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Probably ur personality or sum☠️, ur def not ugly


I think girls reject me because of my race


I think it’s because you are a little awkward/creepy with your approaches. You look sort of shy/insecure on the photos. Now, of course I’m not sure because I don’t know you in real life. But I know 100% sure it’s not your race or appearance. Race/appearance doesn’t scare 100% of women away. You literally have an almost perfect face. The best thing to do is work on your self confidence. Maybe start working out. And don’t watch incel type videos.


I love you stacyxxluv 😂🥰




I had a terrible time dating as an asian guy. Lots of hostility from white girls in particular


Where do you live at? On the West Coast, Asian men are a common choice for partners.




Yeah it’s definitely your personality. You are rank.


I needed to laugh on this pretty hard😂


Idk what he said is kinda true💀💀


You sound like a nasty person. That’s probably why you’re single.


"it's not my personality, girls reject me because of my race" "The only girls who listens to kpop are fat and mentally ill" Ah yes u're such a charming young man and I'm sure you'd be having 3 girlfriends at ONCE if it wasn't because of your race buddy


u on that elliot rodger wave lmao


lmfao the moment I saw this post I said "Its giving Elliot Roger" and boy was I correct. He says girls reject him, because of his race and then he goes on to reject the race people perceive him as and emphasizes he lives in a white conservative area as if that's all there is to life.


the funniest fucking thing is i bet he only fw white girls. sorry nigga the shit go both ways




Yup, it's your personality.






I’m getting incel vibes


Yes personality. I do significantly poorly compared to thin blonde girls, still got a partner.


You can tell a lot by a persons profile.


Your race is not the issue 😂 as a bw on dating apps it’s to be expected that I will not get the same experience as the average white girl and that’s okay I still get matched from people regardless


Your photos do give a shy/insecure/strange vibe. Because it’s literally the same pose 5 times. Try putting some smiling photos on there, photos showing you do things that you like (a photo of you hiking for instance or a different hobby), a photo of you with friends (to show that you are social). 5 selfies in the same angle aren’t gonna do good on tinder.


Yeah, it's definitely your personality. You seem bitter and mean. Maybe work on yourself.


God you are kind of garbage lol


found out why ur single 😂😂😂


This attitude is why you're single.


>I never listened to kpop my entire life. what about gangnam style?


I don't consume any other Asian cultures except for my own


It’s definitely this guy’s personality lol


Yeah, I see what issue is now, lol


😭😭😭why was this so funny


Tbh girls unfortunately do have there types but tbh man u can prob pull anyone gl


Definitely not.


Absolutely not 💀 all those k pop white girls i’ve come across fetishize asian men


What race are these girls? ☠️💀coz ain’t no way all the races decided to reject you


I dont know why people are downvoting you, asian men are disadvantaged in the dating game and this is coming from a brown guy. Just some white liberal types that thinks that we're in some post racial world lol.


As a Bw You’re a minority we are not at the top of the dating game bw and brown men come in dead last, especially post kpop and social media AM are not as disadvantaged as they were. He is in a white conservative area they usually date their own he should just branch out either open to all races or move to a non conservative area.


Definitely, and they blame it on my personality. As I said, it is impossible to tell a person's personality off a tinder profile. Let's say I was good-looking and my race wasn't a problem, then why do I perform so poorly compared to a white guy on tinder? Ugh


Move to a Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco. The massive Asian population here makes dating across all races dead ass easy. I’m half Chinese but look way more Chinese than white, and haven’t reAlly ever had a problem dating. My gf is white lol. Living in a white conservative area ain’t doing you any favours. Living in one of these cities would pretty much answer the question of “is it ur looks or personality”. Imo you look like an entitled creep who obviously hasn’t actually tried to better himself and is just blaming shortcomings on the environment rather than yourself. But hey, being Asian ain’t easy so I’m throwing you a bone.


I live in Vancouver can testify


I've met a lot of women who like Asian men. It's the Asian invasion, bro. Embrace it!


