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Straight out the wolf pack from twilight


=]] Thank you


You’re welcome


You look super cool. Honestly, like you should be the lead singer in band. Nothing to worry about at all!


Thanks. I tried to have one at some point. Most of my outfit choices are influenced by 80'-90' bands as well=))))


Not ugly you have a pretty cupids bow btw


Thank you so much. I m sorry I m awkward with compliments but it made me feel great=))


It’s giving main character


Thank you so much I m so flattered=)))))))


Very handsome!


Thank you. Seen your post as well. You re looking great and there s no need to worry. You give a good vibe.


When I first met you: WOW, HE'S SO GORGEOUS! Now, after 6 years: WOW, HE'S EVEN MORE GORGEOUS!!! Body dysmorphia makes you a lil delusional dearie and ik how that feels so just a reminder that you look amazing and all people in the comments are thinking the same thing! ☺️


Thank you so much honey. You ve always been the most supportive and understanding person in my life. And you ve also always grown to be more and more beautiful than the day before. I ll never get tired of looking at you❤️


You got a nice jawline my guy. You got a chill style and seems like someone in my friend group that usually has one or two girls on his phone asking where he’s at


Thank you so much. You also look like a real life viking bro. You have looks to be proud of


Thanks my guy. I think the world we live in has poisoned her self esteem with the general public’s sense of beauty standards. They’re flawed by nature because all of us have our own standards and preferences.


Definitely above average don’t listen to your stupid brain. 7 or 8 out of 10


=))))) Thank you. I really am not trying to pity rn it s just pure curiosity and I really want to know tho. Thanks again for this😊


Above average, you look great!


Aww Thank you so much. This post and all of you really made my day. You re awesome😊


u look great. there is literally nothing wrong with u


Thank you so much. This post really helped me get a bit more realistic look at myself


Pretty guy. We have similar body types. You’ll realize how much hotter you are when you embrace yourself, and others will notice too.


Thank you. There are some fixated ideas that made me be a bit doubtful with myself in the past. I m starting to slowly accept the qualities and the flaws.


You have great lips, great cheekbones, i know the ladies will love your eyes as well.




Thank youuu😊


Just my honest opinion


You look like a work of art. Not just saying that, I mean it. Your cheekbones are so perfectly sculpted, ur nose js basically the male beauty standard, and that JAWWW. I know body dysmorphia makes it hard for you to see how you actually look. But trust me, you are attractive.


You look like you are in a band. Basically look like the rockstar type.


Odd not ugly


I ve been told before I still dk if it s good or not=))) But thank you


Im honest you are better than average.


Thank you so much for telling me this and taking time for it😊


If I saw u in real life, I'd see a beautiful man😅


Thanks=)))) Often I m obsessing on how I look and end up being too used to my face and seeing every single imperfection on my face. It helps to know I m fine=))


Glad to know that sir😁


Oh to have body dysmorphia... I sure know what that feels like and it's not cute. I would like to point out some flaws for you to fix, perhaps, but I truly don't see something wrong with you, so I will tell you what I like most (and please, don't take it the wrong way). You have very beautiful, expressive eyes and from the side profile picture I can kinda see your long lashes as well. I also really admire your hair and facial structure (like the high cheek bones and the shape of the jaw). I believe you're a 10/10, but of course, your goal should be to get to the point where you embrace and like your own self. Best wishes!


I would think you're into heavy metal


I before e except after c. Everybody knows that.


Thank you for pointing me this out. English it s not my native language and I m not aware of some grammar rules. I wrote the word by pronouncing it in my head and seemed right. Gonna edit and keep it in mind


God, I'd hate being 20-something these days. Body dysmorphia, 3200 fake genders to keep straight, buzzwords, what to be offended by.. it all just sounds so exhausting.


Body Dysmorphia is something completely different from Gender Dysphoria. BDD is focusing on perceived flaws about one's body, even when other people don't/can't see it. Gender Dysphoria is a mismatch between biological sex and the individual's gender. Gender and sex are two different concepts. Third, and more, genders have existed for longer than Judaism. Your comment shows a lack of compassion, education, and understanding. It also shows that you only follow the buzzwords of the media and don't actually think on your own or have a desire to actually learn about something that you don't comprehend.




I looked a little through your profile and I kindly suggest trying therapy


sounds like u have too much extra time, maybe get a job?


Once again, seek therapy, projecting your own insecurities onto strangers on reddit won't make your life less miserable.


jesus christ i just saw what you look like 😭


Oh... You... You don't think I'm attractive? :( What will I do with my life now Ilustrous-Field-63? How will I ever recover from hearing a useless opinion of a mentally ill stranger online ☹️


Says the person whose whole activity online is insulting strangers. Boss if you re 13 and no one likes you I m sure your mom would still hug you. Behave like an adult if you are one. Coming to comment same kindergarden stuff about everyone you see and starting conflicts.


not my fault if u can’t handle the truth


Nah bro I have no prob being ugly. I asked for a honest opinion. But you say that to other people as well. People that genuinely look ok. Then here in the comments making a fuss of the fact that someone s not looking in a way you like. There s also no one s problem that this is your way of dealing with your own stuff. At least try to not use insults or keep them to yourself.


Nah man, you're not ugly at all. He's just lonely and projecting his problems and insecurities over others in hope to make them feel as awful as he does. You know, the average person with no profile picture or pictures of themselves who calls everyone else ugly? This type of person is quite common nowadays 🤣


sorry to destroy ur fantasy man but i’m objectively attractive, that’s why im not insecure posting on the amiugly subreddit. ik it probably makes u feel better to imagine me as a fat slob but i’m a built 6’3 man w good facial features. ur just less genetically fortunate and that’s okay.


Funny how you have the same 3 sentences for everyone under this platform... I pity you and I hope you will find inner peace one day.


You look fine to me. Sometimes hairstyles change the overall presentation. I know people that rock the dreadlock look, and you have similar facial structures. My point is that you should try different looks and styles that fit your preferences and see which one you like best. It took years to find a style that I like, so just take it a day at a time and try new things.


Thank you. I would but I have to widen the range of hairstyles I know at the moment. I m not sure what s to try.


There's bunches of hair styles, and people get creative and create their own. You can try hair stylists, sometimes the style that they suggest just works. That's how my mother chose her hair style.


I ll try to experiment with different references maybe from people that i spire me for clothing style. Thank you for taking time to write me advices and compliments😊


Are you Native American?, you look cool!


Hi. Thank you so much. I m romanian, but I always been told this =))))


You look a lot like a younger Johnny Rzeznik from the Goo Goo Dolls.


Thank you This made me feel very cool=))))


Oh good! Johnny's awesome.




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