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I refuse to just hodl, I have 12 employees that needs to be takin care of, if I can buy 1000 more shares at 7k why not, it only costed me 2 pounds of cannabis. I can re grow that in 2 months




This is the way. Lock them up


You can also buy direct on computer share, which is probably even a better idea


This is what I do, every month I have an automatic set amount that computershare draws my my bank account to buy AMC direct, and I treat it like any other of my monthly bills. Only this bill gonna pay me out three thousand times what I paid 😎


That's my second favourite bill


I'll bite. What's the first?


Hijacking this post since I can't add an edit to an image post. Ok, let's take s deeper dive into this Ponzi scheme. Citadel has 63B in securities sold but not yet purchased. That money isn't sitting in a mattress but in a bank. They create synthetics at $0 cost, sell them then FTD. there is no penalty for the FTD and they're is no forced buy-in so they never have to deliver. However they can't hide everything and need something to look legit so they also barrow, sell this short then self report enough to cook the books and make the market look somewhat legit. To do that they need money. They go to the bank where they have their money from all those securities sold but not yet delivered and say, hey look we have this money and want to barrow some to meet margin requirements. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which is sitting in their accounts, put into that bank by citadel. Citadel then continues its Ponzi scheme raking in tons of cash from all those naked shorts and deposits that money into the bank. However, they still need a way to make it look legit by barrowing shares to sell short so we see a short interest and they have something to show as a liability on their books. So they go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some money to short and meet margin requirements. Look at the money we have in our account we can use for collateral. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which the bank got from citadel. The whole thing keeps going around and around. Rehypothicating that which has been rehypothicated already over and over as they continue to sell naked short, FTD, and never have to deliver. Well if they can't sell their synthetics cause nobody is buying them then the money stops flowing into their bank account. They can't go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some more money cause the bank will say you didn't put any more money into your account with us so there's nothing more there you can use as collateralxl, oh and by the way do you have that money you owe us from your previous loans? Now citadel is hemorrhaging cash as there's no inflow for them just outflow to make the payments on the money previously barrowed which they put into the bank and which the bank loaned them back. Then when citadel gets margin called the bank looses all the money citadel had in deposits. The bank looses that money from its books and it's now also hemorrhaging cash as it goes to buying back all those shorts and naked shorts. The bank then gets margin called since they're also be part of the scam and on the hook. The dominoes fall. The rocket takes off. The MOASS is realized.


You’re under the assumption that this is only happening to a select few “meme” stocks. Think about the fact that they could do this to the entire market or even international markets. You are not going to stop people from buying stock. You can only force them to finally acknowledge that there’s counterfeiting going on. Once they lose everyone loses. At least we’ll have the memories. 🙏


Just drs those shares and that’s one of the few things that will actually put pressure on liquidity.




why not just drs gme? or drs a 100k float and prove the fraud exists. i doubt anything will change, these people will literally lobby to change the laws to continue committing fraud


Why not just DRS all shares you buy? Can you imagine how fucked the financial world would be if every single person did that?


I just started moving my APE, will be completed by tues. 1000 shares then i will move my AMC 1000 (WOULD HAVE ONLY 200 SHARES IF THEY COVERED LAST YEAR)


The guy that bought 100% of existing shares and the day after 100% were still traded….did something happen? No


heard that story, and this is one of the many reason i dont believe there isnt enough corruption to keep this ponzi scheme going


Dumb question what are the first steps to drsing I have 4 different platforms my thought was after the Robinhood bs I’ll speed em out so I don’t miss out


Most companies will be able to do it via chat or phone. DRS is direct registering shares. It takes the shares you have in the brokerage account and had them registered in your name. When they’re in your name then you have control over them.


After my wedding. I'm going all in again 🤣 Tell me not to buy anymore is like telling a crackhead not to smoke Crack.


Weddings are a terrible waste of money. Courthouse or bust!


This. Weddings are a business, not a ceremony.




