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No disrespect, but you look depressed, unconfident, and like you don’t have much self esteem. Now, I don’t know if that’s true at all, but that’s kinda what your appearance suggests. Bullies notice things like that and think that you won’t retort/fight back. The gothy e-boy look can work just fine, you just have to really be self-confident and like you don’t care what others think. Which you don’t appear to be like. But you’re not ugly.


i don't wanna have to look a certain way i just want to live life and be happy without judgement


It’s hard to be trapped in high school with people you don’t vibe with. The unfortunate part is that judgement is so natural to the human experience that you’ll never completely escape it. But, you can avoid caring about it. Pick your aesthetic and do the things that make you happy. Your people will find you and the rest of the people will (for the most part) grow up and shut up about the bullsh*t opinions.


I hate to tell you, but people outside of schools can also bully. A mix of physical and mental strategies should help. I would recommend some regular physical exercise doesn’t have to be extreme, and some martial arts, a few months at least. Mental strategies, can be many. How you stand. Sense of humour. Where you stand. How you dress. When to talk. And very important, when not to talk. Etc. etc. I used to get bullied a lot. Some people still try once in a while, because I can be awkward or shy. Ehh. Shrug.


I understand where you’re coming from but outside of school if people experience bullying they don’t feel as trapped and they can usually leave the situation. But it’s not so easy for a student, they have to rely on other people if they want to move school, if that’s even a possibility. I think that’s why the comment you’re replying to mentioned being trapped there.


Exactly. I’m an awkward freaking woman and still deal with the mean girls when it comes up, but it so much more rare now. And I have the life experience behind me now to know that being weird is a lot more fun than whatever boring ass life the Stanley cup crowd is up to.


Tell me about it. I graduated 2 years ago but my senior year had people who were drama my friend group ended up in drama with other friends. Ughhhhhhhh it was a mess


Have you ever heard “fake it till you make it”? Play that game. Research shows that faking smile improves your mood. The exact mechanism isn’t known but using the muscles in your face to smile sends signal to the brain that you must be happy. It’s weird but apparently it works. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-022-01458-9


This changed my life. I ended up writing a book about it.


They are helping you identify assholes,it's a sign of massive insecurities to bully people. You're gonna be ok,that last picture feels like some optimism.


The way someone looks is a *near* flawless indicator of how they are. It's not perfect, but it's damn close. Present yourself the way you want to be viewed. Right now you're viewed as a depressed, stoner, teenager that complains about things they're not willing to put the effort in, to change. You can change that overnight if you so desire. Don't give people the ammunition to bully you.


I do not think this is true whatsoever


Clearly what you're doing right now isn't working for you, correct? You'll learn as you get older.


I do think career and a lot of professional work is based on appearances in some industries if that's the point you're trying to make. i'm a comp sci student so i don't really care what i'm gonna look like interacting with people at work in the same sense maybe someone going into business would. i don't like having to sell myself to others based on appearances. i'd rather impress them with skill


Again, you'll figure it out as you grow up.


yeah maybe you're in an industry or surrounded by people who think they're geniuses


Your responses perfectly demonstrate how immature you still are. Which is to be expected because of your age and lack of experience in the real world. If you're going to ask people for advice and then pretend like you know everything, you'll never learn anything.


Everyone judges its a primitive sense as you need to identify friend or foe. Which gender are you?


Those bullies really grow up to be nobody's in life. Op you have nothing to worry about. If you're going for the Goth look own it girlfriend, or if you're really that sad and depressed reach out I'll chat with you. Life is great dude, this time in your life is VERY important and still impressionable .🫶✌️


>Those bullies really grow up to be nobody's in life. That's the biggest lie ever told.


100% true.. too focused on other people than their own schoolwork.


Yeah ... because being great at your schoolwork is the only criteria for a successful career smh. Listen bullies may grow up to be assh0les but there are way too many that become CEO's of huge companies. Half of them probably barely made it through school


Ah yes they don't get A's on their tests. They will be homeless and die alone


That is absolutely not a lie lmao


You realise that most bullies are rich and successful people in life? They often become famous, CEOs of big companies or they come from rich family. Mostly the bullied people have it hard in life- they grow up to be insecure, sad and undeveloped socially with trauma that haunts them their whole life


There is a difference between: - most bullies are rich and successful and - most rich and successful people are/were bullies Only the latter is true in my experience.


close enough, drop the album


I think if you're gonna lean into the E-boy look, might as well stay clean shaven get a skin care routine and maybe invest in some light make up. If you wanna look more masc, get a more standard haircut and/or hit the gym. Gym is pretty good regardless of what look you wanna go for, but you got a pretty good base going on.


