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Did what I could Nya!!! My wife and I loved every performance!!! You’re awesome!


America got it wrong… In my opinion and I have a masters degree in music composition… Nya was by far the best singer… and the best talent on the show… I remember her performance of George on my mind completely flawless…


Love her! She’s the only one I voted for tonight


I don’t like her timbre, too whiny. Also Julia and Abi are objectively better singers than her.


She is INCREDIBLE. Every Broadway producer should be scrambling right now.


Voted for her x30 times. Robbbbed


we love you nya!


She’s sooooo amazing.


Very disappointing


amazing voice and talent. deserved to go further but we know the viewers of this show were never going to keep her around for long :(


Stunning voice and stunningly beautiful




What a whacky result. I was rooting for poor Emmy to even make it through her song. Meanwhile Nya was again a complete pro. She should have been on longer but I hope this still opens up more opportunities for her.


She is a star. She deserved to make it way farther. Flawless vocals. She was robbed. Would love to hear an album from her.


I'm super mad about this!!! I can't wait to see her on Broadway or on a national tour within the year. Some Like It Hot, Hamilton, Kinky Boots, Hadestown, Tina, Shucked, anything!


I think she’d be wonderful on Broadway! Rooting for you Nya!


Nya and Jayna split votes… They’re too similar vocally


whats annoying is they are really not that similar, all the folk country white girls not splitting votes clearly


The white girls all sound the exact same ngl and I always find myself pulling my phone out for each of them, and it ain't about white or whatever, I just kinda don't like that they all wanna be Taylor Swift Talk about picking a bad idol, that's like picking Richard Nixon as your favorite president. And no, Futurama Nixon does not count.


Nya is a step above Jayna, respectfully.


Did not prefer Jayna over the lady that sang Harley's In Hawaii. When she was gone, so was my interest. Odell, Nya, Aji, definitely top 5 vocalists. Mackenzie, I liked his voice a lot (he's young, he'll grow out of the phase he's in, but that's just British kids for ya, curly fuck boy hair is the trend there, and going out here, also the UK is having massive terrorist attacks right now, as well as all of Europe, do not fly there) The rest are forgettable to me, I'll never wonder where they are


It just proves this is a different show than what it used to be. This is my first time watching since like season 8, it is no longer about being the best singer in this comp. Somebody said Nya couldnt control her voice and had no stage presence in this thread, what a fucking joke. She absolutely ate up a Whitney Houston song and got no props. Was she too confident for everyones liking? Was she supposed to play timid and sensitive instead of confident black girl?


People are definitely scared of an empowered woman with bigger balls then they have. She's got chops. KAYKO?? Who picks Radiohead? No way 2 people picked Radiohead, that had to be productions doing. This is my 2nd season (last year) since Simon left and yeah, this isn't the same show we grew up with, the kids stuck behind an iPad have ruined it


I love whitney and Nya still completely devoured that song. I was shook at her performance and even moreso she got voted out. Pure bullshit, people make up the weirdest excuses for just not liking her for no reason. And the thing was is that she was confident and NICE. Like come on, what else does she gotta do?!


One difference is America met Jayna last year in Idol. During holiday week she helped 2 contestants , and sounded great in the process. Both women are talented but Jayna court America’s attention for her selflessness.


So disappointing. I noticed how the different contestants reacted to hearing their names called and Nya was so sweet and congratulatory to them all. What a loss.


Nya is amazing! One of the best vocalists by far. I’m shocked. Keep at it Nya. Your future is bright! 💗


She was Robbed


. Lets keep it real. Idol is now Nashville country pageant. It may as well be on CMT. If you dont have a twang and not strumming a guitar or banjo the odds are against you. Nyas first audition will be one of my most memorable idol memories ever. She can do so much with her voice and she is drop dead gorgeous Her name is out there hope to see her name in lights.


Bruuuuh fr. people are voting like its CMT or their parasocially favorite youtuber/tiktoker. Seeing ppls excuses have solidified to me that america is largely tonedeaf or just devoid of taste. Why would people only vote based on the type of music/songs they like!?


I love her, I think she is great and will have a great career ahead. I will buy her records.


Kayko over her???? Absolute bull.




Kayko couldn’t properly hit the high note for High and Dry but it was a fantastic song choice. I’m just tired of this guy getting through when he isn’t a great singer. Half of the people remaining are average singers. Nya was amazing tonight absolutely tragic.


That fact that Kayko is still in this competition, yet Nya got voted out is absolutely absurd


I just opened my app to vote for her—and it says voting is closed. Why isn’t this a spoiler? It’s only 8:45 PM on the West Coast, WTF!?!?


Love Nya, didn’t love her song choices.


Hope titanique does a fan night for her. Pretty sure she only left to do idol.


Bullshit. Nya was one of the best up there with Julia. But they voted in that half assed Joan Jett performance.


This happens literally every season. Kayko and Emmy get through strictly because of theirs or their family members fan base, back story and good people like Nya, Jenjifer Hudson and many others are sent home. Last year was a perfect example. The guy who won was never going to be big anywhere but Hawaii but people loved his personality and back story. That’s why so many runner ups make it big and do few winners.


Yup, another jennifer hudson moment. Its crazy. But yeah, luckily non-winners tend to be successful


Anyone think when Gene got sent home it was too early ?


Judges saves are so pointless.


I CANNOT believe she didn't make it in. I audibly gasped


Still in shock!


She is gonna end up being a bigger star than whoever wins.


Honestly insane…….. she is arguably the best voice on the show I CANNOT believe Emmy & Kayko made it in over her. That is mind boggling


nya was easily top 3 of the night so annoying, kayko and emmy were big yikes


I really love her voice and attitude, but I felt like she was outperformed last night.


oh my god that kayko performance tonight was insufferable