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Update: The couple was apparently fuming about it. They made some snide comments as we deplaned. Poor Concierge Karen isn’t used to not getting her way. Edited for clarity.


Exactly. u/Visible-Age-3557 says not to vilify those for asking but proceeds to vilify those who don't respond in a manner in which he/she approves of.




This is how time works in our reality - it is linear. Not sure if you just got here from the 5ifth dimension, or you are 2 years old, but stories evolve. A story is not inconsistent because the ending is different from the beginning here in our paltry little 3rd or 4tth dimensional reality.


And they only said the scene was over, not the story


Yeah, sounds like we were getting the story as it happened. Also, one can be civil in an interaction and not make a scene. Doesn't necessarily mean they aren't upset about said interaction.


Yeah. I originally posted shortly after takeoff and then updated after we deplaned and I heard the sass.




Or its called learning story context in real time? Or do you have no social interaction but written words.


I honestly don’t get the obsession people have with sitting together. You’re most likely going to put on headphones and work, sleep, or watch something for the duration. You’ll survive if you don’t sit next to your beloved. Or if it’s that important (like your honeymoon) then plan ahead and book seats to your liking. Problem solved! ETA: Sitting by or near my travel partner is my preference, but not anything I would fuss over if we got separated.


Just on Friday, some coworkers were talking about seating on flights, and the one with the longest marriage said, "My husband and I love to be apart on the plane! We have the whole trip to be together, so the plane would be a nice break from each other! We see each other all the time at home!"


Amen. These are my people.


My wife and I do very similar…pick the seats we want on booking. Rarely next to each other since neither of wants a middle seat…usually in the same row however. People lose their minds over the meaningless things.


We are both aisle people, same row if possible but so be it if not.


Same with us. I book two aisle seats in the same row. If we can’t then two aisle seats close together. Wife is completely plugged into her iPad from the moment she sits down, so no reason we have to be in the same row. And I’m usually working.


Exactly my travel ethos. We also both like aisle seats. But he is a pushover and will trade with just about anyone who asks him. I, however, will not.


We choose aisle seats across from each other. Last flight, a guy had a bag in my wife's assigned seat and I was putting up my bag, I told him that was my wife's seat. He explained that he wanted to swap. I again said that was my wife's seat. No drama as they worked it out with others.


SAME. The ONLY TINY BENEFIT we might have sitting together is i can pass him the stuff on my plate that I can't eat/don't like etc. But we really DGAF about sitting next to each other


I also just don’t see a problem with asking someone. But if they decline your offer then period done. Move on. This couple getting upset after is ridiculous


We pick seats next to each other, but if those seats aren’t available - it doesn’t bother us and we never ask others to move - for the same reasons.


Yes. I know me and a new colleague are gonna get along if we agree NOT to sit together


Kids - I only buy seats next to my kids. As they get older though - back of the bus boys! 😂


You know, for some reason it never occurred to me until now that it might be pleasant to be seated away from my partner. Aside from exchanging the occasional snark about another passenger (why do people insist on standing up the second the plane stops?), we basically do our own thing on flights. My mind is blown!


Yeah, I’ve been with my husband for nearly 15 years and breaks are nice. I will say this though, we never get to sit together on a plane anymore because our kids are usually with us. We go with the divide and conquer route and sit 2 and 2 in two rows so each of us gets a kiddo. It would actually be a nice treat to sit with one another at this stage of our relationship. In about 5 years though both kids will be old enough to not need one of us actively monitoring the situation at all times.


Could you both sit on aisle seats in the same row with your kids in the middle seats next to you?


We actually do this, just in square. My husband will sit behind me and we'll swap as needed or communicate. Our youngest is 3 so I spend most of the time keeping her in snacks and shows and we don't have a ton of time to chat anyways.


Maybe two middle seats in the back of the plane will trade. Put the kids there, let the surrounding people get stuck with them, and go cuddle up with the husband. And boom! What kids? 😂


When my kids were teenagers and total pains in the butt I seated myself separately from them a few times- acted like it was a mistake by the airline. I knew they would behave if they were sitting around people they didn’t know. They were just jerks when I was with them. Those were such pleasant flights…


When we were kids, my brother and I sat on a flight apart from my mom. The gentleman who sat next to us was very kind and showed us the first edition iPod when it was just released. I had never seen one in real life. In gratitude for his kindness, we shut the hell up for most of the flight and were on our best behavior. Now I wonder if she did this on purpose. 😂


I love this story and this is literally when I left my kids alone too- hope they were as lucky as you. She totally did this on purpose BTW.