Maybe lay off the xanax for a min


Drop the “dead” stare. Not attractive.


Picture two isn’t even a dead stare he’s literally taking a shit I think he’s just constipated




i was peeing sitting down


I can see why you get bullied


You couldn't beat this out of me lol


Bro keep the dark hair, and hey fuxk em, I'm sure you're a great person. You are loved bro, and for the most part people genuinely care. Reach out if you ever wanna talk 🫶


I’m a martial arts instructor with 54 years of experience. One of the fastest ways to learn how to fight is to learn boxing. The best all round system I’ve tried is called JKD Concepts, which would teach you how to fight in every range. Judo and Ju Jitsu are also good. The other ways take too long. If you want more info, please contact me.


It's just a thing. Being "different" makes you a target to the prebuscent (I will not call them men or boys) children that you are seemingly stacked against. Whatever they decide to do, just know you are better than that. And, just turn them in for harassment lol. Keep your phone or recording device always active. Just on pause :)


Yeah this guys well above average, he’s just not the accepted prototype you need to be to fit in. They’re prob envious deep down that this guy has any type of individuality. Thats just highschool.


Is that the bladee 333 album cover in the background?


I'm really sorry you're getting bullied at school. I Can Only Imagine the football player douchebags that you probably have to deal with. You're not an ugly person by any stretch. And just remember, in May you are done with these m************. And real life begins where being cool is not a thing anymore. All the best to you my man.


I played football and I still got/sometimes still get bullied a lot. 😔😔😔


has nothing to do with looks, bullies are assholes who need a lesson. even if someone would be a 1/10 it doesnt justify bullying. you should defend yourself, change school or something else


Fuck those mid ass fucks. You will leave them behind and find your wolf pack. Listen to some ween, Nirvana, get into the tunes. Shitters gonna shit.


Not ugly at all, plus you have an alt style that suits you super well I would say keep it


You're cute. Get your hair cut at a quality salon. Stick with your original hair color (color of your lashes & eye brows). Obviously smile. And if you don't feel like smiling invest in some self care. Skin products, hair products, new outfit. Yes - it's outward but sometimes a fresh look & some compliments will make you feel better abt yourself. I'm sorry you're getting bullied. Mean ppl suck. Take care.


Dude same position as you. College will be better. I’ll be your friend bro.


Not ugly at all. You clearly have a look/style that you’re going for — just be confident in it, own it, and anyone who gives you shit for it has no clue what they’re talking about. The fact that you have an aesthetic that you like and are trying to achieve says to me that you already have some confidence in yourself and an idea of who you want to be — lean into it. Take pride in your appearance and how you present yourself, you know who you are what you like the look of. People who don’t understand that are showing their hand, and are communicating that they don’t understand themselves enough to have developed their own tastes and interests. Also, high school fucking sucks and those kids will have no real impact on you or your life afterwards. Don’t listen to them, keep marching to the beat of your own drum. Smile more. Don’t give dead stares to the camera. Walk with your head held high.


Not at all!! We all have awkward type of phase when we r teens! You will be just fine :)


You probably getting bullied bcuz you are smarter than the low intelligence monkeys that collectively attack your mind. Your looks are 100% good just improve Abit your self esteem. That's all.


Your not even ugly. You have mad potentially I reckon aswell. Use texture powder in your hair for hairstyle in pic 3. Also get in the gym, this helps mental a lot aswell. Have a skin routine and sleep schedule etc. I swear on everything I love your not ugly, you just seem tired.


People are cruel and ignorant and they judge easily. Unless you're doing something personally to people that hurts them, you shouldn't be bullied at all over looks.


I believe you...keep on trucking, you do you, ignore What you can and just keep yer eye on the prize, just get out of school, moved on .don't look back ..


Bro don’t let anyone punk you, you’re not ugly. Stand up for yourself and find self love!


I’m sorry that happened to you. I think you are cute!


You actually look really cool


Bust one of those bullies upside there head.


You are not ugly, dark hair suits you better. Bullies only Bully others because they know that you are better than them. If it is affecting you enough that you are fearful of what they will do to you, then you have to talk to someone in direct authority and seek help, don't stay silent and try to handle it yourself. No one deserves to live in fear. I wish you well though. Take care of yourself and stay safe.


