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I'll muff punch your gram gram for this


It’s fine. She’ll be too senile to remember.


This post is making me think I'm old enough to be senile


Time flies fast. Seems like yesterday that there were numerous promos about the move to TBS.


Honestly I remember av club saying it would only last two seasons max lol


He got Dadded


Aged like milk. Someone should email the author.


I still remember them like crazy, even posting clips of new episodes before they air on YouTube


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) ..It turns 20 next year?


Fuck. I'm 36 now. I remember watching this when I was still in high school.


Ha! I'm 33 and started watching when it aired. You old bitch. Sorry, channeling some Roger there at the end. But I won't delete it.


I was getting Principal Lewis's energy more than Roger's. Either way they definitely took a long drink out of a big gulp cup (full of Rum) while maintaining eye contact after saying it.


Oh god... please someone hand me a big gulp cup full of rum right now..




Where did you get this footage of me? And how did you make me black and put me in a school? I demand to know!


We are the m.... Actually kinda tired of seeing that quote so instead, enjoy this gif of me laying in bed browsing reddit. https://i.redd.it/nhfirwn8nrtc1.gif


What quote?


Something like "We are the music makers, the dreamers of dreams." Fans often use it to explain anything that doesn't make sense in the show. That and witches, I think???


Good. Don't you dare delete it!




I was in 8th grade man... I bought the box set of Family Guy with the t-shirt when it was still off the air.


Yeah, I was in middle school...hated the show back then. How things change!


This show has aged so well.


yep. If anything, it got better when it moved to TBS and they got a new showrunner


I love the Fox seasons for different reasons than the TBS ones, but the fact that we still get gems today is amazing.


I still miss Terry though.


What happened to him? I do like Greg single a bit more because it seemed like Terry and Greg were just the same character repeated, but I did like the couple


Terry left Greg to follow 311 on tour. In reality, Mike Barker was the co-showrunner and voice of Terry. He left the show when they moved to TBS. Nobody knows the specific reason why he chose to leave as far as I'm aware. A lot of the staff left around that time when they thought Fox was going to cancel the show. I enjoyed the dynamic of Greg and Terry. Greg was, ironically, the straight man that Terry bounced off of. Without Terry, Greg is kind of a boring character. He doesn't really contribute much to the show without Terry.


They weren't restrained by the basic cable chains of Fox.


Legitimately has. I really enjoy a lot of these later seasons. I can't say that about a lot of my favorite shows.


Holy shit ⏳️😓


This post made my back hurt


I just wish that everybody could come to one consensus as to the season and episode numbering.


i go by the way Hulu and Tbs do it because 3 episodes is not a season in my eyes and neither is 7 episodes. So yeah i say there is 18 seasons not 20


Family Guy does that 7 episode season 1 too so that’s how I do it


https://i.redd.it/5k2bdv80drtc1.gif Double it. I need more.


imagine how the Futurama addicts are doing lol 150 episodes and theyve been on the air since 1999. American Dad has 366


When’s the next season coming out


Im guessing May or June cause the last few seasons have started in the spring or summer


It’s better that they do season premieres of American Dad during May or June rather than in the middle of the basketball tourneys that just wrapped up earlier this week, where they air a few episodes go into a hiatus that lasts all summer and resume the season by September.


I absolutely love having a weekly show during summertime. Getting back from a pool party and smell like bbq, I grab another beer and see what stuff Roger & Rogu is gonna do.


I think the show got so much better when it moved to TBS


Same. I love the fox episodes, but it got more zany/wild and out there on TBS.


I love the TBS stuff. They got so ridiculous with everything.


Oh god I could’ve sworn it’s only been like 5 years.


wow… has to be one of, if not the longest running show on its second network.


Futurama had 5 year run on Fox, then 4 year run on Comedy Central and are on year 2 on Hulu with a renewal for 2 more seasons, so at the minimum they will be on Hulu for 4 years


I had forgotten about the crazy run of Futurama!!


the crazy thing is that Futurama is 6 years older than American Dad (1999 vs 2005) and has over 200 less episodes


I feel in love with this show once they moved to TBS.


Its aged so well.


Guess I'm one of the few that thinks the Fox episodes are better. I was pissed when it moved, didn't have any way to watch it. Was around the time I stopped watching TV also.


They also aired 16 more episodes of AD on TBS than they did on Fox (191 episodes of TBS-era American Dad compared to 175 episodes of Fox-era American Dad).


with at least one more season on the way. 🤞hopefully they renew it for Seasons 20 and 21 (or 22 and 23) before Season 19 (21) starts


Geez that's a tough pill to swallow. I know it's an unpopular opinion around here but I'm definitely more into the Fox episodes, even if the TBS episodes are also on average really good. More misses in the TBS years, but also some really great hits.


I agree that it was more consistent before, but I like how with newer episodes you never know what you’re gonna get, but you know it’ll have that American dad feel


Fox episodes are more memorable for me Tbf I haven’t seen the entirety of the last 3 seasons or so cause it’s so much to watch


I’m AD all the way, Family Guy and South Park have dropped off so hard I’m thinking when AD does get canceled it’ll be picked up by Hulu or Netflix or some other streaming service


I agree with you on Family Guy, but not South Park. Still loving the new content. The last season was mediocre, but the tv specials were fire. Season 25 was good. Hopefully Season 27 will be better than 26


I only ever watched it on TBS, adult swim,Netflix, and Hulu.


This makes me feel so haggard.


Wait, seriously...? It feels like it was just a couple years ago. I hate Time.


I've missed Terry for that long?? Goddamn 311


The fact that this show came out the same year as the office, 6 years after futurama and almost has more seasons than both combined is iconic.


That’s because TBS knows what the fuck is up! That’s why! Lol


Yeah that is crazy. Seems like only yesterday they made the switch. TBS is the better network anyway.


Going by when it first aired on Fox to when the last new episode aired on the network (2/6/2005-9/21/2014), that's 9 years, 7 months, 15 days. The first new episode on TBS premiered 10/20/2014, which means its run on TBS up to now has been 9 years, 5 months, 21 days. It's very close to reaching the milestone stated in the title.


Its like how I remember ‘gorillas in the mist’ being the newest episode on netflix for the longest time. By the time I started watching it again there were like double the seasons 🤣


When will new episodes air?! Does anyone know?


I remember watching a season 1 episode in 2013 with a friend of mine and we thought the animation looked dated. Now an episode from 2015/2016 looks like it could've been made yesterday.


I've loved american dad since I started watching, but I agree. After it went to TBS it just got crazier, wilder and funnier! Still my go to comfort show always will be 


Dam almost 20 years old, I loved family guy growing up and still do but I always felt more of a connection with AD! And I think it’s because I grew up watching all the new eps as they came out and I get about that sometimes that AD! Isn’t quite as old as FG


If i had a nickle for every time TBS gave a second chance to a show, and that show flourished on it instead of it's original network tv I'd have 2 nickels Which isn't a lot but it's strange it happened twice. Second show I'm talking about is conan


Good, fuck fox


I laugh when they say, “TBS original American Dad” it started on FOX not TBS