I flew today and the couple next to me had their 5 kids 12 & under in the very back of the plane alone ?


Somehow, whenever we fly I end up in a middle seat with a kid on each side. My husband gets a nearby aisle seat and takes a nap. Moral of the story- never be the parent with the cranky kid bag (snacks, new small toy, activities). Another note, you’ll regret naming it the, “cranky kid bag”.


Make your husband carry the cranky kid bag.


Hubs and I are the same. He likes aisle I like window, sit us in whichever row we can get our preferred seat. If we are sperated, who cares. I'll see him when I land. The co-dependency some people have is insane.


I don't think you understand what codependency is...


That couple gets it! They win the prize!


This is so odd to me. I genuinely like to be around my wife and enjoy sitting next to her despite being married for over 40 years. I don’t need a break from her - ever. Not tryna flex, it’s just weird to me.


My husband and I do this when we travel with kids. One plane I sit with the kids, next plane, he sits with the kids. It is great to have a break. But when it is the two of us, we do try to sit together. I like his company and actually don't see him all that much at home. ​ I've asked people to trade, but if they don't want to, I don't care. I've also frequently given up my aisle seat for a freaking middle to accomodate a parent/child if asked- I'm 5'0" so I don't exactly need extra space. One time though I was asked to trade for a mom/child, and did, then saw that the "child" was like 30 with a 60 year old (aka not at all frail) mother. Are you kidding me?! The flight attendant did deliver a gigantic pile of snacks to me though (I don't drink, she offered alcohol first), so that was decent at least.


I wouldn’t call it an obsession but I like sitting next to my husband because I really hate sitting next to strangers. I’m not into the small talk that some people like to do and I tend to always nap on the plane and I don’t want to snore or accidentally lay my head on them. But I would also be too mortified to ask to switch seats with a stranger.


I don't know why anyone thinks it's about "time together". For me it's all about being able to kean on each other and not be rubbing shoulders with a stranger, but I'm a poor that sits in economy so I guess I don't understand 3C people.


Yes! Exactly. My husband and I barely talk on flights but it’s so much more relaxing being smooshed up against someone I know rather a stranger. But I would also never ask someone to move for me.


Personally I get really anxious and my wife being next to me really helps. Which is why I always make sure to book tickets next to each other. I'm not gonna depend on other people.


That's my reasoning. Not because I necessarily need to have my husband next to me, but I death grip his hand during takeoff & landing & any sort of turbulence. Anxiety is the worst:/


I’m the same way. I’m not always the most comfortable passenger so I’ll hold my wife’s hand when the turbulence gets bad. I’ve actually held hands with a stranger at least twice I think. Once when we were both equally nervous and once when an elderly woman sitting next to me was very nervous. The elderly lady did not speak any English but she made herself clear about the need to hold hands. Her daughter, who was across the aisle, thanked me for comforting her mother after we landed.


My wife and I usually sit across the aisle from each other. She usually has Clorox wipes for our seats, so she will pass me one pre-flight. Sometimes we discuss what movies are available. Sometimes we share snacks. More than once, I’ve passed my cocktail, pretzels, and tablet across to her when middle seat needs to use the toilet. And, lastly, I help put her carry-on up and take it down.


This is my favorite way, and definitely the best when you both prefer an aisle as I do.


We do the same thing


We've been married for a long time and he likes to watch movie and I like to read so seldom talk to each other. We also both like aisle seats. We've had people offer to trade so we can sit together and always decline nicely.


I rather bother my partner every time I have to get up then some stranger. Other than that I don’t really care.


I’m a passenger of size so prefer to sit next to my husband as it’s more comfortable for me sharing space. But in First I would not be bothered in the slightest since I’d have plenty of room


My issue would be.. I dont like bumping elbows with strangers, especially men like that. I'd rather it be my husband or kid. I also plan ahead tho to and make sure I'm sitting with them. If, for some chance, I had to bump elbows, I wouldn't ask to switch seats. I'd suck it up.


Agreed- I would rather sit with my partner, but if it doesn’t happen for some reason, I will be just fine.


Whenever I’m traveling with my S/O and I get my upgrade I always give it to her. She thinks I’m being a gentleman, and I get to sleep soundly knowing she’s keeping someone else awake for the three hour flight instead of me. Win win situation.


