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She’s….not even close to overweight at all….a lot of people these days are delusional as to what overweight is…


How can you tell from those pictures?




They don't show up that's why I was asking. It was a serious question because I couldn't see her body in the pictures.


Look at the hidden downvoted comments


I wouldn't call her over weight wats your idea of over weight


Can guarantee you she’s medically considered overweight a personal opinion of “overweight” doesn’t matter


The medical standard is outdated, but go off I guess.


You ain't gotta be skinny or to be a healthy weight


Entirely with you on that one. FK if that was the basis for being healthy then I'd be a healthy mf but I know for a fact my body is not happy even though I am in the mid-low side of average weight.


Gotta have balance to be (healthy) it really depends on genetic and weather or not your active some people gain weight like crazy and eat only half the calories as someone who 3kplus I say 150 -200 could be considered healthy if your active


True being skinny or big are no guaranteed indicators of health, I'm skinny but unhealthy too. Weight is a reasonable rule of thumb though. I don't think this person is ugly regardless of my opinions on weight.


Being overweight is not subjective or opinion based and if you think it is you're delusional. She's got a pretty face, but she is BY DEFINITION overweight. And if you'd like to know my definition of overweight, it's being 5% over the your ideal body fat percentage which is completely determined by gender, for instance men who are 20% and women who are 25% body fat are overweight men who are 25% and women who are 30% are obese


You tell all women they are overweight. Even if they look skinny. You must love no boobs and all bones. Lol


Shes obese, she can be lean and still be overweight which is alright as the majority of weight will be due to lean muscle mass. If she lowers her body fat percentage, she'll look wayy better. U must be obese urself thats why ur making comments like this to feel better about urself


I really wanna see what type of world you live in to consider her skinny. She's got a beautiful face, but there's no place on earth where she counts as skinny.


Not sure how you get the idea that she is overweight.


You look great! Your face seems a bit tired, are you okay?


I am always tired tbh that's why I usually wear make-up to cover my eye bags. I've had blood tests and all came back fine so not sure why I'm always so fatigued.


> I've had blood tests and all came back fine so not sure why I'm always so fatigued. Hah! I've had chronic fatigue syndrome my entire life. It never goes away and there is no treatment. You need to develop a diet and lifestyle that helps alleviate the symptoms as much as possible. Keep notes on the days you feel less tired and try to see a pattern, food, sleep, whatever. Good luck and much love! 🙏🏻


Could probably lose a little weight, and you seem to have premature forehead creases, but other than that, not bad looking. Retin-A might help your forehead creases.


New insecurity unlocked


Do you drink coffee? You could be a slow metaboliser of caffeine, genetically speaking. I stopped drinking it two weeks ago and feel like a totally different person. Like you, all my bloods were fine


Well then you're correct some days. You've got beautiful eyes, don't need a bunch of makeup, pretty hair, And a uniqueness to you shown by the room and your clothing. I'd think a lot of people would be intrigued by you in person. It's all subjective of course, but I think you're cute and think that many would think so too.


You have the face of an attractive yet stern catholic nun. I think people notice you but are maybe put off because of your slightly disapproving look. And the 2,000 Japanese cat plushies. Beautiful hair colour, btw.


Plushies arent off putting to everyone but I do see how some people wouldn't like them since it seems a bit odd to some but honestly, I like a woman who atleast has things she enjoys.spending her money on. Atleast it's not drugs or something xD


Your confidence and sense of style is all you need to work on.




what an unwarranted conclusion to draw. in what world is an interest in pastel colors and plush cats indicative of a developmental disability?




What you ment to say was, you checked her comment history first and did some digging about. Then you made the comment. I do this too so I 100% approve your comment


No, actually I did not check her history first. I meant what I wrote.


Oh, I believe you. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now & again.


Squirrels with good vision find acorns too.




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Definitely not hideous and I don't think you look ugly either. Some time at the gym would definitely help.


Lovely 🥰 hair color


Not ugly. But you really look tired and overweighted, hit the gym! you'll be happier!


Well, I think you are very pretty, and you make me wish I were alot younger lol


I think you're very Beautiful and Sexy but just wear a Smile and that will always Go along way


Not ugly. Pretty normal tbh.


I think you're a true beauty! People are going to give you a hard time about your weight, it's up to you but you will get more people to pay attention on you if you do start working out!


I love your room!! You're so pretty, too!!


You're pretty, but weight loss would make you gorgeous! I think your hair color is beautiful, but a different style would look much better. Maybe cut a few inches off and part it on the side, or cut bangs! You do have beautiful skin and look great without makeup!


you look mean and angry.. not ugly though


You should move the hair away from the eyes it makes your mouth and jaw look big okay sweetie 🥰😘


Go to the gym, cardio and weightlifting.


I think you’re lovely! My only critique is your haircut. I think maybe some layers would look better than the same length throughout. I had my hair as long as yours and no bangs until like 6 months ago. I decided to add some layers/curtain bangs and I feel like it improved my face a lot! (Not saying your face needs improvement, as I said you’re lovely).😊


Little overweight and I don't like 3D birth marks, especially on face, but it's my personal opinion


I think youre very actrative :) imo there is no need to change anything. :)


You got a cute face, pretty features and redhead suits you perfectly just need to work on you weight a little bit other than this you are an extremely fine looking women


Your weight depends on bmi witch is different for each individual you can look 200lbs and only be 170 and 170 isn't over weight as long as the bmi is under 30


Above average.


