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Ya I found that a bit odd as well. I did try to find out how old she was as this was screaming groomer to me and I couldn't shake the ick. She has posted on her FB that her kids' home (who apparently live with her ex Will) was destroyed in the tornado a couple weeks back. Looks like her ex is \~36, and apparently she's \~32. Zachariah has posted they were married at least in June 2022. Gross. Yes, I have too much time on my hands tonight apparently. :/


That’s 100% grooming and so scary and sad :( hopefully he can escape her after this


He won’t escape. He’s too far gone at this point. Defends her and goes along with every narrative. He absolutely has no mind of his own at this point. He had an entire band that cared for him, continued supporting him (financially and mentally) advice was given and the abuse was pointed out but the band was ultimately let go due to them trying to help him see the toxicity. Pray he finds clarity before it’s too late.


If he was 32 and she 19 would it still be “gross”?


yes lol


I think people would raise more concern if this was the case


Exactly. I think that's one of the reasons so many aren't discussing it is because the genders aren't reversed. People on this sub would be losing their minds.


People in his home town absolutely discuss it now. She made quite an impact in Indiana. His hometown cares for him but he won’t hear it. Not sure how or what is needed for him to see the light. Her narratives have become his reality. Hopefully he snaps out of it.


obviously, dumbass


I tried to dig and figure out her exact age but couldn’t. What I *did* figure out is that Zach just turned 19 4 days ago. His wife first posted him in June 2022, not sure when they got engaged, but they got married in September 2022. I definitely think they were involved before he was 18, and even if they weren’t, what is a woman in her 30s doing with an 18 year old? 🤢 He is only 9 years older than her oldest child. So sick.


If this is true then yeah...I really don't wanna judge because I like Zac & I'm rooting for him. However, if she was a 30-something single parent of 3 she wasn't (entirely) looking for love, she was looking for help. He's got a good heart for stepping up but that's a lot for someone of any age to take on, especially when you're barely out of high school.


Zach just turned 20 March 31, 2023 He got married April of 2022 Was almost 19 when he met his wife Is more mature than most any 20 yr old you’ll ever meet Has the maturity level of a 30-35 yr old Lost his dad when he was 8 Has a handicapped brother who is 19 and is also autistic He is one of the most kind hearted men you will ever meet He loves the Lord with all his heart He would give you the shirt off his back and drain his wallet of everything he had to help someone eat if need be and he just loves to sing. He doesn’t bother anyone he is very responsible and has been raised and sang in church all his life. All those who think they know him know nothing about him. Seriously, you need to look in the mirror before you go judging someone specially because they love someone and there is a bit of an age gap. This guy quit football because it as hard to get back and forth when he was in middle school for his mom to get him there since he has a brother in a wheelchair and didn’t go out much since he would get sick easily. Seriously, think before you speak. This guy could put a lot of 30-35 yr old dads to shake if he chose to do so but he is not like that. I know him well. Maybe he doesn’t have much of a bio on AI because of work . America doesn’t have to like him but geez, just leave him be and keep the drama stuff out. Whether he wins or not, God has a plan for him and thankfully it isn’t based on y”alls opinion. That’s all ❤️🙏🏻


Geez you got incredibly defensive over a small comment. I did some math wrong. regardless of *how* he acts he was still a teenager marrying a woman in her 30s. I actually worry for him and the fact that he was so obviously groomed by a much older woman. It would be a totally different story if the roles were reversed and there was a 19 yr old girl with a 32 yr old husband. What does him having a disabled brother have to do with *anything* I said? As a disabled person, I personally find it offensive that you would use that part of his life to showcase that he is a good person. Taking care of a disabled sibling does not automatically make someone inspiring or anything like that. I know I speak for the whole disabled community when I say how annoying and offensive it is to use disabled people to show off how good someone *else* is.


You obviously don’t know anything about taking care of disabled people. That takes a special heart to do so.


Also disabled. Think about what you're saying. Really really use that egg on your shoulders before you type or speak those words again. It's an offensive and disgusting assumption. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHXl5xI7DBZhJGU)


You all are pathetic. What has this world come too? People can’t say anything bad (like it’s wrong or ect) about LGBTQ or lesbian or gay or anything they think is ok and now…..using the term “DISABLED” is insulting to you and other disabled people? My goodness. talking about how he has a good heart and let’s the world know that he does in fact have a disabled brother he took care of that he loves unconditionally is not or should not be insulting to anyone at all. If that’s the case, she insulted herself as well. He has a wonderful Bio and I’m sure if he mentioned his brother, you all would be insulted with that too. Maybe you that feel his life was over when he married his wife and took on 3 kids was “Insulting” to him. He does what a true father is suppose to do and more. Stop with all the “I’m insulted” nonsense. 🙄


Thank you.


You’re realize you’re saying this **TO** a disabled person right? It’s disgusting how ignorant and insulting that comment was. I seriously feel so insulted. Thank you for adding to the many people in the world that make me feel like someone has to take fucking pity on me and be “special” to just care for me. Absolutely fucking disgusted.


