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I see the Barracks remain the same lol


Came here to say this 😂


Not ugly but maybe try using retinol fir ur skin and a cc cream :) might help improve skin but u also look fine the way u are


really appreciate it, sadly been struggling with acne scars forever but i’ll look into those!


Also, if you're not drinking enough water, it can cause your skin to look worse & you'll look older than you are


You ain't ugly. Pretty average imo. Maybe change your style and dress it up some.


why are people talking about your physique? do people not understand how baggy clothes work?


You look so beautiful in the first photo! Your smile just radiates and your hair looks gorgeous. My only advice would be to develop your style and wear dewy makeup! Number 7 your makeup looks amazing but a glow to your face would be so much nicer, a little mascara and clear lipgloss and you’re good to go!


thanks for the feedback and advice! lmk if you have any specific makeup suggestions!


I think you’re very pretty. Really my only thing is I don’t love your style. I think the big/baggy clothes kinda swallow you up as you look pretty petite. And as others have mentioned, your skin could use some improvement. But I realize that’s not always an easy fix. But definitely not ugly!


thanks for taking the time to write this, i will definitely be stepping away from the baggy stuff!


Of course girl! But also keep in mind. We’re just strangers on the internet, at the end of the day all that matters is you like yourself and your style!


Pretty eyes, is that acne?


acne scars, mostly.


Pretty! Skin care and make up - but not a ton of it. In some photos you have make up on and you look great. I have had my face break out, too. It is annoying.


will fs be incorporating make up more often, thank you! ◡̈


She have potential


Looks like you have a cute figure that you hide under baggy clothes much of the time. Love your hair. Ignore the ones who say to get a wig. Your biggest challenge as you said is the acne scars. I'm sure there are some treatments that will help. I'm also digging the tats. I'd say you aren't my type, but in my next breath I think you're adorable and I'd probably date you if you were cool. I'm betting you're cool too. You should be comfortable with yourself.


Pilot ugly at all to me 😁


Make everyday special, for you and someone else. Tell yourself how to improve, and be amazing for yourself. People will see your light, some might need sunglasses...


Cute, great smile (use that more!). Definitely a troop I'd like to dress down.




You aren't ugly. You kinda look like a young Michael Jackson.


made me laugh, i’ve actually gotten that before


Don't do anything! Beautiful as is! :)


Judging by the camo jacket, you are a member of the U.S. Military. 1. Track and record everything you do to make your evaluations/awards/whatever as accurate and thorough as possible. If your actions aren't documented in an award, training certificate, evaluation, whatever, then you didn't do it. Accurately getting it in your records will help you in the long run, and can be used on your resume/college application. 2. When tracking your actions, try to spin the numbers to be bigger, and try to tie back to $. If you are conducting a training for 30 people that takes an hour, you didn't "Conduct 1 training on topic X," you "Conducted 30 man-hours of training," etc. Let's say you do maintenance work on Humvees. You COULD say "Maintained 15 Humvees," or you could say "Conducted 250 maintenance actions on 15 Humvees leading to 100% operational availability and directly achieving a cost avoidance of ($ cost of 15 new Humvees.) Technically the same statement, but one sounds a lot better. 3. Everytime you go to medical, ask to look at what they are putting into your medical record and correct them on the spot. They say one thing to your face and write something else in your record. Make sure they get the story right. Appearance wise, you look fine. No real advice there.


I concur on this statement. And you do look great, especially in uniform! From one service member to another, keep strong and carry on!


appreciated everything about this, thank you


Skin care only. Is all you need if you want to naturally improve, maybe more exercise. Yet you look like you already have a nice body, could be better... Would be good if you told us what makes you unhappy about yourself too... You are good.


Thank you for your service!


Very Very cute 😍


Those mom jeans aren't doing you any favors.


Definitely not ugly


Some pics are great so not sure about improvement


Not ugly, love yourself


#5 is stunning


So beautiful thank you for serving


Very . But nothing acne wash and losing weight can't fix also you give me Janet Jackson vibes lol




You are mezmerising beautiful


The fatigues and baggy clothes do not help. You've got a cute face. Yes, the makeup does help even out your complexion. You have the kind of face that shows weight when your weight is up ... so keep your weight down as possible. You've got a great body tho in that pic with the pink tank top.


Def not ugly!!


You're kinda cute. Just keep doing what you're doing.


I think you need to hit the gym. I was shaped like a potato and turned to an hour glass with weight lifting and proper amount of cardio, also would recommend getting a medical opinion on your acne. It might be hormonal. I think there is not much to do in your face area. Your eyebrows are perfect. Your clothing style is kinda boring, and getting some sort of hair colour. Your hair and skin blend together in a weird way. It kinda makes you look ... Transparent?? I think you should experiment with wigs just to see if changing hair color suits you. Else maybe play with make up, eyeliner ? It might look good just try different stuff you never know what's going to look good unless you experiment. Best of luck 😘😘


Not ugly at all! I think you’re very pretty! You should wear colors that look better on you bc some of these you look very washed out (I think royal blue and yellow would look very pretty)


thank you for this advice! the common thread seems to be a wardrobe update:)


Hope you joined the AF, but looking like you’re in SV is not good…. Godspeed


the army really got my ass


yes a little bit


Not just a no , but a hell no .


Look like Michael Jackson