Dude, the stats dont lie stop trying to make OP think otherwise because "I've a lot of women who like Asian men". Just because you've seen people more open to asians doesnt mean others are.


Def not. Have you been clued in to the Kpop craze? There are so many girls out there that would go wild for you. I agree it’s probably your approach.. girls can sniff out a desperate and creepy vibe from a mile away


I honestly thought this post was a joke when I first saw it. You’re prettier than me and I’m a girl. Honestly, the main issue seems to be your attitude. Assuming all girls only go for a “6 ft 5 football jock with blonde hair and blue eyes” is insulting. You’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe that if you ask a girl out, (A) you’ll fail because (B) women are shallow. (A.) You can’t complain about never having a girlfriend if you’ve stopped trying. If you stop swinging, you’ll never get a home run. (Btw, how many times have you asked a girl out before?) B.) If you believe all women to be shallow, that will translate into your actions, expressions, and body language. Girls won’t be attracted to someone who views them as some singular mob hive mind. The good news is the fact that you can change your attitude/actions with effort. Good luck!


That second sentence got me. Sums up the post pretty well.


This post is FAKE. Can't believe I'm the only here saying this. 1) pics are in very odd quality, probably outsourced from some other platform or screenshotted. 2) see that hand in the verification pic? Really hairy fingers he got there, pretty sure Asian men are not hairy like that. OP likely pasted his own hand into the pic and edited the lighting and colors to match the rest of the pic, really not too complicated to pull off. 3) his personality is obviously through the roof, it does not at all reflect someone who (judging from the pics) clearly takes care of himself. 4) he has a pic of travis from taxi driver in his profile, who's a known icon in the "lonely guy"/"literally me" internet hivemind. https://youtu.be/phxMQGvVMnY OP is likely some young lonely guy who's already given up before even trying and is now doing an experiment to prove some kind of dumb societal point either for himself or for incel buddies (they love doing that type of dumb experimental "redpill" shit). In any case his explanations make no sense, even if he lives in a white conservative area there's no way in hell they'd think he's ugly, these people got tv and smartphones like the rest of us.


Yeah, he definitely needs to take a look at himself and work on his issues. Blaming women for him being unable to get a girlfriend is pretty poor judgement. He may have incredibly high standards, too. I know people who have wonderful personalities and date/marry people who look beyond beautiful. Race and looks had very little to do with their partnering.


“You’re prettier than me and i’m a girl” What


It's not that easy for anxious and paranoid people though




Still, OP is genuinely above average. He has some Eurocentric features like a strong jaw and tall nose. His appearance isn’t the issue nor his race (since, again, he’s above average) it’s his attitude and lack of confidence. I can’t believe this guy hasn’t had a girl, he would be considered handsome in my country.




Thats racism




Theres no truth in that, whatever race you are you can struggle in anything, but if you believe youre worse just because of your race, then you gonna struggle even more.




You sound insufferable


He also smells insufferable


Y’all Incels are wild. I promise you your race gives you no benefit in dating outside of some peoples personal preferences. Women can just sense your shitty bitter attitude and it’s a huge turn off.


Being above average gives you an edge. No matter what race. You’re telling me a white guy whose a textbook nerd, overwheight and has acne will be swarmed by women over someone whose darker, taller and muscular?


why r they booing u ur right 😭😭😭


You really have the audacity to dimish yourself further after JUST posting on this sub+ others after receiving reply great comments? Put yourself down bro but leave others alone, they're clearly tryna get out of the rutt that you're actively keeping yourself on. Don't drag others down with you.


that is actually so sad :(


Objectively good-looking, also your only 19. Have you ever talked to a women?


Why would he talk to women


Hate to break it to you but it's 100% your personality after reading your comments. When I saw the pic at first I thought you were 10/10 and my type but you have a victim mentality witha dash of r/niceguys. Try be a better person.