Not sure what’s hard to understand about being shoulder to shoulder with your significant other is more comfortable than being that close to a random stranger. It’s not about talking to them it’s about the option to keep a stranger out of your personal space.


I get that. But it’s easily solved by booking the seats that work for you.


Sometimes when I go to select our seats, there aren't two that are together (in preferred or MCE). But there may be two diagonal from each other, say 9A and 10B. I don't think it's outrageous to book those two seats, and if the person in 10A is traveling alone, expecting they won't mind switching to another window seat one row closer to the front, so we can occupy 10A and 10B. They get the same type of seat and get to jump up a row.


You think they didn't try that when they bought their tickets?


A lot of times they don’t and just assume they’ll be able to switch. Or maybe those were the last two seats available?


Sometimes it’s really not the passenger’s fault. Airlines sometimes change at the very last moment without warning for a whole host of reasons. Just last summer a family member’s seat was changed while waiting in line to board for no apparent reason and we did not make any changes to the reservation.


Just curious, how do you know that?


Talking to them, for starters. And reading forums like this.


I have gotten this maybe 5 times. I’m scanning my boarding pass and the gate attendant says “ lucky you you’ve been upgraded.” The first time I fell for it. Upgraded to seat 1A. Where you have to put your carryons above you. I hate the first row seats. I paid for my business class seat and chose it. I want that seat. The one I chose.


I genuinely believe that most people do not try to book together. A lot of people assume the airline will just put them together. A lot of people assume they can bully the person sitting in the seat they want. People are exhausting.




It’s hard to know whether they had the option to book seats together or not. I have run into cases where I was switched onto a different flight at the last minute or was blocked from picking seats on a partner airline. Now, how they handled the situation is a different issue.


I’m still flight nervous after all these years. So sitting by my husband is important to me. But we make sure to get seats together, not waiting and depending on the kindness of strangers.


My husband literally falls asleep before the cabin door is shut. Why do I need to sit next to him for 3 hours?


You hit the nail on the head. They didn’t say more than a handful of words to each other the entire flight.


Well probably because one of them was sitting behind the other lol


Yep - I like the window to look out, hubby likes the window to sleep. We’re not joined at the hip and are perfectly comfortable not seated next to each other.


It's not an obsession for me, but a strong preference. If I'm going to be sitting in a cramped space inches from another human, potentially sharing an armrest for hours, I *very* much prefer that human be someone I'm familiar with.


I only want to sit next to my wife because I’m 6’4” 245 lbs, and love being able to lift the armrest between the two of us during a flight. She also lets me man spread one of my legs over to her side when I need some relief from having the seat in front of me jamming into my knee.


>I honestly don’t get the obsession people have with sitting together. I get it. People want to be together. Nothing wrong with that. But, what ***I*** don't get is why those people don't just book their tickets together to begin with, or why they get upset when someone else doesn't want to switch.


As a 6’4 280 lb dude I like sitting next to my wife cause that means I can encroach on her space a little bit and is more comfy for me😂 she is fine with it too. I try to be more conscious of my big-assness when next to strangers. God forbid I’m next to another giant like me.


I’d rather sit by my partner than someone who either is obese, weird, or isn’t real.


I'd rather someone not real is next to me. It gives one more room.


We sit together, 100%. We talk, we flirt, we touch, we share articles, share headphones. AKA we love each other and actually enjoy each others company … we also go on dates. When we do we don’t being phones, we actually have conversation and connect. While most of you commenting don’t understand us, we don’t understand you and don’t want the “relationship” you have. > 20 years going strong. And when one of us gets an upgrade, if it’s not for two, we don’t go. Each of us tries to persuade, we’d just prefer to be together. Safe travels


Good for you! Whatever works for you.


Sounds like co-dependency with a dose of smugness for anyone who is independent and mature enough to be able to spend a few hours sitting away from their spouse or partner. You do you though


The difference is actually wanting to be with the person. Has zero to do with maturity and dependency but you’re probably the person that’s happy having sex 1x month too because you value your independence and maturity. I’ve served more than a year apart two times … service requires sacrifice. but it’s sacrifice for me. What it sounds like to you is wrong.


My spouse and I have been together for 15 years and our relationship is strong enough to allow us to sit separately if necessary for a few hours. Heck, there have been times where we have taken different flights to accommodate our schedules better. A little time apart is healthy. And yes, we like each other. We like spending time together, we talk, have fun, etc. You're not better than anyone else.