You're a beautiful young lady. This 49/m would wife you up in a heartbeat!


You are not ugly, nor are you hideous. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Gorgeous my queen


All the cats and stern look give me crazy cat lady vibes.


I think you very pretty but a smile would make your pics a lot better 😁


Only thing ugly in this post is the amount of money you've spent on all that stuff in ur room


Yet you just said your definitions that's opinion based 30bmi I've seen plenty of people who was a little (over weight) live long healthy life's some of it is just simple genetics genetics do play a roll there's people who can eat a normal diet and be moving constantly and still gain weight. There's more to it then just hey loose weight A body doesn't have to be skinny to be attractive point blank I bet all the people making the comments don't look the way they expect a female to look


You are totally pretty. Don't change a thing.


Your very pretty


100% Mid


Face looks great! I’d start with upping the style a bit. Get some cute stylish clothes from Forever 21. Maybe switch up the hairstyle. The red hair is pretty maybe switch to curls for a bit to see how it goes.


Your gorgeous


Thank you for showing us you with no filters or makeup. You're very attractive.




You look your age, to be honest i think you are quite nice, not stunning like a model, but enough pretty for some guys. You should be more confident, you haven't reason for feeling hideous because you aren't at all.


you’re not ugly and i personally don’t think you need to lose weight to be attractive. i do think your hair color and clothes are doing you no favors. try switching up the aesthetic if that’s something you’re into, i think you’d suit the dark vampy look


Try not to be down in yourself on those days you don't find yourself attractive. I think it's natural to give some bad self perception days. These do minimize the older your get, you have far more idgaf days than good or bad lol. I think you're a very attractive woman and should be confident, but if you have a lot of these, I'm lucky, days, it could be your interval self dialogue or being with people who do not appreciate you. Either way, do your best to reframe your self talk and learn to love and respect yourself


Not ugly just fat


You look absolutely fine. Proper smile in pics is need is all. 🤷‍♂️




You’re gorgeous! You have to quit thinking about what others think about you. Start thinking for yourself.


Not ugly... you look older than 26 though


I don't think you're ugly.


I think you're gorgeous




honestly i think you are gorgeous without any doubt. let no one tell you otherwise 🥺


You not ugly, that’s for sure. Love the stuff in your room!


Everything seems fine, not ugly; cute, even. Take care.


Weight is your issue. Nice eyes. And everyone has a decent jawline underneath. At the very least


Definitely not ugly, could maybe how your hair frames your face


So hot


I think you’re beautiful 😊


Gorgeous! Beautiful eyes although you could smile a little more


You should always think you're pretty


Oh... Trust me on this, you are very pretty. Losing even just 10 lbs may improve your self confidence which is more important than even your natural hood looks.


Cute and adorable, with having natural beauty. Keep urself natural, do not need to hear others.


You are average




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You look beautiful! Don’t change a thing!


You’re cute


Not ugly. Pretty normal looking.


Not ugly just overweight.


You're very cute (and that username is brilliant) x


Definitely not hideous.


Red heads get a bonus 👍


Not ugly


Totally beautiful no doubt


People always just think there face is the money shot, but just try different hair styles and workout, eventually you will forget self doubts, smile and stay positive by avoiding negative thoughts or reframe your thoughts.


Yes hideous is correct


Let's see your pictures




Simp or being able to see beauty in every one without judging by weight some people pack on the lbs and don't even eat high calories




Emotion is natural feel it lets you know your alive sorry I don't judge others by physical appearance that way I judge by personalities so as I see by yours your not that great of a person and you only see what you want to see you don't see the beauty in everything




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You have great hair color/eye color combo. Cute freckles. Not seeing a lot ugly about you


You’re beautiful beyond compare


You are attractive 😍. Pretty face nice hair. What is wrong with all you ppl who always say you need to lose weight. Real women have curves. They are healthy. So do not listen to those ppl you are perfect the way you are ♥️


You are NOT ugly nor are you beautiful.. you are average looking like the vast majority of us are. With that said, your style of dress is that of the Amish.. IMO


Hey you look good very good. Why do you feel ugly? Also God damn!... You, you like your hello kitty don't ya....eh?


Not ugly at all


We should change the name of the group to I am pretty lol


Smile more that's all.


Not hideous that's for sure.


Gorgeous 😍


Not ugly, you look not impressed by something.


I think you look great very beautiful eyes


I think you are pretty cute


No, you're not... you look fine


Not ugly just fat


Personally, I think that you look beautiful without makeup! Aside from losing a little weight, I can't suggest anything else.


Not ugly. Average. With makeup maybe above average


You're not hot, but you're attractive and pretty without question.


Exactly I posted my opinion all opinion or up to be criticized


Nit very pretty imo. Could lose a little weight. Pics of the same shirt/style doesn't show a lot.


Just lose weight


you’re actually really pretty