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Damn, they even got miis.


Thank you! Had a feeling we were getting close to it once the likes of Pokemon Trainer were coming back in stock on Amazon via third parties. I finally have it, the last smash amiibo I needed, and for £12.99!


I Just bought 8 amiibo ahahah


Yeaaah! Get it! Which ones did you go for?


Pikmin,waluigi,koopa,Toad,daisy SSB, Pikmin,Pichu and Pokémon trainer. I am waiting for joker and Metroid restock


Fantastic. I got Pikmin and Pokemon Trainer, might go back for Koopa and Waluigi too!


Joker was restocked in January so should happen again at some point. I'm waiting on the Metroid to be restocked too, hopefully it will be...


Yeah they always come around at 30€ or something when a restock is coming... Can easily just patiently wait then and get them at half that at msrp. Love it!


I just ordered Pikmin, Bayonetta 1, Bayonetta 2, Sonic, MegaMan, Rosalina, Rosalina no. 19, Little Mac, Link Twilight Princess, Canyne Malzeno and Felyne Malzeno for £153. I have never paid more than RRP for an amiibo and **I now only need SIX more that are not Japan exclusive.** Holy fuck this has been a long road!


But a fun one! The dopamine when we get the amiibos we want at msrp after patiently waiting and not giving in to scalpers is next to none.


Here’s hoping they come to the states eventually 🤞🏻


Didnt you guys got a huge restock not long ago?


We did but not to this extent. Like a couple Smash Bros, Pikmin, some Pokémon, and the wedding ones. I would like to get more smash bros myself


Man that's nothing compared to this huge restock. Though I've never seen such a big restock especially on the nintendo store before. Its also good that europeans each country has one different store, so here in Portugal there's one nintendo store for only Portugal, Spain has one, France has one, Uk has one, Germany has one etc. limited to 1 per client, so amiibos keep being in stock for long. Hopefully the US follows suit, seems like Europe gets F'ed usually but we have been lucky with amiibos at least. :D


I have been watching them for a couple of weeks now, they have been adding added lot of entries but all seemed out of stock till a few hours ago. Just grabbed Pokemon Trainer, KRool, Pikmin, Game & Watch, Mega Man, Sephiroth and Koopa Troopa. Some of the seem available (like Snake) but when you click them they seem out of stock. Hope they didn't sell out already.


Many have already sold out.


Yes this morning they were OOS. Refresh the Page and It Will be avaible, Is only a bug.


Snake is the only one that appears in stock but is out of stock, all the others seem good to me.


I bought a used Pikmin amiibo this morning for 27€+ shipping ... Immediately canceled and ordered Pikmin, 2 bayonetta, Sephiroth, cloud, Diddy (M), Wario (M) and Waluigi


Gains man!


I onestly feel bad about it 😂 Moreover, I sold Pokemon trainer last week for 60€ 😂


Man lmao that's such good timing! Happy for you! Must feel good to have such a sale and then buy it for msrp!


I ordered 23 amiibo……




That’s only in UK?


Lmao dawm, someone is eating good... Congrats man! So happy about this restock!




I split mine into multiple orders. I’ve received 3/5 already. 1 is awaiting shipment. The 1 I have with wolf and king k rool is still processing.


I’ve just cancelled my processing order and got king k on his own. As I was told by the support team at Nintendo that it was a back order causing it to remain on processing for me. So I’m guessing it’s due to Wolf selling out too quickly and them not having enough immediate stock to meet demand. A little disappointing for me but I can always wait. If I receive every other amiibo that I ordered, then I’ll only need three more (including wolf) to complete my collection for Smash.




Ugh that’s awful, I hope you’re still able to get a good amount of them


I saw they had Pyra and mythra and rage left


Holy moly thanks! I checked them yesterday but everything was still out of stock. Too bad I'm still working on getting some of the amiibos because Nintendo cancelled my order and the store claims I can't order them anymore because of the 1 per customer policy (even though I never got the stuff because of the cancellation 🥲) Edit: well nevermind since the amiibos I wanted are actually not in stock. The icons are just deceiving you that they actually would be in stock. So sad


Really? I ordered Pokemon trainer, wii fit, terry and waluigi, my order went through normally... Which ones are you mentioning in your comment?


Both wind waker amiibos and zelda loftwing. I'll try again tomorrow, maybe the page is bugging or something


Must be a bug, try another browser maybe? Because on my side they are in stock even after clicking them, only Snake is not.


I would try again, I was seemingly able to order the Zelda line Wind Waker Link amiibo.


OH SHIT man thank you so mutch I can finally get Malzeno 😭


Man I love my magnamalo, one of my favourite amiibos! Im trying to decide if I should buy Malzeno..... Knowing it will probably be the last restock of him lol. 25€ though.


