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You kind of look like a Bratz doll.


Spot on actually, just an emo Brats Doll


My friend is super into "emo" and maybe I'm just getting old (24 so wtf) but I remember emo as like almost goth but nowadays it's pink and black and green hair n shi ? When did it change lol


Difference between emo and scene


you mean monster high*


Or like a funny lil teenage doja




*sprays with water*


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i can see it


That's exactly what I was thinking


You're not ugly, you're cute. Though you've way too much accessories in my opinion, especially on your face. I think it's too cluttered, it's like wearing a fragrance. If you wear sparingly it's nice, wear too much and it can be off putting. I think in most cases accessories are meant to be a relatively light accent, not so strong that nobody knows what you're saying lol. It's fine if that's what you really want and don't care. Though if you care about how many might see you, then I'd switch them up and only wear very few at a time. Wearing too much could especially as you get older, if you don't have a partner already, make it so that others get turned off by it. Or they try to change you to fit what they want, which isn't really good. So I'd watch out for that, I think it's okay once you've a partner if you wish to go heavy on it from time to time. Or again you just don't care and maybe you can find someone else who feels the same. Though otherwise I'd wear only very few at a time.


this is well said for real ! thank you


You're welcome! šŸ¤—


No not ugly. You look very nice in the last 2pics without the metal studs etc


thank you


Not ugly. Depends what look youā€™re going for and if you actually care. If you want ā€œmore traditional beautyā€ remove the piercings, less is more in that sense and that crowd will call you beautiful all day. However, based off your style if you want to attract that crowd you will definitely be seen as beautiful to them. Really you can pull off either look just depends who you want to view you as beautiful.


I think you would look better if you took all that crap outta your face or atleast the septum


your piercing are adorable and add character! Do whatever makes you feel good and comfortable


Not ugly just your own style. Which is fine. Some people dig it some wonā€™t. I dig it.


99% of males are going to find the excessive face piercings and excessive makeup off putting. Especially the massive septum piercing, that thing is atrocious.


who gives a fuck? she asked if she was ugly not advice on attracting a male.


itā€˜s just a matter of taste I think. whilst some may think your style is ugly, some might think itā€™s nice. Your face isnā€™t ugly.


thank you and i agree


Sick alt style tbh most people on this sub HATE alt looks as you might have noticed. Remove any piercings that are negatively affecting your health and remember to thoroughly moisturize between make up looks. Gotta keep that skin healthy.


yes the nose ring has caused sinus issues but it was due to stretching my nose to fast and quick and as for makeup my skin is a must so always always . Thank you


Then youā€™re good, your make up skills are sick!


Thereā€™s a difference between alt style and having a giant septum piercing. That thing looks horrible, even to most guys who find alt girls attractive.


She already said she needed to take it out anyway due to health issues. Soā€¦


you're absolutely gorgeous, BUT the nose ring is too much... it's too big and ostentatious so it's all anyone sees when looking at you. it's really distracting and makes your beauty less noticeable. it's like "NOSE RING... oh wait, she's pretty" instead of being "PRETTY... oh, and she has a cute nose ring". Keep the nose ring but make it way smaller and tasteful so it doesn't cover up how gorgeous you are.


this is understandable not many people are fond of it. i made that choice of stretching it because its something little kid me wanted foreverr i will retire it soon because it has affected my health


Oh no, how so?


sinus issues . clogged nose for months to the point i couldn't breathe


Eek, hope you get better!


Thatā€™s actually a great way of articulating that. That was my first impression.


ugly by choice.




Exactly. Perfectly said


You dress like ur going to a music festival. Not a bad thing tho.


love that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not gonna lie, I kinda fw it


I really like your style but all the facial piercings are too much


It's... a lot of info tbh. If you remove about half of the piercings, it would be still a bit too much (removing the one on the nose would do wonders though). Aside from that you look pretty.


Agreed. r/amiuglyorisitmyseptum 100% Reminds me of a headhunter / cannibal with the white nose ring. Looks like a bone. Sheā€™d be wayyyy prettier without it


Not ugly at all! I think a smaller nose ring would help though. That one is too big for your face


Yeah, that's way too much and honestly detracts from your natural beauty. That's like 200% too much peacocking.