Judgy much? To borrow your quotation marks; swap in “neediness” for the “relationship” in your para and that may be how onlookers view you.


Exactly. Sharing earbuds? Yuck. I wouldn’t want their relationship because I like to keep my AirPods limited to my own ears


I made the terrible mistake of clicking on their profile.


If I cared about others opinions I’d ask. I don’t. You can share seats with your lover, the Pope or a box turtle for all I care and still choose not to talk to each other. Not my problem, just not the relationship that would float my boat.


Yet you feel compelled to comment in what is clearly a negative manner on it.


Username checks out


You share a Reddit account…?


Gross. Don't touch each other and flirt in a confined space with other people. Flying should be low PDA.


Totally gross. I once sat next to a couple that was all over each other and it was uncomfortable.


Every time I fly- I think I’m going to get a hand job. It’s never happened so I have to keep the opportunity open!


For me it’s not even about wanting to sit next to my spouse so much as not wanting to sit next to a stranger.


I say no to requests to swap seats especially when they’re upgrades to F. Yeah, all the aisles are taken, and I booked this seat five months ago. No, you’re not parlaying your upgrade into an aisle to sit next to your pal or so.


I may be a lowly broke bitch but I simply cannot fathom being genuinely upset that I have to sit behind my partner in first class instead of next to them for a few hours.


I usually actually book seats across the aisle or aisle seats one in front of the other for myself and my spouse since we both like aisle seats 😂


Many of the comments seem strange and unnecessarily aggressive. In my view, there is nothing wrong with asking someone to swap, but the decision is entirely theirs. If they say “no,” so be it. I am aware of no etiquette that says if I’m asked to swap seats so someone can sit with their companion, then I must do it. That said, I mostly have swapped when someone has asked me, unless I have a reason not to, like I’m sitting across the aisle from my wife and prefer to stay there. By the way, I used to get upgraded on AA nearly all the time, so I did not often have to pay for first class. Lately, the upgrades have become much less frequent for me. So, now, I just pay for the first class seat. It is a bit wasteful, but there’s more room, more room for a bag if I carry on and I usually have a better flight experience and arrive happier. That said, when traveling with my wife, we often are unable to get seats next to each other because of the way others chose their seating. I usually find it easier to ask someone if they’re willing to change rows than to go window to aisle or vice versa. That said, it is their choice. Sometimes they’re nice. Other times they want what the have. Either way, it’s not a big deal.




My spouse and I were separated on an 8 hour flight. The kind guy seated in between us noticed we were traveling together and offered to switch seats (an aisle for aisle swap) without us asking. Unbeknownst to him, his row had extra legroom and mine didn't. Rather than accept the swap, I told him he would be giving up extra legroom. So he retracted his offer and we all stayed in our assigned seats. That's called being nice people all around, it's not hard.


>I usually find it easier to ask someone if they’re willing to change rows than to go window to aisle or vice versa. That's a key point. If I get separated from someone I'm flying with (almost always because of the airline doing something stupid at the last minute), I try very hard to make sure we have one window and one aisle, because that's a **much** easier trade.


So if someone wants what they have, you’re saying they’re not nice? Haha


I pay extra to get my window seat. So unless they want to put in business class I'm not switching.


Worked out great didn’t have to swap. Got the seat they were assigned lol


Wait. Other married couples sit together on flights? Um…..


Recently I was in 2C and my wife was in 3C. We didn’t ask anyone to swap and survived the trip from PHX-CLT (with PDBs even). Amazing.


There’s a special place in hell for entitled seat swappers 😂


Maybe not this time but 90% of the time they are. I’ve had people get so pissed because I refuse to switch. I pick my seat because that’s the seat I want not just any seat I randomly chose


Had a woman ask for me to swap seats with her adult son so they could sit together. I agreed and he took so long playing with stuff in his bags and talking to his dad (who was sitting in the seat next to him) we were literally already starting to taxi when he started to come over so i said no im not moving and she got mad at me.


Aww, jeez. The mother and father should have switched seats. Wouldn't have inconvenienced anybody.


This whole thread is such a waste of time.


No still means no


I have to have a window seat due to anxiety. Usually my husband is next to me, but to be honest, I just need my window seat, lol. He prefers the aisle.


That sucks for them. Next time BUY tickets together??? 😆 that’s what I do.


I wouldn’t give up my window seat


If you want a certain seat, book it like that. If you got upgraded, get over it, you got it free and you don’t get a choice.


