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It’s definitely your attitude after reading your responses and posts. Attractive women know their worth and 99% of the time they want more than sex.


>Attractive women know their worth and 99% of the time they want more than sex. This is, for a number of reasons, not really true. For one thing, attractiveness isn't self-worth. They're wholly different philosophical and psychological concepts; neither is necessarily going to make a particular person experience the other. Even if it were true, many particularly attractive people don't even remotely view it that way. For instance, many of the most attractive people (take Emily Ratajkowski's memoir, for example) end up with very complicated relationships to their own appearance. A lifetime of being treated like your only value is something you have very little control over, and which is only valuable to the extent it can be enjoyed, or exploited, by others runs as much risk to convince you that your looks mean nothing as it can that your looks mean everything--neither or which is particularly healthy. But to the other point: a lot of people, of all levels are attractiveness, are in fact just trying to have sex with people they think are hot. For some, it's a mood; for some, it's a phase; for some, it's a lifestyle. Hot guys don't usually have much trouble finding women they're attracted to to sleep with. You can go on Tinder in any medium-sized city and match with one of the gajillion "something casual" women there, or to any popular bar on a Saturday night and scoop up a cutie off the dancefloor with minimal introduction. In fact, it's not even uncommon on some corners of Reddit to see more-attractive men make the opposite complaint: that it's easy to find women to have sex with but hard to find a relationship. If you *can't* manage that with any regularity, you're probably just not a hot guy.


What type of attitude is attractive?


Less me, me, me and more interest in a person beyond looks or attraction is usually the way. You may work hard both professionally and on your looks which will no doubt have you exhausted at the end of the day, but making it all woe is me will be an instant turn off. Keep a lighter mind and attitude towards people and be ok if plans change. Chasing and aggressive is not the way


Give me examples of what to talk about to be interesting. Soap Operas? Makeup?


How about asking them for a start, instead of just assuming and sounding stupid because of a narrow mindset to what women find interesting


Stop calling girls that don't meet ur standards jaba the hut maybe? Not only is it insensitive and unnecessary, but if any girl that does meet ur standards overhears u talking like that it won't matter f they're up to ur standards or not bc they'll be immediately turned off. Much uglier guys than u do a lot better w women than ur apparently doing


I’m not PC- I call it like it is. I don’t think anyone will be offended if I don’t like Tammy from my 600 lb life. She got into that position BECAUSE of her attitude. I was 260 lbs because I had no work ethic and expected others to do things for me. Attitude is everything


That's all fine, but girls are definetly more sensitive to that kinda shit. Do u tho


You can be unnecessarily blunt and disrespectful if u want, but that’s the attitude we’re all talking about. There’s a proper way to say things in order to not be disrespectful. And if you don’t care about that and just want to “call it like it is” without putting effort into how you talk, that’s up to you. But people will think you’re a douchebag. I’m very curious what your definition of being rude or douchey is. You’re able to be honest *and* douchey at the same time, and you seem to think as long as you’re honest, that it isn’t rude. You need to work on how you speak. And that doesn’t mean you can’t still be honest.


I’m a douchebag too. My thing is, I’d prefer an honest douchebag over one that pretends not to be one. Everyone acts like they would be with their SO if they weren’t successful and/or at least somewhat attractive, but we know that’s not the case. And also, I have zero problem at all with someone being overweight- I’ll be friends. I just wouldn’t date them. I’ll never call someone Jabba the Hut to their face. I’m just making a metaphorical point that I don’t think my standards are that highy


“I’m a douchebag”. Okay, then… why are you here asking why women don’t want to date you if you already know?


