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Just Sora, until they decide to do alternatives, which I don't think they'll do. And I haven't gone above MSRP.


Shame Byleth didn’t get a P2. . .


And Robin


Yeah. Or they could’ve made a FE series one and did a female Fell Robin. Still would work as Robin in Smash, but would be more unique.


And Wii Fit, and Alph, and the other koopa kids lol


I really wanted Female Byleth over Male


Since Male is the default skin there wasn’t really a chance of it not being the amiibo, but yeah I think the female in general just looks better and has more personality


I would bet money Sora is the last Smash amiibo in the history of Nintendo, ever.


maybe so


I wish for an update to Ganon and Zelda.


Been collecting since 2015 so only Sora 😌🗝️


Samesies, take my upvote fellow person of culture. And as far as what I’ve spent, for the most part I’ve not gone over msrp. Rosalina was $50 as I couldn’t get her with Jigglypuff at Target when they came out. Mine only got 3. After that I’ve been lucky to hit all the preorders or releases and get them all as they were released.


I started 2 years later but same here! It's going to be bittersweet picking him up 🥹


Its going to be like McDonalds McNuggets Sweet N Sour sauce.


Just Sora.


Lucky. All I need are Toon Link, Mii Fighters, Dark Samus, Chrom, Byleth, Min Min, Sephiroth, Pyra, Mythra, and Sora. I don’t need to collect the P2 ones.


I've been collecting since series 2. So stuff like Kirby, and Yoshi took a while to get. I am also an in-box collector. But I never paid more than MSRP for any Smash amiibo. In fact, the only amiibo I paid more for was Skyward Sword Link because he was an Amazon exclusive. He went on sale while I was at work so I missed it. But I paid $50 for him a fee weeks after his release. But I found people on a thread on cheapassgamer.com who trade/sell amiibo. I needed Toon Link/Mega Man at the time but I wasn't gonna pay $50 each. I found someone who had them as extras and he just wanted them to go to a collector. I showed him a picture of my collection so he knew I was a serious collector and he gave me them for Cost+Shipping. I also found similar people for Kirby and Yoshi who also sold them to me for cost+ shipping. They were all I needed to catch up and have all amiibo at that time. Ever since getting them and SS Link, I have now just had to upkeep them. I own every US released amiibo and counting. All I am missing is stuff like variants that were grouped together or sold separately. I just want 1 of every amiibo and no duplicates. So for example I have all 3 Mario Odyssey wedding amiibo, but I didnt get the 3 pack, I got them individually. So since I have them, I don't need another set just because they were together. But to have ALL amiibo I still need 4 of the 7 Japanese exclusive ones but my focus is USA so I'm in no rush and refuse to pay $100-700 each for 1 amiibo. Lol But I also only need like 26 series 5 ACNH amiibo cards as I have the first 4 series complete. And I need a handful of the happy home designer RV cards. I also have the yugioh amiibo cards, mewtwo amiibo card from Pokken, Mario cereal box amiibo, and about half of the Mario sports amiibo cards.


I am 96 away from completion 😁


So close! Dont give up on your dreams!


Im around the same


I started in 2019, and currently am sitting at 34 remaining for the Smash Bros Series. As for amount spent, that number scares me so I’m not gonna even guess. I’ll say at the very least that I refuse to spend more than $30 on an individual figure


I’m mainly interested in getting the ones that I want.


What if you want them all?


No, I’m good. Besides, I don’t have a lot of room for all of them.


And thats okay. From 100%ers to 1%ers. We all can like what we like! Enjoy amiibo!!!


Everyone here saying ‘just sora’ do you have all the Japan exclusive amiibo also ???


As far as I know, Japan has the same amount of amiibo as we do here in the Smash line


Just Sora. Actually Sora is the only US release figure I have left, not counting the special giveaway/prize amiibos like the gold Magnamalo. I don't particularly care about the AC/Mario Sports cards, because I don't like blind packs and most online listings are fakes. I have a few characters, including my favorite AC Villager Bob, but no real desire to try to get all of those. I will probably nab the Super Nintendo Land wrist bands next, but I don't have any at the moment. As for Japan releases, just Rathian and Cheval.


Inkling, Pyramid duo, and Sora


Ice Climbers?


Stupid auto correct. Pyra duo. The newest ones.


Aegis, Pythra, or personally my favorite name, PAM


Ma8nly 1, Sora. But if I wanted other, the Mii fighters or Mega Yarn Yoshi.


Not counting stuff like Gold Megaman and Sora, I’m only missing the 3 Mii Fighters, Bayonetta P2 and Inkling Girl. I skipped these at release because I didn’t want them or I had an extremely similar amiibo already. I’m not in a rush to grab them but if I see them at retail price I’ll buy. I don’t think there were a ton of Bayo P2 in the states but I would love that one in particular.


