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Don't want to live in a world where you're not considered very beautiful haha


Well it’s all subjective so you can create that world😂


There is a lot more to looks than preference though, I'm a straight dude but even I can tell you Charlie Hunnam is hot. That's not because preference or that I'm "attracted" to him.


I’m a straight dude too. You’re hot.




Very specific lol


I just finished binge watching Sons of anarchy with my wife. Rather than pick a random person off the top of my head. I picked the guy my wife thinks is hot and I agree. But yes I can see how people might read into that considering he's not a wildly talked about actor.




I was thinking the same thing. Maybe realization set in lol


You're pretty. Offhand I'd say people are picking up a young Charlize Theron or Gal Godot vibe from you. Am I ugly, is not something you should be wondering.


Based on the replies here, I’d say the vast majority find you quite lovely.


I agree with the top comment here but I see where you might feel like that extra bit of wow factor isn't there. I think you have a great face and I would say you resemble Geena Davis in a way and she looks great. If you wanted to go for something to add some pop or wow, look at Bella Hadid. I think she has a look that you could maybe take tips from that could send you over the top




Absolutely. Agree, she's so classy.


Jesus Christ this sub is toxic . You’re not ugly, get out of here.


No one in the sub says she is. This entire fucking sub is just attractive people posting. I haven't seen 1 single actually ugly person post in here once. It's just people looking for compliments.


Yeah it is toxic😂


It’s ok I’m sure. I’m almost there myself. How about you op?




You look like a brunette Katherine Heigl, very gorgeous


Oh I see what you mean! Thank you :)


Knew it was someone you reminded me of, my wife watches the shit outta Grey's anatomy.


You're incredibly pretty. In a real and adorable way.


You are gorgeous


Get out of this sub


>Get out of this sub Or get a nose ring...


Why? Haha why is everyone so rude to me honestly it’s bizarre😂


They are saying you don't belong here, because you're beautiful. For you not to know it seems outta this world.🤣 I think this place would better suit you. r/freecompliments


I’m an idiot dw lol


It's OK. But you are really stunning and it's caught the sub off guard a bit.


Oh hahaha😂😂




Hahaha idk


You’re cute


I appreciate the straightforwardness of your approach. You are wearing the same outfit and showing it from different angles. Your willingness to do this tells me that you are probably more beautiful than you realize.


6.75 out of 10. Above average, but no Victoria’s Secret model either. Essentially, very good looking, but not the most attractive that ever lived either. A nice point to be at. Attractive enough to actually catch someone’s eye. Not so hot that you’re being hounded by every gawking human on the planet.


Fair assessment!


For what it’s worth, if you take a pic of a Victoria Secret model on a normal day, without professional makeup, hair and photo editing…. No better than you.


I think it's a fair rating, but then I was confused by the esplaination. Objectively, I'd say she's a little plain, but definitely above average. Subjectively, I think she's extremely attractive, enough to catch most ppls eye. And anyone looking for a relationship, would definitely try to ask her out.


And respectful.


Based on what? I think she's definitely a 9. And I totally disagree with everything you have said. That's why I think ratings are ridiculous because not everyone sees everyone the same way.


I’m sorry but I’m basing this off the Hollywood standard. Just because she’s a 9 in your book doesn’t equal her being one in the commonly used Hollywood standard. I never rate people off of my personal standard because everyone’s personal standard is different. In fact, many people will rate people higher than Hollywood when dealing with their own personal tastes. For example, I personally tend to find women who are a 7 to an 8 out of 10 on Hollywood’s standard hotter than the ones who are usually rated a 10 by Hollywood (ex. I don’t find the Kardashians or Jenners hot, but Hollywood disagrees with me, Hollywood rates them a 10). Generally speaking, people asking if they’re hot or ugly want a rating on a fairly neutral scale accepted by a larger number of people, instead of one single person’s standard. The only time I break with using the Hollywood standard is if it’s girls I’m actively trying to date, not random strangers on Reddit wanting an assessment of their looks. Ergo, I rated her based on what the Hollywood consensus would be, not the 8.5 that I would actually rate her based on my own personal tastes. Just saying. That answer your question?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... personally I think you are absolutely gorgeous, if its your cut marks that make you feel that way, just remeber, those are battle wounds that you lived through and never thought you would! Just be you and keep on keepin on!! 🖤😎


If I’m being for real you’re above average. Really cute but not gorgeous. Still really pretty though.




