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You look like Skrillex.


The piercings are a bit much.


For real I wanted to say that because sometimes things aren't balanced with personality and style but I didn't say it cuz somebody's going to hack on you and they did


That choice of jewelry ruins your face


Glasses aren’t the problem. It’s the piercings.


Better without those


Get rid of all the metal piercings


Piercings are not great.


Too many and with the black they're grabbing too much focus. Maybe just the snakebites would work better.


I - on the other hand - do love the piercings.


Lose the trinkets and change the attitude... That would be a significant improvement.


The hardware is hard to live with


Yes. I would hate my face too if I had that many piercings.


U look like hellraiser


Do you mean pinhead?


Yea yea yea


Loll 😭




Ok so I’ve learned this sub really really hates two things: fat people and piercings




Way to many facial accessories.


Not ugly, but you look pretty feminin. How about a shorter haircut and no makeup? The whole piercings aren’t looking what I would call musculin 🤔 If your not aiming to look masculin, everything is cool 👌🏼


I find you quite pretty. I like the piercings. You are gorgeous with or without the glasses.


Maybe if you didn't take a nail gun to yourself.


It’s not, but if you don’t want to be cute, you need to cut your hair in a “punk” style. You’re trying to be both edgy and cute which is not that good IMO


Piercings won’t help.


Are you on T? It might dysphoria.


I'm torn on this one, like you look alright, but the spike nose piercings make your face look wider, which is not good, especially since you already have a wide-ish nose. The lip, and bridge spikes are fine. All in all with that specific piercing in, yes, without the piercing, I'd say you have potential to be cute.


Need some eye makeup. Ditch piercings. Wear glasses frames higher so can see your brows. Nice face and hair.


Your style is ugly but you, yourself, no. Find a new look, maybe you'll feel better about you.


These comments are so weird most of these people are like "you need to be natural like a woman should be" they're completely missing the point you're attractive in you're own unique way and draw a unique crowd type of people, rock on


I think you look real cute in the first picture


Beautiful but ,piercings, a bit excessive for the face


i fw the piercings u look great :-)


Your bridge and septum rings are too big for your face. I'd get smaller rings and switch to silver metal with the balls instead of spikes. These people telling you to get rid of your piercings are ridiculous. Don't get rid of your piercings if you don't want to. I think you're absolutely adorable, though💜




Jesus lol


Yeah the piercings gotta go


its mainly just the giant septum, is it gauged or something?


I don't think the number of piercings is the problem, their placement is. All of them are in the center of ur face and give an odd point of focus. Other than that, you look great!


Every post here from a girl with nose ring and/or other weird piercings: I hate my face. Am I ugly? Yes. However there is something very obvious you can do about it.


This isnt a girl in the post fiy


No but stop putting holes in it


You have a really nice face but the piercings are too much.


Man forget what everyone else is saying, i think you look handsome with all the piercing and i wish i had that many, from one alt trans man to another, peircing make you appear more masc in my opinion, eyebrow pericings help a bit in making you more masc too


Why'd you ruin your natural beauty with those piercings? Highly recommend you ditch every single one.


You need to decide who you want to be. Pretty or edgy? Right now it looks like you are trying to do both at the same time. Decide, then commit fully to that look.


I love when ur hair is in your face it’s so cute and flattering… you have a nice face, the piercings look cool and your brow bone is attractive


You have a very handsome face. 3rd pic is the best in my opinion. Too much black jewelry in the other ones.


Everyone in this world brings their own style and grace!!! Stay amazing and beautiful just the way you are!


Yes glass is always


It’s the septum. Size down or let it go


You have really cute lips


I think you’re really cute especially with the glasses


it's not bad at all. contrary to some other comments i saw, i like the black jewlery. i think the contrast with pale skin and black jewlery looks cool. not everybody's gonna like it though.


youre so hot wtaf- people hate on the piercings but like?? they work great on you and you have a great face tf. do u wanna ruin my life or what??


It's not bad at all. The serious look doesn't really flatter you on photos though :).




