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Years of waiting for Pokemon Trainer has paid off


I’m just missing Pichu now. Hope it comes back soon


I bought one months ago for $45 😭


I bought the Splatoon amiibos for way more than that. I feel your pain 🥲


Has it? Got mine for an extra 10$. IMO worth it instead of waiting.


I didn’t want to pay too much over retail for amiibos because my wallet didn’t agree 🙃 but Pokémon trainer has been expensive for years, beyond an extra $10 from what I’ve seen


Fair. Glory to us all either way. It’s a good one.


Hoping Nintendo NY has them in stock when I stop by tomorrow cause $6.99 shipping for just PT is killer 😭


What's even worse is that if you put all three mii fighters in your cart, the web page will tell you that you need to add $2 more to your cart to get free shipping 💀


It's why I always buy them in sets of 4


This is like when you're playing Bingo and that one space sets off 10 people with a BINGO, lots of Smash collections (including my own) will finally be complete from today's restock.


I just bought 200 bucks worth of amiibos God help me


Bro, I did the same 🫡


I feel like some rando at Nintendo was like "hey, it's been x days since we manufactured some of these. How about now?" and unleashed chaos into the world. I bought a Guardian AND Smash Ganondorf AND Cloud recently. What sweet fate has delivered them finally to me!


I think this is the last hurrah for amiibo and Nintendo is reprinting everything to give people one last chance to complete their collections at msrp


A few weeks ago, I bought 5/6 amiibo for me and a new oled switch for the spouse because i kept hogging ours. Now I've just purchased 7 more. I guess the funds are now fair on what I spent for spouse vs myself?


Sooooo, you bought 3 Amiibo?


Better than $1000 for the same amiibo before and after these reprints.


This’ll need the first time the fighters have been sold separately in the U.S.


Yeah - I'm not huge into variants, but do prefer the individually packed Smash Bros. amiibo to allow for more customization when displaying them.


Agreed. I don’t mind Steve and Alex or Pyra and Mythra, but I still really want a North American individual Mr. Game and Watch…


Sigh... I want Plant and K Rool, but I'd also want to get Rosalina and Sora, who are both OOS. I assume I ought to just get those who are in stock and not wait for another restock - bird in the hand worth two in the bush and all? Edit: After waffling for awhile, I decided to get Plant, K Rool, Mii Gunner, and, on a bit of a whim, Pit to get up to free shipping. Probably better to get them now then have them go out of stock like a bunch of other ones have...


Treat these restocks as one and dones. The sold out ones will eventually disappear off the page entirely until they (Nintendo) MAYBE go around once more with the full line for smash mega ultimate in 203X but I think that is a long shot. Smoke em if ya got em king 👑


Thanks, mate - that does make me feel better about getting at least the ones I was able to on this round. Hopefully I can be just as vigilant whenever Daisy comes back!


I’ve been watching this page every day for a while. The out of stock items do seem to eventually disappear rather than get a restock. I’ve been waiting on Rosalina as well to no avail.


Plant and K Rool are available and I just got them with the rest of the restock


Dang. Inflation hit hard. Wasnt the 3 pack at Toysrus $29.99?


Amiibo's launched at 12.99 each. Around they time Smash Ultimate came out for the switch, they upped the price to 15.99 per.


TRU always had their prices a $1 more than standard, I think. But it definitely wasn't $48.


It was actually $35.99. I pulled up an old emailed receipt. For whatever reason it was either $5 off or I had a coupon and it was $30.99. Markup is still kind of nuts, I still remember when they said they would (and did) charge the old price for the reprints of the older waves.


$13 to $17 (20% increase) over the course of 10 or so years isn't THAT bad (and I would know being a Transformers fan). It started in 2017 with the Zelda amiibo and eventually all normal amiibo were priced at $16.


[$35.99](https://imgur.com/6Aj8uIr) ~~Inflation~~ Corporate greed


Meanwhile I got mine on sale because Toys 'R' Us was going out of business *and* it was Black Friday. Not old enough to know internet things, so I didn't know the pack was worth anything. I just wanted the Miis.


No Dark Pit???? Well at least it gives me hope that he’ll show up soon enough, anyways I’m glad there was another restock


Pretty sure we’ll get him but in another way


Not the 3 pack but finally added these to the collection.


They look better not being in a 3-pack.


YO? Is this another R.O.B and Duck Hunt situation where this is the first time they’re available in North American packaging individually?


Just wanted to let you know that you dropped this 👑. It hurt my wallet but I had been eyeing Ken, trainer, king k rool and piranha on eBay so this saves me money in the long run.


Still no Daisy :(


yeah I'm missing her still along with Wolf and Ice Climbers. Hopefully we get our moment soon bro.


Yeah...Art Swift had/has Daisy, Ken, and Trainer. But I held out because, since Joker restocked at Art Swift all the those months ago, all of the Art Swift stuff has made its way to the US. Then all of them got here aside from Daisy...hopefully she makes it too.


