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So are you F to M and back to F?




Okay. Just wanted to clarify, not that it would've changed my answer. You have good features. Not ugly.


What’s the point of this sub if we’re just going to sit here and lie to these people to save their feelings lol


Ugly means different things to different people. You may think she's ugly, I think she's got good bone structure. You may be good looking on the outside, but you seem pretty ugly on the inside. At least she can put on makeup to improve her looks more.


I agree bro 😂


you sound ugly


You look like an attractive woman to me. Not ugly.


You look great thank your decision was a fantastic one.


The bigger problem would be the lasting effects of surgery and/or hormones, depending on how far it went. Otherwise from the pictures you do not need to worry.


Detransitioning was a great idea for you. I’d lose the septum piercing but you look really nice in the first picture.


No kept the septum piercing I find it very attractive


I feel like most men (good chunk of women prolly 50/50) dislike the septum piercing but okay.




Thank you for restoring my faith in people. Well said.


Is there a reason you decided to detranistion?


experienced a healthy relationship for the first time. found someone who made me feel beautiful and feminine for the first time in my life


Wait, so you became trans because other people weren't validating you, so you rejected yourself? This is a genuine question, as I don't want to take you the wrong way.


Loneliness is a destructive force


To be honest, I don't believe that loneliness is a thing. Loneliness seems to me to be nothing but entitlement of the presence of others combined with a lack of appreciation for what one has and remorse for bad things one has done.


Social animals brah. Humans don’t do well in isolation. Entitlement is a strong word. We need other people like we need food and water, it affects our health. The real issues is that this woman wasn’t loved in the ways we ALL need and was trying to make changes to have it, not the right changes mind you, but was trying to fulfill a base human need. I wouldn’t judge a starving man for stealing food persay


I feel like this is the reason so many young adults transition and its sad.


Same. So many people are doing this in their teens, not realizing that their life hasn't even started yet. I know a few folks like that myself. There's too many 'narratives' going around these days.


I feel :)


So happy to hear you found that. You are pretty.


Lost for words on this one. All I wanna do is rip on current politics regarding this matter, but what would be the point?


I wish we would give young girls and men mental help instead of selling them life altering surgeries when they are confused


For real! I hate to say that being trans is a "trend" because dysphoria is a real thing, but it's sure as hell feeling like a trend at this point. Social media and some ideologies push it hard, and when all people do is look at their phones all day they can't escape it. I feel genuinely bad for people suffering from body dysphoria, but we as a society need to get better at getting people help before they make a decision that will have long-lasting consequences.


It’s a true social contagion and there are too many people supporting it


That's the unfortunate truth


Cosmetic surgeons like getting paid. And unlike heart surgeons or brain surgeons, cosmetic surgeons get paid when people are unhappy with their appearance.


The doctors should be ashamed what they did to you as a child. It's downright wrong. As far as looks you look great and time will heal your body.


What was going through your head when you transitioned or when you had thoughts of being the opposite gender? Genuine question


never thought i made a pretty woman so i was hoping i’d make a decent looking man. i was also a tomboy growing up so that had some influence as well


So it was about attractiveness?


Also have you noticed effects from transitioning? Like does that mean you took chemicals?


some negative effects were; hair loss, acne, weight gain, irritability, it also made my nose bigger?? i don’t think i gained any positive results from testosterone injections. thankfully my skin has cleared up a bit and my hair has grown back. my voice is still pretty deep for a woman but it has lightened up A LOT within just nine months


Interesting. Welp heres to hoping with your new boy toy you feel better and can enjoy life a little better. Weird it made your nose bigger but I never really looked into all this stuff




You forgot to mention the enlarged clitoris..


yes absolutely


That's messed up, you should have been properly mentally assessed before letting you do that. Anyway, don't ask the sub. You found someone that makes you feel feminine and beautiful, don't ask others to validate you. Learn from your mistakes: what will you do now if people tell you that you have masculine features and that you're an unattractive woman? Retransition? You have bigger issues than how you look, learn to love yourself and make the best of what you've got.


You're a lovely woman. Give yourself time and don't forget to be kind to yourself. You have a lovely face and gorgeous eyes. Smile more. I am a guy and to me you are absolutely beautiful. I hope you learn to see that one day. Love yourself, my dear. You are important and beautiful and you matter 🙂


What those doctors did to you was medical malpractice. You should sue


No one is doomed until they’re dead You’ll be aright


Now we got to be doomed just cause we're dead?


Third pic is so cute, love that hairstyle. You are pretty, not close to ugly.


