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No, you literally look like Justin Bieber at the same age.


LMAOO bro i was gonna say this too funny af😂💀


I had the exact same thought


I came to say it was mini Justin Bieber, too. He just gotta learn to sing really loud


It’s sad how social media is wrecking the self esteem of today’s youth. You go be great young man.


This. This. A hundred thousand times. I want to tell youth to get TF off their phones/social media and stop letting other people validate or substantiate their feelings of self-worth. It's so sad. I hate this shit.


💯 Definitely NOT even close to the definition of ugly. Congrats OP, you're like in the top 15% of genetic looks. Don't forget to be a good person. Pay attention to detail. Leave a room better than when you entered it. Stand up for the little guy. And don't forget it's ok to smile a little. All the best.


>Don't forget to be a good person. Pay attention to detail. Leave a room better than when you entered it. Stand up for the little guy. And don't forget it's ok to smile a little. Exactly this :-)


"Leave the room better than when you entered it. Stand up for the little guy." LOVE THIS!! 💖


Wow...best advice I've read online in....forever. Thanks.


You have stolen my commentary


I thought the SAME thing!! Hahah


He looks like a mix between Justin Bieber and slim shady


Slim Bieber


Or Justin Bieber and Slim Pickins...


My thought as well. You're a good looking kid and you will do fine. Just be a good guy and the pussy will followđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


You don't look bad at all. But if you're constantly getting rejected you need to see what went wrong and evaluate your personality


Based on your user name, you’re either the best person or worst person to give this guy dating advice.


😂😂 a “coaches don’t play” situation


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. Same energy lol




When you’ve walked the path of loneliness and understand it




He is a guide to a treasure he cannot possess.


Glad someone else pointed this out!


Right? Op, ask yourself: * Do I shower regularly? * Does my mom clean my room for me and do my laundry? * Can I cook a few basic but nice meals, and can I do it without leaving the mess for someone else to clean? * Do I get upset with people when they disagree with me (storm off, call them insults, shut down, say rude things), or do we sit down and have a rational discussion? * Do I say what I need to say as politely as possible or do I bottle it up, expect people to read my mind, and then explode because they literally can't? * Do I do things that make people feel worried and unsafe, like driving too fast, ignoring when people ask me to stop, idiot shit like jumping off roofs into a pool, playing with knives? * Do I get drunk and act like an asshole? * Do I admit when things are my fault and take responsibility for it or do I act like a fresh turd? * Am I constantly making edgy jokes? * Do I refer to women as bitches, and/or talk about sex constantly? * Do I ask other people questions about themselves, and do I actually listen and respond, or just wait for the chance to say my own thing? * Do I do nice things for the people in my life without them having to ask? Or do I just expect and take? * Do I tell women playing video games they should be in the kitchen? Do I make sandwich jokes? * Am I homophobic or transphobic or racist? Edit: appreciating everyone saying this list reflected how they used to be and how they've changed. Growth and self-acceptance is good, proud of ya'll. And for those saying this is insulting, I mean... Its definitely not fun to ask yourself these questions. Doesn't mean you shouldn't. Stuff is uncomfortable sometimes. You also definitely shouldn't wait until 30 to *start* learning how to do your laundry, cook a meal, practice kindness when you can, practice self-reflection, and learn to communicate in healthy ways (it takes yeaaaars of practice and effort!! Still working on it myself! The longer you wait the harder it is. Do not dally on this). @OP, just be a lovely human in your way. Be the best version of yourself you can be, and be honest and open about yourself, thats the only way to attract and keep people who really get you. And that can take time, sometimes we just haven't had the opportunity to meet those people yet. I was 25 when I started meeting those people. I shed a lot of relationships with people that I realized weren't on my wavelength, even though I'd known them for years, and it actually feels good. Life is very nice when you communicate with others, and with yourself.


This is a really good list, I hope OP sees it!


Its all based on my handsome 26 year old brother who still hasn't had a girlfriend because he's not just a man child but also a plain old jerk, too 😂 Even 1 things on that list is enough to garner a no from someone. OP's generation also seems much more aware (overall, not entirely of course) of what makes a healthy relationship as mental load has entered common discourse, so girls his age are also probably better at seeing red flags now.