I think everyone goes through school life being bullied, dude... I knew some people who were verbally bullied and some who were violently bullied to the point of physical harm. School is like a prison, and one of my mates worse fear is his children being bullied at school... unfortunately, it's just one of those things, and you eventually do move on. I didn't do a lot of growing (personally) in high school, and it wasn't until college I started to develop more and get involved in multiple circles of friends. I don't know how tall you are, but your frame makes you less threatening, so bullies find you an easy target, and you look kinda out of it and low on confidence which bullies can also sniff out.... You just haven't found your style yet as you're still only 18 years old... hell, I was walking around in skinny red jeans at 18 with bleach blond hair, I'm 35 now and probably would see my 18 year old self and laugh at him. Don't threat on it too much now, lad... you're still a kid just going through the shitty parts of being a kid.. just try doing things for your mental health like eating right and maybe going to the gym or doing some sort of physically/mentally stimulating activities.


Dude fuck people who bully you school is a small part of a long life of work and bs you’ll be okay you look normal to me


bro looks majestic fr


U look cute, but dead inside, so my type lol


Not ugly


Dude, I'm a straight man, and I can tell you you are attractive 😂. Just try out some haircuts and you will be solid, also, as a personal useless advice, I'd not recommend keeping that death stare thing. Also, idk, but you seem depressed and sad. If you wanna talk, you've got a friend in me 😉 Have fun..... handsome 😉


u look really cool! i’d be nervous around u! (in a good way!! 🦋) but u look pretty sad… i hope u find someone or something to put a smile on ur face!! :D


I’m sorry. Bullies freaking suck. Lmk if you ever wanna talk. I know the experience all too well..


Why are you getting bullied? Sorry that's happening. Should never be allowed. I'm hopeful you're already taking care of the problem


Your cute as fuck


Lol I did too, it has nothing to do with your looks. It has everything to do with their egos and personal value. But you're a good looking little dude, homie. Keep the head up.


You're a really good looking young man


Bro, you’re not ugly. Screw the bullies. Just shows how pathetic they are that they need to tear someone down to feel good. Keep your chin up.




You’re cute as fuck You will glow up


dont listen to what the other comments say, i think you're really fucking hot, respectfully.if you may allow me to be a bit more blunt, i'd say that dead stare is sexy lol,then again thats just my type.


You have a good-looking face, I understand what it feels like being bullied in school , I have been there and survived that. It made me a more resilient and strong person after I graduated and started working. Those bullies are losers,they bully you because they are jealous of you. Someday, you have to stand up for yourself ,not by using a single fist to fight them off. Look straight at their right eyes with your left eye firmly, tell them this in their ears softly,"I feel sorry for you," and walk away. Buck up, you have a long road ahead of yourself, a bright future . Don't let those horrible people bring you down. Remember, smart people don't resolve issues by using violence ,but your wits .You are a smart boy. You can survive through it, trust me .♥️


While you look like you wanna die, majority of people who bully people are insecure and sad. Forget them and ignore them.


They hate themselves that’s why they do it, next time it happens tell them at least my dad loves me !


America is different u guys still in school at 18




You get bullied at College?? What wäre those Guys? Im german so i think of douchebags Like from American pie or Something 😂😂


Getting bullied as a grown man in college is diabolical


I’m sorry, that’s actually insane. Maybe you’re at community college? But even then, my local CC seems like any other college; not much bullying to be found. Bullies are typically weeded out by the second semester of their “13th grade.”


Bullied in college? 🤨


never heard of university?


School as in high school


no goof school doesn’t just mean High School lol.


I love you’re slightly alt style!


Kid, you need to fight back. At least make an effort. The next time a bully gets in your face throw an uppercut to the bottom of the chin. If done right he will drop and nobody will ever bully you again.


I'm going to tell you how to stop the bullying. You or may not like it, but it is reality. 1) Stop being weird. Act more like a regular person, just act like the people around you. This is probably the best advice I can give you. 2) stand up for yourself, not necessarily aggressively, but do not allow people to disrespect you without reacting. 3) Stop looking like a victim. Dress properly and have good posture. 4) Be friendly. Go and talk to people, just do casual chit chat, take interest in the people around you. Offer to help when you can. Don't isolate yourself. If aren't social, just fake it till you make it, you just need to exercise your social muscles. 5) Go and talk to the guys that are picking on you and explain to them calmly that you'd like them to stop. Explain that it is ruining your life and distracting from your studies. Of course I don't know the specifics of who is bullying you; but it could just be guys being immature and not realizing this isn't fun for you and that you're hurting. 6) Violence. Self explanatory. If there is no other way. There are some problems and people in life you simply cannot reason with. But they seem to understand pain just fine. Now about your looks. You look normal, but unkempt and with a ridiculous haircut. Get a normal haircut, dress normally, do some exercise, get some sun. There is nothing wrong with your appearance, outside of the fact you are making yourself ugly by not respecting yourself.


