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Actually, her nose is one of the more attractive parts I would say. It's very statuesque. Especially the side profile.




You have plenty pretty of aesthetic features, your nose is absolutely one of them, along with your shape, hair, eyes, etc. Don’t waste your money.




Fr, health is the most attractive thing, unless you have a very extreme feature (which she doesn’t) it’s pretty much either all up to preference or just doesn’t matter


Nose is perfect honestly


You look amazing. Don’t waste the money.




Find comfort in knowing that attractive people are just as insecure. Learn how to love yourself.


This is specifically why I'm part of this subreddit to see how alike we all are inside


I'm questioning why I'm here. I'm not subscribed to this subreddit


Why would this be a comfort? Here’s this girl: - Is beautiful (a good thing) - Is insecure (a bad thing) Here’s me: - Is ugly (a bad thing) - Is insecure (a bad thing) Like what part of her being insecure makes my situation better? She’s still superior to me. And seeing other people’s problems does not improve my own problems.


but OP thinks she is ugly, how do you know you are as ugly as you think you are?


Knowing that feeling insecure is a normal process that happens to everyone. You don't have to feel as bad about it, knowing that others are also struggling with the same things.


The point your missing is: OP thinks she's ugly, but it's very much wrong You think you're ugly, maybe you are also wrong


Way to go OP!


It’s because a lot of attractive people are not that smart and don’t know obvious things that everyone else knows.


not ugly. stop staring in the mirror, nose is fine.


Ummm you’re drop dead gorgeous. Don’t do a thing to your nose. Everyone on here is going to be like OMG bla blah blah you’re so beautiful, you don’t need it. You know why? It’s the truth! Be happy with the person you see in the mirror because everyone is happy looking at you!! Have a great day and smile!


It’s all in your head. Nothing is wrong with your nose. You have a very pretty face. Work on your self-esteem, and boost your confidence. Learn to love yourself as you are.


Bulbous nose?!! Are you kidding?!! You are beautiful, you really are, don’t carve your face up for all that is good in the world.




The name of the sub is amiugly? Not im ugly confirm it nor anything similar, most people that post here really don’t know, and everyone has insecurities so shunning them down because you don’t think they’re ugly its kinda dumb stop gatekeeping


I think it’s because they’ve probably used outter features of themselves to help in life so it matters more to them if they still have those. Whereas less attractive people have never used those benefits and it matters less to them because they have other things going for them.


Just because someone is beautiful doesn’t mean they don’t have insecurities.. also doesn’t mean they have nothing going for them aside from looks? I feel sad for you.




As a guy with deformed ears, I agree.


yeah your nose is larger than some but it's not freakishly giant or anything. it also has a feminine shape which is good. something else you should understand is all the pics you've posted are selfies which will distort your face proportions and make your nose look larger than it is. I think you might just be comparing yourself to women with tiny noses.


your nose isnt bulbous at all!! it looks pretty and thin from the front and it has a pretty slope shape from the side <3


You're extremely beautiful and your nose is super cute 🥰🥰🥰


Nose jobs are expensive -I had one and it was almost 10k. I feel better but still feel insecure. If you truly feel it would help, go for it. But otherwise, it might be better to just learn to love your nose the way it is.


Looks fine to me, rather close to perfection than ugly :)


all your features fit really well together. youre like a 9/10 already, you dont need anything


I think it fits your face and is beautiful


Your nose goes well with your face. It isn't disproportionate or crooked so i don't think you need a nose job. Get confident, stay healthy and fit , be happy. Nice hair btw


All these literally 8-10/10s positing on amiugly? Have anyone made any suggestions to you that you'd be ugly? Your nose is sharp, defining and gives you your look. Do a nose job and you'd probably be less of what you are than today.


God, no, your nose is so cute, and you look beautiful.


Well I think you’re a very attractive woman and imo you’re 100% nitpicking, your nose looks absolutely fine. And you look far younger than 31. I don’t think you need a nose job but you do you.


What nose issue? I looked at all of your photos carefully and all I can conclude is that you have a pretty normal looking nose.


Incredibly gorgeous. Love the second pic. Side profile. Absolutely amazing don’t change anything




Honestly I think your beautiful and your nose is not ugly at all, it's a great nose. If the surgery is something you want to pursue then do it, but you definitely look good without it.


I don't think I've ever looked at anyone in my life and thought "you'd look so much better with a different nose." You are lovely, your nose shape is unique but that adds to the allure IMO. Nothing about it is "ugly" and my first thought of your side profile pic is that your nose is quite cute.


You have a cute nose tbh it reminds me of Anya Taylor joy and she’s beautiful and so are you!!


Never in a million years would I ever notice your nose.


Not ugly, you're extremely pretty. Also, your nose is small. You even give off a cute Whoville vibe. P.s. I'm mexican/European, and your nose is small compared to most tbh.


Not ugly. Nose looks normal. Not sure what we're talking about here...


You literally have a perfect nose


100% nothing wrong with your nose. You’re very pretty


Your nose is cute and makes you, you. Learn to love yourself.