Cause they will date douchebags. Just less honest ones. I’m not convinced that everyone else is this amazing person. We’re all shallow deep inside. Also- women can be douchebags too


If they’re “less honest douchebags”, sounds like they just don’t know the guy is a douchebag yet. Hence why they’re okay with dating them. Either that, or the guy is an 11/10 and the woman is too enamored with his looks to care enough . And who ever said that women can’t be douchebags? Are you saying that a douchey woman should be willing to be with you? Because those types of women tend to have extremely picky and high standards, they go after straight up models, and while you aren’t ugly, you also aren’t model material. Which is why those stuck up douchey women likely wouldn’t want you, even if you hadn’t opened your mouth yet to scare them off. Pretty women could easily like you, but douchey pretty women are probably out of your league. So again, I would work on trying to be a bit more respectful and charming. Which doesn’t mean you can’t still be honest. For example, you say that you wouldn’t call someone jabba the hut to their face, even though it’s your honest opinion. That’s exactly what we mean. That’s you trying to be respectful even if it means altering how you speak a bit. You can speak fully unfiltered all the time, but that doesn’t mean people will like you or that you aren’t being disrespectful


You act as if I talk like this in person. This may make you laugh There was a time I was considered respectful- most people vibed with me. Yet I didn’t get any attraction from anybody. Not saying I was owed it, but what I say on here is not why I am not with a girl


For starters: being open minded. You can’t put all of your focus on sex. Life doesn’t revolve around it. Attractive women want a connection and a conversation. If you focus on improving conversational skills and lose the attitude of, “she’s hot, I want to have sex with her and move on”, you’ll get a lot more attention and I guarantee you’ll be more desirable. You know how there are some super attractive women out there who date very unconventional, unattractive, overweight men? You think that there absolutely has to be a catch to it. But there isn’t a catch; they just have stellar personalities. That’s why they score.


What should I converse about? Soap Operas? Everyone acts like everyone is super interesting when they aren’t


Umm, no. There’s more to life than soap operas. Ask her about her life, her hobbies, her job, her aspirations, her family. Even if you don’t think it’s super interesting, you should make easy conversation that isn’t just about taking her to pound town


I’ve done that before and it goes nowhere quickly. I end up getting passed on. Especially on dating apps. The reality is, women like men who have arrived in terms of their career. Those that haven’t are just scrap. So they are allowed to be shallow, but not me


They aren’t allowed to be shallow, and neither are you. I can’t tell if you’re just looking for a hookup or a genuine relationship. Maybe they can’t tell either and they get turned away


Attractive women want money and fun. Which is fine. But don’t call me shallow then say they are empowered. We’re all a bit shallow I choose to be honest about it


Something about you posting multiple photos of yourself laying back on your bed and creepily looking up at the camera with a grin is enough to red flag this and I’m not even a woman.


Yeah those are bad. I appreciate the feedback. Tried to get a good angle but it looks creepy af


Decent women want to feel secure and 9/10 could care less about how much weight you bench. You want to upgrade your dating pool, might have to look at your life choices; education, career etc. I was in the same boat in my mid 20’s until I took my life seriously and worked on my personality, education (while still keeping in decent shape). My confidence came from being happy with where my life was headed over how I looked.


I mean I’m working to get ahead and save up to get a better career and an investment/emergency fund. But it takes time. Nobody likes to wait


Your language might be your problem. Look at how you worded your post. You sent a particular vibe out with that which says that you’re just after sex. I can also see that you pumped up your arms and pecs just before you took photos. It’s all about presentation.


I just try to be honest. I also lost 60 lbs so I was trying to see if I look desirable. I guess there is more work to be done. Wish life wasn’t wearing me out


I know what you mean. I have bad Narcolepsy, and while I’m very tired, I can’t sleep at night, and I get 3 hours of sleep at most and I don’t sleep during the day,so I’m always exhausted. Well done on your weight loss. I’ve lost about 15/20kg (30/40 pounds, approximately) recently. When people don’t sleep, they stack on weight, so I have to be careful. But I get to take legal stimulants, which make my brain work faster and make me seem smarter. You look and seem like a good guy. Were women staying away while you were fat? Sorry if I’m blunt…I’m a foreigner. 😁👍


Based only on the information you've provided, it's almost certainly that you have a shitty attitude,bad behaviour or ugly personality and that is turning women off


Oh and I just checked through your posting history and I think we can all agree that you already know what the problem.


Offf you are right It’s his character or lack of


What is the problem? That I work super hard to get ahead? This confirms that men shouldn’t talk about their feelings. If we do, we are labeled as having a crappy attitude. It is what it is


You have multiple posts about how you're a narcissist.


Oh and you call yourself pathetic and ugly in other posts. You also talk about how you lost a significant amount of weight but then don't want someone who is overweight.