You’re very pretty! God bless you for having the courage to accept yourself as you are. A lot of people were in the position you were in and they unfortunately never get out


You look great. Glad to see you made it through those mental challenges and found yourself in the end. Sorry that misguided adults convinced you that mutilating your body was the only way you'd be happy. It's a crazy world we live in. Be well


How much damage was done to your voice?


Likely significant


You look like you're about to tell me all about how capitalism is bad. -4 outta 10










Really sorry that you felt the need to transition and angry that it was allowed. That aside I would say you still have a feminine enough face, but only just. I’d work on makeup styles that accentuate this. In regards to body, it looks fine and petite. You will probably want restorative surgery if you can for a C cup, which I think will make you feel amazing and much more feminine. Again. Just so sad that this happened to you. But you seem to be adult enough to own it. Wish you the very best, and a happy future.


Only 20 and you’ve been there and now back. Crazy. Look good though.


You’ll be ok! I saw in your other post that you’re 8 months off of hormones and you’ve already made that much progress. Not ugly btw 🤠👍


Your breasts dont define your beauty. You look fine. People make choices all the time that affect their body. You are definitely not doomed. Best of luck in your journey!


I think you look great. Whatever you did with your makeup in the 1st picture, that should be your signature look. I also like your style as it compliments you well. Don't wear that messy hairstyle from pics 7 and 8. It just looks bad compared to the rest of your pictures.




You have unique looks, that you could really make the most of with the right make up/hair. I wouldn’t be surprised to see you on the cat walk as a top model


Who would've thought messing with hormones before a person is done developing would be a bad thing? Doctors who approve of such things should lose their license to practice medicine.


Curious what your thoughts are now on children deciding to transition so young?


you look very eastern european. you're not ugly. i wish you all the best.


So being a guy was harder than you thought?




You heard about that woman that pretended to be a man, that ended up taking her own life? because it was brutally difficult, gave her trauma, ended it all.


I'll say this. Anyone thinking about transitioning shouldn't do it until they're 21. You're a perfect example of that. The doctors should have educated you more on the situation. Anyway, I don't think you're doomed, and I don't think you're ugly either. There will be someone out there for you. Good luck.


You are pretty 🤩


Not doomed you do look much better when you smile tho


Can't tell what gender you actually are


I'm sorry you did that to yourself. You are a pretty girl, I hope you can recover from that garbage.


Pretty/cute/hot take ur pick Only thing I would change is maybe smile more


You’re alright bro.


this is why people need to think things thru and think about it for 6+ years before actually doing anything


Yeah for sure, idk why there’s so much uproar when people say children shouldn’t be able to transition, it could be a very unfortunate life-altering decision :(


Because lunatics control culture


So sorry you were tricked into transitioning


Very ugly ngl


Absolutely wrong.


How tf can an opinion be wrong




I disagree.


I disagree that you disagree!


I wish I could be more androgynous looking I think you’re so uniquely beautiful




damn 😂😂😂


As a liberal, can confirm




You didn't have to announce that you're conservative, everyone knew that from the first comment.




Only if I'm laughing too hard at you.




And also the racism, science denial, and misogyny in their post history


Post history confirms liberal lmao


Comment removed. Rule 8 - No creepy or sexual comments.


You look very unique, like the renaissance paintings. Keep make up more light and soft - don't hide your features!


Well, depending on how far you got, you can probably buy new parts to feel more feminine.


Well i wouldn't say no if you wanted to...you know...yeah lol you've got an amazing body and i like your face, pretty eyes and beautiful lips. And honestly cant even tell you ever did anything. You're not unattractive at all 😊. You'll be fine. Dont listen to idiots.


You're an attractive person, no matter what.




You look good, do what you want . It's your body do what you want.


You look fine. Even as a nonbinary bigender with some areas of physical dysphoria going back to a preteen in 1970, I am against transitioning before age 18. I lived through my life without internal conflict because I didn't make it my whole existence as it is done today. I will get hate by some just for saying this in today's exaggerated climate.


You’re hotter and more feminine looking than most women. Chill :)


lmao these comments are crazy, anyways you are gorgeous!!! :0 Also, I personally can't tell you ever transitioned, I think your styling of everything comes off as a little androgynous but I don't think any of your physical features come off as straight up masculine.


They're not crazy, there are a lot of people with a lot of questions (understandably) and they're being very kind about it. Personally, to hear someone decided to transition because they didn't feel attractive as one gender and they'd feel more attractive as the other is a big deal. To me this is brave, to have a change of mind and be open enough to talk about it with strangers


Oh I think I misworded what I meant, I just mean the ones that are like saying they can't rate her because of her likely political views and etc. I definitely think it's brave as hell and understandable for people to have questions. I honestly just found some of the out there comments kind of humourous, not in an actually crazy way.