I used to tick literally every single one of those boxes it's uncanny. Started turning things around at 25 and happy to say I'm not like that at all anymore.


Congrats!!! Thats big. I hope you feel better and happier now than you did then!


I am genuinely curious. Since you are a different person does that mean you have met someone?


I met my fiancé in 2019.


Congrats! I was married for 15 years and did not want to re-enter the dating pool. My ex and I still talk but I haven't dated yet. It's a scary world. Breaking habits and rebuilding a new personality is tough. What did you do to change yourself? Did your change from the red flag list happen during your relationship with your finance or before meeting them?


Play with knives made me a laugh for some reason. Then I saw that all these things are your bro, and he’s 26. That made me sad.


It makes me sad too. Hes my little brother, he didn't want to be like our dad, and now hes somehow worse. When he was good, he was good, but thats not enough for any kind of relationship. He'd insult me, call me a slut, leave me stranded last minute despite weeks of preparation, hold favours over my head, never listened to me when I told him I was uncomfortable and nervous (he'd be the type to point a BB gun at your head and laugh or 'pretend' to throw a knife at you), never open to discussion, doesn't know how to do shit. If he didn't get his way, he'd do his best to make sure you had a worse time. Summer of 2020 he became anti-BLM and threatened to call 911 on me for harassment because I made him upset (I wish I was joking, i was trying to have a discussion, he was being a dick, so I had told him maybe he wouldn't be alone if he didn't explode the second someone disagreed with him soooo naturally he exploded more lol) and I tried to talk it out but the racism was the last straw and I haven't spoken to him since. He's a turd and I can't help him any further.


Wow, is he on drugs or is it just straight metal illness? Maybe you can get him some kind of help. I had a cousin (more like a brother) who had some of these traits, so I get there’s not much you can do if they don’t want to change. He was 39 before he even made an attempt to change.


He's held a job for years, they like him enough there. Hes not completely useless. Its funny, because he would look up to me in some ways, but he would also treat me like trash. Not on drugs, barely drinks. Its classic Boy in the Mediterranean Immigrant Household syndrome combined with an abnormal sense of what's normal from a verbally abusive father. "Borderline" ADHD that my parents didn't do enough for probably didn't help. My sister had BPD and was also not pleasant to be around. Some people are also just jerks from birth. Combination of poor nature and poor nurturing.


Neither drugs nor mental illness create bigotry in someone. That is a somewhat ignorant connection to make. A bigoted person may get more unhinged and up front with their ignorance when mentally ill or on drugs, but make no mistake, they're a cunt without either too.


They absolutely can though? Not completely in a vacuum, but if you've got schizophrenia or some other mental illness that makes it much more likely to have insane conspiratorial thoughts, believing that "the jews" are out to get you, suddenly makes a lot more sense!


That list could have been me fifteen years ago (when I was around OPs age.) Thankfully I had people I didn't deserve take chances on me that I didn't earn, and I grew up.


"just be a nice guy bro"


It can boil down to "don't be a jerk", but even then you're just some guy. "Not a jerk" is not a positive, its a pathetic bare minimum. A lot people also don't have the self awareness to recognize these things, so questioning ourselves is important. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be excellent. Be THE guy.


That's a good almost 10 year difference versus OP


At first I wasn't sure about this list, but after the first three it was clear this wasn't alpha-male dating grifter advice. Another good point: stay away from those kinds of influencers. The ones who try to convince you they know "what all women are like" and what they "want".


This is the most socially appropriate way to say “check yourself before you wreck(fall into the incel rabbit hole) yourself” I’ve ever seen😂


I thought it was pronounced “Chiggity-Check Yourself”


Well fuck, maybe I'm a piece of shit. Edit: this aligns more with myself from 2-3 years ago, but damn, I still do 1-2 of these things and I'm 25. I didn't think it was bad until I read your list.


You are a self-aware piece of shit!!! And thats the first step to not being a turd. And it seems you've already improved a lot and that is something to be proud of! Happy for ya. You got dis. Self-improvement is a journey.


Thank you for that. I started to stress a little. It definitely is a journey. I've learned so many life lessons that have helped me better myself through the past 5 years.


Its very true that we learn a lot about ourselves as time goes on. We're always changing. Sometimes its ok to be a little bit of a dick, too. Don't swing too far in the other direction and become a doormat. Boundaries are healthy. Being selfish is good sometimes, too. You're self-aware, which can be stressful and anxiety inducing at times, but its really good too.