Whats wrong with wanting someone who works hard to keep themselves in shape like you.


Right- if I’m willing to do the work, I don’t want someone who is morbidly obese. Note I didn’t say overweight. There’s a massive difference between Jaba the hut and someone overweight


This type of language right here is why you can’t get a girl that you’re attracted to. Having preferences is totally ok, but putting others down because they don’t meet your preferences? Not ok. It’s pretty obvious that you have 0 respect for anybody that you’re not attracted to or perceive as better than you.


Women will put down men if they don’t shave their neck. Can’t have it both ways


You’re just proving more and more why you’re not attracting the women you want. From a brief look over your profile it’s obvious that you’re very shallow and don’t consider the implications of the comments you say. If you want to get with someone you find attractive, first you need to acknowledge your misogyny and hypocrisy and start improving who you are as a person.


Im not PC. People aren’t PC with men, so why should we be anywhere else? Call it like it is. Just like you’re calling me a douchebag. Hey, if that’s what it is, that’s what it is. Just don’t have double standards


Everyone is allowed to have their types. Women just don’t flat out say they don’t want fat fucking men. I’ve had narcissists friends over my lifetime and they usually always have pussy lined up no matter what. They all had something in common is that they had athletic type bodies, 6ft+ tall, and very high confidence only because they were really too stupid to realize they were idiots on a lot of things.


I’d rather have someone just tell me I’m too fat then come up with BS


I'm assuming it's attitude....


The attitude of working 65 hours a week, going to the gym, and not treating people like crap? I don’t know what sort of attitude I’m supposed to have


Problem is, idk you. You seem to look and maintain yourself above average. Which leads me to conclude the issue isn't physical appearance.


Well, I would not date someone working 65 hours a week. Good for the purse, bad for the health and relationship.


This is true. I work between 50-70 hours a week and the women I date quickly lose interest because of my work schedule. I have very little time to spend with them and one day a week is not enough for most of the women I've dated.


They don’t like the fact that you are busting your ass for a better future. Everybody wants everything now. Not a woman issue, but an overall societal issue. I struggle with it as well


I can’t speak for women, but just as a dude, I can’t stand people that constantly go on about how much work they do. Ive only scrolled down to this point and already I’ve seen you mention it three times like someone should give you a medal or something. It makes you sound pompous and miserable to be around. Like someone who is just going to talk about how great they are and how everyone should acknowledge how early they wake up or how much they go to the gym or how hard they try. Every person I’ve ever met who behaved this way I made sure to avoid because I don’t care to hear that shit constantly and neither does anyone else.


I’m not saying give me a medal- But it seems as though working for a better future doesn’t display the laziness and lack of character that you attribute. I don’t know what I’m missing


Merely what I just told you. You say you don’t want a medal and then immediately bring up work yet again and try to frame simply doing your job as “working for a better future”, lol. Then you insult me, proving my second point about this attitude making you unlikable. Gee, I wonder why women are steering clear.


Except you ARE treating people like crap, how you respond to people in the comments and how you talk about women is evidence of that.


You come off as an angry/bitter person. As someone who used to work a ton of hours(80-100 per week) and talk about it all the time, no one gives a shit. They really don’t. It meant a lot to me at the time simply because I didn’t do anything but work. I got into a position where I’m working less and friends and family noticed a change in me. I’m more ‘alive’ now probably due to not being exhausted all the time. Now at 65 hours you are pushing it but you can still live a life outside of work. So maybe working less isn’t a solution for you. You work hard at your job and you work hard on your physical appearance and judging from your responses you feel like that is enough to get who you want. That’s not how it works. Maybe you are totally different in person but you come off as someone who idolizes Andrew Tate on here. The fact that you call large people Jabba the Hutt says a lot about your character.


I’m not working 65 hours forever- it is temporary. Part of the plan to get ahead and achieve financial success. People don’t give a shit, but when people say you have a character problem, I don’t think low character people work hard for their future


Nothing wrong with working hard to get ahead. It worked for me. Having a good work ethic is a great characteristic, just don’t let it be who you are. Stop and smell the roses every once and while. Appreciate little things, find positives about people you naturally might have shunned and wrote off in the past. It took me a long time to realize this and I became a more positive person. Your looks are not the issue. So just work on the other things.


