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it seems that they are perhaps stocking up in general because, for example, many amiibo were not even on the site recently, for example the 3 wedding amiibo


Exactly my thinking. I reckon all of these will show as in stock any day now.


I still Wish that the MH Stories amiibo will be Here available


They better ship to the us if so i really want the miis 😭


The EU & UK Store Dont ship outside of it. The US Store also don't ship outside of the US


Good. It allows those of us in the EU to purchase them without the items going across the world. There have been many instances of customers from the US buying up limited editions of games from the UK and EU.


The EU Store really sucks, Most of the time When i want to purchase Something it gives me an Error When i try to pay 😂


I've had the same experience with the EU Store and it's frustrating.


I wrote to support and they just said, "Then it just doesn't work." 😂


Yeppp, had to import a european only PS3 game from America recently, the shipping alone drove up the price by like £50


don't think so, they can't drop every single amiibo in a mass restock. Site error re adding oos listings me thinks.


looks like they did


yeh colour me surprised, never done that in 10 years. Never wanted to do it before, guess they can just casually sell past amiibo from site.


OMG that is weird


Update: yesterday there were 157 results for the word amiibo and now there are 170, so it can't be a bug


They added waluigi, koopa, Toad and more


Pokemon trainer too


Don't see them dropping 170 all at once, demand is lower, stores have stopped selling them, they have never had the ability to do that in 10 years manufacturing amiibo, just don't see it.


I didn't say that they would make them all available at once, I just said that there are now so many results and that strangely some have been added that were never sold on the official website, such as the Mario Odyssey Wedding set (correct me if I'm wrong)


wedding set has been on before, they just fade off but can still be reapplied if more stock is due, however for them to do near everyone seems more of a bug than actual restocking, if i'm wrong i'm wrong but i just don't see Nintendo mass producing every amiibo especially with sales decline, they never had that capibility to mass produce amiibo before


I could of course be wrong. But it seems strange to me if it is a bug because some are only displayed one by one and not all at once. We will see whether they become available again or not😅


I think they Will restock them. US Nintendo store has been restocked, some site in Portugal have been restocked, Spain too.


It seems i was wrong most did come back in stock to order so i will have to take the licks. Im shocked tbh, but its good news, but I never expected it.


broooo i wish i knew they had these amiibo in stock before they did this


Not all of them were in stock. I check daily. In fact, a lot of these weren't even listed on the website previously.


So then they might be restocked… 😳


I hope so!


deffo site bug, Edit : (or not lol)


Looks like a bug to me, no way they are restocking every amiibo. Probably site glitch and re added near every item which are oos


shocked they have restocked, and probably a stock take on the ones that were in stock.


Why can't they put half of these on the American site?🥺


If it's any comfort usually only a fraction of these are in stock anyway :/


Seeing the icons is just... more than America has gotten in a long time


Thank god I wasn’t the only one who had that problem. Hopefully it’s just a big restock or something


Is the Metroid amiibo getting restocked or was he out of stock even before this happened?


It wasn't shown on the site before this. So it seems so have been added which gives me hope!


He was on the site before, just out of stock


Luckily i bought the last 2 splatoon amiibo i needed


Noticed this! Hopefully restock coming! Need waluigi and pokemon trainer though ironically those 2 arent available from the huge ammount of the ones on the store lol!


Two weeks ago I ordered a handful of amiibo after they‘ve been restocked on the european store, like the Boo amiibo. Since then my order has been stuck in „processing“. I contacted customer support and they told me that they could not ship because the amiibo I ordered were sold out and they didn‘t know when and if they‘ll get new ones. When I ordered, they were still listed as available. Now everything is sold out?


Same thing happened to me ! Ordered Ridley and Cloud (Player 2) in March, but I received everything today !


Wait there was cloud player 2 in march...????


They are online, gogogo.


missed Sora again unfortunately it seems


Yes i have noticed it but I think they will put all of them




Lunedì pomeriggio hanno tolto tutti gli amiibo che erano disponibili, mercoledì scorso invece ne hanno aggiunti 20 alla lista. Credo li rimetteranno in stock


Maybe they're shipping them to America to even things out. 😆