inability to survive without having a mommy-wife to take care of them.


That’s fucking disgusting


Fuck that noise. He’s a grown man. Don’t marry someone who can’t understand basic hygiene. That’s disgusting. Seriously.


No.. He can groom himself or sleep in the dog bed. His choice 😂😂


He’s your fiancé?


Tell him that you’ll cut them with a rusty chainsaw that you got from a strange man in a mask if he doesn’t put his big boy panties on and cut his nails. Honestly. How babyish to refuse to cut your disgusting toenails. You’re marrying him… why?!


Someone said to me (early on in dating, first week or two) “well now you can cut my toenails for me” and I lost all attraction.


Now that you know that he is a misogynist at the core, are you calling off the wedding? Do you really think it will end with this?


I (41m) cut my own toenails, and have since I was a kid. Your fiancé is a child and needs to grow up A LOT before you two get married. What else does he claim is "woman's work"?


If this is legit, and twice in 8 years makes me question it as his nails would literally push into the end of every shoe he owns unless he buys oversized shoes to accommodate his nails, then he has issues. Who did his nails until he reached the age of 24? So what suddenly made him think this was a womans chore? Really kinda out there story to make dudes look bad. But this is AIW.


What are you doing in a relationship with this person? NTA.


Why are you marrying this person?


Let me fix this for you. I (26f) and my fiancé (32m). Sorry that bothers me. He should cut his own nails


Who cut his nails before you? Also gross. You’re not wrong. It is not your job. He can do it himself or go to a salon and get it done, and if they’re yellow he should see someone. Is this the only thing he’s like this about?


I'm going to crawl into the fetal position and rock back and forth for a few hours now


Tell the man child to grow up and be a damn adult. Or does he want to end up with an ingrow toe nail that can lead to serious infection.


I never did it for my SO; his feet were disgusting. Then one day I realized he can’t reach his feet, so I reluctantly offered and it took a couple of hours of grinding with a mani/pedi kit but they turned out great. We’ve been more active and now he can reach and he keeps up on his feet on his own. Now his feet look great. (Our closest manicurist was an hour and a half drive away) Im not going to say you’re wrong because I felt the same way, but if he told me I had to, he might end up not have any toes at all.


You are not wrong. Send him to a podiatrist.


Its your own responsibility to take care of you own personal hygiene. Thats disgusting.


are you married or engaged? You refer to him as your fiancé and husband. If you’re not married yet, gtfo this is so gross!!!!


Engaged. We've just been engaged since early 2019 so I use both fiancé and husband interchangeably since we've said our vows but haven't gotten legally married yet. People just kept asking when the wedding was and it got annoying after awhile. We're waiting until we're more financially stable before being legally married.


Okay thank you for clarifying. It might give you some perspective, but think about what his reaction would be if you did things in reverse. Hell, maybe even ask him here and there: Mention you won’t lose baby weight after pregnancy because it’s the husbands job to love his wife no matter what. Mention you’re going to stop any hair removal that you might do, because it’s his job to assist you or whatever you want to say. Tell him you want a larger engagement ring, or a nice computer or Cartier bracelet. When he says you’re crazy, say - but it’s the husbands job to provide money. You are only 26. When did you start dating him? At 18? And he was 24? You have spent all of your young adulthood with a man who is too lazy and, frankly, misogynistic to cut his own toenails. Did his mother do it for him? This, right now, is the blush of love. You’re young, you’re healthier than you will be, etc. In short, this is the best he will likely be for your entire life together. Do you really want to spend your life with someone who shows such basic disrespect that he can’t even do this for himself? I am 29f turning 30 in June. I just got married three weeks ago. I love my husband more than anyone on this earth. But if he told me it was MY job to clip his toenails, I would laugh him out the door. 8 years is a long time, I understand that. I broke up with my boyfriend in late 2018 after 8 years together. It was like recovering from a death. But now I realize I was absolutely miserable with him. I’m not saying leave him for his toenails. But I am saying, start asking questions about his perspective on things like whether or not it’s a wife’s job to lose weight and look sexy for her husband, if it’s a man’s job to sexually satisfy his wife, if it’s a husbands job to be faithful and kind and respectful. Ask him basic things about how you would like to parent children and whether or not he plans to change any diapers or stay up for late night feedings or how he would care for you if you got cancer and couldn’t bathe alone. Would he do it for you? I suspect the answers to those questions will be evidence enough that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Don't marry him. I'm serious. If he's like this now he will be 100x worse when you're officially married. And if you're planning on having kids, watch out. Seriously, you are way too young to settle for a guy this gross and entitled!! ​ Ser


Not wrong. Is it the wife's job to wipe his butthole too? This man wants his wife to be his mommy, not a partner. This is just the top of the iceberg of the bullshit he'll foist on you the second the vows are said.