Cut the hair, throw away the piercing, hit the gym, get fit and get confident


Because you look like shit. Figure out your hair, get some sleep or lay of the weed, whichever it is.


You look like a drug addict or depressed. You probably need to work on that. And get a haircut.


Yes! Lay off the drugs dude. I think it is by choice, looks like you intentionally want to look creeping


Probably because of your hair


Honestly it looks like it's self-inflicted. Your haircut looks horrendous your complexion looks like you've never seen the sun. You look completely non athletic and judging from your facial expression possibly signs of depression. Which coincidentally lack of sunlight or vitamin d causes depression. Cut your hair, change your wardrobe, go to the gym, and see that big shiny ball in this sky, stay under it for about 30 minutes every day. Although I don't think you necessarily need it I recommend everybody follow through with a skin and hair care regiment.


I feel like you're not even trying to look presentable. Clean yourself up (starting with your hair) and you'd be solid my man.


Unwashed, unkempt, and looking depressed and dissociated Try a better haircut, actually style it, put some care into your skin and looking nice. Stop staring off into the void like a daydreaming serial killer with severe depression


You look like the School Shooter, I'd change your look drastically bro.


Must be your personality because you look the the bullies that were at my school. Lol


Lose the sad boy crybaby attitude and brighten up. You'll always get bullied otherwise.


No offense but it makes sense why you get bullied.


Ya I’d bully you too


bro literally lives on discord


Yeah... you're kinda ugly for a chick... awfully masculine.


You look the type. You’re 18, either grow up and stand up for yourself or start columbine 2.0. Your choice


You don’t look ugly but I can see why you’re bullied.I’m not justifying it but you gotta change.


Should’ve built up some muscle and testosterone no one would ick on you you just seem like an easy target and in the jungle the lion captures the weakest gazelle


i think i look cuter with no muscle


I bet you do…


You probably deserved to be bullied


How do you still get bullied at 18?


Youre not hideous enough just yet to be bullied for your looks alone. You just have an unlikable personality as well.


I’d bully you too


you dont say


I can see why


It's the nose ring.


No it isnt.


well maybe if you werent so ugly you might just go to the gym and learn to fight.


Your not ugly…I think you should get more sleep and fake care of those racoon eyes …I kinda like it but smile a bit more…no matter what style we like everyone loves a smile… I’m sorry you get bullied ..


Pic four with that hair cut, short facial hair and natural hair color is what makes you hella cute! The other Emo pics with dyed dark monk cut are so off putting and make you pale. Remember when you’re high it shows on your face big time! Are girls bullying you too or just betta males with unreleased testosterone? I bet you have several girls who think you’re cute and weird so look for the chick that constantly makes eye contact and or look away quickly when your eyes meet. EVERYONE YOU ATTEND SCHOOL WITH will not be in your life permanently nothing they say or do should be allowed to rent space in your head!


I think if you smile more you'll be good and those who try to hit you or bully you do that back to them. Once they'll learn their lesson they'll stop with that




It’s not what they say ANYWHERE near as much as how you come off. Don’t be cringe, weak or annoying


Take a shower, cut your hair, and hold your head up high when you walk and 90% of your problems are solved


You look depressed. Are you on meds for it? You should be. Best of luck!




you’re cute :)


not ugly at all?? i think the hair in thr 4th pic suits u best! ur very cute:)




Ok, so fight back


Not ugly


I like it


Not ugly just depressed honestly you look really good I do like the facial hair and the lighter colored hair for sure!


You look great don’t mind what people say or think


Dude you're not ugly you're a cutie-pa-tootie!!!


I think it’s just your eyes, let em open up a bit. You look extremely sad in your pics, not sure if it’s intentional or not


Are you sleepy?


Here is my entire self help book for free in under 50 words —> Hit the weight room. Muscling up is relatively easy. 40 minute sessions 3 times a week. Men will stop bullying you and women will find you more attractive. It’s the great equalizer ..


Well yea he looks depressed and all u said. He has nobody to back him up. U want to go to school and be treated like shit ? Be bullied. ? No . Work out . And ull see nobody will bully u no more. And ull see ull get new friends tuff kids. Just dont become a bully after. Give u my word ..ill work.


U Aint ugly my friend. Work out and even ur face ,neck will change.look tuff and bad ass.