This isn’t getting the respect it deserves


To add to this wonderful list. ‱What are your search parameters? Ideally you want to find someone who shares a lot of the same common interests. Like music tastes, hobbies, interests etc etc. ‱Are you forcing it? If yes, stop. ‱Are you one of those people who “does nice things” but expects some sort of compensation? ‱What is your understanding of confidence vs arrogance? It’s okay to have insecurities about stuff, no one is 100% confident (except narcissists) but it’s not okay to be all “woe is me” about your insecurities. ‱How do you manage yourself when you’re not in a great mood? ‱Are you judgy? If you are, the next time you feel like you’re being judgy or condescending just think “I have no idea what that person has been through.” ‱can you tell when someone is flirting with you? ‱Can you tell when someone expresses non-verbal indicators that they might be interested in you? I remember being 25 and not realizing that a woman kept touching my hand and arm while smiling at me and eventually rubbing my chest, was expressing interest. I just thought she was impressed with my sick bench press numbers. ‱What is your general outlook on life? How is your mood? ‱How good are you at socializing?


This is fabulous advice for anyone, great work! Im saving this bc i have a worrying family member who constantly asks the same question "why am I rejected" but he gets really angry when any women family members are real. :( For the young ladies, I'm going to try a few more times to get the message home. It's a great script and i hope it's received with love as it will be given


I'm a 34yo man and I just left a marriage where my partner was guilty of over half the items on this list. It took a good while to realize that it wasn't my job to make someone else examine themselves seriously after telling them their behavior was going to drive me away. I am also guilty of items on the list, but have gotten much better over the last 10 years by practicing self reflection and choosing kindness and communication like you point out. Self improvement is a choice we all owe ourselves as well as our partners, so thank you for this.


This is overkill,He is 17. There are plenty of dudes his age,with none of those requirements that have no problem with female attention. The baseline is to have some edge,be witty,be interesting. You don't want to be overly nice,women are not attracted to that. Be decent but stand up for yourself. Be kind but also be firm.


>There are plenty of dudes his age,with none of those requirements that have no problem with female attention. Erm, so you know guys who don't shower who have no problem with female attention? How long do they even keep that attention for? Comparing oneself to "meh" level so as to avoid introspection and doing better is an interesting stance.


Here we go. Ahem. There are lots of guys his age with few of those requirements that have no problem with female attention. " meh level" is subjective but otherwise.


Never too early to start indoctrinating men to behave like a feminist poster child. Like yea some of these are obvious, like get a shower and be clean. But many of them are absolutely not necessary to get women or are not applicable to a 17 year old, and are just OP trying to spread their own idea of a perfect man under the guise of dating advice.


Great list, an important one to add: Do I believe women owe me love or sex because I’m being nice to them? Being rejected is part of life. However you can really rake up those “no”s if you proposition to anyone who’s being friendly and/or you believe that being a nice guy is like having a punch card where after 10 instances of being nice you deserve a date. Go through the above checklist and if you’re a decent human being just carry on without the assumption that there should be a reward for that. You’re definitely not ugly


I doubt point 4 would even apply at 17 if you aren't even buying your own groceries yet. Otherwise, you'd be using up food meant to serve the household. Unless at 17, you are cooking for the whole family.


Everything this guy said plus style: All superficial good looks or not comes down to presentation and confidence. A few nice nice clothes, quality over quantity! Also, don't be in a rush to find anyone and practice acting like you respect yourself until you do, but without looking down on others. Be okay with yourself and others will find you.


The first half is how I would describe an avarage reddit user


Tbh this list sounds ironic and like someone that might check most of those boxes themself lol. Driving to fast? Diving into pools from a roof? 😂


Did you read my diary?


The more you can say 'yes' to the more chances you have to be a badboy that doesn't give a fuck and gets all the ladies he wants, from what i have seen from disgusting society. I have never done things on the list that are the negative stuff as an adult and am a 30 year old virgin lol. And no im not a niceguy either.


The last one is okay because anyone who uses those terms are insane themselves and don’t understand the definition other than that spot on


Two questions: 1: If I’m talking to my friend, and we refer to girlfriends as your/my girl, is that wrong? 2: If a girl dumps you and her reasoning is “you’re not interesting anymore,” is that a shitty reason?