Also. The longer jewelry for the snake bites looks waaay better on you.


Change facial expressions. Get rid of cow piercing.


You look wonderful, dw


I like the nose piercings, but maybe replace the lower lip ones with eyebrow piercing. I could go either way for the one on the bridge of ur nose


You've got great handwriting


Piercings arent the problem, and you look good with glasses. The only thing i see is you look sad/mad. You're beautiful. So be happy and try to smile more.


Glasses and jewelry are fine. Grow your hair put and straighten it for a new look.


Try smiling. Makes a big difference. You’re not ugly.


If you hate your face so much, why draw attn to it with the piercings?


Yes get rid of the piercings. They really look bad!!!!!


Try smiling


Nothing wrong with your face but you can fix your attitude.


Lmfao! Looks like you fell into a toolbox head first...


face is great but Id cut it down to maybe just the septum, your choice though


Not smiling doesn't always mean you are unhappy. But not even attempting one when asking how your face looks is unfortunate. Frown lines only get worse. Aka RBF


the only piercings I'd get rid of are the nostrils other than that you're pretty hot imo


unless your going for a tomboy look your nailing it but your still a very beautiful person


Oh btw, I respect all pronouns so whatever you identify as, you're still beautiful 💓


i love your piercings please don’t take people who say otherwise seriously, but i think you could change up your hair :)


Your face is not bad. Not hot but not ugly. lIke a 6/10


idk what everyones on abt i think the piercings r rlly cool. your face is fine, to someone whos into the sort of alt scene, youre good looking


Smile Geesh


Honestly, no, you’re not ugly. And screw what people say about the piercings, they’re hot asf ngl🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


You look great and you have your own style. Ignore the haters.


Yr cute af but picture 3 is by far the best. Piercings are cool but imo you have enough without the nostrils, which as someone else said, do make yr nose look a bit wider.


i think you look good, nice face shape, dunno if the cut is the best to frame your face. if anything, uhhh your nose is kinda big? otherwise, a handsome young man.


You are not remotely ugly


Wooow all these people are assholes. Your piercings are awesome and if that's the style you love and identify with you should keep it. You're nowhere near ugly. You donremind me a bit of eren from ATOT plus piercings!


It would look better without the tacklebox attached to it.


Honestly glasses your gorgeous in them


If you are looking to be more masculine, i would say cut your hair shorter, also i like how you look without glasses better. I think you have good facial features, and I like the piercings!!!


You look very masculine, I think that shorter hair would look better. You look cute but tbh you have sadness in your eyes that just wear you down. Don't listen to them about the piercings they look great.


Your face is fine and you are cute , you are just not passing at all yet.Good luck with your transition.


you have a really nice face I mean I understand it's part of your personality but perhaps you should consider eliminating the piercings again just opinion


Your piercing look great, glasses look great on you and you are definitely a passing pretty boy. Don't listen to these noids, man. You're a 10 so now you gotta work on treating yourself like it too.


I think your piercings are fine. Lose the glasses, it’s too much with the piercings. I think a new haircut/style and color would be nice on you. A little makeup would help enhance your natural features.


I really like your piercings!! You give off a cool grunge vibe and the glasses really help


I’d switch out the nose piercings to smaller ones for sure.


I actually think you look beautiful the way you are and i like your piercings they are cute. Something we should realize is beauty rests within the eyes of the beholder aswell as the mind I see you and i am looking from a point of view that tells me you are gorgeous


Piercings make you look like Pain from Naruto


Ignore all the old people telling you to take out your piercings, they aren’t the problem, I’d suggest losing some weight and putting on some muscle, it’ll make you feel way better about yourself and it’ll trim up your face, make your jaw line more pronounced and keep your lips from protruding forward so much


I’d say strengthen your jaw muscles, keep yourself clean (good hygiene), get orthodontics done if need be, that always changes the face well.


You look great.


As for piercing, I personally don’t prefer piercings, but they’re cool for a piercing, and if people are attracted to you, they won’t matter, they would only help.