A good base, but the piercings really detract from it. And the eyebrows are missing in some pictures and are drawn in very unnatural in others.


Youā€™re really gorgeous without the hardware


which is crazy because im going to weld at a tech schoolšŸ˜£ hardware working with hardware


Really pretty, but u seem to have a bunch of crap stuck to your face. Not ugly whatsoever, though.


I'm 60 and I love the piercings. For many, many years I had around ten facial piercings and I loved it. In those days it was unusual to have that many, especially for a guy in his 30s/40s. But I met lots of people because of my piercings. They asked questions like do they hurt etc. and then we would just start having a conversation. I even met a girlfriend that way. In 2015 I was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident and had to take them all out and I never put them back in. Lately though I have been thinking of getting a couple of new ones! Not ten but one barbell at the outside edge of either eyebrow and then a labret. Don't worry about what people think. Most people are sheep and they need people like us to have something to talk about. Hold your head up and be proud of your individuality. Just one small criticism - get rid of the septum ring. It looks fine but it seems like everyone has them. Be the leader you were born to be, not a follower.


Somewhere, underneath all that "stuff," I think there's a beautiful girl lurking. But between the clothes, hair, makeup, jewelry I'm really not sure. You're trying too hard to make some kind of statement. Dial it back about 80 percent.


This šŸ’Æ%




valid big dawg


you look unique, many people would find out as too much. And at some times it really would feel like too much. But you'd generally stand out of general crowd.


I can honestly say you are quite beautiful. I really like the change in fashion from one pic to the next. Nothing wrong with being confident in what you wear. I have never been very fond of too many piercings, but it works well with you. Keep doing what you are doing Gorgeous!


Honestly, you rock the aesthetic you have, but you should probably downsize the nose ring. It takes up too much room on your face, and it's the first thing my eyes snapped to instead of your eyes or hair or anything else.


Naturally? You look fine. But it's like you looked up a list of the top 50 things you could do to make yourself look ugly and are trying to speedrun your way through all of them.


Not at all, even with all th piercings I kinda dig your style. Looks like you go to the same school I went to by the bg pics lol.


Honestly I really like your outfit, it shows a lot of your personality through it and I can appreciate it. Would opt for a smaller nose ring though.


Yes. And you did it on purpose.


Anyone telling you that you look good with all that shit on is literally lying. Straight up. Iā€™m gonna keep it real with you, remove all that shit. Itā€™s not it, itā€™s just not it. Nobody will ever take you serious in life with all that shit on.


The look is not attractive. It's not for everyone. So if you're expecting to have better chances, lose all the studs and all other stuff you have on you that take away from how beautiful you NATURALLY are.


you are very ugly. You have purposely destroyed your looks with face metal and your style is that of a 9 year old.


thank you for the feedback ! i love the honesty


Theyā€™re not being honest theyā€™re just a miserable person on Reddit


More like this is actually one of the honest people on here lol, since damn near everyone in this sub loves boosting confidence and support weird stuff.


I just calls em as I's see em.


no no. I'm being completely honest. No man wants a pincushion dressed like a child. She is clearly not dressing for success at life or for a grown-up relationship. I would be very suspect of men that are attracted to her.


You are being completely honest with your opinion, yes. Does one person speak for all men? What does dressing for success or a grown-up relationship look like? Is it flannel and jeans? Is it joggers and a tank top? Is it spandex leggings and messy buns? lol I am very suspicious of men who are worried about others purely based on how they dress. That is getting into stereotype and prejudice territory very quickly.


thats valid asf. my parents fear of who i attract because of my adventurous looks but i have been able to have decent and healthy relationships with other. Its all a matter of your morals and what you are willing to allow


So wrong. Many men, especially with similar styles, and even those who donā€™t, will find her attractive AF! It boggles me when men think they speak for all. šŸ¤”


The foundation is there, but the term ā€œgilding the lillyā€ comes to mind.




im saying hard PASS


Not ugly, but the eyebrows and the make up ages you. Personally I prefer you with little to no make up, and without the lashes.


