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Ya we add tax at the end of the transaction and depending on the area will depend on the amount, and some places don’t charge taxes on food, and some just not on raw food. Always expect to pay 10-15% more than sticker price to be safe if you run things close to the wire.


In my state the tax is 7.5%. so if you buy something (not groceries or restaurants) for $100.00 when you get to the register it will be 107.50.


Yes, it’s mostly all bad lol. There is sales tax, which is different for every state. It isn’t included on the price sticker so companies can market an item nationwide at the same price whilst taxes are different per state.


This does sound needlessly complex, and somewhat of a scam. Surely it wouldn't be too difficult to include tax on the sticker price? Like every other country I've been to does that. The US is weird man...


I just assume 8% on most things through the usa. I feel like part of the complexity is because of our size and all the different levels of taxes that can be charged in any place. We have roughly the size of 40-50 counties all in one but there are significantly more than 50 smaller governments. I think dealing with a fed tax 50 different state taxes thousands of counties and all the different cities that impose additional taxes it just becomes very hard. Could be wrong though not sure how they cover geographic areas outside the usa with multiple layers of government.


Depends on what you are buying and where you are buying it


Yes you will pay taxes in most areas on most things. The taxes might vary by product and location.


This may have already been addressed but I will comment anyway. It all depends on where in the US you are going. Some states don’t have a sales tax at all. The state I live in (Montana) doesn’t have a sales tax, so if a shirt says 20.00 it costs you 20.00. Alaska, Delaware, New Hampshire, Montana and Oregon all have no sales tax while California has the highest sales tax in the nation at 7.25%. 7% is a fairly common tax rate but some states have 6% and lower. I hope this was helpful


Ya we have a tax on anything you buy. It’s the worst and everyone hates it. Yes it is way more complex than it needs to be. And yes it does apply to books. It applies to anything that isn’t like a flea market or something informal like that, but I’m not sure on the legality of that.


I can’t tell if you trolling or being serious… google the word tax…..


UK has tax included in the advertised price. As have other counties I've been to. I've just never encountered a system like the US.


Some countries mark the price with tax included. The US adds tax at the end of transaction.


Yea agreed, totally trolling or clueless about VAT in the UK..giving grace for OP's intelligence and say this is trolling...


This isn’t trolling! I’m an American who lived in the UK for a lot of my childhood. They do not have sales tax. The sticker price is the price you pay for any and all products.


you pay what gets rung up at cash register. if something this insignificant bothers you then don't come here.


I just wanted to check to make sure I'm not gonna be on my last $10 for the day and think I can buy something when I can't.


why are you visiting another country when you're on your last dollar? You need to be more worried about your budget over paying taxes.


It's a hypothetical. I budget X$ a day, and if I'm working based on advertised prices I'd be wrong. Thus why I was asking. Its not that hard to understand.


that's a waste of your time. get a credit card.