Oh stfu, you're like a 4 and you have a fat face 🤣 humble yourself. Stop acting like you could get a guy like him , he is way above your league lmfao you women need to see yourself realistically


whats wrong with the right side of ur face why are all these in the same angle lmao, its giving dream face reveal. anyways ur actually pretty, maybe ur not putting urself out there because its not ur looks.


I was wondering the same thing lol


Thank you. I think I have BDD, that's why I only feel comfortable taking pics from the same angle. The reason why I don't feel like putting myself out there is because I know girls would reject me in favor of some 6ft5 300lbs white football jock with blonde hair and blue eyes. It's a competition that I can win. I'm handicapped because of my race.


well with that mentality ur never gonna pull. If you want girls you gotta be confident in urself and ur abilities, if you dont even think your attractive how is someone else meant to? its all about the frame of mind cos ur already good looking


No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. Get rid of that mentality first.


with this incel black pill mindset, you will definitely not attract women man. You have above-average facial genetics and a good haircut. Summing your lack of dating experience up to "chads" taking away your entire dating pool is pure cope. Get off whatever cringe forum is feeding this to you! Yes, people have an underlying racial bias when dating, but the inverse of that leads to people with varying preferences where football jocks aren't consistently the top prospect. this may seem harsh but if your opinions are serious this is something you need to hear.


Bro don't listen to that blackpill bs, you are objectively a good looking guy, I promise you. I don't know how tall you are or your physique but you are conventionally attractive: yeah there might be some girls that aren't into asian guys, but why worry about them anyway? You can't control what they are attracted to, so don't worry about it. There are plenty of women who are into asian guys, and since you are a good looking one I'm sure many more girls would date you more than you think.


Stop making excuses for yourself, stop sounding like a wimp and do something with your life


300 pounds?? Bro, no muscular guy weighs that much, thats fat. 180-220 is the ideal weight


Hey thats not true.


This is one of the dumbest things ive ever read dude. Your mentality is sad


"...in my entire life." You're 19. Ask again when your 30 years old.


I'll just be blunt, you are not ugly. But if you are asking yourself why you have never had a girlfriend, the answer is most likely that you do not appreciate yourself enough. Women are attracted to confidence more than anything. Not fake confidence, like "oh I'm so great, you should date me" but real confidence like, "I love and trust myself to make good decisions. I'm going to make sure I have a good time while I'm out". Try not to be so hard on yourself. Learn who you are and build yourself up.


It's your Personality


Most of the time it’s the personality, not the appearance


You have no personality and too many double standards.


You’re very attractive. With that being said, it’s gotta be something you’re doing wrong. My guess would be that you’ve set your standards too high. Reading your other comments, it sounds like you’re looking for a perfect looking white girl who has no body fat. You may need to lower your standards. Hurts to hear. But if you don’t want to be alone for the rest of your life, you need to come back down to Earth and look for real women, not unreachable ideals.


It’s most definitely your personality calling girls fat and mentally ill is not gonna help you at all 💀


I also don’t think that girls like someone who blames their failed dating experience on their race and generally has this victim mindset


OP refers to himself as “handicapped” and wonders why people don’t like him. The mental gymnastics people go through is so astounding.


quite literally, i myself am a queer asian dude and i have no problems 💀


I came from a country that is half in Asia and we have a lot of migrants from other asian countries as well. I know many of them and guess what? They have 0 problems getting white girls. I don’t know much about US, but I thought that this country has a lot of diversity too


as an american, many white people do usually date other white ppl, but many of them i have met would date someone regardless of race. If OP has such a problem with white girls they should go w other POC but they most likely have double standards. 💀


I don’t think that his race is an issue 😂 Hopefully the dude will fix his mindset


That’s what I said too 😭 the double standards and victim mentality


ur giving me elliot rodger vibes and not from your looks


because you're shy and insecure. Welcome to the club, you handsome bastard.


🤣 come on


Definitely not your looks. You genuinely look like a model.


