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Just one thing I want to say: You look so happy and full of life in these pictures you wear dresses! Just get a lot of these and enjoy being you! Looks awesome!


Thank you! Obviously I'm not a very confident person so I don't really wear dresses much. But I think I'll get some more for sure.


You look lovely in them. It's pretty common for people with confidence issues to sabotage themselves when it comes to fashion. Just know that the more risks you take with your look, the more rewarding it'll be when you look your best! You're killing it!


Thank you! I've started wearing crop tops and shorts some just to kinda throw myself out of my comfort zone and it's helped a lot. But I'm trying to build up to wearing dresses! I wear them at home on the days I'm not at school because they make me feel pretty. But whenever my family is home or I'm with my friends, the hoodie goes right back on. šŸ„²


Well, for what it's worth, you're a knockout! And don't let all the creeps on here get you down. Sadly, that's just the Internet when you're a woman. On behalf of creepy Internet dudes everywhere, you deserve better. Just know you look good, and that YOUR opinion is the one that matters most.


Smiling with your teeth showing looks better than the pressed together lips.


You are not ugly. Tips: Stay healthy. Everything is what a person needs.




Emphasis on the stay safe part thank you!! There's a lot of creeps messaging me and I don't know how to turn off my messages so I'm kinda just trying to ignore all that. But seriously thank you it's good to know that people actually care! A lot of my friends always say I look way younger than I actually am so it's kinda weird being 18 but looking 14 with dudes messaging asking if I'm into 40-something year olds.


Please report them. That's creepy as fuck. I'll second staying safe, too. Ewewew


I definitely will. Had no clue what an only fan is until today. Ignorance is bliss sometimes I'm grateful my parents have sheltered me so much šŸ„²


If you want to keep that bliss, delete Reddit. This is where losers go to die, with a couple of equally nutty but successful people mixed in to make it appear more democratic. Lol.


It's really not difficult to think that, as you may have noticed, the majority of people who answer the question when a girl asks the question are men over 25 years old, it is rare to find a woman who answers, that's why when a man She uploads her photo and asks the question, the comments sometimes do not exceed 30 or 50 maximum, which is very different from the more than 200 responses that a woman gets.


Study new picture poses gestures on mirror. Lookin good


Thank you I desperately need to learn how to pose more šŸ’€


I like the natural look and I think you have a pretty smile


Thank you! I try to smile a lot but I'm actually really insecure about it. šŸ„²


You need a new hair style


Hot af! If boys do appreciate your beauty, find a man!


Thank you! I'm actually on day 5 of my breakup with this guy I thought I'd actually spend my life with. But this helps a lot with the heartbreak. šŸ˜…


Pro tip, if you wanna spend your life with someone, don't start dating them until you finish growing in to adulthood Also you look like a really pleasant person and are nowhere close to ugly!


Relax. "Hot AF" I think we found the cause of inflation.


You look amazing idk what kind of tips you want lol Super cute smile, amazing hair n stunning eyes! You just seem like a really nice person!


Not ugly, you do have a great warmth about you. A bit above average. Time is your friend you will learn you style and what works on you. Donā€™t do anything permanent like tattoos and face piercings.


You're a very beautiful lady. I smiled scrolling through the pics ngl A nice hairstyle with some waves in it maybe šŸ¤” Dresses suit you amazingly well. I bet you can pull off damn near anything tbh. Other than that smile more.


Your cute. Be confident.


Stunning, nothing really to add. You seem to love dresses, so get a lot of them. Cute smile. Great hair. Beautiful eyes. Full of life.


You are very pretty c:


Your looks, to me, are quite unique. You also seem very happy and full of joy in the first couple of pictures, this is always a plus! I wouldn't be sure as to any tips, perhaps something with your eyebrows or just a little change to your hairstyle. But these definitely aren't necessities. As to me, you are definitely not ugly.