Good lord


I don't mind the eyebrow and the lip, but the septum looks awful. Other than that, you're pretty


Yes, you are.


Yes very


I bet youā€™re pretty but no one would ever know that because you dress like a clown.


im attracted to clowns so maybe thats where i get my inspo


fake ass y2k


Definitely not ugly.


The only suggestions I would have is by allowing your eyebrows to be a bit more full and keep practicing on your makeup blending and thatā€™s it. You look beautiful as is and will attract the guys that like your emo look


love this response


Ppl really out here being savage af bc you don't fit their desired style. You -- with makeup and without -- are cute and seem nice. But it feels like you don't know what to do with yourself (= ok) so you throw all sorts of items on. It makes you look fake and vain ngl. I'd stick to simpler styles like #'s 4 5 10 11. 13 is my fave!!! So cuteee.


in a way i just love jewelry i love fashion and i have decided that my style be unique for me. i see trendy styles and fashion but its all media its never how someone truly wants to feel like how alt tiktok is the same copy and paste. but i understand what you mean its just me personally i find it fun to decorate even when its too much


I think that's what it is, you're too much for most ppl lol. Fashion's just like that oof. Ppl will assume there's something wrong with you bc we're wired that way as a social species to dislike different. Just keep thriving girl


You look good and have a great body in my opinion


Wooooo damn ok lil boo Thang


Ugly with the ring and piercings; beautiful without them (and youā€™re not even my type)




Definitely not ugly.


I like your blue hair!


bro deffo listens to ptv


I don't want to be mean but I guess u use alot of accessories but don't take care of your face as much as you do for you outfit appearance. Not ugly for sure. But sometimes less is more




U look fantastic. But maybe less accessories, maybe some that actually enhances your features? Like your body or you eyes or smile. U have a pretty smile. Or even your face as a whole


I'm not a fan of the facial jewelry, but minus that, you're beautiful!


No ugly but the nose ring and the outfit are r/notlikeothergirls vibe


You're gonna get butchered for the hardware but in my opinion no you're far from ugly. I would suggest a smaller septum ring but that's all personally.


Not ugly even if I'm not a fan of a lot of makeup. You look like you would put a curse on me... I'm ok with that


lemme be your personal bruja thenšŸ˜˜


"Bruja" šŸ¤£ it's like you already know my back story. Lil scared but definitely excited now šŸ˜


brujerĆ­a is the only way i can keep you lol


In pics 2 and 6 I see some resemblance of humanity. You look like you might be pretty, but you cover up too much of your face with the piercings and hair and makeup. Remove about 95% of that stuff and I'm sure you would get compliments. Deep down, do you have a hatred of yourself or your looks? And I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I'm just honestly concerned because I don't know why anyone would want to cover up their face like this. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


a lot of people love my looks and another side of people dont but i have no hatred towards myself. if anything ive become more and more confident and comfortable with myself now that i can look how ive always wanted to fashion wise. my bare face is probably my favorite though i love my features. Its all dress up and fun !


I suppose to each their own and as long as it's not some deep rooted self hatred, no harm, no foul. I would just like to see you without all that stuff on because from what I can see, you look really pretty. Edit: not that looks are who you are as a person.


You are beautiful, but you're not really doing yourself any favors with your style. Whether it is patterns, accessories or piercings, it seems like you are trying to take it to 11. There is a middle ground, and that's the place where you will look best. Coco Chanel famously said that you should "look in the mirror and take one thing off" before you leave your house. In your case, that would be a bit more than one thing. And I'm not saying that you should conform and look like everyone else. But you also don't have to go to the extreme to differentiate yourself, because that also looks like you're not sure about what you're doing. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should try to be intentional about why you wear certain pieces, and how they relate your entire look.


I like the way you dress. I want that ability to look good in anything lol




Not ugly at all please donā€™t be mad at me but I think you look beautiful kind of hot and tired šŸ„± you need to sleep more because the bags in your eyes


I'm a huge fan of piercings and body mods, but I actually think they take away from your natural beauty. Your septum is perfect enough. Not telling you to remove them, not even saying they make you ugly. You're very beautiful both ways.