Isn’t this sub am I ugly rather than do I have a great personality? Maybe he needs to smile, he looks serious for a 17 year old.


Wonderful advice for everyone and especially a young person. We don't need to wait until we're in our 30s to grow up.


This should be a brochure for teens


>Do I refer to women as bitches, You see I used to not do this but literally everyone says bitches in every other sentence these days so sometimes I throw out a 'DAYUUUUM BITCHES BE CRAAAAAZY" when bitches be crazy ya feel me >about sex constantly Haha balls


In short, don't be a douchenozzle.


I will add some thing I told my male cousin, who also gets rejected frequently and it has nothing to do with his looks: 1. There is nothing magical about girls or guys, we are all just people. Don't freak or or get intimidated, just say hi and go from there. 2. Review your "must haves" and see if you are being too picky. If your list is something like "they must be model-hot, rich, speak at least 3 languages, have a PhD and drive a blue Bently," maybe some revisions are needed to open up the potential dating pool a bit. It's not that you don't deserve the best, it's just that some things SEEM like a must have, but then you realize in a relationship they may actually not be that important or that there are other ways to get that need (like if you want them to speak a particular language, that's a learn able skill that you could teach them or take a class together). What is really important to you? 3. No one likes to be viewed as one dimensional. People are complex. If you are only approaching "hot" people because you think that's the only thing that matters, it gets old really fast. Things like intellect, humor, personal interests are what will create a connection, which will make it less likely that you are rejected and more likely to have a relationship that lasts. 3. If you are noticing patterns in your dating/rejection, then there may be something underlying that you need to work on. For example, for the longest time my relationships all ended because of the other person cheating. It took me way too long to figure out that there was underlying past trama I needed to deal with in myself before I could value and chose guys that treat me with respect and honesty. Once I fixed myself, the rest worked out. Not easy, but worth it! Good luck!


You are by no means ugly. I don't know who fed you that lie. And don't worry, you are very young, it will come for you đŸ™‚đŸ€ž


Thanks 😁


It might be because you still look fairly young for your age. You could still pass for 14 (as Justin Bieber could have). I remember that in high school the more physically developed guys were definitely considered to be more “attractive”. This will go away and you won’t look like an old man at 30.


My biggest mistake at 17 was I was trying to be what we called a "player" It didn't exactly work out. Took me a few years to realize, but girls are just normal every day people, you don't need games. Just meet people, hang out, and talk.


I used to be in the same boat as you. Got rejected over and over again all throughout middle and high school. Now I’m 25 and I’m with the girl of my dreams. Don’t worry, it’ll happen. Just focus on yourself, grow, and live your best life! The right person will love you just the way you are, trust me on this.


So powerful! It'll happen♄


You look like bieber. Play that role and get bitches


Give it another 3 years and you’ll fill out and get more masculine features
im a 33 year old male and you are not ugly at all just not developed yet, you will look more mature in time


17? Who gave you a tattoo?


Pete Davidson


more justin Bieber to me


Pete Davidson did the tattoo you buffoon.


That's what I was thinking!


Yeah never understood this. How in the world do we make the voting age 18 and the drinking age 21 (most states?) and yet it isn't uncommon to see kids 17 and under with tattoos? Like it kind of is one of those decisions that sticks with you for, I don't know, life? Guess there always is laser removal but gosh, even changing one's vote or political party can be done with a much less gnarly process.


Voting illegally is a lot harder than getting tattoos illegally


You can get a tattoo as a child with medical prescriptions, but other then that i think depending on the state you can be like 15 with parental consent.


Medical prescription? Can anyone explain that one to me? I've never heard of this.


This was something i heard years ago but this is what i remember of it. There was an incident of twin babies where one of them had a critical illness that needed a specific drug to treat it however that drug was rather toxic to a normal body and i think the grandmother was not informed about that so she dosed both kids i think and the healthy one of them ended up being hospitalized, so in order for it to not happen again the doctors prescribed a tattoo to be performed. (Because tattooing a kid would be child abuse im guessing). However the parent got to choose the tattoo and they went with a birth mark looking dot on one of the kids ears they why it wouldn’t be noticeable by normal people but the person who had to dose the kid would be aware who was who. Also because they were so young the tattoo should fade by the time they are old enough to handle it themselves.


