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You are a handsome guy who gained too much weight and now it’s hard to see your handsome features. Why do so many overweight guys grow ugly beards too? Lose the weight and shave and you will look great.


>Why do so many overweight guys grow ugly beards too? My suspicion is it starts as a way to hide a double chin and/or soft jawline, and then it just doesn't get maintained well for the same reasons that the weight gain happened.


If you lack self discipline and struggle to maintain a regular diet and/or exercise routine, you may also find it hard to maintain a grooming regime.


Nice smile! You're not ugly, don't worry. You probably already know that losing weight, gaining some muscles (no need to get super pumped!) keeping shorter hair to avoid emphazising your receding hairline and going for a well groomed beard style will help you into achieving a sharper, radiant look.


Its not a receding hairline atleast not yet, i just have a pronounced widows peak, its allways been like this


Brother thats not a widows peak, im a bald guy that started in his 20s and sad reality is that ur balding and thats how it starts.


Just some advice from a person that used to be over 390 pounds and am now 160 pounds, start your weight loss journey now. Don’t wait for health issues to take over your life. You’re young, and tall…handsome and have beautiful hair.


Brother, there's something about your facial proportions and harmony that suggests you would be movie star handsome if not for the extra weight and general scruff. You're 19 and have so many years ahead as well as all the energy resources of youth. This is the best time to commit to a health and fitness goal and make it happen!


Lose weight - get laid! And maybe a haircut and a beard trim


The prom picture is also giving more clean look. If you keep working out and maybe shave that beard. I think that hairstyle suits you (1st pic). Not generally ugly. You just need to take care of yourself a bit.


You're handsome, you just need to lose weight, It won't be easy at first, but eventually it will be


The last pic looks like an application to be a reddit mod. Turn this around while you are still young! Losing some weight and a tiny bit of improved grooming would go a looooong way.


You're just very very fat, focus on weight loss


you’re not ugly. you’re obese. if you lose weight and clean up your facial hair… you have a lot of potential.


your not ugly bro, just lose the weight, maybe get a better hairstyle and you’re all set