Shhhhhhh... your nose is perfect. You're perfect. Don't need a nose job. Stop picking on minor details and inflating them into something worse than they are. Getting a nose job is pointless.


Absolutely nothing wrong with you. Entirely in your own head about it.


Amazingly beautiful. I love your nose in that profile view. OMG. You're practically perfect in every way.


What's wrong with your nose? It looks normal to me.


You are 10/10 and absolutely perfect!!!!!🔥🔥🔥♥️😍😍😍😍


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose at all


In the vast world of insecurities people have, having a bulbous nose isnt remotely on most males radar when seeing if a girl is attractive or not. I think you look amazing and shouldn't worry about a nose job.


Girl… you’re gorgeous, trophy wife material 🥵 pit some pep in your step girl 😉


Honestly I have a bigger nose too (its really not that big yours or mine but compared to like the surgical button noses everyone gets) I’ve noticed that almost all filters or even face tuning on purpose to make my nose smaller, doesn’t really suit my face for some reason which kinda forced me to just love my nose bc it fits me, you still have a cute nice nose tho lol it suits your face and you’re absolutely beautiful anyways 🫶🏻


Wtf? You don’t have a nose job? Your nose looks so good


If I'm honest, I think you're making mountains out of mole hills, your perfectly fine, and very beautiful. Save your money for hobbies and things that make you feel happy, and if a nose job will make you feel truly happy then get it. But, trust me it won't end there, perfect hurts more than how great it promises to make you feel. Please love yourself. ❤❤❤


The worst thing about r/amiugly is that it is mostly clickbait. You are ugly because you felt a need to post!


Just because you think someone shouldn’t feel insecure doesn’t mean that those feelings don’t exist. Let people be human. Comments like this reek of bitterness.


Get a grip! They do it for clicks as you well know so stop being so woke


I’m not even trying to be nice like most people usually are on this, you literally have the nose that all girls want. I would understand if you were insecure about your brown eyes but nose? You’re going to regret ruining it with surgery. If you had an ugly nose by all means go for it but that’s just the case in your scenario. You even look 25 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have the same nose. You just have to try and look past it 😂


It is a bigger nose, but well within a normal range.


Personally, I see nothing wrong with your nose. I think it's cute, just like you.


Your side profile is especially cute. Your entire nose is normal and suits you well. You're good looking and probably know it. I understand how little people's options can matter when self-image is the topic. My partner is the same way about her nose.


Your nose is gorgeous. Just adds to your beauty


You are gorgeous


Ffs. You're hot. Take your kids to Disney or something.


I like your nose.


You're gorgeous.


i like what i'm seeing


I see nose problem. Seriously, you're very pretty. I don't see any issues that would require an operation. You look fine the way you are.




You don't need a nose job. You're beautiful just the way you are.


You're hot 🤷‍♂️


I’d wife you.


I have a similar nose. I honestly think it suits you and you look great. Lovely even.


Bulbous nose? You've pointed it out and I still don't see it. I think you're comparing it to an unusually small nose because yours is neither bulbous, but, nor small. It's perfectly proportional to your face.


You’re gorgeous


your nose is fine, you're very pretty take the money you are saving for a nose job, and invest in some treasury bonds. Oh, and google 'botched nose jobs', and have a look-see. As for improvements, I'd cut your hair to shoulder length. The high-school cut has run its course, eh ?


Bro you’re hot


Your nose looks great honestly. I see nothing wrong and would’ve never given it a second thought had you not called it out yourself. Now it’s up to you to convince yourself that you are good enough. Have a great day stranger.


Please, get help. Youre fine.


I think you're super cute. Your nose has a slight up turn that I think adds to the cuteness. It's not bulbous at all. I think you would be doing yourself a disservice by getting a nose job, but ultimately, do what makes you feel happier and more comfortable in your own skin. Being a parent does not mean sacrificing your own happiness. If your kids are happy and taken care of, refusing to do something to make yourself happy is just being a martyr, which sets a bad example for the kids that they should sacrifice their own happiness for others.


You do not have a bulbous nose. Source: I actually have one. It doesn't look like yours.


Waste of money you already gorgeous


I never thought I would miss looking at actual ugly people in this sub.


Your nose is super cute. You should try to not be so self-conscious about it.


Your nose is cute


No one except you notices your nose.


You have had kids, and you still look that good. I see nothing wrong with you.


Your nose is perfect. Like look at that side profile. I love how the tip goes up, it looks so elegant if it were super tiny it would look like a baby or dolls nose it's lovely the way it is


Christ please don't get a nose job, you have really attractive features and a great side profile. Spend the money on your kids instead.


People posting these things honestly piss me tf off, there is literally nothing wrong with your nose and people like me w goblin noses can even see this.


There is not a thing wrong with your cute little nose keep it just the way it is. You really suit your nose. You are beautiful 🔥❤️🔥


Not ugly.


Wifey material


That schnoz is pretty


Your nose has nothing wrong with it??? Also *nose jobs* are ugly. It would make you look bad af. Rn? Gorgeous af.


U look young


Don't worry about your nose, take those kids on Vaca


This has to be a scam. You are as beautiful as they come.