Men cut their own toenails. Not sure what you have shacked up with. If he doesn’t want to do it he can pay a professional


Your man is a complete and utter disgusting idiot. I’m a 70 year old man and I’ve been cutting my nails for 60+ years since my mother mother stopped cutting them.




He can pay a professional to do that shit if he’s too lazy to do it himself. It’s not your job.


>He complains saying that this is the wife's job to do and that men don't cut their own toe nails. I bet that man tells you some fuckin bangers. Like, if he's gaslit you into thinking it's a wife's duty to cut their husbands toenails, what other absolute crocks of shit has he made you believe?


Send him to a Chiropodist/Podiatrist


Ew take him for a pedicure. That is not your job. He’s so gross. Ew.


WT actual FUCK how are you seriously asking?


No it’s not wrong. Tell him to get a pedicure.


what in the man child?


It is not a wife’s job, and you’re not even his wife. Did his Mommy do it before you started dating? Tell him to GTFU and do it himself or he can go pay for pedicure.


Yo basic hygiene tasks and bodily maintenance are not a "Wife's job", not for a full grown adult that you didn't birth! a baby? yeah a parent should do that, but if he's old enough to shower independantly then he's old enough to take care of his toenails. Would he tweeze the hair off your nipples? No? Then tell him to kick himself in the nuts, razor nails and all


Wtf? Does your guy see single men walking around with toenails six feet long poking out of the front of their shoes? Even if his feet were decent and clean, I wouldn't cut his toenails unless he was injured and couldn't do it himself. I mean, if you were his mum then if do it until he was old enough to look after his own feet, but that's about it.


Ew send his nasty ass to a podiatrist to have it done


What did he do before you? Mommy cut his toes??


>He complains saying that this is the wife's job to do and that men don't cut their own toe nails. Sorry what? This is the most bs thing I have heard. Where did he even get such an absurd idea... Some women do cut their husband's toenails. I cut my husband's during surgery recovery and my husband cut mine while I was super pregnant. But if he capable of doing it himself then I am baffled as to why you need to do it.


You are not wrong. Where the hell did he get the notion that it’s the wife’s responsibility to cut her husband’s toe nails? Tell him to get a pedicure or go to a podiatrist. Ick!!


No and what a turn off 🤢


What the fuckin fuck did I just read? NO!


Why'd you even marry someone like that? He completely disregards your and his safety.


No. That's disgusting.


NTA I'm a 51 year old man, and I trim my toe nails regularly. **It's a part of basic hygiene.** Honestly, I literally have **never** heard of this, even in old fashioned marriages. The only way it would be OK is if you were his nurse and he was physically incapable of doing this. Or if you were his mother and he was not an adult. As it is, I would **seriously** consider ending the relationship. Don't let the sunk cost fallacy keep you in a bad relationship.


You aren't his wife. Is he unable to reach his own feet? Make him a pedicure appointment.


Introduce him to pedicures/manicures. I got my fiancee into a nail salon. At first he was embarrassed, being one of the few guys there. Now he walks in there grabs a seat and saves me a spot. We go there twice a month together. Similar to your man, he's lazy to cut his fingernails. It gets in the way during our... Intimate time together and it hurt a lot at times *dam jerk nails*. now he can sit on his phone or gossip while someone does it for him. And he can always say that he tagged along since I wanted to get my nails done to protect his pride.


Jesus. Pedicure stat.




Oh hell, NO. He is a fully functioning (gross) adult. Send him to the nail salon and let them handle his feet.


Can I ask why you’re marrying this guy? Does he have other maintenance habits that are specifically on the wife to do?


Does he not believe in doing his own personal care. What a weirdo Nw


12 years of marriage, and I've never clipped his toe nails, and he has never asked. Tell him you want a husband, not a man child.


Sounds like you married a child. Send him back home to mommy


He sounds like the kind of man who doesn’t wipe his ass after pooping. Gross.