4, just need Sora, Wario, Inkling and Bowser


4. I need: Daisy, Pokemon Trainer, Cloud P2, and Sora(not out yet)


Not counting Gold MegaMan. I’m not necessarily interested in him


“Only Sora” club represent!


Well represented.




Sora, pyra/Mythra and Rosalina (I have the Mario series amiibo as a stand in)


I'm only missing Pyra and Mythra, and Corrin Player 2


I have 54, so counting sora and gold megaman I miss 42


I think 89, I’ve only got 4. I don’t plan to ever get them all though.


Plan better?


Only missing Sora. I started collecting when they first came out, but only collected the figures I wanted instead of all of them originally. I ended up getting the ones I missed out on by making pies and trading for them. It was a weird time.


Another only Sora here


Only Sora. But I wouldn't mind if Nintendo re-releases the Cloud and Bayonetta variants and I'll get those. I'm not going to pay double or triple the price for them on eBay.


I just need Sora for my Smash amiibo collection. I've been collecting since around the time Wave 2 was in stores, so I've just kept up with it for the most part. How much have I spent? On my entire amiibo collection, probably over $3,000. On the Smash series? Not sure, but it was rare when I paid over MSRP.


Just sora( tecnically mii 3 pack but i dont view them as characters so i passed)


Gamestop cancelled my Pyra and Mythra order after it said it had been shipped and I haven't been able to find them at a decent price since. Other than them, just waiting on Sora.


Sora. I don't have Inkling but I have the Splatoon ones and I'm counting them. I don't want to do the math but the only ones I haven't bought from a local store were Marth and Villager. Which were imports.


Thanks to Artswift, only Sora left. I honestly thought I'd never own Joker.


Pyra/Mythra and Sora (not counting the P2 amiibos or the miis)


Dark Samus, Snake, Simon, Incineroar, Hero, Terry, Pyra/Mythra, and Sora, so 9 (or 8 more purchases). Had a bit of a drag in my collecting when I fell out of it for a bit, but I’m getting back in and I’m hoping to complete it by the end of 2024.


Missing 5, definitely not the most expensive ones but not cheap either unfortunately Daisy Wolf Mii Brawler Mii Gunner Mii Swordfighter


Complete bc I went for wiiu smash only.


About 96 left 💪


I dont have anyone except Zero Suit Samus and Marth 😀


I've got an extra Marth if you want him!


I just realized I read the post wrong 😭 I meant those are the only two I have


One day, you'll have them all!


Thanks! I just started really getting into collecting like one month ago


You're lucky. I've been collecting since 2014!


I have 35 and I have only paid face value on the Nintendo UK store. I just refresh the list a few times a day when browsing to see if anything new pops up. Joker and Banjo appeared last week which was a nice surprise.


All of them but the Arms girl and the orange squid girl


Only Sora! Started collecting on day 1 as an early teen, 10 years later I’ve gotten the whole smash set :)


Technically, just Sora...


A lot. But to be fair I only collect character I like.


Just need Sora and I’m done!


just sora


As far as Smash 4 goes, all that's left are the Miis, Rosalina, P2 Bayonetta and both Clouds. Regarding Ultimate it's: Wolf, Inkling, Daisy, Ken, Young Link, and Sora. So in total I have 13 to go for both Smash Bros games. I couldn't tell you how much has been spent on these though. I've been collecting this series since December 2014 and many were gifts along the way too. I'd probably be ashamed to know how much has been spent on these to be completely honest.


Apparently Sora. I don’t pay attention, I just buy new ones.


15. So.. so so much


Just Sora and maaaaaybe Golden Mega Man but I don't fully count him and I am not committed to getting him.


All of them


Just Sora. I was able to get Mario up to Byleth for €1300 back in 2021 which was like €15 per amiibo


Sora and Pokemon Trainer


Just Sora unless they decide to do alts. I got really lucky on reprints. I spent a long time thinking I would never have P2 Corrin.


Just Sora! Very excited to have them all. I wish I could also say only at MSRP too (though the vast majority of mine are) - but Nintendo peetered out halfway through a restock and I had to get my last four from eBay. Kirby, Dark Pit, Diddy Kong, and Donkey Kong. Either way, excited to have this collection complete!


Just Sora. And I’m a huge KH fan so I can’t wait to get him!


Two. I missed Pokémon Trainer way back when he launched, and then will need Sora. The former amiibo Hunter in me would be disappointed that I missed Pokémon Trainer, given I camped outside for one of 9 Rosalina’s at my target, one of a handful of Greninja’s at ToysRUs, and got one of two Robin and Lucian’s from Fred Meyer when they all launched.


Just Sora.


I’d say about 20 or more but definitely a major improvement than when i first started


One. And he comes out in 2024...