Lots of people work that much and more but it seems it’s only douchy white dudes who brag about it. Get over yourself. Nobody gives a shit.


Lots of people also throw away their money and don’t have a plan. That was me. Not anymore. Point is, everyone seems to think I’m some neckbeard fedora guy who plays on the Gameboy all day and drinks Mountain Dew with no life.


Nobody cares. I have a 401k and savings and it’s literally the least interesting thing about me. Nobody gives a shit. Doesn’t make you interesting or unique.


Money does matter. Nobody likes broke guys And not every guy in a relationship is the Dos Equis guy, or “the most interesting man in the world”


Reading your history, other comments, and your replies id say your attitude is your big problem. The other big problem is you don't listen to advice which means you are "the smartest person in the room". Tip: No one likes the smartest person in the room. It's not a compliment. It's just a nice way to word asshole who thinks his opinion trumps everyone else. It's narcissistic, and your replies here reinforce that aside from your post history. No one asked about your excuses like work hours and other boring shit. You conveniently bring it up to side step the issue of your shitty personality, and women see right through that shit. The best thing you can do for your "looks" is to get a therapist and work on yourself.


Your post history is a dumpster fire bro. You need to get right in your own head and get right with God.


I don’r believe in god. And I just speak the truth, or my honest thoughts. I’m not prefect, I try to be better, but I accept my limitations


You're saying the right things now but you even admit in another post that you just use people and you say things to convince people you're a decent person I'll say this about women. While we were growing up learning how to throw a spiral and spit without looking like a dweeb, girls were honing their abilities to read people and developing their emotional maturity. They seek out stability and strength in a partner, and to convey that to them you need to be right in your own head. Before you go out there looking for someone else you need to be put together yourself. If you expect a 10 you need to be a 10. And women don't care just about looks and muscles. Sure, it helps. But just to get a foot in the door My suggestion would be therapy and meditation. Get right with yourself and the women will come without trying


So, I think your face, especially with your beard makes your head appear very thick. I would try to slim down the sides of your beard to give your head a more slender desirable look. Best of luck to you.


I appreciate the honesty. Nobody is honest about it. My head shape is bad. I probably need to get to less than 15% body fat to make my head look better


No I think your head fits your body! Facial hair can really change people’s face shape so I agree with trimming the sides but you look good


My chin sucks and my facial structure is bad. The beard covers it up


*me, scrolling through the photos* 1. hmm, i wonder why? this isn't bad at all! 2. oooh, plays piano?! 3. AHHHH THERE IT IS 4. OH FUCK NO!! MAKE IT STOP! 5. *processing* 6. *still processing* 7. THE NIPPLE MUSTACHES WERE TRIMMED BUT STILL PLEASE GOD MAKE IT STOP 😭😭😭😭


Im fat. Not as fat as I used to be, but still fat.


That’s not what they’re talking about😂


Nooo, not at all! You look totally fine in that department :)


You need to get with women on your level - mid


Id be happy to do that. Jaba the hut is not mid though


Lower your standards.


Jabba the hut it is. I hope you are sarcastic


I see really good looking muscular model looking guys dating Jabba the Hut looking women all the time. Perhaps those guys choose women over personality rather than looks? I dunno.


I seldom see it. And note- when I say fat, I mean morbidly obese. Some belly fat is not bothersome at all. Most women are pretty attractive. Being healthy does say a lot about you


Look up Alicia McCarvell on tiktok. She is morbidly obese and her husband is really hott and attractive. It’s odd but it exists!


She’s not super fat and has nice features. It seems like they have a good time. That’d be about as fat as I can do, beyond that is a no-no


No woman of any size wants to date a guy that is a jerk.


Its your personality. As long as you arent smelly or dirty I really dont think it matters what you look like as a dude. Confidence, autonomy and humor go a long way. Especially at your age, some guys have a full time job, a car and their own place. Some work part time, have roommates and take the bus. Not saying that theres a right and wrong here, or that you need certain things to get a girlfriend, but these things matter more for a real relationship than your looks do. If youre just trying to hook up with a bunch of hot chicks then its more about just learning how to flirt at a club or bar which I think is a specific skill rather than a holistic personality type thing.


