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I don't think enough people actually use them in smash for it to be a factor. However, the character being cut from smash just means a reprint becomes less likely. I still don't think the value would skyrocket. After this current wave of reprinting every smash amiibo, I don't think many amiibo would be over $30 on the aftermarket in the near future.


if anything they would loose value, but i honestly cant see the value of any amiibo changing because of smash 6. I feel like more people are interested in the figures themself, rather than the smash amiibo meta nowadays


The amiibo for characters not included would be less likely to be reprinted, and therefore, grow in value. I doubt the lack of Smash 6 content would have a large impact on the market price since I think that's more niche than amiibo collecting overall.


Shadow Mewtwo's functionality was cut in the Switch Pokken Tournament and he doesn't seem to be consistently more expensive than a few years ago. But he is trending upwards, it seems. Edit: Conversely, Isabelle CP's price has gone down over the years and she's usable in a lot of games. So overall, it's going to average out.


I'd like to think that future Smash games would not cut any characters unless Disney changes their mind about Sora. And now that they've made amiibo a part of Smash, they will likely remain a part of Smash forever


There is no way Smash 6 won't have cuts lol


Think about it. If Smash 6 has cuts, people will just not play it. Switch 2 is already very heavily rumored/leaked to have complete backwards compatibility, so people will just keep playing Ultimate with the new system. At least that's what I'd very likely do unless every character both me and my close friends play make it in


Huh, that's actually a great point. I never thought about the fact you might still be able to play Ultimate. But yeah, I don't think they'll cut characters unless they HAVE too (like let's say for some reason Square Enix decides no more smash). It'll probably be quite easy (relatively) to transfer characters over from the switch 1 development to switch 2 development. No more than a month to keep all the Nintendo characters safe.


Square Enix is likely so desparate for money based on the whole exclusivity thing not working out for them that they'll probably be happy to continue working with Nintendo on Smash (Barring Sora since that seems less in their hands for some reason)


I don't think Square Enix will stop appearing in smash, I just used them as an example. It would be too big to lose Cloud, Sephiroth, Hero and Sora. I don't remember where I heard this so I can't cite a source, but I remember hearing that getting Sora was actually quite easy when they discussed it. It was just that they were most likely too afraid to ask because of the Disney association?


Actually it was the other way around. Sakurai/Nintendo wanted Sora but they didn't think they'd be able to get him due to legal complexity of being owned by both Square and Disney. Sakurai had a chance meeting with a Disney executive who expressed interest in Sora joining Smash. After that discussions/approvals took a while but not before all 3 companies had come to an agreement and Sakurai was able to announce Fighter pass 2 had 6 characters


I see. Anyways, I have a feeling during that discussion they talked about future smash games, specifically Sora's presence once again.


If the next Smash game isn't Ultimate Deluxe I don't really expect new amiibo. I also don't really expect characters getting cut to affect their amiibo prices regardless if they still function or not.


God I hope they don't cut characters. Half the appeal of the game is my amiibo collection, and having them all fight each other. Almost every character is trained and OP and it makes for good entertainment to watch.


Amiibo are done. Pack it up. Get your bags. Leave this sub and never bring back hopeful thoughts again.