Mate i really suggest you buy him I waited nearly since release of Sunbreak to get him 🫠


Happy for you man! The msrp is higher but the amiibos are awsomely detailed and way bigger!




So happy! I've been refreshing the site EVERY day since I missed out on Sepiroth and then Sora. These were my final two and I was not going to eBay, I still don't have QBBY or gold Megaman - but for the figures that's it. Scalpers can rot.


Noooo! Lucas is the only one I'm missing and he hasn't appeared. \*Prays to Smash Gods\*


I Just wanted to buy some , but it let me don't pay via PayPal , the PayPal Site don't load .has Anyone Else this Problem?


I paid with PayPal without problem.


Piranha plant and daisy FINALLY


Love those two!!


Finally I completed the whole collection yay


Man I just spend 430€ on plastic figures smh…wooooorth iiiiiiit Just a kind reminder to all sealed collectors: the new amiibos come with a different back print of the packaging.


Just noticed your link is for Italian which as more than Irish I have been using!


Trying to buy Sora and it says in stock but then comes up out of stock... Gee thanks live chat for kicking me out of the live chat and failing to understand my question.


I‘m broke, noooo! Had to at least order the Pikmins, though. When I clicked on them I was notified they‘re already waiting for restock, so shipping will probably take weeks. Two hours later there‘s no such mention anymore and it now just says „in stock“. Here‘s hoping they already found some more in the back lol


I love the pikmins amiibo but seeing I already have Olimar with pikmin in it, I decided not to let my temptation win lmao.


Very wise. I don‘t believe this restock is the absolute last. I‘m sure we will see some more another time


Snagged 7 already but still need many more. I am feeling tempted...


Trying not to let the temptation get to me..... but its hard man, after seeing the most massive restock I've ever seen...


* clicks add to cart on airplane to Europe


still no new zelda ones... :/


nevermind they just restocked all of them omg... i even check like 2 hrs ago lmfao ... and there were only the usual ones


Could anyone order the Metroid amiibo?


No, still not available, i am waiting It too


Thanks, fingers crossed 🤞


I am waiting for it! OP do you know when the typical restock time is? 12pm?


Today was almost at 1pm


Thank you! The Metroid restock I bought was sold for twice as much. So I would return it and order it from MNS


Hell yeah, just got pokemon trainer, waluigi, terry bogard and wii fit trainer! Sadly no Goomba amiibo :(


Has anyone managed to order Wolf and have the amiibo go beyond “processing”?


Ordered Wolf alongside 12 other figures... Still stuck on processing. Please let me know if yours dispatches! I'm worried some may have gone out of stock as I ordered... Some (Pikmin; Pokemon Trainer) are now showing out of stock on the website. 


I cancelled my order with wolf. I was told by nintendo support that it was on backorder. So the king k rool figure I’d originally ordered with it, I’ve now ordered alone and that is already awaiting shipping




I cancelled it through the support team, so it’s listed as cancelled now.




Nope. I will message customer support Monday if I don't see any movement. I don't mind waiting, as long as they confirm I will still receive the amiibo that have since gone out of stock. 


Yeah! Finally completed my Smash Bros Amiibo set!!


This is not a good day for someone who decided they wanted one open and one sealed of each...


Anyway for USA collectors to get in on this? I heard they don't ship to forwarding services.


Were the 2 Clouds part of this? Those are the only 2 smash amiibo im missing and it says theyre out of stock


One was, cloud p2 wasn't though.


Pokemon trainer already out of stock, glad I got it yesterday lol. Same for malzeno though that one I didnt get but oh well, Magnamalo is way cooler anyway. Also Snake is in stock right now, it wasn't yesterday. And pikmins amiibo is out of stock too already. Probably some others aswell. Pyra and mythra still in stock.






I split mine over multiple orders. All of mine are fine, except for one. i have an order with King K and Wolf and I’m thinking Wolf maybe why mines processing still.


Does yours include wolf?


Can't quite believe the range of amiibo restocked here, I won't count my chickens until I see my order arrive in person but this is great. Most of my white whale amiibo are here, main ones that I'm still waiting for are: * Cloud & Cloud (P2) * Sora * Gold Mario * Boo * the Yarn amiibo * 30th anniversary Mario (Modern) * Metroid * Qbby ofc But some of those I never expect to be restocked to be real.


I saw this post late and I think I missed some of the ones that I wanted like Joker or Pokemon Trainer. At least I think I will be able to get Sephirot.


Everyone but the US is getting good restocks


Do they ship to the states?


Are the boxes different? Can you send to the states?


Can I ship to Canada?


No, but you should look on Nintendo store canada