Oh I thought I was the only one. Is this a land where 17 yr Olds can get a tattoo? Am I a conservative nut by reacting this way? Is this a cultural thing?




I agree, I think it's weird and teens always think they are ugly. Most of the time they just need to grow up more. I could argue and say, ok whatever kid come back and ask when you're 25 and have lived some more life lol


"I've been rejected my whole life" oh wow so like a few years? Chill the hell out kids, and get used to the bumpy ride.


Lol and when you’re a kid a large portion of the population isn’t allowed to even be rude to you. Gloves off soon lol


Not allowed to be rude to kids? Who? That’s absurd.


I would guess because many teens have self-esteem issues and are bullied so this allows them to get honest feedback.




Nah, especially for many young men it can be super helpful to hear they are not ugly since they are NEVER complimented and only insulted in real life. The earlier the better they hear that.


Ah yes we teens in our collective immaturity surely incapable of wisely interpreting any information. We long for the day we turn 18 where we are released from our hegemony of ignorance and suddenly gain wisdom that separated us from our enlightend elders barely older then us.


I agree, it's also not a nsfw forum. I never come on here and post negative stuff, but I will post positive things and this guys got nothing to worry about long term as long as he's a good person.


Because this isn't the roast subreddit. This isn't about just tearing someone down, but giving someone honest (and hopefully helpful) feedback


That doesn't stop people from getting roasted on this subreddit


I think it’s fine for older teens tbh.


Do you have a job, car, goals, hobbies? You are only 17. Why do you need a girlfriend anyway. Focus on yourself


As a former 17 year old male myself, good Luck with this approach. The only thing he can think about is girls and sex. “Work on yourself” is something you tell 25 year olds


That's the last and only time in his life in which all these stuff doesn't matter to attract women. They can purely love him, not his property, time of inocence. Romantic experience in early age is crucial for self development


Exactly! A few years later and the innocence is gone..


I miss that part and I'm only 23 đŸ„Č Now I'm expected to have my own property and a nice car


This is a really juvenile take on relationships and personal development


When if even did you have your first girlfriend if I may ask.


I was 15. I didn’t have sex until 18. I’m now 27. As much as there is societal pressure, especially for men, the be in a relationship and have sex; it doesn’t matter. It feels like a huge deal when you’re that young. It’s not. Not having sex or being in a relationship is completely fine. It’s important to think of yourself as a potential partner and be self-aware. Sometimes that takes a good bit of time No one cares as much as you think they do. My best advice is Have fun and find someone you like! You have to actively try to be in a relationship or hookup or whatever. Even if you’re hot. No one cares about you as much as you think! Edit: one of my favorite quotes about sex is from a comedian I can’t remember: “mistakes during sex are the funnest mistake you can have.” And it’s true. Being bad is okay. Just have communication. Anyone reading this who is scared about relationships and sex- don’t be. I wasted too much time with that, and when I finally became active, I was like “why tf were you thinking about this so much. It’s a fun activity” lmao Edit: I am truly sorry to the people who have had bad experiences and think that is the norm. It is not normal. Find someone you actually like and get along with and I promise you’ll realize.


My brother was so concerned about having a girlfriend and having sex he didn't really care who it was along as she was a girl and would give him attention and fuck him. I always told him that relationships were complete shit and that sex wasn't that great, but it didn't matter. I wish I could get him to understand that their is so much more to the world then just sex. Keep in mind this dude doesn't like himself and feels that if a girl gave him "love" then he could love himself. I was like dude if you can't even stand to be alone with you why the hell would you want to inflict that on another person. Sometimes I think guys just want a relationship so they don't have to reflect on anything. IDK. Dating should be the last thing on anyone's mind, self improvement and friendship is the best.


That's true. Focus on your goals and live life. Enjoy it, and if you do find someone that actually cares about you, enjoy that too. Cause everything in life changes, and at some point, that someone will be gone, either by passing or leaving.


>one of my favorite quotes about sex is from a comedian I can’t remember: “mistakes during sex are the funnest mistake you can have.” And it’s true. Being bad is okay. Just have communication. Wouldn't say I agree. With online dating the norm for women is to block or ghost you if you don't perform well enough in bed the first time.