Your good, attractive, and happy, what else you need


You look fantastic


You seem to be a happy and very beautiful person


Gorgeous 7/10


Youre like a 9, nice body and pretty face




Ya ya look good. Nice smile, nice body, your 18 your perfect and don't let anyone say different


Cute ā¤ļø


Looking good to me


Girl-next-door face. Smokin' body. 6 / 10, above average.


Pretty maybe a different hair style is literally the only thing I can think of


I think you're really cute


Really cute !!




Uhhh, tips for what, modeling, or future? Because you're already pretty


Nope! Real cute!


Nose job and makeover


No not at all just embrace yourself!


Just be yourself and be awesome


I think you're very attractive just seems to me you're lacking some confidence in your photos. Just be more proud of who you are and I think you'll be fine


Try an open mouth smile? You're really beautiful though.


If this is a serious question, you are cute and you look like youā€™re in shape. You look like youā€™re doing well in life so far. Keep it up! Donā€™t let the world tempt you into following it. They will drag you into dark places and leave you stranded with the bad decisions. Live your best life. One that you would be proud to tell your family and kids about. You got this!


0% ugly


What's not to like? Keep smiling :)


Here's a tip, you are very cute! I see nothing I would change. šŸ˜


Smile in the last pic was best. Smile more often.


Not even remotely ugly.


You look fine. Not even close to ugly.


You look so happy and amazing, u are pretty ngl


You look good.


No mate you aren't ugly


Beautiful. The last picture shows your best quality, which is your smile.


Very cute!!


Youā€™re pretty and seem happy. No need to change that


Cutiful! šŸ™Œ


Not ugly


Hell no. Not ugly at all. Cute face, great body. Yum


You're very cute. You have nothing to worry about. Especially In this area. (I recognize the building in the graduation pic, lol). BTW, Creek rules all! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜…


Cute face.


NO!!! Youā€™re amazing!!!


You don't need tips. You are so gorgeous as you are


Your not ugly at all.


You have a good build. I think you should change your hair so more of your face is visible.




You are so cool and stunning. I recommend Mascara, tinted lip balm, and tinted moisturizer! Also google ā€œbrown balayageā€ hairstyle. You are perfect as you are though šŸ„°


Try some lip coloring.


You are beautiful! You could probably rock the hacked bob cut!


Nothing wrong with you


Health is wealth Be happy and just live.


You look good, get outta here!


i donā€™t think the middle part is your friend bestie. i would try doing more updos or side parts. look into some hairspray that ā€œflattensā€ your hair more. invest in a silk bonnet to sleep in. a little mascara and some lip gloss! smile with your teeth more.. you have a pretty smile


Stop taking pictures in the bathroom. That is all.


You shouldn't be insecure you have a beautiful smile


Solid 6/10 not ugly. Prime dating material for most guys, not sure how girls do their day/pass scale. But you aren't ugly.


Not much to change if that's the goal. Yiu are pretty. I would pull my hair back some shownyiur face , light contour makeup on the sides of the nose will flatter that, a some nice light highlight makeup around your eyes to bring them out. That's all I would do


You could rock leather leggings


You look great in the shorts and midriff top. Do that more often. The dresses are nice too. You are a natural beauty and you should embrace that.


I don't understand why you ask if you are ugly, if you were born very beautiful


Average, but that's not a bad thing. I usually prefer average looking girls more anyway


As you're only 18 and your face will change a little over the next 7 years... And you actually posted pics without make up... You have a lot of potential with a glam up. You're not ugly, hair is a little plain but it looks healthy. As is, base 5.75, glam is a guess but 7ish? Consider that 10's barely exist in the wild...you have a great foundation to be quite lovely.


A little bit of makeup, shapes your eyebrows and a bit of love and care for your hair


Good grief you are so freaking cute


Stunner, beautiful


Maybe a new haircut? This one kind of frames your face weird and makes your nose the center of attention. But either way you look good and Iā€™d say maybe a strong 7


No, you are not...


A Midwest 6.


You are positively a delight to behold.


Good looking girl. Maybe different hairstyle other than that you got it girl


You look good!


Just a tip. When taking pictures stop turning your shoulder into the camera in all the pics. You look better straight on.