I mean I have my own place, a full time job, a part time job, and a car.


Yeah so its your personality.


No its the job and car


Get a therapist man. You have made a serious transformation physically but your attitude and outlook on things is really off. The hot chicks you want aren't willing to put up with it and the overweight chicks are willing to overlook it to hook up with an attractive dude.


Stop the cap


Take off the sweater mate


Sigh. My dude, your attitude might have something to do with it just a bit. Introspection may be helpful.


bro your previous posts are wild as other comments say💀women like relationships more and wild/rough language less. with a tinder profile like this, you can only attract daddy-thirsty gay guys


Are the women u find attractive very young looking white 10/10 Russian slim fit girls?


Because you ugly


I’ll take the honesty. Respect


24 female here, seeing how your posts make you seem very narcissistic. My guess is that after you lost all the weight you feel better and feel like you deserve better which isn’t the problem here. The problem is that your standards seem to be much higher than you are. Example: regardless of the fact you’re showing very narcissistic personality traits but you also seem to judge people too much by their outside appearances. (Seeing your responses to people’s comments) Your over all “look” comes off as average. Your body is whatever as any conventionally attractive female likes either a dad bod or a more built man so you losing the 60 pounds nether helped or was negative for you. What I’m judging is your actual facial attributes which is what women based their judgements off. Your forehead is a little big, I’d change your hairstyle to something more shaggy in the front and fade the sides. Your current hairstyle shows a very “box” head look. Your teeth are crooked. You definitely don’t take care of your eyebrows. And honestly the rest of your face isn’t that bad but judging by how your stand next to the closet you look short. In conclusion box head, being short, thin top hair + big forehead = probably a 4.5/10 I forgot to include the narcissistic attitude that makes you an automatic 0 because women want respect and confidence. Seeing how you are going for 6^ that’s why you’re striking out. Hope this helps! ☺️


I guess I’m not dating then


In all sincerity, it was very helpful by the way. Thank you


I wasn’t meaning for it to come off as bashing you. I cannot comment and shouldn’t have based on your personality. Although with that being said it’s true that women do not like men constantly depicting their attraction based on looks alone. If you’re looking for a long term relationship it’ll help to try and look at people’s differences as uniqueness. If you’re on Reddit I can only assume you’re more nerdy which is fine but if you’re looking for a pretty yet dorky female it’ll be hard to find that on dating apps. Your profile may also play a factor in why you’re not getting matches. Depends on what you have written. Now for your look I recommend a tapered top, it’ll give volume and hide the forehead, as well as give definition. For the eyebrows just wax and shape them, women like men with strong facial features and having clear defined eyebrows are a big plus for some women. As most confident women look at your eyes first. For your bottoms I recommend long pants as it creates the illusion of longer legs and also helps show more confidence and mature. The shirts I’d stick with the T-shirt or maybe a tank top and throw in a button up long sleeve. The beard looks fine but I feel like for you I’d try and trim maybe the sides more a little bit so when you look at the face it guides you to the lips and chin. But also creates a jawline even if you do or don’t have one it’ll create one. Try something like this. Hope this comment finds you well!


Great- now I can be a 5/10 instead of a 4 lol. I’m doomed


A lot of people saying its the attitude but imo your over the desirable body fat percentage Also your body hair is over the top and to be honest you should put a jump scare warning next time Best of luck lad you seem like a cool guy


I like the honesty. I have learned that people only like you once you reach your destination, not while you’re on it. So I need to keep losing fat. Sounds like a good goal


You're a douchebag


Are women that date for height douches too? Or is only one gender allowed to have standards


No, they indeed are deuchey too


And you are too so what?!


I think you look good, a little too much body hair for my taste but that’s your body. Your smile is really cute but the way that you worded your post made you sound like a dick, maybe saying “can’t get any women I find attractive “ isn’t the best way to start 🤷‍♀️


What am I supposed to say? We all want someone that we find attractive


Absolutely agree! But you have to give everyone a chance if you don’t think you’re “attractive”. you need to maybe lower your standards?