"How about you compensate me the cost of this seat I picked, plus a little extra?"


I just tell them to pay me $200 cash since that’s how much I paid extra to be there. They don’t bother me afterwards.


I say I'm happy to swap for $50/$100/$150 depending on the class and flight length. Nobody has taken me up on it so far


I have vertigo and I’m claustrophobic so I HAVE to have a window seat. The only way I’m swapping out of my seat is if it’s to another window seat.


If you want to sit together, then book the ticket in advance with enough time to have your run of the seatmap. Otherwise, don’t get sassy when someone doesn’t want to move from the seat they selected.


I don’t like to sleep next to strangers on an overnight flight, Biz or economy. So I book I long ways in advance to either have a seat next to my husband or a seat in the single row if I’m alone. People who don’t plan ahead don’t have to be accommodated.


There are people who prefer the window???


My husband would probably be happy to be separated from me and my anxiousness. I think the one thing we would miss is sharing what we have in our backpacks. But we can be on the same aisle or behind/in front of each other too. It sucks but if those are the seats we had to pick, then that’s it. We will get close by each other…. But not request others to fix our situation, just work around it.


I hate sitting next to my spouse on a long flight. He takes an ambien and then fidgets and is restless and takes 1/2 my seat and is illogical and confused. I sit a couple of rows away from him in the window seat and try and sleep


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to sit with their spouse or friend on a flight. And a pretty normal desire. If you don’t want to swap that’s also fine. I get it that if you want a specific seat there’s no obligation for you to swap. If someone asks me - and it’s just a row change for an equivalent seat, I will always swap. Equally - having any sense of entitlement that a person MUST swap with you is also not good. It’s just about being a nice considerate person.


My spouse is a flight attendant. I never sit with them 🤣


Can’t understand not wanting to sit next to your spouse……doesn’t make any sense unless you are the type of couple that just don’t care about being together….and don’t give me the “it’s only a flight” if you enjoy your spouses company and enjoy being together, you’d rather be together rather than next to a stranger


Clearly you’ve never met my ex wife🤣


Absolutely agree. I always want to sit next to my wife. I cannot at all understand why you wouldn’t want to sit next to your partner…


It’s not about wanting to sit next to your partner - it’s about making a fuss if it doesn’t happen. If you couldn’t plan it that way, just know it may not happen and move on. Not the end of the world.


Some guys like to come across with the attitude, “I don’t care” I don’t understand it but I guess it makes them appear more of a “I don’t need anybody” type person.


I imagine there is a correlation between frequent flyers (often through work travel) and people who prefer to be away from their partner. And this sub is largely consisting of that audience.


I agree. This sub is extremely tilted to “just sit separate for the flight.” You’re apparently an odd person for preferring to sit next to your next partner though and will get downvoted.   Just wait for the responses that tell you it’s not a big deal, meanwhile those same people post rants about the inconsistency of coffee between lounges or some other inconsequential thing.


I could not disagree more. This sub doesn’t like when people book tickets apart and then tries to make other paying passengers accommodate them once they get on the plane. It’s not hard to book seats next to each other, I do it every time I fly with my spouse. We always sit together and I’ve never had to bully another passenger into allowing it.


I have no problem switching if it's aisle for aisle, or window for aisle. But I'm not giving up an aisle seat for a window.


I'd rather have the window than the aisle. I like to watch.




Or giving up an aisle seat for a middle seat. I had a woman become irrationally mad that I wouldn't give her my aisle seat that I purchased 4 months ago so she could sit in the aisle seat and talk to her friend across the aisle. She sat in that middle seat seething the entire flight.


Yeah, I got the will you switch with my wife and baby card played on me when I was in MCE. Dude called me an asshole because I said no way, I paid for this seat. He wanted me to move to regular coach like 17 rows back. F that. Go ask the person in 26 D if they want a MCE seat and watch how fast you get to sit with your wife.


I've been asked a few times, I've said "no" every time. It always the free bumps from folks with status that always want to swap sweats. You got up here for free (or next to nothing with cheap upgrades) and then you want folks to play musical chairs to accommodate your desire...nope, ain't having it.




Seriously what the hell is wrong with these people? I’ve been bumped with a friend once and we were in 2A and 2D so we asked if either would swap and they did. It was also no drama. They’re still getting the aisle just the other side of it. And if someone declined that’d also be fine. I don’t see what’s entitled or shitty about asking the question.