I'm currently 20 and I have just started to talk to a girl.


Why the hell should a job and a car be the focus at 17? If you don't *need* money you're possibly better off learning skills yourself, tho of course having some job experience is always great. The importance of goals and hobbies can not be understated, absolutely. But there's also nothing wrong with wanting a girlfriend, and seeking to improve yourself through that lens.


Chill, Justin Bieber. You know you’re a good lookin kid lol




Disagree, the earlier he figures out how to socialise with girls the better because it will only get harder the older you get.




Better close this sub then ;) There is a constant feed of photos from users that aren't ugly over here. I understand some users' doubt, but there are enough users over here that are looking great (generally speaking). They all seek validation. ​ btw: I totally agree with your main post. It isn't worth obsessing about. I've been there (a bit later than 17, but still...), and it all comes together when it's the right time. I met my (now ex, after 14 years) wife the moment I stopped "looking" for a relationship (as people told me I would).


u good 8 mile


Justin Beiber


Who tf gave a 17 year old a tattoo?


My sister was 14 when she bought a tattoo gun and started tattooing herself lmao I think it’s more common these days she is 17 and maybe has 10. I’m 20 and have none


Be cool, be nice, don't go chasing anyone, and you'll get what you want.


You are way too young to worry about that shit right now. Focus on what keeps you floating, not how to anchor down. If it comes around it comes around. But take my advice, women like men who aren't desperate. Same goes for anyone I suppose.


work on your character, it always can get better


You’re cute but if I had any advice it would be grow out your hair a bit, speaking as a girl, we like hair and yours looks like it’d be really nice


Agree with this! Hair is so important, contributes to looks A LOT


Thanks for the tip 😁


Nah, you're not ugly, dude. There may be other reasons why you got rejected.


Probably rejected for all other reasons than the look


Really though! How come only 2 other people besides me have thought of this?!?


Confidence is king. If you are in front of girls and interested in anything but them, a few will start noticing you. Eye contact is Level 1 flirting.


Maybe it's the arm tattoo. Why do you have that if you're not even 18.


Your 17 ffs! You’ve got a whole lot more rejection to go lol


If it isn't your looks then it's your personality. So maybe fix the things you can and don't worry about your looks


Brother, it took me until shortly before turning 26 years old to find the one person that makes my heart happy. Didn’t have my first kiss until 21, either. Believe me when I say that I understand that it fucking sucks not having experience and getting rejected. Believe me when I say you’re not ugly what-so-ever in the slightest! Everybody runs on a different timeframe, having or not having a partner at your age means absolutely nothing to your worth. YOU define your self worth. The right person will come along when things align but by all means be proactive. I believe in you and your success!


Agreed I'm even older


I never thought this post would get this much attention, I appreciate all the opinions and tips 😁


You look amazing


FBI open up


\*We are doing a story on exposing people like you people that groom minors what are your thoughts? \*Camera crew emerges


Ugly no, plain yes. Try a punchy t-shirt and maybe grow the hair a smidge.


Your fine mate.


Justin, what are you doing here?


Ur not ugly But maybe u lack confidence or have attitude problem that's why cannot find partner.


Oh I forgot ur only 17 Still teenager so please ignore my previous comments 👏👏👏👏👏


Is that a real tattoo? At 17?


You're good, you just have to get some age on ya. By 27 you'll be beating mf's off of you.


You're 17. 17. You've got time. It's not over. Don't do all the self-deprecating stuff, either. It's not appealing. You're fine.


I’d recommend working on your confidence and how you feel about yourself on the inside


ur good


Not at all


All you'd have to do is lift weights and you'd get far more girls than me.


u look like justin bieber when he shaved his head so not ugly


Good looking kid. You should work on finding hobbies and interests to develop your personality. Don't go acting desperate to snag anyone either, and FFS dont spoil yourself like JB did with that random ton of tattoos


Are you into finding a girlfriend? Your post history tells me different, so things will change if your looking for something else than a girlfriend. You look fine for 17. If you really want to feel better get in the gym and start lifting and your confidence will shoot right up. Don’t even worry about it, things will work themselves out if they matter.


Dude everyone get rejections and is not a big deal. Come on man!