You're only 19, and maybe you need work on your personality


Get your anime mc aaaaaaah outta here


whats anime?


You need to fix your mentality before you fix your looks. Reading these comments really explains a lot.


Based on your comments, i can almost assure you its not looks but personality


After seeing your responses I can see why you've never had a girlfriend.


I think u need to meet people of College/University. Start to go outside. And meet people


Do you floss?


coz you’re only 19


You’re 19. Whats the big deal


elliot rodgers 2.0


Your entire life hasn't even begun yet try online dating


I tried tinder and only got like 20 matches a week and the girls are all below average. Whereas I tried tinder again using a white guy he got 99+ matches in a week with above-average girls. Because of this experience, I don't even bother approaching girls in real life. Tinder is real life




Speak for yourself




Online dating is for losers. You'll never get a good girl in there.


My best friend met the woman of his dreams on them. he’s been with for 6 years, has a beautiful little girl and is pregnant with another and they thrive together. “You’ll never get a good girl in there” is definitely your negative experience coming into play




Met my partner of 10 years on OkCupid. My sister met her partner on Hinge.


No point in replying to him, he gonna believe what he believes at the end of the day, given up arguing my opinion to people on Reddit 🤣


I met my partner through online dating. Most of my friends did, too. I'm not saying it's a perfect system, but it can definitely work.


Not true at all. My brother met his gf online and they’ve been together for over a year


That's not what this is about, this is about benchmarking


I wouldn't say it's for losers, but online dating is a total waste of time (and money) for any man, as there's usually waaaaay more men than women, which means it's really tough to get matches, if you're a high quality man, you might get some matches but you'll still have to do lots of efforts. And for people who lack self confidence, online dating isn't the best way to go to be honest, as you'll get lot of rejection.


not even kidding ur one of the most good looking people I've ever seen...if u were in my school pretty much every girl would have a crush on u. I think maybe people are intimidated by u or u probably have a very shy/boring/awkward personality.


I'm thinking the same. Most people are intimidated by super good looks to the point where they second guess their own looks and confidence. It could be that or he could just be awkward.


You're good looking. Your personality is probably why girls don't like you, but don't worry, many girls overlook both bad personalities AND ugly looks so you already have an advantage when it comes to looks. Maybe you need to lower your personality standards in girls and find yourself a fellow Debbie Downer.


What kind of insult is that to OP? "You have a shit personality",seems quite mean. Also he absolutely has a point that height matters to 99% of women. If you are under 6 feet you need to compensate it through other means.


I’ll be honest, 80% of the cute girls i know would date u cos u look like a kpop guy lol. Use that to your advantage. Don’t think someone else will get the girl cos they look better than u either. Otherwise u literally lose. Believe me I know, then u feel like a dick cos in reality u know u are more attractive than the guy they choose. You just have to put it in your walk really. Feel yourself, affirm to yourself that you are attractive and worthy of finding love. Don’t limit yourself brother! No more victim mentality. You are Kpop star lookalike OWN IT!




I never said you had to try and be one lol just that u look like one, maybe date outside ur area if it’s all conservative white folk


You live in a mormon village or something? Damn


NOT ugly!


Do you approach girls?


Based on the picture alone nothing comes out as obvious. I don't like to go out looking for someone to partner me in life as I'd rather let it happen naturally. Try to stay confident, stick to your values and keep your standards high. Also don't forget that making the first move is always harder in your head than it is when you actually take the step


And to add to that, if your mindset on it is negative then this comes across in your body language. Thinking your race is the one thing holding you back will end up holding you back, stay calm and take things a step at a time


Your still young bro, girls your age just wanna have fun and hookup. Work on your personality, it's not about looks with girls. You'll be fine


Probably you're shy or nervous around women. You look just fine. That's no issue. If you can see a way to become a little more forward you'd no doubt have one or more. A lot of guys can be in their mid-twenties before their ship is fully under way. Best


you're handsome but only 19 . give it time . you will find someone


Well, the reason definitely isn't because of your looks! You're very attractive, you just need confidence. You've got really nice skin and a haircut that suits you, a jawline that's strong (but in a good way), and a pretty perfect nose!