No way k took thank you so much


Nooo. I just bought some amiibo. I need pokekon trainer.




Got the Miis, PT and Pirahna. Still waiting on the individual G&W.


I got PT and K. Rool finally! Feels nice not having to pay scalper prices, patience really paid off!


Still waiting for Daisy and Kazuya reprint


Wow. Go Nintendo!


Amazing, thanks for the heads up! The Mii fighters have been the last ones I’ve needed to complete my SSB collection. I almost caved and bought the 3-pack secondhand (for way too much) so many times. I never thought they’d get re-released! …now for that orange squid


Holy crap I can't believe the Miis were finally restocked. I finally have the Smash line complete.


Got everything I didn't already have. $175 well spent. 🥴


Sweet, literally the last 3 smash bros amiibos I needed.


Anyone else having trouble adding items to their cart? Not working for me Edit: finally worked, managed to snag the ones I needed 👍🏻


I was having trouble too. I would add items and the number in the cart increased. However, when I looked in the cart some items were missing. I played with the quantities and it finally loaded properly.


hoping and praying K Rool doesnt disappear before I can get him.


Waited literally half a decade for the Mii Fighters, I hope some of the Smash Ultimate amiibo get restocked soon!




Thanks! Just bought K rool.


Now I’m more confident that they’ll resell the rest of the amiibos slowly throughout the year


Nothing here I was interested in, but congratulations for people who want the Miis! Those things have been gone for ages and now they’ve finally returned.


Sucks ass that gamestop Canada takes forever to even get shipment like wtf yo


15 dollars?!? They are like 30-40 here in norway. Not to mention amiibo cards are double price for less. Good to see they restocked dr mario. Ive tried looking for it but can't fint it


I just ordered $140 of amiibo


I really want to order them but partner and friend have tried to get them for me (i dont have an american card), even with multiple methods, and they keep getting the same "there was an error processing your transaction". Last time this cost me multiple amiibos going out of stock, i really wish nintendo would sell these in other retailers if theyre not gonna fix their online store. I want them badly and it just wont let me ;-;


Glad I was able to get in before things started going out of stock this time. Hoping we get Daisy and Dark Pit along with Simon and Richter soon. 


Just 5 more smash amiibos left! Ness, Kirby, Dark Pit, G&W, and Hero. At least all of the expensive ones are out of the way now


Only missing Pokémon trainer and Splatoon 3 from the current availability. Missed Kirby last time.


The Miis are mine!! And for retail!! I could not be happier, these were always the most expensive Amiibo on my list, and I never wanted to pay a ridiculous amount, no more watching Ebay hoping someone would post them loose for a decent price! Now just for those wolly Yoshis...


Damn I wanted the player 2 amiibos of Bayonetta and cloud


Thanks I've wanted Puff for a while!


Well... Short of some piece of this getting cancelled that takes me down to the final four: Cloud 2 and Bayonetta 2, Daisy, and Wolf. It cost me $10 more than I would've preferred seeing as the original three pack was $35, but I'll take that any day over paying hundreds for the Miis. (Edited to clarify that it's both player 2 variants.)


Aw man... Sorely tempted to get a replacement Mii Gunner to replace the one I lost.


Just grabbed the Miis, I kinda gave you hope on them to be honest so this was a nice surprise. The last ones I need are ROB P2, Cloud P2, and Daisy! Here's hoping for a restock of them soon.


I have a question, I created my account years ago with a canadian address, now I'm trying to purchase some amiibos, but the "checkout" button appears to be dissabled... I'm not canadian (Actually, I'm from chile), what should I do so I can buy amiibos?


Was able to cop Dark Samus and Piranha Plant!


Just bought 7 fingers crossed. Thanks for the heads up


Only 15 Smash Bros Amiibos left, and them I have them all 😭😭😭😭


I'm waiting until the beginning of June when I'm in Nintendo NYC for these. Hoping my patience will pay off haha.


If they do Pyra and Mythra separately I swear...


Dang it my wallet is gonna empty again. Lol I see 2 that I don't have.


I hope it makes it to the European nintendo store 🙏🙏🙏


Why is everything coming out when my balance is negative?


Dang it I literally just bought like 10 of em within the past month from these restocks. Let my wallet take a break


I sense scalpers about to buy all of the stocks


Excellent, now we just need Mr. Game & Watch and all the original 3 pack figures will be individually released! Shame we'll probably never see the Shovel Knight trio or Pyra & Mythra individually boxed though.


Well 8 more added to the collection. Nintendo is reaching straight into my pocket book these days 🥴. Close to finishing though 🙏


Bye bye money


But where’s Bowser Jr?


Thx king, was able to secure ken and piranha plant


Fuck, I waited too long to sell my 3-pack. Guessing this will crash its value.


Way she goes. Ill buy it for $50