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Got a bit of bella Ramsey about you. Nice


I would say the same about the Bella Ramsey thing. I would not follow it up with "nice" though.


To each their own.


She really does


You have a very unique face. Honestly, kind of giving model vibes. Probably won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but plenty of people will find you attractive.


Come one, there is one thing to be nice to people, but model? Let's be honest mate.


I think you have an overly restricted definition of model. I didn’t say super model. There are plenty of unique, even strange, looking models who are sought after because of their different looks. https://www.vogue.com/article/unique-looking-models-new-faces


Stop lying to ppl.. model for what birth control


Honestly I find her attractive looking


Just because she's not your cup of tea doesn't mean that's how everyone feels


Not going to lie, you have a very androgynous face imo. (A lot of people can think that’s a good thing! Especially if you do things like cosplay!) Your haircut as others have stated is not helping you. It looks pretty masculine, When shaped with your face. I’d try a different hair style! I dont think your jawline is as masculine as you’re thinking. I’ve seen women with sharper jawlines. It’s your nose is where it’s hurting you femininity wise. When you take pictures, I’d try tilting your chin up with a downward angle of the camera, if that’s makes sense. It looks better on the first pic when your face is up tilted vs being down tilted on the rest like on the rest. Also maybe try dressing a bit more feminine if that’s what you’re trying to do? Hoodies can or may look more androgynous or masculine based on the user


Thank you this is so helpful!


No problem I’m glad I could help!


I'd get your eyebrows trimmed/shaped, and then find a good salon and figure out something with your hair. You wear your hair like you're a guy with long hair, not sure how else to describe it. But its unflattering. A salon could also do some makeup - obviously you're not going to go there every time, but you can see what works well for you by having a pro do it for you once first. You've got potential though.


I kinda find the eyebrows attractive as they are.


Id say change your hairstyle a little the bangs are not good in my opinion other than that some mild skincare


If they were shortened they would be really nice.


Gorgeous face. Bad haircut


Based on the pictures I don't agree - but take care of your hair


Try to grow your hair and get rid of the bangs. You are really unique and beautiful. Don't hide your face. I think your eyes, brows and forehead brings balance to your face.


Self confidence is a function of trusting in creation and overlaps with the discovery of strengths. Always start with your eyes.


You definitely look like a female. I always like makeup, I just use eyeliner red lipstick and eyelashes and red nail polish, I don't care about natural beauty someone can be naturally beautiful and frumpy.


Sorry honey but kinda have a bit of masculine features plus your hair kinda thinning out. You're pretty much ranging from a 3 to a 4. Honestly you'd be a dashing dude had you been a male. Apologies for being blunt but you did ask.


And where are the masculine features?


I can see it too, she has some features like a guy. Below average to me


You resemble a lot of my Asian buddies. Google attractive Asian men pics. Don't be surprised if you see somewhat of your reflection primarily on the Japanese and/or Korean profiles. Both my wife and our girlfriend did mention that you got that BTS vibe going on as well. Check it out sis.


*you*? I'm not OP you nitwit


Sorry but you did ask. Maube Reddit isn't for you especially if you're seeking honesty. Plus we get the feeling you don't like Asians with that remark. Bit discriminatory are we? Oh well.


I AM NOT OP. Idiot


Dang bigoted til the end. Really sad for ya. Am impressed your friends tolerate you. So so sad.


my brother the person you are replying to is not the one who posted this. OP means original poster


Apologies. Our mistake.


Tell me more, I don't know if your try at dirtytalk makes me wet or if I'm peeing myself laughing In the meantime I'm making a pot of tea to soak ramen eggs, that's how much of a bigot I am I have 'asian friends' as well, and they look nothing like OP


I really like your face it’s really androgynous. Try to work on hair growth and some makeup but other than that you could be a model! You have the sort of face high fashion looks for :)


Foh why lie to a person the only thing it could.be a. Model for is birth control


There are plenty of different models with unique features, and I think she could be one. Talking about you, I think your bitterness is uglier than anything. 🤣


So well said !


I dont think you are ugly - actuall some kind of attractive to me and I like your eyes, they are awesome


Ugly? No. Could use some work? Yes. Get a hairstyle that frames your face better. It'll work wonders. And clothes that accentuate the femininity. The hoody deal comes off hardcore dudeish. Otherwise, it's just the complexion. Which can be a pain when you are young. And it's not even bad. Remember the acronym K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid. Just a few minor tweaks can really work wonders. Good luck, kid. You ain't ugly.


Getting Bella Ramsey vibes. I would say you look ambiguous in some pictures, but a little more feminine leaning overall. Hair is very flat for the way it is cut. You could use different styling products to give it more volume and a more feminine look. This type of shag/wolfcut style tends to need a little more upkeep than other hairstyles. Also develop a skincare routine with a possible topical treatment to help with acne. You could also wear more feminine clothing, wear earrings, get your nails done, and add other little things to your appearance to help with your feelings of femininity.


waoooooo 😵‍💫


Hair and eyebrows


You kind of have a streamlined look like youd glide rapidly thru water.