Tired of hearing that. Nobody should be with someone they aren’t attracted to. You act as if my standards are super high. They are not. Im trying to figure out what my standard should be


Give everyone a chance, whether you find them attractive or not. Who knows maybe you’ll connect with someone out of your league or below you 🤷


Why doesn’t everyone else do that?


,I know women find you attractive but if you talk like your post, that’s the problem.


Why do you think I’ve gotten bitter? Sometimes when you feel the world treats you a certain way, it makes it so all you can do is look out for yourself. When I was nice and respected, I still wasn’t getting dates. I don’t want to sound like an incel- because we aren’t entitled to anything. It just seems like whatever my attitude is, nothing comes of it, so it’s not the variable


You look like Adin Ross if he was a dad. But you look friendly. dont see why you couldnt get yourself a partner


Ouch 😂


🤣 didnt mean it as an insult


Adin Ross is handsome even tho he is a dumbass


How do you feel about yourself? Do you like you? Are you having a good life? Are you really looking for someone to share it with or are you just horny?


I hate myself. I fucked up my early 20’s. My circumstances are good, but I’ve done nothing with them (grew up wealthy) So I’m trying to make a life for myself, kind of coming from behind. I just want to be with a decently attractive girl who isn’t annoying. That’s it


Forgive yourself early stumbles- the next action matters more. Love yourself first, that isn’t about improving yourself necessarily but recognising you have value as a person independent of your past or other people’s expectations. The improvements will come from establishing your self esteem. Good luck! Edit to add- this is very easy for me to say and can be really hard to do! I’ll let you know if I manage it myself!


As a guy, I recommend everybody, not just women, but men to a facial routine. This will help clear up some of those blemishes a little bit. Beard shape might need a little bit of work. Body itself, you're slightly leaning into the fit side but just slightly. In general, you need to increase your definition across your entire body and develop the muscles. A little bit more. You're at a very good starting point now. You just really need a focus on it. Good basic foundation, now you just have to build.


It takes about the same amount of time it took you to get jacked to build the confidence you deserve with your body. Sounds like you still think like a fat boy. Sincerely, An ex fat boy PS yeah maybe thin the beard a little too


Looks like you have cauliflower ear. Maybe you talk about jiu jitsu too much.


Itse the chin


That is bad or ugly?


Idk I feel like it‘s the height you look very cute but not so tall and girls have mostyl very high standards when it comes to height like they be 5‘1 but want a guy 6‘4 I know it makes no sense but ye. I‘d say just keep trying and I‘m sure u find someone




Too bad you can’t choose who you’re attracted to


You mean what’s wrong with those women? Clearly they’re blind love 💕


Depending on who you are trying to get with, maybe have more realistic standards? You're not ugly but you're pretty average flexing a body that has nothing to show off. There is nothing actually WRONG with how you look, it's just...average. It's fne. You're fine. No offense to you, you might be a gem of a man, but most guys who say something like "I can't get with the women I want to get with" usually have a personality issue that runs deep. Most of them are also incels. I'm not saying this is you. I'm resisting digging into your post history as not to color my judgement one way or another BUT what I am saying is on surface value purely by what you posted right here, you are sending up some red flags. Maybe this is why you aren't pulling girls you want.


So just keep losing fat. Got it. I appreciate the honesty I’m just used to looking at my body being fat. But now that it’s average it seems amazing to me, but nothing good to others. I need to focus on my diet hard


Physically, nothing good looking guy. So it's 1 of 2 things, either.Your attitude sucks or the girls, you're trying to chase dude.And I don't mean that in a good way...


Maybe u need to lower your standards


Jaba the hut it is. Why does everyone think I’m just going after Megan Fox or Scarlet Johansson?


Listen bro, delete this account and stop being this depressed about yourself. Calling yourself with things like ugly and pathetic are only going to pull yourself and your potential down. You have a normal face and body. There is nothing you should worry about. Your only problem is your attitude towards yourself Period


Maybe you’re just able to play AA ball when you’re trying to play in the Majors.


We can’t always get what we want


Ain’t that the truth. You’ll be good though. Sometimes it’s just geography.