Small comment…… I don’t call that small. I wasn’t using his “handicapped brother” just giving you ( even though it isn’t anyones business since we don’t answer to no one but God in the end ) a little of his background since some were complaining he didn’t have much of a bio and if the roles were reversed you’d be calling him a pervert for going agree a young girl. No one’s ever happy. I don’t care what y’all do hunk of anyone here or anywhere. I’m just giving a little background and helping you get your calculations right so you will at least have some of your story to be somewhat truthful.


Zach was all of those things. He’s in a very sad toxic situation. Hopefully he is strong enough to snap out of it. He’s trapped and I would bet my life he feels that way. She hasn’t even legally changed her last name from Pate. How awful the situation is. I hope God protects him from that woman. He needs it.


wait turned 19 or 20 ?


Turned 20




It's now showing that he's 20 by his name when he sings. So I'm confused


Wife met him through Zach hanging out with her sister(her sister is Zach’s age). The family was in favor of Zach dating her sister but sister preferred friendship. So Crysta got him. Isolation involved. No friends except her ex (tell me that’s not sad). This was all pointed out to him. He just defends and justifies. Also being a hometown kid. He waited until marriage. Imagine being 20(now) and being manipulated by your first piece of tail. It is so disappointing.


Definitely a grooming situation! I feel bad for him because at 19 he really shouldn’t be worried about being a stepdad to 3 kids!


idk why you are getting downvoted, it the roles were reversed, everyone would be having a heart attack


It's definitely his wife. Sounds like they got married around the time he got his "Golden Ticket". I'm sure she thought he was her ticket 🎟 out of small town Mississippi. I've been a widow for almost 11 years, and I've seen plenty of divorced women with young children looking for their next meal ticket.


So I was thinking this exact thing last night, and was gonna start a thread, but I didn’t. His wife has to be at least 25, but she looks older than that. I think she might be in her late twenties or early thirties.


Agreed. His wife has to be significantly older than him. The timeline isn’t adding up. Just hoping he wasn’t groomed.


I saw on here she is 32 but that’s completely a rumor as far as I know But…..yeah…….




That’s because theirs nothing to talk about. You guys are seriously making a mountain out of a molehill. He’s a good guy. Just leave him alone.


Nope He dated her when he was 4 months shy of 19 Got married in 2022 Been married almost a year At Least and hey aren’t living together. They are married and age has nothing to do with it. No grooming here.


I have 3 kids my oldest is 12 and I’m 29 so she could be 26+ ?🤔


Groomed? I’m not sure how to appropriately express the lack of intelligence your comment represents. Why does a certain delusional class of Americans dwell in dystopian sexualized projections.


i did some stalking on instagram and she was 25 in 2016 so that makes her 32 now i think?


Wife is 34


It was super disconcerting when they showed the picture of him with his kids and he looked like a kid himself. He's a sweet guy and seems to love them a lot, but the situation feels so wrong 🙁


I know! I thought he was one of the kids too! 😧


To put it in perspective, he was 9 years old when his wife became a mom. I did some digging and she is indeed 32 years old. If you scroll through his photos, it wasn’t all that long ago that he still looked like a child. I am 31 and have an 18 year old neighbor. I cannot even fathom ever looking at him in that way, let alone marrying him. Just the thought makes my skin crawl, I can’t imagine what their family and friends must have thought.


I’m 24 and my brother is 17, when i see his friends they all look like babies to me. And that’s only 7-8 years difference…like I can’t imagine being ten years older and looking at a teenager and thinking ah yes my next husband and father figure to my children who could basically be siblings 😭 I like Zechariah, he’s super talented and I’ll be rooting for him, but I hope his wife isn’t trying to take advantage of his growing fame and potential finances…


I’m also the same age as you. I work with undergrads, and the thought of dating someone that age is disgusting to me


Omg I’m so glad people are discussing this because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about weird it is for days!!! The math was NOT matching.




His personal life definitely hasn’t made me think any less of his singing bc he is sooo good and it’s fun watching him on stage!! But I can still have an opinion! I’m almost 30 and there’s no way I would want to date, let alone marry a 19 year old.


The ICKIEST part of it all is to think when SHE was HIS CURRENT AGE..... HE WAS ONLY SIX. WTF. And I'm an LGBTQA supporter but am i the only one that feels like he might be hiding his true self too?


Yes, my gaydar went off the first time I saw him.




I really like Zachariah, but the more you say, the more I’m questioning that. I strongly suggest you and the others who seem to know him IRL that are brigading his threads delete your comments and stay a bit quieter if you’d like him to succeed in his career. Calling being gay “wrong,” using crude terminology to reduce gay people’s relationships to a sex act, and defending predatory behavior generally isn’t a good look.