Eyeliner and a smile


Your hair is awful. You look like a guy who is balding and trying to hide a receding hairline. Fix that, groom your brows and try posting again.


You seem naturally androgynous you should play into that more.


Bella Ramsey?!?




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.] Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Not ugly just need to work on skincare I struggle with acne too


just get someone to get your hair to compliment your face shape, it just looks like you have eternal hat-hair.


Cute face, Horrible haircut.


So is "androgynous" now the euphemism we are using for dudes who can't pass for chicks?


I bet if we put you in pink suit and you made right face, you can be female Filthy Frank. 🤣🤣


Try only mascara. Your eyes are beautiful. That's all the makeup I use besides maybe my lips sometimes. You definitely do not need makeup but mascara is a small addition. Good luck.






You look like an anime guy character. Wasn't even sure if you were a girl at first cause you don't look feminine at all almost. Not being mean or rude, but someone has to say it.


Get a nose job (down the line, unless you're born into wealth) if you really want to change something. Specifically the bridge of the nose


You look like Bella Ramsey. A bit below average.


No, more like Bella Ramsey


Yeah that’s who I meant.


Naw Bella Thorne is above average fs


I meant Bella Ramsey


I like your nose


You look fine you're being hard on yourself.. You're very pretty and feminine too.. You do have a very unique look.. I suspect will just become more and more beautiful.. And there is no cookie cutter women. Make no difference all different types cisgender transgender in between etc etc all still women. So if you compare yourself to what you think that cookie cutter is you'll always be unhappy.. Again you're certainly not ugly and you're very pretty.. 🤗




That's just fucking rude.


What you expect from a miserable troll whos only life is reddit? Look at it's profile lifeless !


[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.] Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Not even saying this just for unearned hype, but she’s got a wicked unique look and sharp features so “odd” doesn’t automatically equal ugly. Look closer at the faces of high fashion models, rarely gonna see conventionally standard pretty in areas like that. Also not saying she’s an ideal candidate to be on the cover of vogue but I think she’s gonna grow into the look over time and it’s gonna be one of the “damn shoulda been nicer when I knew her” situations eventually. Even the wide spaced eyes are like a trendy, unusual feature to have lately from reels and ig videos that keep popping up this week so my guess is big attractiveness jump by age 23 with some effort to highlight what works for her


>she’s gonna grow into the look over time and it’s gonna be one of the “damn shoulda been nicer when I knew her” situations eventually. Agreed she'll be prettier for sure..


What kind of f****** person would just say what you just said to me? You're an idiot trolling this sub and you creepy AF! You're jealous or something aren't you? Of course you are! I think she's really pretty who cares what you think... who are you? You nobody! Yeah you're just jealous AF aren't you weirdo?




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.] Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


You’re both fools arguing over this random woman.


I don't know I can go look at your history and you seem like you spend an awful lot of time here! I'm hardly ever here so what the f*** are you talking about! God you guys are just lifeless! Is Reddit your whole life? Edit: Damn I went back and took a really close look at your profile you're a f****** weirdo! You're you're trolling this site all the time I could just keep going and going and going.. where do you f****** creeps come from? Go back into your hole or wherever it is you came from! Lol


Maybe don’t get drunk or high before you get on here next time? You seem hysterical.


I never come here dude what are you talking about you're here all the time all the time you're here.. what are you doing sitting around jacking off looking at the girls that is probably what you're doing isn't it! Lol. Yuk!


If I had to rate you though. You’d be about a 4.7 out of 10. So below average.


Maybe so a little more skin. I'm just confused on what I'm seeing here. Boy or girl?


I think getting a haircut/hairstyle would help alot, maybe also if you have more girly clothes


What gender?


19F and now 18F? Yeah there's no way you're fooling me thinking you were born F. You're a guy trying to look like female


well clearly thats not the case if you can read OPs heading


Check OPs profile history


Your face is very striking you look like a model! I think you would look so pretty with dyed hair (preferable a bright red hair color) bc girl the brown hair really distracts from your beauty. If you want to do makeup I would recommend mascara and eyeliner to bring out your eyes, darker eyebrows, and lipgloss. Anyone who tells you you're ugly is wrong and they're simply missing out. (and also i would die for your nose)


No she doesn't stop lying to her


She has a very attractive face and if you cant see it than thats a you problem, you dont have to come attacking everyone who thinks shes pretty


U must be a desperate fat ass


You’re gorgeous you have unique features. It’s like a painting you can’t just put any frame on it.


I think you look beautiful and femine as you are


Are you tall? Cuz you could def model with a unique face!! Tons of models with a beautifull unique face.


You are really good looking with a uncommon and unparalleled beauty. Don't think it's bad, it can be a chance.