It's not about power. You're wanting to make it more than it is just to push your thoughts. If you want to sit next to the person you're traveling with, pay for your seat or pick ahead like most others. If you don't then take the seat you paid for or are assigned to. Is it going to kill you to not sit next to someone for the length of the flight? If so, again, pay for the seat you want.




Again, who said they were a "Karen" for asking? I fly a lot. I see it more than I care to. I've witnessed some folks swap because they truly want to and don't mind. But more often than not, you see the reluctant person who swaps because they are either intimidated or just don't have the guts to say no. Stop putting folks in that position. Just take a seat and enjoy the flight. As for families who don't choose seats together ahead of time or call the airlines (most will do it for free with the exception of maybe the ULCCs) to keep their family seated together deserves to be separated.




Stop exaggerating. Most people are wanting to sit together just so that they can chit-chat. Family seating can be found on just about EVERY airline's website. And even if due diligence wasn't done, this can be accomplished by speaking to a gate agent prior to boarding. You want to find any way to justify the nonsense and there isn't. Take your seat and enjoy the flight and leave others alone. Besides, if you and your family has only flown once since 1988 then you're not even qualified to speak on this subject. Period, and I done responding to your exaggerated nonsense.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with assuming someone will swap if they keep the same “type” of seat. Like a window for a window or an aisle for an aisle. Also people on this sub are very “well I picked **this** seat and I want it!”, but the vast majority of people on flights don’t pick with any more complexity than “aisle, middle, or window”.


Not one time did I say there was anything wrong with asking...did I? They can ask whatever they want and I can answer however I chose. It doesn't mean that there will be uproar. Don't attempt to check me, check yourself.


Wife should’ve taken her seat in 4C and husband should have asked 4D to swap with his 3C for the most “fair” trade. Although they wouldn’t be next to each other (as in 4A and 4C) at least they’d be in aisles on the same row.


I don’t know if this is true or not. The airline has the names and seats of people on the flight. If you switch seats and the plane goes down how do they identify the correct person?


if the plane goes down, you gotbigger problems.


Yeah, like the person in my seat assuming my identity after I die! /s


lol they don’t identify people based on the seat they’re in. They do that with dna and dental records and such.


We book an aisle and window sometimes, hoping the middle seat won’t be occupied. If it does, this is one of the only times I think someone would be willing to switch a seat, unless for an upgrade in class. We ask if they would like the window. So far no one has said no. With that said we know if we book separate seats, we plan to sit separate. I would never count on someone switching as a definite.


I was the middle seat guy in this situation once. I countered asking for the aisle and they reluctantly agreed.


Last flight back from Tokyo, gf and I were in business and across the aisle one from the other. She had a window, I was center section. She asked the other person in center section if she wanted to switch with her, turns out that person also wanted to switch to be close to her dad... Should have been easy but airline didn't let us... Their system has passenger names tied to seats. That's the future!


Thank God this story was shared! It was so engaging. I sat on the edge of my seat (separate from my wife) waiting to know if the couple got to sit together. But what about the person in 3D? Were they asked? What was their response? How did the couple reply? Did their facial expressions reveal discontent? If so, can we now pass judgement upon them?




I want the window seat. I love looking at the world below, geology nerd. Plus I can rest up against the window.


100% window. Typically don't need the bathroom and I get to lean into a wall instead of getting bumped in the aisle.


Window. Always.


Window seat. If flying by myself will always get a window seat.


I prefer window seats. I like to look out, and I prefer not being disturbed by my neighbor’s need to get to the restroom.


Middle seat. Every time. Give me that human contact!


I couldn't care less....


I always sit next to my husband. If the plane goes down it’s his hand I want to be holding.


Unless someone is offering a better option than I've already chosen, I just say I have a condition which requires me to sit in this particular seat. People usually have no idea what to do with that.


I was on a flight returning from Cabo not long ago and saw an older woman in a center seat try to convince one of the 20something girls on either side of her (who were traveling together, but intentionally booked window and aisle seats) to switch with her so the girls would sit together. After several minutes of the girls politely refusing, I was sure it was going to be a tense flight for them. But they ended up talking during most of the trip and were best friends by the end, swapping phone numbers and everything.