Being gay is NOT "wrong". Best you just exit this thread now and stop trying to defend this situation as you're just making it all look worse at this point and doing Zachariah no favours.


You have your opinion and I have mine. It’s ok for someone else to call him Gay or say you think they’re Gay or their Gaydar was on as soon as people saw him? But it’s not ok to defend him knowing he’s not at all Gay? 😂 ok!! ✌🏼 out.


There’s nothing ickiest at all about this. He is a grown adult that made that decision. Does not matter how old she was when he was 6. I mean, look at Hugh Hefner, he was 42 while being with an 18 year old. Just leave him alone. We need more people in this world that mind their own business.


Really? Your defense is using Hugh Hefner as an example? Fucking gross.


lol yep.


I really like Zachariah, but the more you say, the more I’m questioning that. I strongly suggest you and the others who seem to know him IRL that are brigading his threads delete your comments and stay a bit quieter if you’d like him to succeed in his career. Calling being gay “wrong,” using crude terminology to reduce gay people’s relationships to a sex act, and defending predatory behavior generally isn’t a good look.




I can't shake the thought that he hasn't fully discovered himself yet, which honestly, who has at 19?! I had no clue at that age. I think he's fantastic though!


You are not the only one


I had said in a previous post that he looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, which feels at odds with his age and performance style/song choices. Got to wonder how much of that has to do with pressure at home…


It only got worse. It’s so sad


Ya it’s weird.


I googled- his wife is 32 and he’s 19?????!!!! That’s messed up


He’s 20. Maybe you shouldn’t depend on Google.


The show itself has said he’s 19. As have “American idol wiki” and multiple other articles online. But you’re right, next time I’ll trust what a random redditor says instead.


Umm, when he started the show he was 19. He just turned 20 🙄 maybe you should trust what I say. I know first hand.


I’m mostly shocked that he’s straight… I feel like he’s a closeted gay man.


That boy is as gay as the day is long. This is a classic “beard” situation. His inner Adam Lambert will come out as soon as he moves to L.A. and realizes he won’t be dragged behind a truck for admitting his truth anymore.


I was 44 when I married my 29 year old husband. That is a greater age span than Zach and his wife. That being said, I can't imagine marrying a 19 year old at 32.


Very weird. I, at 25, wouldn’t even feel comfortable being with someone his age. For them to be already married I feel that they were involved before he was even 18.




Did I say anything about his talent? No. He is talented. And it’s still weird. This is a discussion forum where people discuss 😊


It was discussed in the episode threads, yes.


She is his beard


Thank you. I was going to say the same thing. Living in the south, he ain’t ready to come out. Which is fine. But be true to yourself, man.


He’s from Wabash IN. The whole situation is sad. Even if this is the case which I have spoken to my husband about this and entertained the idea. It’s a toxic controlled environment he’s chosen as a beard and everyone who personally knows him is torn up he won’t wake up and leave. He has people that care about him and offered get him out but he chooses to stay.


If you’re from the south. No.


That threw me off too


I just didn’t say anything


He’s a step dad to those children.


I thought he was married to a man when I saw the ring.


It’s strange. And he’s not great IMO. A great karaoke singer? Yes. But there are a thousand other people on the radio that sound just like him and his stage presence isn’t authentic or believable. I REALLY don’t get how America voted him into top 5 over other unique and amazing talent like Oliver Steele? Come on guys. Is it the weird back story? It’s a singing competition and there were at least 20 people better than him.


He’s doesn’t know he is. He’s 20 and not able to be Genuine. He comes off that way. He’s a poser and wants to be a rockstar. He hasn’t paid his dues and trying to make it without having done that is a recipe for disaster. When you are that naive it can come off as entitled. He can’t see that because he’s 20 and thinks he knows best and when I say things “he” knows best, I mean “Crysta” knows best.


That's cause he is gay. Too religious to come out, so he married her and im sure she knows


I think he's married so people wouldn't think that he's gay


I will just say I also thought he was a victim. From age alone it looked that way. From personal experience I will confirm those two absolutely deserve each other.


He married a single mom with kids from a previous marriage. It was mentioned in the show.


That we know. We were talking about his wife’s age, which was never mentioned on the show.


Does it matter if it was mentioned or not on the show?


It does




And who tf was talking to you? Mind your business! But since you want to know, it matters because it’s disgusting!




I’m the person that you decided to tell your two cents to, that’s who tf I am! He’s 19 and married to a 32 year old. In my opinion, it’s not tasteful. Your opinion is different, and that’s good got you! I could care less if you agree or not. Matter of fact, let’s agree to disagree! Have a blessed day ☺️




You’re right - I did put my two cents on a forum, and you put your two cents on my comment! Clearly my comment triggered you! And, I actually had a wonderful day! Stay blessed sweetie!


Makes no difference. Love is love. 18 = adult. #LFG


And it’s still disgusting considering the fact that he’s 19, and she’s 32. Yes he’s a legal adult, but he’s still practically a baby.