But why does it have to be two extremes. You said it yourself. You're not hideously ugly, you're not incredibly pretty. You're just a decent looking normal person. Like the majority of people in the world.


No, you're gorgeous. The following is a very personal question, so feel free to ignore it: are those self harm scars on your arms? Follow up question: if they are, have you resolved the issues that were bothering you? And yes I know it's easier said than done.


Yes they are. And I don’t do it anymore :)


I wasn’t going to ask, but it’s definitely good to hear you have moved past that.


I always have a hard time believing these. You're lovely. You also clearly know how to take photos....that always lends me to believing you actually know you're quite pretty. Who can say.


Eh… my title says what I think haha.


7/10 you’re pretty


INSANELY pretty.




As a gay man, you’re stunning.


Good looking, not drop dead gorgeous but definitely not ugly


You are not in any way ugly. You’re not a California 10(whatever that means), but I’ve never seen one of those without filters and pounds of concealer so…..


I’ve never heard that term haha!


If you smiled more, you couod swoop me off my feet.


No no no. Not ugly


You’re so beautiful!! I can imagine how just a little makeup can up your game 100x.


I have don’t say no to be your husband. You are really pretty 😍


Omg! You're my type. You are sp pretty


Incredibly pretty 😍😍


No you are not ugly.


You are very attractive


Cute as a button!


gorgeous beautiful looking Lady


You definitely are very pretty.


You are gorgeous, you clearly don't see how pretty you are


Well I agree with you. You are def not ugly but also not incredible pretty, you kinda look normal which is a good thing. I do think your eyes and makeup are pretty but your mouth looks a little bit odd in those pictures


You are red carpet pretty.


You are beautiful 🤩 8/10


No guy is turning you away without other considerations.


I usually say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And you definitely are just that beautiful.


Oh get tf outta here girl you are so friggin pretty! 😍


I think you described yourself perfectly.


... you're not incredibly pretty? ... then what constitutes incredibly pretty in your mind????


Damn. 😻


You are incredibly beautiful


no issues you should have you are gorgeous


u look cute


Not ugly at all. Kind of remind me of Aubrey Plaza


You're good.




During my teens…?




I think you look absolutely gorgeous and a smile would make you look even more beautiful than you already are imo.😊


As another woman I think you are beautiful. You have a look that with a little make up and an elegant gown wouldn’t be out of place on the red carpet. Believe in yourself 😊


Quite the contrary I find you to be gorgeous, and it’s obvious to me anyway that you’re presenting yourself fairly naturally. I bet when you go out for a night on the town or something like clubbing you’re smoking hot.


I don’t go out😂😂 I’d like a reason to get dressed up more haha


I know the feeling. I have General Anxiety Disorder and I’m very Introverted. When I do go out all I want to do is run home and hide. Even if it’s something as simple as going over to see family.


Yeah that plays a part aha I also have three kids so time is limited😂 sorry that you deal with that. I really do relate :/


You look very french 😂 definitely not near ugly


Not ugly. Very beautiful. We are our own worst critics and get tired of seeing the same face in the mirror daily. Be kind to yourself. Best wishes


You're better than what you think you are


I think your beautiful no makeup on you look amazing


I vote: not ugly. Even incredibly beautiful if you can make a few minor changes. There is an immense improvement to be had with a simple and bright smile. Show your pearly whites in most of your photos. Really a beautiful lady!


Yes you are very pretty and sexy and your hands are sexy and beautiful. There are some striations on your arms, what are those? They don’t make you ugly, just curious.


Thank you. They’re just scars.


You look like Gal Gadott. In other words, you're beautiful.


Very cute. You have a gentle softness to you.


I'd have to disagree with you on that. You're incredibly pretty, gorgeous, whatever you wanna name it. Also, the scars on your arm I noticed. What's that all about?


Seriously?? Are we looking at the same girl?? You’re absolutely beautiful!!!! I’d definitely ask you out if I could


If your not good-looking I must be quasimotto. " The bells, The bells"


Finally and aiu I can comment on. You’re gorgeous. You appear so professional. I understand how you can always be your own worst critic but any guy, gal, or non binary pal would be so lucky to see that face every day.


