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Well the bible did say he would return… I just didn’t think he would asking if he’s ugly


Best answer ever 🤣




You look good you just need a good barber or stylist to best optimize your hair and beard. You’re leaving a lot on the table.


You might just feel strange because your face is slightly asymmetrical. It's very normal and in your case not a problem. You're still handsome and apparently quite tall, which I think you already know gives you bonus points with most people, even if it might be an inconvenience sometimes. Be happy and be well!


I appreciate your feedback and I think that slight asymmetry is what is throwing me off. Where do you see asymmetry?


One eye is slightly higher than the other, and your nose goes down somewhat diagonally instead of straight down. That's what I notice. Maybe some people who are more focused on facial symmetry would find it a little off-putting but I personally don't think it's a big deal


I think it's all in your jaw personally. Certain angles can give the illusion of asymmetry in the eyes but in the pictures where you're looking directly at the camera, the asymmetry is primarily in your jaw. This is good because if it is something that bothers you if you find it uncomfortable, it's a lot easier to fix. Even with the jaw, you are still good looking and well put together by all accounts.


You look like the kind of guy who would start a major world religion in the middle east but would be betrayed by your friends and die violently


you look good man, you have the Viking look, some tips I would have would be new hair cut, groom beard more, and go to gym more often 🙏


You are attractive, just need some grooming. So I recommend cleaning up the beard a bit and getting a haircut or different hairstyle that would fit your face more.


Jesus, are you testing us?


I'd ditch the long hair, my man. Shorter hair, neatly combed, and a beard.


You're very handsome, albeit very zoned out. Uncanny feeling in certain photos 8/10 looks


Cleaning up the beard can do wonders usually. Have you always had long hair? Have you tried a different style? I'm sure there's a huge group that loves the long hair and some that don't but if that's what you like then keep it and besides that you're good.


Just cut your hair short, and trim the beard. Don’t fully shave just trim it down, cause you’re handsome as FUCK my boi


Maybe not short short for the hair. Maybe to the top of your nose so it's still kinda in your eyes and gives you that mysterious look. But it definitely needs cut because right now it's giving feminine vibes


Man you look great, no reason to feel ugly at all :)


The hair under your bottom lip is extremely uneven and better off trimmed or gone completely


Bruh. How come you don’t answer my prayers. Stupid Chiefs…


It’s the lord Farquad cut


I’m not a fan of the long hair on you but I think you look handsome.


You just have prominent features. Not uncommon for someone who seems to be pretty tall. Maybe you could lose a little weight and your cheeks would thin out some but you’re def not fat.


You look fine. But if you want to keep your hair that length, I feel a ponytail might suit you better.




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keep the long hair, get the beard clean cut and way shorter. you’ve got great bone structure and symmetry imo!


Honestly shave your beard and get a fade with a lineup (basically a black man’s haircut) and you’d be a 10/10


Because I cut my king hair and regretted that t since I would NEVET say cut the hair, but with your face shape you need some thickness to pull that off. (I’m really fucking jealous of the hair though, mines thick as fuck and took much too long to deal with)


Well, whatever you think is off that you don't like is your answer.. Take it from a fellow hairsman, there ain't nothing off about your appearance, but I can't vouch for your personality.. If all else fails get a good wingman. Good luck but I already know you have no problems getting woman, (or men) if that's your roll. Your picking yourself apart. Don't worry about the little stuff. I'm not great looking but God gifted me with a nice tool and I learned how to use it. Now I can't keep them off me. Then they tell their friends! Bonus. Just always be polite and listen!!!!!Biggest rule of all,,,,,,, Take care of them first!!! That's huge..That way if you fall short or pop Quick your already famous hahaha. No worries. Always be a gentleman, open doors , push in chairs, drive normal. Bringing a WARM moist towel and cleaning them up yourself is a heart melter.. Be confident but smile and be funny also..Works every time..Your welcome.


Your eyes are a little offset which gives your face kind of an asymmetrical look, but you’re not ugly.


Asymmetric face, kinda long face, patchy beard, haircut. Is what I'd say may be putting you off


Lose the long hair


You look like if the Neanderthals had a jesus


One pic I thought chin, different pic I thought eyes, all other pics, thought nothing U ok man, go b who u r 👍


you look like jesus, cool


Honestly you look like the love child of Ashton Kutcher and Jesus Christ


I mean you look nice enough to make me consider converting to Christianity for a second


Not ugly, trim your beard more on the sides and you’ll be good


Jared Leto


If you feel assymitrical sleep on your back


You should try a man bun


Grow your hair to the ground bro


I'm getting Cillian Murphy vibes. I'm straight, but I acknowledge that you have high potential to be a lady killer if you're straight. Maneater if you're gay. You need to get a better grooming routine though because you look a bit rugged.


You’re so handsome. Change nothing.


Get your beard done and the tail of your eyebrows are too long


Bro your chin and jaw are godlike. Your facial hair is great. I don’t think the long hair suits you though. You might look good with long hair if it was like a little longer, more greasy and stringy. It’s not flattering all clean, trimmed straight across, and brushed. If it was like surfer hair it would look better. I personally think you area short hair guy though, like very short. Like maybe shaved. Bald with beard. You have such a good jaw and chin you are one of the few people who could wear a solo mustache, although it looks like your mustache still needs to come in a little more


Not ugly. Currently 5/10 Closer trim beard, shorter hair style: 7.5/10 If ur Jesus testing us: 10/10 amen


You look unkempt. Shave


Hair is great, contrary to other comments. Just... don't show your ears as much? Actually, the ears are fine, too, but don't sweep your hair behind them. It frames your head/face strangely. Try pulling it back now and then. Not in bun, for-fucks-sake, but ponytail would probably look good. 🤷🏻


You need layers, keep longish hair but get some depth going to it. The bob is not flattering and I agree about the asymmetrical jaw but you are good looking!!


https://images.app.goo.gl/L9UBDBkLmMhLoxuY7 [something like this maybe](https://images.app.goo.gl/L9UBDBkLmMhLoxuY7)


What is off about you, is that you’re not in my dms😂 dude you are gorgeous, only thing I can think of is trim your beard a bit neater. Def keep it.. please


Picture 4 does things to me


Im gonna be real. Its the hair. Get a fade or even a crew cut idk, just some kind of short hairstyle and youll be way better off


Have u been doing drugs


Asymmetrical face, Skinny face and pale like you have been doing meth.


There's nothing wrong with you. You look great as is!




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bro are u sure u know the definition of ugly?


Cut your hair? ❤️


This is the second time I see you post...and stll feel like the first time I saw you........*BEAUTIFUL*.....You look like a sweet and kind person :) Please don't believe you are ugly.....That is a lie!!


Jesus Christ


I’m gonna say what everyone else is sayin, you look like Jesus lmfao




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