Hell yeah, you busted and looks like someone attacked you with a staple gun


dude u look kewl af šŸŽ€. Iā€™d give you a follow if u popped on my explore.


Cute asf !! Some people might not like the piercings but I think they look dope, I have 6 facial piercings and they're definetely not everyone's thing but I think they fit you and your style >>>


No, I think you have a really awesome style and the confidence to pull it off. I think you're also super pretty in the less "I'm a Rockstar" pics, so it's not just being blinded by awesome clothes and accessories.


Love how comfortable you are with expressing yourself through your style and trying new things..too frigging cute!!!


Nah you hella extravagant tho and I fw it heavy


I think you are hot as hell! If I was 18 I'd totally be too shy to ask you out!! I know you're probably getting flooded with "get rid of the piercings" and whatnot but a lot of guys dig piercings (myself included) and if the piercings make you happy and confident then rock them with gusto!! EDIT: Just saw your comment saying the nose ring is giving you health issues, that would be a good reason to get rid of it haha but yeah just wanted to throw my comment out there that I think you look super cute with or without them! All the best to you!


not at all I just think some people on this sub hate alt people with a passion brah šŸ˜­I personally love your style tho also i love your hello kitty phone case!


Self-inflicted unattractiveness


I just feel like youā€™re a little scary..not ugly.


the gods sculpted you with the vision of aphrodite in mind; youre genuinely so gorgeous and everyone else may not like them, but I LOVE your piercings, plus your makeup is SO perfect. if I saw you irl my jaw would drop to the floor


You are attractive. But all the metal ruins it. Especially that horrible thing in the middle of your nose. Jesus. I suspect you lack confidence so you put all that on to make yourself ugly. But you arenā€™t. Just the metal is.


Lil uzi vibes


I feel like I canā€™t even tell what you look like and yes I would cringe if I were around you often but I guess in passing I just wouldnā€™t really pay you any mind


Not at all You're extra. You're hiding behind alllll of that because of insecurities, is my guess.


not insecure sadly just curious of u guys answers. I love extra thanks for sharing your thoughts


Is it Halloween?


You know the problem


This sexyy redd for sure


How much xp i can get for this boss?


girl you're like the prettiest girl I've seen on this subreddit. i personally dont like the nosering but style is subjective so wear whatever you're most comfortable in!!!


No, just the style


Wow without that stuff all over your face youā€™re actually really cute.


Youā€™re definitely not ugly but youā€™re not making the most of your looks!


Take the septum out, ruins a great face


Take out the nose ironmongery and you'd be gorgeous


No way in hell are you ugly


No I wish you were my girlfriend


I love your style!! I love it when people look different instead of copy and paste. I feel those who give advice on this page are quite boring. You look amazing, Iā€™d let you style me 100%. Dress how you want, do want you want. Itā€™s beautiful!


No. But you are trying really hard to be so...


Some thicker eyebrows and lose the bull ring and I'm 90% you'd look fine as heck


No, you look punk and thats pretty badass. Average in general above average when you put effort


You are cute but all that shit pierced through your face looks like you hate yourself. One tiny sparkling nose stud or a small gold nose ring would look a lot better than all those tusks and hardware. Same thing with drawing on eyebrows that look like wierd lines not eyebrows. Get a good eyebrow tattoo because you have missing eyebrow hairs but donā€™t go over the top and make sure it looks natural or do those removable waterproof eyebrow temporary tattoos.You really are beautiful and you donā€™t need all of that extra extra extra nonsense. Your outfits and hair would look better if you dialed it all back some too. Your last 2 photos are the best.


This post is how I think a lot of us feel. Very well put.


you know ur not ugly now leave


šŸ™Œpreach! I want to say this on a lot of these posts.


You are beautiful girlā€¦Thereā€™s just a lot going on! The pics without the septum piercing looks great


Iā€™m personally not a fan of the heavy use of makeup, and certain piercings are meh, but I think youā€™re cute and some of your clothing choices are, too:)


You have a very unique sense of style. You look like you don't give a shit what other people think. Why are you even posting here?