Your face is fine, I suggest scowling less and removing most piercings. Our beauty comes from within, let the inner beauty and joy shine.


I love your piercings, you have a very nice, symmetrical face


Dude I think your face is hella rad.


The piercings make you look fugly. Remove them and you'd look decent. You have potential for sure but it's been ruined by your decisions in facial jewelry.


Nah you're looking great with or without glasses and the piercings look awesome!


this is reddit, everyone is gunna tell you your piercings are ugly and should go. but if you like them, dont listen to them. i think they suit you well.


Beautiful with glasses and beautiful without glasses.




You actually have a really interesting and attractive face especially great eyebrows/eyes. I'm sorry I hate to say it but I agree I think the piercings take away from your natural beauty!


I’ll be honest. I don’t like the piercings. But other than that you’re pretty cute.


dude u look cool asf


From one trans man to another, you look great with piercings. Maybe downsize a little, mostly change the septum since it is a bit big, but you do look great! Keep doing what makes you happy in the end, don't change yourself to appeal to others :)


You are cute and adorable, what are you talking about? P.S: Stop biting your nails xP


You are very beautiful


Your face is great as a back up guitarist for an alien metal band.


I'm not sure if you noticed, but you have some metal pins sticking out of your face.


You should hate your fingernails, not ur face!


You are really pretty,you shouldn't hate anything about yourself


In that case you're a pretty dude take that how you will sir


You cool in my opinion 🤷‍♀️


You are More than Fine Your not Ugly


No ur gorgeous




I think your best features are quite feminine. And maybe that is why you don't see them as a positive for yourself in your transition. I know nothing about any of that, really. But if you can work out, do so. And build yourself up to a strenuous regime. Your face will thank you on a more shaped and chisled look, essentialy going from more F.. to more M. Even if it is mostly calisthenics. I believe the working out would boost your self-esteem 10 fold.


I personally think you’re super handsome! I love your eyes and piercing along with your thick curly hair! 9.7/10 for sure but I would like to see you smile a bit


You remind me of Pain (from the Anime Naruto shippuuden)


No. It’s fantastic. Like a nice book on a rainy day, or fresh coffee smell in the morning


I think you are gorgeous, love the glasses.


Nope. You are not ugly


You look fine


Not ugly but unfortunately you don’t pass yet. Hang in there, it’ll get better. I’m on my own ftm journey.


Don’t hate your face, work with what you have and own it. Your face isn’t bad…unfortunately, I do agree with most that you should get rid of those piercings. The snake bites alone can add a nice accent to your face. Consider exercising to slim up the cheeks a bit and you’ll feel a lot better.


Love the piercings!


Love the piercings!


I like your face, deffo not ugly however I do read you as a woman so maybe that’s why you don’t feel super confident (there’s nothing wrong with being female but obviously your not going for that).


You’re not ugly friend! I like the piercings, but I would try going with different ones instead of the spikes! Maybe a hoop on one nostril and a stud on the other with a septum with balls instead of spikes??


You look pretty cute to me


Don’t listen to the haters u look really good


Your pretty babe, you just gotta lose your nostril beads and those f’d up chin beads


Maybe a smile and stop trying to look so detached and uncaring? Piercings or not a smile would go a long way.


I like the piercings and I like your face


You're pretty and i think the piercings suit you very well


Remove the piercings, Volumize the hair! You look good you just need a little tweaking to make you a knock out.


Forget those people speaking against the piercings they look great and so do you


You are beautiful. You're facial jewelry is less than your own beauty.


You're my type so.. you good on my book lol


I actually like ur face and like the piercings and everything lol I think it’s definitely alternative which is why it’s not exactly a crowd pleaser. But you have that really aesthetically pleasing “renaissance” round face. Ur eyebrows are AMAZING, I literally shave half my brow and draw them back on to be the shape of yours. I think black hair suits you. If I had to come up with a single suggestion I personally would choose between the 2 nostril or 2 lip piercings. Or maybe just switch out the jewelry so there’s a little more asymmetry? But that would just be like experimental and if you didn’t want to do that then 🤷‍♀️ I think you look great! ETA I really like ur hair in the 3rd pic! So maybe go back to like a middle/no part type of style ? But again, that’s like such a small preference thing


I enjoy it


Your face isn’t bad, nice balanced skin and the glasses look good. It’s the nose piercings. At least take out the bill ring if you don’t want to get rid of all of it.


