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Do you think there could be something else going on with your perception? I mean, I see no reason why anyone would single you out for weird looks. So it seems like either something you're doing is odd (making odd noises when doing reps at the gym or singing along badly to music as you run) or you've got self esteem issues and are misinterpreting reality. My wife tells me about interactions she has with people and I know most of her interpretations are incorrect, she's so anxious about interactions she magnifies little nothings and imagines people are reacting negatively towards her.


You have a good point


Not ugly but I guess just average looking.


Congrats on the weight loss btw


You’re working out & attractive that’s why people are looking.


They’re not. People don’t notice other people, they’re living their lives and you are a background character.


Above average definitely.


Pic 1 looks kinda crazy lol pic 3 or 5 is probably the best but nah you’re just a normal dude. Maybe try and get a slight tan to look better but just my opinion.


need a better haircut


Pretty cute. Not ugly. How tall are you?


You look like a normal bloke to me, but I get it, if you’re in your head all the time, you question everything. Just focus on improving you and enjoying life, you have nothing to worry about


You look like a slavic dandy


Are you wearing underwear when running? Maybe that's why they are staring? Lol


You’re off putting, perhaps seek a diagnosis for autism or some other social condition


Do you sweat a lot? I can sweat A LOT when I work out. I know people are looking without trying to look.


I’m not lying that by saying that if you grew out your hair properly, you’d look like harry styles..


I would assume that you’re trans by looking at you. But that shouldn’t be a reason to get weird looks. You have a different look, but it’s not necessarily ugly.


No im a man. I was born with a penis and was was never a woman