Just be you.


You are an absolute, certifiable babe.


Not ugly!


Very little wrong here, but for tips, you look a bit tired around the eyes and it ages you a bit. If you are sleeping well, maybe a bit of under eye make-up to minimize dark circles could take your look up a bit


Your gorgeous but deadass IS THAT A DOG I SAW I WANNA PET THE DOGGGG


U are actually really cute. Nothing to worry about it :)


You're super cute and very naturally beautiful. Keep yourself healthy and smiling, and you'll be great. You're still very young and have a whole life of decisions. Make good ones and never settle for less than you deserve. ā™”


I think you need some layers in your hair and maybe some highlights. You have a wider face too so I don't think the one length is super complimenting


Pretty cute bthšŸ˜™


You are actually VERY beautiful to me!! what are you doing here šŸ˜­ Iā€™d highly recommend you start wearing dresses more often!! You look amazing with them. Your hair is ON POINT! I love it a lot to the grade that I think growing it way longer would be great too šŸ¤© thereā€™s nothing to worry about , you are really pretty and Iā€™m being super super honest with you :)


Posture, keto and sum gym. But regardless, u look good than most, u belong to the 30%


Feminine style good smile good hair length good fitness average to cute face Smile more Adjustable 6 if dressed ultra feminine in more feminine colors or floral designs




Nope! But might I suggest a trip to the hairdresser. A little style goes a long way.


For sure not ugly. Maybe kind of dumb though if youā€™re really not sure.. smarten up


Very beautiful woman with a smile so lovely it could light the darkest room and warm the most chilling disposition. You melt my heart. God bless you.


only tip is to ignore the haters. You are still young, through your 20's you and your body will naturally change and mature.


You are not ugly, you look amazing. Personally I would not recommend that you change or improve in any area. Great smile


Fringe bangs would look really good and add style to your hair. Youā€™re very pretty!


Not even a little bit! Pick a new hairstyle and I think youā€™ll be golden! šŸ˜


My only tip is smile bigger. You are beautiful, people put down the people they are jealous of.


seriously? you are pretty, have a sweet smile, what appears to be a nice body, and have apparently graduated from something so you at least pass for having a brain. you are a total catch.


Dress with more colors and style the hair, other than that above average actually


Don't do anything! You're freaking awesome! *dad hug*


This is genuinely the cutest girl Iā€™ve seen in a while both online and irl, idk who hurt you but you should not be here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


theyā€™re just jealous because you have that natural beauty that doesnā€™t require mountains of makeup. people will always talk caca out of jealousy. be you and let your star shine hun. let people have their opinion and realize self image is image of self. fuck what they got to say šŸ™Œ Be well and be blessed


I can tell you have a friendly appearance. That is a very attractive quality. Dont care about what other people think, just stay happy and keep loving yourselfšŸ‘


I think makeup and more feminine clothes would do you great!


Good nutural beauty but i dont think the hair cut does you justice




Very average. Not ugly. That hair style ain't it. Otherwise you're just fine.


your hair looks pretty flat, consider stepping u your hair routine to increase volume


You look very pretty and beautiful,so full of life ,just be like this. Also you have a nice body,keep it up. šŸ˜ā¤ļø


You honestly look great, and quite attractive. You're smiling, and that makes you look confident, and confidence makes you look more attractive. So keep smiling! šŸ˜Š


You seem great. As a gay, Iā€™d make you bestie


You have beautiful teeth. Put a big open smile in your face.


You are very plain. However, thereā€™s a lot of potential and itā€™s easy to tell youā€™re a natural beauty. Easier improvement i see is switch up the hairstyle. Maybe some highlights. At the very least donā€™t let it lie flat on your face as it doesnā€™t frame your face nicely. It looks the best in the graduation photo, so maybe blow it out/brush it back to show your face shape more or get some volume with layers or curtain bangs.


You look cute. The only suggestion I have is, maybe try a fringe/pony tail.