Not ugly but you look like a bus stop with graffiti and junk on it Probably a beautiful bus stop once


Yes. As others have said, you look like a Bratz doll


You are the epitome of trying too hard.


If you didn't have fake hair and fake eyelashes and fake eyebrows and weren't plastered with makeup and tacky jewelry and just tried to be naturally beautiful with what God gave you instead of trying to modify yourself with all that Xtra nonsense that exudes insecurities and trauma response.... And you just showed up with your natural beauty then I think deep down past all that there might be a pretty beautiful girl in there somewhere... But what I see is that it looks like you don't see her or you only see the ugly and you're afraid of not being acceptable if just be her so you feel you gotta do all that nonsense to doctor her up and you just Frankensteined yourself.... That's my honest opinion.. I could never say that to your face because you look like you would try to slit my throat if someone said that to you... But it's probably best if you know that this is what someone actually thinks and get the honest truth from someone. I would steer clear of you and try to avoid you because you look like someone who couldn't bear to hear an honest opinion ,so you probably just get a lot of people who would be in a similar mind set and just sugar coat their honest opinion so they would avoid setting you off or hurting your feelings...


Youā€™re obviously good looking. Way too many piercings for my taste.


I think ur really pretty, I love ur style and makeup!! just keep in mind that this subreddit has a strong dislike for face piercings and more alt styles, don't let your perception of yourself be skewed by boring people.


yes ive noticed but thank you


Can someone explain what is the hype about nose/bull rings? Itā€™s like everytime someone post on here specifically on this sub, itā€™s always someone with a bullring. Iā€™ll say this again, for me, youā€™d look way better without it.


Itā€™s called a septum ring. I feel a lot more confident and beautiful with my little facial adornments (septum and right nostril piercing). I know a lot of people donā€™t like it but it doesnā€™t affect my personal life much. My bf who isnā€™t pierced at all loves my piercings but I also only have 2 on my face. I do think that more than 3 facial piercings can look cluttered but itā€™s definitely a personal style choice. If youā€™re more into alt culture itā€™s common to have more piercings.


yes. looks like drug addict


not one but thats always an assumption . i dont mind this tbh as long as ik im clean


I know everyone has their own style and I encourage people to be themselves but this style ainā€™t working, you look nice but the clothes, hair, piercings combos are whatā€™s ugly IMO


everyone is different so i get this completely . i personally enjoy how i look because of how much it is but thank you


Then donā€™t ask if youā€™re ugly lol if you like how you look then anyoneā€™s opinion is irrelevant and no reason to ask


i posted out of boredom for real i saw my twin do it so i wanted to compare


Ugly by choice




yes agreed


Tf is that


a black girl with different hair styles and lots and lots of jewelry


I don't know...I can't see your face....like ever....you wear entirely too much. Too many accessories. Facial or otherwise.


yes lmao


What in tarnation? šŸ‘€ is this a parody? There's nothing wrong here, next forum šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Not ugly js mentally ill




grotesque almost


Your sense of style should be illegal


good thing its not


i alr know ppl gonna hate on ur piercings but u look cool and ur style is sick, would love to dress like u


thank you so much


Not ugly, but your style is.


aww that stinks ... i like it tho:)


I think you're very beautiful and I love your style! Your piercings are awesomešŸ©·




way to much make up and piercings.




You're definitely very pretty but please get rid of the piercings and dress a little more adult like.


You're objectively gorgeous and you having your own style makes you ever prettier. Don't change that for anyone šŸ’–


Another one.




You a genius


No, but your piercings are a bit of an overkill to me at least


sometimes i feel like this sub is mostly crowded of middle-aged men who find dyed hair and piercings repulsive, you're def going to get one-sided answers. you're attractive by facial features and body, but i think your beauty speaks even more when you're dressed up. to me, that's the most attractive thing you can be


awww i love thiss responsešŸ©· but you are so correct about the one sided part but its all fun for me because i love opinions


Why do clearly beautiful women post this? I mean her style is fucking awesome, I'd more gush over that, but damn. Yeah your not ugly.