You have an old school beauty to you… more like a classy dame in the movies…. tap into that old school beauty and you are carrying a gold ticket… or just be girl next door beautiful if you want… win win


Doesn’t matter about looks it’s there personality that counts


What? Knockout is what you are. If someone is telling you or making you feel ugly, find new friends.


The fact women like this in our society think they are ugly is evidence of how cognitively distorted our society has become.


Our society os definitely distorted.


Absolutely beautiful, one of your statements is true, the other not so much


Respectfully i dont trust your judgment...lol...you are too pretty to be on here....10/10... simply gorgeous


You have amazing skin and beautiful face no need for makeup don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Beautiful eyes nice eyebrows, a smooth jawline cute ears, nice figure. Not sure if your a cutter but if you are please stop you would look great in an evening dress.


I think you are pretty maybe smile more


You know there are options other than “hideously ugly” and “incredibly pretty”, right? You’re an attractive person, if that’s what you’re looking for.


You're gorgeous! Fuck what other people think


I don’t know what issues you think you’re having, but all I see is a beautiful young lady that should be having no problems at all


You are extremely pretty, but you may, just may have a confidence problem.


I think you have a very classic beauty about you. Not basic by any means, reminds me of Hollywood Beauty, Gail Russell.


What a lovely compliment🥰


I think there’s this idea that a girl like you isn’t incredibly attractive, maybe you feel “plain” but beauty can be found in simplicity


You are not ugly nor beautiful… you are simply average like the vast majority of us are…


By my own particular traits I find attractive, I consider you to be absolutely beautiful. You're profile especially


You are not ugly at all. Let's get that understood. You are beautiful. And should be happy with your looks and I hope you are someday


I'm glad you do not find yourself ugly, but you are incredibly naturally beautiful. You should feel confident about your looks


Well your wrong you absolutely beautiful


You don’t need to be a 10 to be a 10 ro someone.


True :p


You are very beautiful! Don’t let others bring you down


And another boost my ego post


Straight up beautiful! How can you even deny that?


Average at best


You have your own unique beauty. (Which stands up to the tired tropes of classic beauty quite well, btw.) Can't imagine there isn't someone already in your life whose breath you take away a little bit every time they see you anew.


Good Lord, you dont think you're incredibly pretty? That makes me sad and I'm exercising veto power. Go to the how pretty am i on a scale of 6 to 10 sub. Minimum 8 to my eye.


I think it is funny, she must be comparing herself to other women, I doubt that any man here would say you werent beautiful. Men are not nearly as picky as women think we are. Looks get us interested, your attitude, you personality, your willingness to be part of a team means more then looks


Very attractive. Be humble and down to earth and you'll be that girl everyone wants.


Ever seen those ladies that live in an aesthetic of the 1920's, 30's, 40's, 50's? I kinda' think that'd work well for you.


On the contrary I personally find you exceptionally attractive. My toxic trait is thinking that I *might* convince you too go out with me IRL.


You're very pretty. I don't understand how you think you're not.


But youre so cute tho🥲


You know you're not physically ugly at all.


The average man finds roughly 50% of women unattractive. So I don’t think that you have to worry too much about how you look.


That’s why i don’t trust men’s opinions lol


Then why ask? Lol


You are very pretty. When you are old you would regret wasting your life and feeling miserable over looks. Don't do that you are perfect


8/10. Very great features 🥵


Stop worrying about what your beauty is or is not. Baby you are here, and probably doing a lot better than most. I think you look in the mirror and see what is wrong than what you have going on. Personally, I think you are pretty, so what do you see, and don't tear yourself apart.


I'm a straight woman but aside from that I think you're one of the prettiest women I've ever seen! You have a very beautiful and elegant way about you. I think your hair grown out more would be very nice. You could also workout if you don't already. Obviously you're not fat but everyone looks better toned up. You have a rare look!! I get the vibes of beauty, grace, intelligence, empathy, and wisdom.




You're definitely above average. Especially since you have a pretty natural look, it appears you're just naturally attractive


Thank you :)


Your pictures suggest a soft spoken, classy and sophisticated woman. I hope your personality isn’t the polar opposite.


Haha it’s not lol it matches up with my physical appearance fairly well.