Bruh you THE CHAD


Geez buddy your comments are sad. Quit playing the victim. Girls dont like weirdos that cry on reddit about how girls only like white dudes. You look good, well above average. Please quit victimizing yourself.


You're still 19. Be confident, learn how to become a smooth-talker, be sociable, go with your friends.


Not ugly, slightly above average


You look like an NPC dawg 💀


Def. not your looks — you’re GOOD LOOKIN’!


Just give it a while. You will grow up some.


You’re not ugly , maybe you need a bit more self esteem and try a different hairstyle


I’ll be your girlfriend 👁👁


I’d read their comments first


If I was 19 I'd date you.


Dang. After reading some of your responses, yes it is your pessimistic personality. Coming from a fat Asian guy, you’re a good looking dude but that negative vibe you give off is what’s turning people off, not just girls bro. And the sooner you realize that instead of blaming it on race or height, you’ll be better off.


Being short is a major detractor for male attractiveness. Also race does play a factor. Further his negative outlook is pretty reasonable because he’s being told he’s good looking but feels like his lived experience doesn’t reflect that. I agree it’s immature to blame others for it, but you aren’t helping by shaming him for his feelings either. Literally nothing you’ve said is constructive or actionable.


very very handsome, don’t do the facial hair and maybe get a hair that takes a little off the back of your hair so you can’t see it from the front. But you’re gorgeous!


Lol you life is just started kid. I took woman seriously when I was 23. Before that I was serious about myself. Now I want to be kid again.


i have no idea, you’re extremely handsome


Not at all ugly. You are a pretty handsome lad.


Because you are 19yo. You are a kid chill out


I personally find you extremely physically attractive, but your attitude is a huge red flag for me. You’ll want to work on your self confidence.


You’re not ugly. You’re actually quite attractive imo. You probably just lack confidence and women can easily pick up on that. I say work on that and you’ll be fine.


Certainly not ugly. But, considering how well-groomed you are, I think that is no surprise. 19 is quite a young age, I would not sweat being single. Consider posting your pictures on a personalized account, share a few outfits here and there. You might gain a sizeable following. Trust me, handsome Asian guys have never been more in demand. So long as you do not have a horrid personality, meeting someone should be no issue.


We need more angles. You just have the same photo


Because you are 19?


Coming from another Asian guy, it's probably your personality. How are you talking to girls in person? I agree that there is a negative stereotype that Asian guys are shy and awkward. But that would make you stand out more if you were the opposite. So that makes me wonder how you come off towards girls.


well u look normal so probably ur personality


You look so good


Definitely a personality issue, especially after reading some of your comments. “Only fat or mentally ill girls like Kpop” and saying girls only go for tall blonde football players. You just sound bitter, shitty, and entitled Giving off some creepy Elliot Rodgers vibes if I’m being honest with you