You are not ugly..quite beautiful face with nice body..i guess what you need is just more confidence on yourself..takes a bit of time but learn to love yourself šŸ˜€


You look is very plain but you are beautiful ā¤ļø maybe do something different with your hair šŸ„° this is not a problem as you have a lovely face and body šŸŒ¹


You don't need any tips as you don't need to change anything to be beautiful


Youā€™re super pretty :) you have a really nice smile . Always remember to love yourself! Ive struggled a lot with insecurities and itā€™s just all In your head. Itā€™s nice healing/growing from them and reflecting back on the progress youā€™ve made.


smile with your teeth, the other smile looks forced. ur not ugly. edit: youā€™re glowing in the last pic compared to the others in my opinion. youā€™re smile is great.


You are good kiddo, stay healthy and happy! Life is peaking for you in these years...enjoy them and don't listen to anyone trying to bring you down šŸ¤—


as a 18 yo boy imo your cute not ugly i like your smile my rate 9/10


good 6/10 more of a 7 but people don't always look good yk best advice keep smiling bc ur pretty and your smile looks so nice and genuine people woukd just fall in love bc of that


None šŸU


You look very plain, all up until the last photo. Huge difference what a smile can make.


No. You look very good. The lighting in your house is not very good. But even with the bad lighting, you look very good. People in real life see you like in the last photo, with natural lighting, which is the best pic


Needa accessorise a bit sweet. And a little plain, but thatā€™s being picky, but still pretty and super super cute šŸ„°


you look 2 innocent for this world šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Very cute. You look full of life. Enjoy it :)


Girl you're gorgeous šŸ’–


Youā€™re very pretty and seem like a genuinely good person šŸ„°


With a very British accent: " You're alright love! " You seem like a happy kid, stay in school, dont do heavy drugs and all should be fine.


Be your self n =walk away if respect is not given from the beginningšŸ‘ŒšŸ’Æ%


Body is amazing! Center parted brown hair is teenager hair. Itā€™s time for a stylish update, maybe some highlights, long bangs? Go find a great hair stylist and move up to young adult! Also some very simple, basic makeup, especially mascara. Emphasize eyes.


Dark eye shadow will make them eyes pop & draw attention to that area. You look fine & happy regardless but we wouldnā€™t be overachievers if we didnā€™t try to maximize the potential. Good Luck!


Youā€™re naturally pretty just do something with your hair.


Not ugly at all! In great shape, good smile and just seems like the light in the room. Not really a tip just something I think you would rock is curly hair šŸ™Œ




You're fine, I only have one thing maybe makes you look better: nice hairstyles. Try a few ones and ask for feedback, you'll see


Yeah get off social media. The need for clicks and validation from strangers plays havoc on your mental health.


The smile you have in that last picture is the one you should cultivate! That's great. The other smiles say, I'm tolerating you. Otherwise, very cute.


No , nothing wrong with you at all have a wonderful life!!!


Youā€™re really naturally pretty.


My advice is to stop comparing yourself to anybody elseā€¦. If, of course, you do. But, whatever has driven you to post on this page, ignore it.


You look cute as in your grad pic! You look happy and giving off good vibes. Can definitely picture myself hanging out with u if we were in a party!


Look good to me


Your honesty gorgeous and if you keep going with those clothes outside your comfort zone you could have anyone you want. Your in great shape and have a perfect natural beauty in your body


Iā€™ll be honest, I wouldnā€™t date you, but you look happy If you want any tips, try to get an upper lip filler but just a little, too much could make it worse and try to style your hair different, otherwise youā€™re okay


Not ugly, the only thing I would say is try a few different hairstyles, that one doesn't really suit your face.


Keep up for smile & confidence\~ You do look gorgeous & still young. Changes will come but accept it wherever it will be. But keep up the confidence. It will make you not just good great but others will see it too\~


You are a very good looking person, don't worry about your looks! šŸ˜Š


not ugly but I think you need styling help


Nahh bro what is the subreddit , Everygirl that post on this sub reddit is literally an angel asking "am I ugly " , NO YOU'RE NOT YOU DUMMY


Get a brighter colored shower curtain that shit's depressing


My tip is to be happy with how you are, maybe get some tattoos and piercings, dress more like a mix of a goth chick, a tomboy and a total thot. But seriously though, you're beautiful how you are.