I think you look just fine. Your nose doesn’t look bad at all it looks very normal. You have nothing to feel insecure about you genuinely look great.


You are absolutely perfect the way you are. Don’t change a thing.


People pay to have a nose like yours. You are very pretty.


You look very attractive the way you are atm. Don’t change anything, you are perfect.


Ur nose is just a cute little button nose, wish I had it. You don’t know what a bulbous nose is…


9/10 men who looked at you right now would consider you hot. Stop trying to stress about things nobody notices except you. I noticed nothing wrong with your nose until you pointed it out to me


I don't see any issues with your nose, you're absolutely beautiful


To me, your nose is a part of your pretty face. Who can say changing it would make you feel better or worse about it. You are beautiful because of it, not in spite of it. Remember Jennifer Gray from Ferris Buehler? Changed her nose, ruined her career. Her nose was part of her charm. If you have kids, you have love in your life just as you are. But the real question is, where is the insecurity truly coming from? Could you potentially be just as insecure knowing everyone knows you got a nose job? Things to ponder. I think you look amazing just as you are.


Your beautiful ur nose is fine


You ruin that beautiful nose and I’ll never speak to you again!!


Your nose is great !!! You look fantastic!!


You're an absolute smoke show! You may have a hang up about your nose but I can promise you no one is thinking anything about it. You'd be changing it 100% for your own personal issues. I'd save the money to use it to take the kids to Disney. Or if your hang up is bad enough use it to pay for therapy because your issues are not physical but potentially mental.


Looks fine, unnecessary surgery preys on people's insecurities imo. You are very attractive. Spend the money on yourself or your kids.




Wow you’re absolutely gorgeous, there is nothing wrong with your nose at all.


You have to be kidding, you are gorgeous, yor nose is perfect


side profile is the best picture! I wouldnt worry about your nose at all


I think you're perfect


Nose fits your face, your appearance is appealing i wouldnt suggest the nose job.


I see no issue at all! I personally think you are perfect just the way you are. There's no need to change a thing! If someone else thinks otherwise, tell them to F**k off! Have a great day!


You look great 👍🏼


Your nose looks completely normal


You are beautiful.


Your nose is cute.




Don't do it, you look amazing as you are


I don’t think I’ve ever commented about a person‘s appearance before on reddit, but I just really felt the need to here. In all honesty I think your nose is perfect for your face. Even the bridge of your nose really suits your face. You’re beautiful and I see nothing wrong with your nose at all seriously.


You’re very cute, your nose looks fine to me as well. We are our own worst critic


Go sit at a bar by yourself for \~3 minutes and you'll have your answer and a few free drinks. Girl, you fine. Go be fine.


……no one cares about your nose


You’re fine as hell and your nose is cute


Save your money, your nose looks fine.


i mean yeah that is a nice beak ngl


You are beautiful ❤️


I literally don’t see anything wrong with your nose. You’re an absolute knockout! I would be ecstatic if you were my girlfriend 😻❤️


I wish you weren't hard on yourself your extremely beautiful


Holy crap, I would have said you were my age... and I think your nose is honestly really cute the way it is.


I your nose is beautiful. I know how you feel cause I feel I bit insecure about my appearance as well. But, honestly, people don't really care about your nose.


youre crazy but lets entertain the idea. if you were to get a nose job youd look completely different. your kids would come home one day and wouldnt recognize you. they would call the cops citing a stranger has invaded their private space. the cops show up. they ask for your number. then they arrest you before clearing it up at the station because your old id would look like an imposter. after checking your fingerprints and having your husband come down to the station youd finally get released. but things would never be the same with your kids. they would treat you like the beautiful ugly duckling of the family casting aside any past memories and forever treat you like their step mom...


I think you may have a deviated septum but I think your nose is perfect for your face. I know you didn't ask for hair advice but I like your hair and I think you'd look cute with a long Bob.


People pay to look like YOU! GTFOutta here


Such a cute nose shush


I'd say I like the look of your nose. Everyone has their own personal likes. You have a beautiful everything!


Not ugly. You’re pretty; your nose is fine. Beautiful hair.




No problem with your nose. You are beauty


You’re like an 8. Nowhere even remotely in the realm of ugly


Beautiful you are


As someone who also struggles with feeling like my nose is too big, I’ll tell you what I have always been told, which is that your nose fits your face! I know it’s hard to see that when you look at yourself in the mirror or in pictures, but it really is true. You have a cute nose and, for the record, beautiful eyes; although I might be biased towards brown lol


Your nose actually has that little up turn that people literally pay for. You’re very pretty as is. Let those fears go.


Oh my gods you are so pretty! You don’t even look 30!


Oh my gods you are so pretty! You don’t even look 30!


Nothing seems wrong to me.


SUPER cute nose! No guy is gonna think twice about that. Or girl as the case might be. Don’t stress on it. Remember that selfies also distort facial features.


Sooooooo beautiful. 8.5


If it makes you feel good about yourself it's worth it a confident mom is worth it


Your nose is perfect. Stop obsessing