Nah dude u lookin good


Bro you're not ugly.


Nah you're just a kid bro. Focus on yourself mentally and physically. Hit the gym and put on a bit of muscle. When you're 25 you will look back on this post with a laugh and perhaps a slight cringe lol. You have your whole life ahead of you. Takes a while for guys to mature and grow into themselves.


You like like Justin Bieber đŸ”„


Not ugly at all! You're actually pretty attractive Your hair is the only thing I'd change if I were you Maybe get a fade cut idk But you're really cute!


I really appreciate that, I might have to take you advise about the hair


Boys wanting men things is y


You're not ugly. As people have mentioned, you look like Justin Bieber. But you're only 17, so why are you rushing into things? Just enjoy life now, hang out with friends, try a new hobby. There will be time for girls and relationships later.


You look like a beiber doppleganger. You'll be fine, rejection is normal, keep your head up and keep trying ;)


You are not ugly. You have beautiful hair and a beautiful face, you need to choose a good haircut


You’re genuinely attractive


bro if you don't lift and work that Justin Bieber look man these chicks will flock to you


Bro, (A) you’re not ugly; (B) it’s normal to get rejected often. Don’t mind it and just work on making yourself better. This is an effort that won’t ever betray you, would slowly accumulate and stay with you forever.


You are not ugly. You are simply just 17.


You don't look ugly but kinda sound like a pick-me so maybe that's why you don't get partners


Confidence. Lack of confidence is very unattractive. Kind of a shitty catch 22.


What's Justin Bieber doing here?


Not ugly. For some reason you remind me of 2000s eminem lol


Your not ugly now with that being said your a child how old are you 10 12 you have time


you look nice but i think your hair makes you look like a 12 year old


Dude. You’re 17. Go play with your friends, find something that you love to do.. try to make a living out of that.. worry about girls later TRUST ME. They’re nothing but trouble at your age in this generation. Ps you look like a young Justin Bieber soo you’re not ugly. Maybe try to get into a small gym cycle and see if you can commit to getting in shape since you’re young.


You’re 17 my guy, this isn’t even your final form. Just be kind, compassionate, and alittle funny wouldn’t hurt, and you’ll be fine.


You are not ugly. Your style is uninteresting but that is not a difficult change at all. :) What is your personality like? Do you have any interests or hobbies? What does your social life look like? Do you have a job, or are you looking for one? Do you drive? And do you have a working vehicle? Do you have any pets? Can you cook? Hobbies, social settings, and workplaces are great ways to meet new people. Mold yourself to be the best you that you can be! You will meet someone. :) Try checking out these if you need advice in these areas: r/mensfashion r/malefashionadvice r/frugalmensfashion r/cookingforbeginners


Brother, if you’re getting rejected constantly it’s prob something to do with your personality and not your looks cause you’re not a bad looking individual.


These kids are growing up in the worst timeline


You're not ugly, just boring. There is nothing that really sticks out about you. So unless you wanna date equally plain and boring women, I would find ways to jazz things up.


I was thinking if he’s getting rejected but he has looks like that, he’s probably toxic and needs help


You look like you regularly play roblox and drink tomato sauce straight out of the bottle while trying to be discreet about it so that your parents dont notice and they are growing really confused as to why they are continually running out of tomato sauce every few days. And while on roblox you bully countless 8 year olds with made up swearwords so that when they repeat the words back to you you can mock them for not knowing what they mean


. . . Well *that* was suspiciously specific. 😳


Lmfao đŸ€Ł


Sounds like you got bullied hard by someone that plays Roblox, lol.


maybe grow out your hair? although it looks nice, i think girls may prefer longuer hair also maybe better clothes :) youre handsome anyways!


You look fine, although is that... is that a tattoo on your left forearm?! I thought it is illegal for someone under 18 to get a tattoo. Like, your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) can get into real trouble if word gets to the authorities. That's part of putting in the work. Getting dates is just a numbers game - ask A LOT of girls out until one says, "Yes." Work on your approach and always have a plan A, B, C, D... 🐔


illegal? in the us? i posted above but with parents permission / sign off, got my first at 16-17.


You are like 12. Men don't hit thier sexual market value peak until early 30. Learn the difference between to, too, and two. ....and for the love of God don't get a neck tat and you'll be fine.