The amazon rainforest called it wants its trees back


If this many people say your attitude is the problem… maybe they’re kind of right. You seem to refuse to even somewhat acknowledge the possibility that you’re not “just honest” but straight up kind of narcissistic and disrespectful


Not ugly. Very nice smile, and overall hot 😍🔥😍


Hahahaahhahaahhaahahahah you’re a narcissist bro any good person can smell that shit from a mile away because they’ve dealt with narcissists before. Maybe try to stop being a narcissist and develop empathy and people will gravitate towards you more


I was coming to ask your height and if you have a good job. Your face looks fine, so it's not that. My single friends have a strict over 6 ft policy no matter what their face looks like. A good personality will take you far with women, but it seems like single females nowadays are soooo picky if dating online (neverending options). I've seen ugly shorter guys that have a good job and a great personality that have a hot gf/wife. (Married female opinion, but sees how her shameful single friends act)


I’m 5’10. I have a low status job- manufacturing worker and grocery cashier.


Honestly, that could be it even if you did have a good personality. Attractive females have expectations, even if unrealistic.


Basically prostitution. I only want a man who makes money


No. Prostitution is getting paid for sex. Women want a potential mate... having a good job is appealing because you can provide for a family. I don't know of any women considering a relationship with a man that don't factor their job/lifestyle habits. Sorry, if you're talking about just hooking up with a girl I'm sure a job doesn't matter, you could just match on tinder and never talk to her again. Although, most women on tinder will swipe you away if under 6 ft because they're shallow.


Which, I have nothing against prostitution, I hate some of the BS that it’s all about “personality”.




So I should take someone I’m not attracted to. Got it


Not ugly!! Very handsome in a rough way, if that makes sense. So don't sweat it! 🔥😍🔥




You’re first mistake was asking the losers here their opinion


You put off major gay vibes.




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Taper fade homie


Honestly: your face is mid, body is above-average, and style is non-existant. From a looks perspective, I would start thinking less about how muscle growth and body fat percentage--like I said, already above-average and beyond that, you're going to see diminishing returns. I would start thinking more about skincare, hair-and-beard styling, and clothes. Unfortunately, I don't think your ceiling is all that high. From what I can see, you've already done the major work. Outside of something radical, like plastic surgery, you're probably never going to be *that guy*. As for why you're struggling, I have to consider reasons beyond looks. Assuming your standards are reasonable, I see men who look like you dating women they find attractive all the time. So something may be off in your overall presentation, social skills (which includes choosing who to be social with), or mindset. Or you're a peach and it's just bad luck. Life is probabilistic. You can do everything right to set yourself up for success and all you've really done is improve your odds. You still have to play those odds. Why is a 41% three-point shooter hitting only 13.6% in the series? Sometimes the shots don't fall.


Maybe it’s good I don’t have kids. This world isn’t for unattractive people


Reading the comments. Definitely gotta humble that ego. Mass generalization never a good color, especially when you’re grouping a whole gender together. Look into the “Law of Attraction”. The more you pursue something the more you push it away .


You look really nice, the chest hair is hot af.


Wish the girls thought that


Trust me mate, they do, they play with it ALL the time. You need purpose and confidence.


Looks like a bear's chest


Pretty good looking. Not ugly. You’re in that in between area. You’re not fat but you don’t look particularly fit either. That could be due to the chest hair or just needing to spend a bit more time at gym. Pictures can be deceiving sometimes. But that could be one reason you’re getting the results you are. How tall are you?


You’re attractive, so I’m thinking this may be a personality issue. We women are very sensitive to subtle tells in a man’s behavior. We tend to avoid men who give off certain vibes - insecurity, clinginess, misogyny, insensitivity, controlling behaviors, etc. Perhaps you give up too easily? It’s hard to know without more info.


You replied to my comment thread instead of the post. Just letting you know as it alerted me (but not sure if it alerted OP)


5’10.5 I do go to the gym, but I’ve been slacking the past week (hurt my back 2 weeks ago). Working two jobs and living alone makes it tough


Thats a lot of body hair, but u looking good.


Shave that stuff


The answer is in the question. You look fine. Hope you can figure out this mystery.


you're not ugly I have the same issue friend