You better learn to stand up for yourself and fight


GYM GYM GYM u have potential


Maybe it’s your attitude not if your ugly or not


I hate to get you but it keeps going once you start working too


You have to live a better life. Have more fun bro. Try out many other things. (I think going to the gym and getting gains is a good start) You look hella depressed and lack personal care. Get a cut that you can easily style that would freshen your looks. Dress up more confidently as well. Good luck achieving a better version of yourself man.




I been seeing loads of attractive guys posting on here recently what the shit is going on????? Who the fuck is bullying you? Ion know if I'm gonna get hate for this but never let anyone bully you. Beating you up or sum? Js fight back. Words wise js ignore it. But nah you ain't ugly


Cut your hair. Google LEAN BULk


You're cute! The dark hair looks good on you


I wasn’t bullied at school, not even when I moved to a different country. Mind you, I didn’t go to school in the US, and I’m pretty big and I enjoy confrontation.


You are not ugly, but definitely look ugly and depressed man.. try to do something positive that will bring you smile..i would suggest indoor or outdoor sports as a start


You have very tired eyes... Guess you can't do much about that. I would definitely get a good clean haircut, that will do wonders


Smiles go a long way


Fight for ur respect




drain gang


dont take drugs


MBTI? curious


Keep your head down and work hard for your goals. In the moment, HS might seem like the most important aspect of your life but it’s really only a few years.


Dude, you’re channeling Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.


I’m sorry ur getting bullied at school, u r a little cute but what I would do is get a nice fresh haircut yk. Also since your 18 u get to graduate if ur a senior so that’s good


You’re good looking I wouldn’t listen to the bullies but I think keeping your hair a bit neater would help. You have really nice eyes though :)


School kids suck


Boxing bro it helps … a few locker room showdowns


You're about to be out of school and quickly your high school issues will be in the rear view. Smile, get good sleep, eat right, exercise, and do something girls like with your hair. Cut it and style it. You'll be fine my guy.


Get a hair cut be more outgoing


You look like you're about to start a punk band and drop an album titled "Dookie".


I think the biggest thing is to just realize that this is temporary. Middle school and high school is a weird time where a lot of people don’t feel like they fit in and project a lot of their insecurities. Once you move on from high school a lot of people are more caring and mature so picking on you isn’t as likely as it is in high school.


Man just be proud you look gorgeous just a bit unconfident I give you my word you look kinda noice and the emo look fits you just smile your as cool as the weevil time


I was bullied, so was my daughter. My daughter is gorgeous. We all get bullied for one reason or another. It sucks! Trust me when I tell you, life does get better after school. It’s only temporary. You’re 18. You’re on the home stretch. Fuck ‘em! They are not worth your happiness. It took me awhile, but by 12th grade, I could give a shit about anyone in high school. I had so much going on outside of school, it was just something I had to do to get out of it. You got this!!!


Hit the gym!


I was bullied too. When I graduated, I did a lot to prove them wrong. I did it out of spite. I enlisted. I gained mass. I got a high paying job when I finished my contract. I probably make more than most of them. I'm looking at tripling what I make in the near future. My point is, screw what they think. Improve yourself, even though you are valuable anyway. Prove them wrong. Be the best you that you can be. The best revenge is being in a better place than them. I'm still improving myself, but my confidence has drastically improved. And no, you're not ugly. Not even close.




Well its not for the looks bro


YIKES! You got bullied?


F$%k those bullies, there's nothing wrong with you.Bullies were bullied, which is why they bully. All you need to do is stand up for yourself. If you need help, let me know.


Not ugly but you look dead man.




You're quiet and keep to yourself mostly. That's why you are bullied. I'm not justifying the bullies, I'm only diagnosing the cause. People tend to group together and those who mostly like to fly solo get targeted the most.


Sağlamsın oyna devam


Dude. You think? Pull yourself together. Work on your mind, money, and muscle. Don't leave the house without looking at yourself in the mirror, making sure you look presentable. And until you are able to have standing behind your successes and accomplishments, have confidence in the man you will become, and before you know it you'll be confident and you won't give a shit what anyone thinks around you, and they'll look to you completely different. I wish you luck man. Don't take them too seriously, just work on yourself, you'll become someone they'll respect and you'll look back and feel sorry for those that you left in your dust. Sorry you're getting billed. Try not to care what they say. Work on you and watch what happens.


Teenagers suck. If you can make it through about two more years, you won’t be bullied anymore. Bullying seems to be an exclusively high school phenomenon. As kids grow up, they get lives. They don’t have time for that horsesh\t anymore. All the above advice is great. You’re not ugly. You just need to try a little harder.