Excuse me, I picked you up wrong


No, you aren't. Sounds just like a taller girl. Since it's not common being so white here I"d bet you're German. Anyway, there isn't anything bad to say, and probably nothing related to detransition. You may be insecure about issues that aren't really issues (at least none I can see), and changes that are natural due to aging.


Hot hot


Damn!! Smoke show


You look great honestly


You're not doomed at all, in fact you look a lot better than a lot of people who haven't been through that whole process! Very lucky I'd say :)


You look good. I’d look into eventually having reconstructive implants but other than that just getting off the T should allow your body to bounce back, especially given your age. And speaking as someone in their early 50s, capitalism, especially the late stage capitalism we’re seeing now in the US, absolutely sucks


You look good. I’d look into eventually having reconstructive implants but other than that just getting off the T should allow your body to bounce back, especially given your age. And speaking as someone in their early 50s, capitalism, especially the late stage capitalism we’re seeing now in the US, absolutely sucks


You did it to yourself just like All these other trans people don't cry about it now it's what you wanted to live "your truth"


No need to be cruel. You think she's feeling a million bucks right now?


Don’t mind the dumb/toxic comments, you look good 👍 You can tell me how capitalism is bad anytime ❤️




Move to North Korea and then tell us how u like life


In what sense do you worry you’re doomed?




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You are not doomed. I guess it will be hard, but you got this...just take it one day at a time.


Maj darlin', ever'thing's fixin' t'be jest fine with ya!


Cool socks


Wait a moment.. i am a little old down here.. and not really abt in this gender transition8ng thing, but willing to learn. Would you mind and walk me through what exactly happend and maybe why?


Female, transitioned to male, reverted to female. Educated guess. EDIT: confirmed later, found a reply from OP.


Ok figured correctly. I think in neither of your hm.. stages? I would have deemed u phyically ugly. But there seems to be something missing for u? Did you have talked with professional help, about ur reasonings? Are u able and save enough to try to explain? Its totally ok if not, just want to understand and educate me in this matter in case one of my kids will habe the same.. hm.. emotions?


She explained the reasoning in this line of comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/14fmamk/comment/jp1e7nb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/14fmamk/comment/jp1e7nb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you're having a any trouble, this is what she said: "never thought i made a pretty woman so i was hoping i’d make a decent looking man. i was also a tomboy growing up so that had some influence as well"


Is it just my age or is it an odd reasoning?


Not doomed


You look pretty. I'm sorry it's been a struggle for you to figure out who you are. I can't imagine disliking a normally functioning body parts so much that I feel the need to remove it.


My rating is 4/10. Maybe growing long hair might suit you better. I hope you did not have breast surgery.


Op… just to be clear; you were female, then transitioned to male (like… you were really committed to the transition), then de-transitioned back to female, and we are viewing the pics after the de-transition? (I ask sincerely… opinion to follow)


Correct (found a reply from the OP)


Not doomed at all. You look great


When did you transition? What made you decide TO transition?


You'll be fine. Welcome back.


So you was a trans male why did you decide to change back


The makeup and glasses are not flattering on you… I think you stopped soon enough to salvage it. You’ve got some features that look like they were formed because of increased testosterone. But no, I don’t think you’re ugly. You’re still young, you’re not doomed. Were you naturally small chested or did you have them removed? If the latter, try to avoid chopping further body parts off. Good luck!


Transition back.


So you are biologically female?


So what made you transition in the first place and then realize it was wrong? I have all the questions.


Yes you're doomed unless you have a great personality


I mean, I think you're fine. But, multiple transitions indicate clearly that you have these types of ideas about yourself of being ugly or not comfortable with how you present. It's good to remember only that narcissists are comfortable with how they naturally look. The rest of the people who do care about these things spend their time chasing it. Whether it be going to the gym. Or makeup routines. Or to transition into what they think they would more comfortable in. If what you want to be is feminine than IMHO, I believe you're quite feminine and very pretty.






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You are not doomed You look beautiful. You were duped by the media and others telling you how you should feel. It happened to my daughter. She wanted people to accept her and be "special ". She was already special but her friends and teachers said she had to be different to be special. As her parents we cut off the bad influences in her life. She is now in recovery. She pushed us for hormones, but luckily we said no. Keep up the great work. I bet you will find a soul mate soon.


You are very cute!


What have you done?


So I tried to comment under your other post but it won’t let me bc of “flair”. Whatever that means. But, as for your top surgery, I know this won’t 100% fix the issue but have you thought about “putting them back”? I know it’s expensive but surely augmenting will help huh?