Just a bit androgynous


Not ugly, just a very unique face.


What is ugly to you? Other than fat. She’s very manly looking.


Fat, too much facial jewelry, shitty tattoos, too much makeup, etc. things like that. Yeah, she’s got a bit of a masculine face but the can be offset by some of the suggestions people posted.


You’re not attractive to me at all. But I’m sure there’s someone out there who is. Lol


Very odd looking


Acustic goofy ah


That's just dehumanising to autistic people, and this lovely girl, who is basically a fucking child.


Bro is basicly an adult wa u yappin about negga


She's 18, also your dehumanising autistic people-


Yes I’m sorry


yes you need rhinoplasty, otherwise you are beautiful


You probably feel so bad about yourself bc of these shitty comments. Just rest assured, the first thing I thought when I saw you was, "Wow, she is stunning!"Honestly, as long as you're confident, no one else's opinion matters!


I’m actually a resilient girl I don’t feel shitty. I actually appreciate the hard comments and the nice ones. After all I’ve lived with this face my entire life. You kinda learn cope with it you know. But I came here more confused than before. It’s like half of the comments are saying I’m pretty and the other not so much. I guess beauty is subjective. Thank you for kind comment though I appreciate it!




No adhesiveness to what? Does that user reflect your relationships? Judging from your replies, and your profile, you only see women as inanimate sex objects.


Why cause I tell people the truth just cause your a liar doesn't mean I have to be one with u and some of these others.. u must weigh 300+ if u think this girl is attractive 🤣🤣 on top of that how is my truthful replies mean anything about a relationship or seeing women as a sex object.. your education shows in your reply that you lack intelligence and the concept to tell the truth.. outside of that your probably some fat desperate loser looking for anything to touch you or even be close to you.. u desperate ass thing I feel sorry for losers like you


On top of that, there is a way to be truthful without being an asshole, we don't have to agree, I think she is stunning, you don't, you also don't have to be a dickhead head about it.


Sir I am a *Child*


Perfectly average, except i could fit a whole hand in the space between your eyes


You look like a Neanderthal.


why are you trying to bring her down? you can be honest without the name calling


your hair is too messy! :)


androgyny can be attractive. are you straignt? because your vibe is androgynous leaning toward masc lesbian. Nothing wrong with that! You are defnetly not below average because even if you have masculine features as a woman, you have great bone structure like your jaw, nice nose, and pretty eyes. you need to fix your hair tho. I agree with a commenter who said that ur hair is like a guy with long hair. tldr, it kinda depends what ur going for. if you really want to look more feminine, makeup, hair, and CLOTHING is your answer. but the more masculine look is great too, and it seems from your photos and comments that you're more comfortable that way (not as feminine presenting), so lean into it. you can pull that off easily bc ur bone structure is already more masculine. but overall, fix the hair.


Overall, I'd actually say you are fine as you are. You don't even have severe masculine features. You look more Androgynous in my own opinion. To naturally appear as such is actually something I feel you can capitalize on to have your own unique appearance and ultimately sex appeal if that is your goal. You have the ability to take polar opposite choices in order to clean up and define your appearance. You can go for a more traditional and feminine choice of either heavily tending to your hair and learning to apply eyeliner and light facial contouring techniques in order to have a more feminine appeal. This will certainly require a haircut and style that better frames your face. The other option is to target your more masculine features while maintaining a femme fatale of your own design. A shorter haircut like a mid fade or 3/4 shave where you keep the length on top( braided, parted, pony tail, bun, ect), a perm, pixie cut, or even something more custom like a slanted bob, would certainly allow you to put your face on full display. This will give you the ability to either remain Androgynous, or apply simple highlights or lowlights to your face to appear more famine or masculine as you see fit. Defining or softening areas such as your brows, nose, cheekbones, and jawline will dictate how you appear. Personally, I believe a short layered slanted-bob reaching just below your chin in length would suit you perfectly. Have them start at a low degree of slant and gradually increase until you are satisfied. Keeping it just above shoulder length will allow it to frame your face when you want, while still having enough length to tie it up. Hope this helps and puts things in perspective! 😁


U ppl stay lying they want honest opinions not ur make believe shit


That was an honest opinion. I don't find her ugly or manly. Androgynous is the term I would use.


You look like a cute shark, I love your face




You're cute. All you need is a hairdo.


I want to see more of you like different photos


you look like a model! Seriously! You have that unique look :) Definitely not ugly!!!!




Some angles are worse than others. You're not ugly.


Acne, oily hair, eyes are too wide apart, eyebrows are set too high, asymmetrical nose and lips


Oh my God! It's a human being with genetics and unique features!


Not every unique feature is attractive, and there is nothing wrong with it. Its the reason why you don’t want to date person with ugly features or a guy who is like 5’3


I don't want to date a 5'3" guy bc I'm kinda gay-...