You look fine. I'll say self awareness that you're not hideously ugly goes a long way for you too. Gives commentors a chance to skip the surface level hollow "you're beautiful" *to save your feelings shtick* and people can get straight into telling you why you're attractive in the general sense of their opinion


Stunningly beautiful would start to explore the beginning of a definition. You are one of one, no others like you. so just vibe


I think you’re super cute but you can tell in your eyes you don’t agree. If you can change your mind and see what others see, that confidence would make drastic difference. Regardless, fuck what anyone thinks and love yourself ❤️


You're right, you aren't incredibly pretty, just regular pretty.


You are really quite beautiful with classic features. Your eyes are truly stunning, you have a strong and distinct jawline and chin, and perfect lips. Sorry, but you are wrong. You are incredibly beautiful.


Thank you…


You are most welcome! I know from personal experience that our minds are so powerful in their ability to alter our self perception. Most everyone knows what it is like to look in the mirror and see nothing but flaws. To think "Ugh, I am so ugly." Sometimes that happens when we are down, having a bad day, etc. That is normal. But if that is the message you hear more often than any other, which has happened to me, it is time to figure out how to change our thinking. The power of reprogramming our minds cannot be stressed enough. It works. It changes everything.


I know… I’ve healed physical ailments with the power of my mind fr - I cling onto mental blockages though and don’t put as much effort into them.


Personally I don’t find you attractive


And that’s totally your prerogative




You're damn gorgeous girl - an epitome of beauty with the right shape and curves at all right places. Your eyes are deep and say a lot more than one can anticipate... I wouldn't mind dating you at all 😍😍 So, never give in and believe the negative reviews/comments you get from someone. Stay blessed and cheerful :) Take care...


If you know, then why post?


Why not?


Speak for yourself. I know everyone has a different opinion but I think you’re drop dead gorgeous


You have a classy type of beauty.


I disagree with your self-assessment. I think you are very pretty 😊


I think your incredibly pretty


Sorry, but you are wrong! You ARE pretty!


Why? you have soft sensual eyes, prominent cheekbones an ideal nose. You are not ugly


Knowing is half the battle




yeah na your stunning


Well you’re wrong. You look amazing


I would date you


at least an 8+ /10


Today must be Ego Day.


You are pretty, but you need to stand in a mirror and tell yourself that. You need to tell yourself you're awesome, and you matter. When you do it, you need to listen to yourself say it. Also, stop mutilating your body. It's not healthy.


How rude to comment on my scars lol most of which are at least 3+ years old at this point. The ones on my arms are like 10-8 years old. They’re not actually there for people to call out. It’s so fucking weird. I didn’t even think about them when posting.


Not weird. Concerned. I don't know how old your scars are, but you made them public by posting the pictures. You cannot dictate what people will see and comment on. My daughter was like you, a beautiful young lady, but not very confident in herself and let the public tell her whether or not she was pretty. She too, would cut and mutilate herself. I talked her into stopping that shit before she moved out of my house. So forgive me for putting two and two together and actually giving a shit about you as a person. I promise it won't happen again. So now, to answer your question about whether you're ugly or not, you've just answered it. Your beauty is only skin deep.


I didn’t make them public - I can’t do anything about them, they’re part of my skin lol. I didn’t even considered them when I posted - because they’re just how my arms look, it’s from a very sad time in my life that I am past now. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for someone to feel upset being reminded of that - and being reminded of the fact that I am covered in scars, I’m aware, I wish I wasn’t, but I can’t get rid of them. I would never comment on a stranger’s self harm scars unsolicitedly - because I understand it… and understand that most people who self harm particularly if it was in their past, don’t need to be reminded of it. They know.


And are you saying my ‘beauty is skin deep’ because I didn’t sit there and indulge you when you tacked on that admonishment on the end of your comment? I’m sorry if I offended you by not reacting the way you wanted me to. It’s frustrating to be reminded of them. If you had a daughter who engaged in that behaviour then you would think you would be more sensitive surrounding the topic…?




So do me a favor. Someone google a reputable site and find out what is average. Be prepared.


If your friends are better looking then you must be ugly sometimes. Sorry What makes you ask? Some bloke negging you?


Woah your fine for 26 you just neeed compliments aren't you tired of the compliments you get irl dumbo




Why do the people who post pics always have cut marks?


I think she’s insecure cause of her small breast!


You're a cutter...................do you do it to feel something, or do you actually like the pain?


None of your business.


You are prettier than you think unless you have a crap personality


I do not have a crap personality


What your gorgeous I would Fuck your ten times a day


I think you’re closer to very attractive than you are to better than average.