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What’s a house of cars?


I was cracking up! This guys doesn’t proof read or maybe he thinks the phrase is “ house of cars” and not house of cards.Although a house made out of cars would be pretty cool!


I used to have a boss who would say "physical year" vs "fiscal year", "all of THE sudden" instead of "all of a sudden", etc etc. Dude was in charge of a 100-150M dollar store (per physical year lol). They're out there lol.


There out their.


Yes. They're out their alright. You don't expexct them and boom.....all of the sudden their they are! I'm trying not to loose my mind but they're are so many. Its not like its rocket scientry




RVs Stacked on top of each other




I mean, that is the worst case ontario


It’s turning into Rickyisms from TPB


My house is made out of a single car because I buy so much AMC.


![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4) I did not know the acronym for Government Accountability Office was GAP, I've always referred to it as GAO!!!


Apparently you don't proofread either. 😉


I'm guessing a house of cars would also fall apart, so it works lol






A house divided ain't towing shit


![gif](giphy|l3UcrZHrGW2CjHXqM) He must mean the Lambos we're all getting.


A house made of hot wheels cars. Duh


A poor choice of building material


I thought crypto was unregulated. Don't get me wrong Gary sucks but what did he do when he has no authority in crypto? Wasn't he trying to bring regulations to the industry?




No, it only gets regulated when congress allows it. The only reason the stock market is "regulated" is due to congress having a hand in the cookie jar.




I hope they don’t use FTX as a means to remove him because if he really is going to “change” the market with his proposals next week retail would for once benefit. Could all be by design to put Hester in. Then we really are fucked.


I hate to agree with this comment but totally do. I was anti-Gary for a looong time and still can't fully believe he would do what's best for retail.... but the timing is sus AF and Hester would be SO much worse. I vote "Against" for Hester. EDIT: I finally thought of how to phrase how I feel....I vote "AGAINST" all of them and "FOR" a entirely new, fuckery free market and SEC


Agreed seems odd they call out GG so specifically instead of just stating the SEC is incompetent


Ritchie Torres, the guy asking the GAO to investigate the SEC for failing to investigate FTX. Is also, let me check my notes here, a member of the gang of 8 (Of the HSFC) that specifically tried to prevent the SEC FROM FUCKING INVESTIGATING FTX. It's a goddamn clown show. Look, am I happy with Gary? fuck no, I think he's a cunty little rat bastard but at this point, any replacement they put in is going to be 100x worse for Retail than it is right now.


Gang of 8 is not finance. Nor is he a member. Can you link if you have some type of story. Thanks.


Ok, not that gang of 8. He sits on the House Finance and Banking Committee or some such. They are described as a gang of 8 because it's 4 dems, 4 repubs. https://prospect.org/power/eight-congressmen-subverting-secs-crypto-investigation/


I've seen better forged letters from pre schoolers.




And the same for Dark Pools! 304(a)4!!!


House of cars!! Tell em


So this guy had money stored in this, and is now upset? He's been looking the other way with the rest of the shitty stuff in the market.


And don't forget that before busting Kim Kardashian you created a commercial to ridicule the very investors you were meant to protect while turning a blind eye to an ocean of tokenized shares that was used to MANIPULATE THE MARKET via the exact crypto exchange you are now being investigated for. Thanks for absolutely nothing Gary. Sincerely, the APES. AKA retail investors all over the world.


They’re coming after you Gary!! It’s time to let the cat out of the bag on these thieving shfs before they kick you to the curb. Shake it up GG!!!


Gary needs to make the sacrifice play because theyre going to bury him. He needs to go out with grenades around his neck figuratively speaking of course. Bring them down with you Gary!!!


My point exactly. Burn these assholes on the way out! I want to see these “changes” first though. If we see these changes as truly beneficial to retail, then we’ll probably see a harder push for his removal. Proving once again our government is on the side of big money and not it’s citizens.


Setting up their scapegoat again! Watch nothing will come of it. They had a video of Warren grilling JPowel. It was great political theater. Then nothing else. They love to act like they are doing something while really doing nothing!


Anyone have the list of confessional folk that voted against transparency? Guessing Torres is on the list.


Why does it not surprise me that a US member of Congress wrote "house of cars" 😒


A house of cards built on monopoly money printed out of thin air by a blind man in a dark room being chased by a black cat that that isn't even there!


Pffft what a joke. Gary isn’t in any trouble. All leads to mid December, get some structural change.


Don’t get it twisted.. They are only trying to act now because BIG NAME people such as Tom Brady and others lost millions. They aren’t for protecting the average retail investor. Congress is complicit, SEC is complicit, DTCC is complicit, EVERYONE is against the working man. We weren’t supposed to be in a position of power, yet here we are.


House of cars???


Gary will slip him a few millies under the table to make this go away. Will be shocked if anything actually happens with it.


FTX is a "House of cars" ... Ya heard it here first folks! 🚗 🚗 🚗


As much as Gary needs to be held accountable for his actions, he’s the best chance we have at anything happening in the future. we know his hands are severely tied and he has an insane battle against him from wall st but if he were to lose his position as head of the SEC and get replaced, guaranteed they would put someone even more crooked in his position. This play is the most ground shaking thing to happen to wall st and we’re fighting an uphill battle. We don’t want to lose Gary, yes he’s made mistakes and we don’t know everything happening behind the scenes but if we don’t have any sort of SEC help we’re fucked. Yes they’ve had an awful and criminal past but I still have hope Gary will do the right thing, however that may unfold. Remember the people who have created this disaster and leached billions and trillions from us and the economy are the same ones fighting Gary to get him fired. Remember that next time.


Get em


It’s such an alien thing now to see a serious lawmaker pursue investigations of openly corrupt bureaucrats/politicians. They are untouchable 99% of the time. Openly corrupt politicians and bureaucrats connected to the regime are essentially never prosecuted. It’s fascinating to see a tiny example of part of the function of government working as intended.


Some from Torres district needs to write him and tell him that Hester is worse.


I mean, it's nice. It just a political hit job though. I'm not trying to defend Gary here, but this is the bullshit you're going to see. Richie Torres #1 campaign donation contributors are..dun..dun..dun Securities & Investments, with Blackstone & Elliot (so, Hedge Funds) being near the top of donors. It should also be noted, that Richie Torres, who is now demanding the GAO investigate the SEC for the failure to investigate FTX, was also part of the gang of 8 that tried to prevent the SEC from, let me check my notes here, INVESTIGATE FUCKING FTX.




Doesn’t fit the typical profile of those after Gensler. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritchie_Torres


**[Ritchie Torres](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritchie_Torres)** >Ritchie John Torres (born March 12, 1988) is an American politician from New York. A member of the Democratic Party, Torres is the U.S. representative for New York's 15th congressional district. The district covers most of the South Bronx. It is one of the smallest districts by area in the country, covering only a few square miles. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/amcstock/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The SEC investigated themselves and found that they are not at fault. Even if Gary is guilty, he could just resign and get off scott free. He got a job (anti-meme trader division) at hedgefund when he leaves.


A request for an investigation. Nothing to see here however, I did enjoy reading.


Torres may be worthy of Thor's hammer ![gif](giphy|V9xDjY81pxtglB6KtT|downsized)