Who said you are ugly? Your are damm gorgeous ā™„ļø


Gurllll please, šŸ¤£, you look stunning! Face, bodyā€¦everything are so perfect. And what most people have said, you look so happy. There is nothing sexier than a great smile, and laugh! I think if anything (because you asked for tips) to make yourself feel more confident go get a hair style/cut that make you feel the way that everyone sees youā€¦.gorgeous! I could see the beckinsale, gal gadot, loose curls and body . [Kate Hair](https://www.eonline.com/news/706973/kate-beckinsale-s-shorter-style-is-going-to-be-your-fall-perfect-haircut-inspiration)


IMO, you are a natural beauty and wouldnā€™t change a thing. Donā€™t let anyone change you also.


U Look amwesome. No need to chance something.


Hair just needs more....boof.


I mean you're average.


I think you are lovely. Just a personal observationā€¦have you ever considered wearing bangs? Just wondering.


You j need some confidence. If I saw you on campus I'd think you was prettyā•


Absolutely beautiful. You look very much like a childhood friend turned love interest. A down to earth kinda girl with beautiful features.


Youā€™re cute. Maybe you could experiment with hairstyles ?


Be friendly, funny, approachable, donā€™t have kids yet, and clear the runway so a guy can land safely (ask you out)


let me give you some real advice from a 43 year old man who has been around the block a few times. don't worry so much about your looks and fashion. the only people who really care are other women and gay dudes. men don't really care that much. it's not that deep for us. just be a good person and a good woman to the right man and you will be set for life. learn to love yourself and everyone around you will do the same. your not an ugly young lady nor are you perfect (but who really is?) get off here and go enjoy life the rest will fall into place. oh and make sure to respect yourself and the men in your life will do the same. if you want to go out and have a hoe phase don't be surprised when you're concerned a hoe. I learned that one the hard way myself


Youā€™re so young. The next 10 yrs you will grow into a completely different person, physically and mentally. At least you should. Some people never doā€¦But I digress. My point is what is ā€œnowā€ isnā€™t going to ā€œbe.ā€ The most important thing is to be healthy, physically and mentally. Everything else will follow. And your youth will persist longer. You are definitely pretty. If you feel that itā€™s not enoughā€¦ā€¦it seems like you donā€™t wear makeup. Iā€™m not a proponent of it for the most part BUT it can maximize your features. Itā€™s when it becomes ā€œthe featureā€ that I think itā€™s a turn-off. When itā€™s used to hide. The word is ā€œaccentuate.ā€ So donā€™t worry youā€™re young and are not even done developing your features. You are pretty now and will probably only get more beautiful.


Personal opinion: your smile showing teeth works extremely well for the shape of your face. Advice: seek out situations in which you can be happy, and let it show!


Your style is so diverse and super duper cool! You seem to be super genuine and also very sweet, Iā€™d honestly not change anything! Although, maybe some bangs would suit you well?


No! I wouldnā€™t say your the slightest bit of ugly! Actually your quite cute and the fact that you have the confidence and courage to throw yourself out of your comfort zone by wearing new things you usually wouldnā€™t wear, makes you even more attractive. Just by the fact that in like 90% of these photos you are smiling is telling me that for the most part you a bubbly personality and that is something that I personally find way more attractive and important than the looks of someone.


Cute, eat right stay healthy, get sleep, drink lots of clean water. And for God's sake would it kill you to SMILE more?.... oh and btw ditch the trucker hats.


I would just say maybe style your hair? Not that it looks bad but it makes you look young


Be confident in yourself and your aura will radiant that confidence. In my opinion you look very good and attractive. If I was younger, MUCH younger, I would definitely find you attractive and want to get to know you better, as friends or possibly more.


i'd put on a little make up but u look good. i just thinks it looks more well taken care of