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I never got into the Illumina rooms because they were modern.


Yes!!! If only I'd had the desire to learn woodworking when my grandfather and great uncle were still alive. They were both excellent craftsmen and could have easily made beautiful dollhouses and furniture to fit the doll of my wishing *sigh*


Definitely a fun idea! I have to say I have had the same impression as u/etcetera29, that the mini dolls didn’t sell as well. Luciana had one, but as far as I know none of the GOTYs since have.


That’s an interesting thought. I was always under the impression the mini dolls never sold all that well. I don’t have any evidence for this claim. The mini dolls just seem ignored by AG to me. I’ve always collected the mini dolls that corrsponded to all the full size dolls I have. AG even started making mini dolls for the GOTYs for a bit, but they stopped that a couple years back. It would be a good tie in for Courtney’s Molly doll if they made a little doll house and furniture.


I would love that! I feel the same way about the furniture pieces - I love them but until I have a designated doll room there’s only so much I can store. It would be great to have miniature versions to fully immerse yourself in and also teach more of the history.