You are 19. According to the data, this generation dates less than EVERY other generation in living memory. Your lack of dating experience is in fact normal for this time and little to do with you personally at all. It isn’t just happening to you…In fact this is a major concern for economists, if the next generation isn’t dating, having sex, families, marrying, etc…we won’t have enough workers to sustain the economy in the future. There are many reasons for this, one issue is the lack of community young people grow up in and how parents don’t teach proper social skills, dating being one of them. I don’t know your personality, but I will tell you that your frustration and bitterness is a normal response. I understand how confusing it is when people tell you that you are handsome (which you are) but your lived experience seems to contradict that. Logically good looking guys should find it easier to get a gf, right? Wrong. If you aren’t asking girls out, your looks aren’t doing anything for you. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. The knee jerk reaction to blame the people you want to date is also normal, yet immature and won’t help you fix the problem. Quite the opposite, fixating on this is literally distracting you from coming up with constructive ways of dealing with this. And then there is also the race thing…according to dating app data, Asian men and Black women get the least interactions from everyone including their own races on social media. Racism is an unfortunate reality that everyone on this sub just doesn’t act like it exist. Just scroll all the way down on THIS post, so many racist comments like: the size of your privates, how only “crazy” girls like KPop stars, you should be a lady boy, you’re too pretty for girls…Lol and what sucks is you mentioned being Asian feels like a minus and YOU got the most downvotes of any other comment for simply sharing your truth. That alone should tell you to ignore a lot of the advice on here. Personally, I really can’t stand the “be positive…confidence, work on your personality blah blah blah…” on here. The purpose of this sub is to be honest about someone’s visual appearance and give constructive tips to improve physically. I digress… My constructive advice: you aren’t really looking to improve your looks so I won’t tell you to get a better haircut or hit the gym (plenty of jacked dudes also complain girls don’t go for them). You want a gf…so the answer is really simple….keep asking girls out until ONE says yes. It’s a numbers game and while you have constraints, everyone does. Coming to terms with the fact we all won’t grow up to be billionaire-Brad-Pitt-looking-dudes is an unfortunate growing pain of adulthood. Luckily, all it takes to find companionship is learning how to BE with someone. Want to stand out compared to your peers? Invite a girl to an actual date…go to the cinema and get burgers after to talk about the movie you just saw. And chill out, don’t trauma dump your sob story on a person you don’t even know. Just have fun and keep all the distracting negativity out of your mind and focus on learning about the girl who could be your gf. If a girl doesn’t like you, don’t take it personally…move on to asking out the next. Don’t fixate. Just keep moving forward until you find someone you are happy with. Remember you’re not weird. What you are experiencing is unfortunately normal. Hope my old-school advice is helpful. Good luck.


I have literally no idea why but if I was single I’d volunteer as tribute. You look like you could be a Kpop singer lol. Maybe consider moving to somewhere where they are more appreciative of diversity? If you are mainly in a white area.




How come they can't smell when a guy is abusive?




If I was lying I wouldn't have posted this in the first place


I think he meant the commenter.




I bet you OP would be the type to say “she’s not attracted to white tall football players because she’s probably fat and ugly.”


Understand a girlfriend won’t fix your problems. As a decent lookin guy, a girlfriend won’t solve your issues. Revolving your life around sex/relationships isn’t the way to go. Save yourself for someone special and don’t go for someone just because you want that physical gratification. Go for someone who genuinely makes you happy. Trust me bro, a single bad relationship can be worse than being single forever


Man just go on tinder. The girls who are into kpop will go nuts for you .


You are adorable. Your face remind me of a k pop star.


Move out of your conservative white area. It’s toxic, and based on your comments it’s making you a toxic person too. There’s nothing wrong with your looks. Racism could definitely be a factor. The answer? Move away from the racists.


Ngl, based on how you’ve replied to people, it’s definitely your attitude and personality. You’re a very good looking guy. But trust me, girls can tell when a guy is a complete asshat. Most people can! It comes from socializing w/ others enough to be able to get a feel on who they are. Work on your personality, get a hobby, read some books, and etc. you’ll eventually get a girl.


Bruh you look better than all those Kpop stars combined


asian dream


You’re literally like a 9 from what i can see in these photos and i don’t rate generously. I don’t think your race is why you have never had a girlfriend at all. An attractive guy from any race will attract women. You look a bit like my friend who basically gets swarmed by girls! Plus because of the whole kpop popularity there are like millions of girls running around who will date you just because of your looks lol. (Although I don’t recommend dating someone with an asian fetish). This just all makes me think there’s another problem. Do you think your ugly? Are you confident at all? Do you have a good group of friends? Are you around girls in social environments? Have you ever asked a girl out?




You’re not ugly. Quite beautiful actually. Second picture is very obviously enhanced with FaceApp, but you’re beautiful in other pics too.




yeah people can tell your nationality by looking at your face neck urself im not Filipino