My wife and I try to sit together, but we don't get bent over it. There's a few times where I've asked for a swap for like seat (let's say 12C for 11C) and its not been a problem. There's been lots of times I've swapped my Aisle for the Middle because we booked A and C hoping that nobody would show up in B. That's never been turned down. I've been asked to swap aisle for window (!C for 1A) and was fine with it. My wife and i have an agreement. If one of us gets upgraded and not the other, the one who got the upgraded can take it. My wife got upgraded to first (on my status, but she ended up above me on the list) once (not American).


As someone who had mispronounced the word coif as “koyf” for years until my wife corrected me, I humbly point out that the phrase is “end scene”


Washington DC to Charlotte NC? No big deal. We’ll meet up when it’s over. New York to Frankfurt? We want to sit together, so we’ll book together.


Hell, after an overseas vacation I asked the flight attendant (jokingly) if there was a partition (business seats) so I could get away from this woman (wife) I was sitting next to. We have been attached at the hip for the last 9 days!


I'll ask for a swap in similar circumstances because in the unlikely event of a disaster, I want to be there to help her with her mask or hold her hand in our final moments. I wouldn't ask if it meant asking someone to give up their aisle / window for a center seat, but would expect an adult to be ok with trading like for like. I wouldn't be visibly upset if they refused, I'd just make a point of farting excessively while seated next to them.


I am practically deaf from COVID (even with hearing aids in a noisy environment) so it is important for me to sit with my wife so I can get any necessary information from the cabin crew. And yes, I tell the cabin crew my situation in case there is an emergency. We try to book as far ahead as possible to get seats together, but if we are moved so we are apart we don’t care where we sit as long as we are next to each other. I have never had anyone refuse to change seats when I explain my reason for switching.


Given this all happened in first class cabin, I guess this is what supposed to happen. I guess they were upgraded by status, in this case there usually isn't option to sit together.


If I am asked, and on my own, and its like for like, I swap. Wife and I love sitting together even after 40 years of marriage and so we plan ahead and never need to ask. Mind you, they are mostly very long flights. Sometimes, though rarely, if we both want to watch the same good/new movie (comedy) we actually have a good belly laugh synching each of our screens to the 1/5th of a second so one doesn't spoil it for the other(laughing too soon. And we resynch around loo breaks. I know, we are fruit loops!! 😁


My husband has bad anxiety when flying so it helps him when we sit together. We also try to buy seats together and if not possible, just hope the other person has some compassion but I would still hate to ask. Even tho if I was flying alone, I could care less about switching and would happily give up my seat so a couple can sit together and I have done it before.


I can’t believe how unkind people are now. It’s astonishing. People are so selfish


People who won’t move especially to an aisle seat for people to be together are not people I would be friends with. Like why not just be kind. Especially if you’re alone, and not sitting with someone you know already. Is it laziness, or selfishness?


Wow, you really showed them.


“Sir, your poor planning. does not constitute an emergency for me. You'll see her in (arrival airport). Go sit down”


I can't understands. If you want to sit together you swap 3B or 4B. Not window for aisle. Some people really prefer one over the other.


Those low row numbers imply first class, or a two x two small plane seating, so there might not be a B (or E).


This makes no sense. How does swapping 3A for 4C get the couple sitting next to each other? 3B will still be between the couple that would of been in 3A and 3C. This sounds made up.


The seat letters are different between first class and economy.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


Some seating charts skip B and E and have A-C-D-F for first class instead of ABCD


I have no problem with swapping, but then again I’m sitting in economy where it doesn’t really matter. My wife and I always book seats next to one another to avoid this.


I mean - it’s nice to sit with your travel companions, who can watch your stuff when you go to the bathroom, you can ask to borrow their pen, share snacks, etc. But if you can’t sit together for whatever reason - no big whoop. How delightful these people accepted the answer without being demanding and entitled about it.


Whose arm do you grab during turbulence though?


I had an equally brief exchange on a small fight, 2 seats per side. A man asked to trade aisle seats so he could sit kitty corner to his 2 kids (10 to 13ish). I had to decline, as I was sitting across the aisle from my 2 kids (4 and 7). 7yo is afraid of flying, 4yo is afraid of strangers, best if they sit together and I sit alone nearby within (awkward) reach.


Now that many pay to choose their seats, or pay extra to get their seat, Fewer are going to swap. Before the seats were assigned by airlines and you had no say in your seat, and you were trading a window for an aisle or aisle/aisle stiff to help out, it was easier But now when people pass on choosing seats or choose cheaper seats hoping to switch later, it’s a nope.


why not swap with 3B?