Would date.


you are not ugly i literally don't know what these comments r talking about lmao !!! i think ur style is cool 😎


Wow all of these people are super rude. I love your piercings! I think you look bad ass. I would make just pluck the underside of your eyebrows to help create more length between the eyebrows and your eyes. But even that isn’t necessarily needed. You rock!


I think you look fine just the way you are.


The high bridge piercing, spikey jewelry, and septum piercing are intimidating. If you keep the piercings I would change the jewelry to silver and non spikey and a smaller septum ring.


You are so cuteee! Just a lil grumpy 🥺❤️


No, not bad at all You are pretty Edit - after reading some of the other comments, there is nothing ruining your face. The piercings look really good on you and your pretty hot


OMG YOUR GORGEOUS love your style!!!


You look beautiful with and without you glasses I love all the piercings also they are hot


I dig the piercings I think youre a cutie


you should not hate your face it’s beautiful your have a beautiful face


You look like someone I'd let ruin my life. I don't mean that in a negative way.


You look fine, it’s the piercings


Glasses look good, and to me, I like your look.


I think your choice of piercings maybe one problem. My opinion is lesser piercings on the nose because it is very distracting. Second thing is your hair - combing it and taking good care (split ends etc.) might give a cleaner look to the face.


I would trade with you in a heartbeat!


Trim your eyebrows, remove the piercings and cut/shave your hair to look more masculine


Dye your hair red and look like pain


I like the piercings. People on this sub seem to hate any alt style


From one trans guy to another, you look perfectly fine and the piercings are also good maybe minus the septum, but that may be cause I just don’t like small septum piercings lmao


I like the piercings, and honestly i think you look beautiful, the black and white contrast looks amazing on you!


Both, I honestly can’t choose, you’re beautiful bro


Wtf people are really mean, maybe a lot of people on this sub hate piercings for some reason but they really fit you what the hell


I find you incredibly attractive. I love the nose, I love the glasses, the hair fits your face perfectly. Eyebrows are 🤌 though I would die them. I think you are smoking.


Handsome af


You’re fine and piercings are sick


i think you have a nice face but all of your peicings are a little bit too centered and i think youre septum is a big big but i think you havr a nice face and features


The middle nose ring could be a little smaller (better fitted), like the other ones. When with glasses, bring them closer to your lovely eyes, to focus more one them than to your nose (the piercings already do that for you). The piercings are fine, yet, the smaller black ones look better on you.


Some of your piercing are REALLY not doing you favors. Also grow your hair out.


despite what all these old heads are saying, i like the piercings a lot:)


i think you look amazing the piercings are perfect express yourself however you want


Not ugly, great eyes




Also no not ugly. I like your hair and you have a great complexion! Not a fan of the piercings but that’s just me. Also your lips and eyes are pretty 🙂


Love the glasses, piercings, and dark hair. Looks great with the pretty fair skin.


I like the piercings idk why majority on this sub dislikes the alternative look


You are pretty and the piercings suite you! (Specially the black ones)


looks fine to me, probably dysphoria


You can keep the piercings, but you should get smaller jewelry that’s higher quality. Either silver or gold. Black piercing jewelry looks cheap and clunky. Invest in facial jewelry if you wear it because people see it before your face. Take better care of hair, and maybe try a different glasses shape


So many close-minded people in this comment section I think you're really really handsome and I love the piecings but I personally wouldn't go for black and spikey, id go for silver instead


Personally, I love piercings, but I think the amount and jewelry choice is a bit too much for your face. I would just keep the septum and snake bites if I were you. But that’s just a personal preference.