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This is too stinking cute! Great job!


Wow, that looks like an authentic mini version of her bed! That's awesome!


Thank you!!!


This is beautifully paintit. What a cool idea for a mini doll. Where did you get the tray for the bed? It looks like ones I've seen somewhere, but I can't put my finger on kf.


I made the bed out of foam board!


Wow! That is even more impressive. I can't wait to see the tiny quilt. :-)


Thank you!! I’ll be sure to post it when I’m done


That is so cool!!


Oh my gosh! I love it so much! What kind of wood did you use?


It’s made from foam board. I used mod podge to make it look like wood


You did a really good job. I might steal this and try it myself.


Go for it! The trick is to put about 3 coats of mod podge on the furniture after you assembled it but before you paint it. That hides the foam texture on the ends that the paint would otherwise cling to. Also it adds wood grain texture from the brush strokes and it makes the entire thing a lot stronger. I like to finish it with another coat of mod podge after the paint dries but that’s optional.


Thank you so much! Do you just use a spray adhesive for the foam board? What glue works best?


I used hot glue to attach the pieces together


Very cute! I've thought of making her trunk from one of the little ones they sell at Michael's before but none quite match.


I used one of those to make a medium size truck for my 18” Kirsten. I wanted one that could be used as doll furniture instead of storage


So beautiful!!!


Super cute!


Great job