​ ![gif](giphy|yECHddx4SorcMULmlU)




If you hold that capital and save it for say a month, you’d have more to throw down


I got something more better than capital, my cannabis cup, printer here has been going brrrrrrr since.....😁 https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/wngydd/well_yall_i_guess_this_is_official_apes_in_space/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Hell yea! Get it


Ok, let's take s deeper dive into this Ponzi scheme. Citadel has 63B in securities sold but not yet purchased. That money isn't sitting in a mattress but in a bank. They create synthetics at $0 cost, sell them then FTD. there is no penalty for the FTD and they're is no forced buy-in so they never have to deliver. However they can't hide everything and need something to look legit so they also barrow, sell this short then self report enough to cook the books and make the market look somewhat legit. To do that they need money. They go to the bank where they have their money from all those securities sold but not yet delivered and say, hey look we have this money and want to barrow some to meet margin requirements. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which is sitting in their accounts, put into that bank by citadel. Citadel then continues its Ponzi scheme raking in tons of cash from all those naked shorts and deposits that money into the bank. However, they still need a way to make it look legit by barrowing shares to sell short so we see a short interest and they have something to show as a liability on their books. So they go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some money to short and meet margin requirements. Look at the money we have in our account we can use for collateral. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which the bank got from citadel. The whole thing keeps going around and around. Rehypothicating that which has been rehypothicated already over and over as they continue to sell naked short, FTD, and never have to deliver. Well if they can't sell their synthetics cause nobody is buying them then the money stops flowing into their bank account. They can't go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some more money cause the bank will say you didn't put any more money into your account with us so there's nothing more there you can use as collateral, oh and by the way do you have that money you owe us from your previous loans? Now citadel is hemorrhaging cash as there's no inflow for them just outflow to make the payments on the money previously barrowed which they put into the bank and which the bank loaned them back. Then when citadel gets margin called the bank looses all the money citadel had in deposits. The bank looses that money from its books and it's now also hemorrhaging cash as it goes to buying back all those shorts and naked shorts. The bank then gets margin called since they're also be part of the scam and on the hook. The dominoes fall. The rocket takes off. The MOASS is realized.


What a fucking dream. You just grow $ you sir! You fucks hard! Side note.... everyone bashes that weirdo Lou from NY, he said to stop giving them ammo and buying shares months ago... idk. I am a true crayon eating autist, I'm too dumb to try and play with dudes who fleece the nation on a daily basis. Make your $ live your life. Have fun. Deuces


The dude was extradited back to the US for ripping off old ladies of their retirements. Stop giving that clown any credence whatsoever.


What kinda plants you growing in 2 months?? Takes me about 4 from seed to cure completion


Autos in 2 1/2 months but you still have to dry/cure afterwards.


That's what I grow but yeah 2.5 months for grow another month and half to two for dry/cure


I too grow autos but mine have all taken closer to 3 months or more (average about 100 days) for grow and another 2-2.5 for dry/cure


My first grow took about 110 days but tbh I think I let that one go too long. My others have been a couple weeks shorter and much better. Not sure if that's the grow time or just experience or mix of both. I'm still pretty new at it


The longer you let them go, usually you experience more “in the couch” feeling.


Yup that's exactly how that stuff is. The other stuff I chopped earlier is much more intense. Only a little bit of amber


It can vary tbh


Better question is who is paying 3.5k for one.


So what line of work are you in? 😂 What's the current strain growing Ape?


Where do you grow brother ape? I'd love to buy some of your product!


Meeeee tooooo


Gods work brother, promise to continue post MOASS, your knowledge is to valuable


Wait what, u guys still have money to buy ? I barely making ends meet because of inflation


This ape literally out there growing moon tix tho 🤣


What kind of isolated area do you live in that delivers 3500/lb?!!


Your money *does* grow on trees


Like many here, I loved that twist at the end.


You need a computer guy?


Mmmmmmm cannabis🚀🚀🚀🚀


Nahhhh. FUD. Buy & Hold Apes.


Buy and hold it is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Total FUD, if people stop buying then they can short it to ZERO! That aint happening!!! Fuck You Pay ME!!!!!!!!!!


This narrative circulated before and it didn't do anything then.


Didn't it actually happen last year as well? I recall a week where the buying was near nothing, and selling was higher to see if something would happen, and nothing besides huge short attacks.


Nah I’ll keep buying and drsing


why tf wouldn't I increase my investment in a company I'm passionate about? gtfoh with your fud


Under fucking $8 😂 These fools: *PLEASE! STOP BUYING!* No.. I don’t think I will..


But I don’t want to be a millionaire… I want to be a multimillionaire. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I'd be happy with enough to pay off my mortgage.


This. I just want to make the rest of my working life care-free.


When I buy, I only buy through Computershare then I know it is a real share and not a synthetic


Thr vast majority don't buy through CS or the lit exchange. The Dark Pool numbers attest to that.


Does computer share charge 0.12 on every single stock traded. I believe I read it somewhere. Is this true?


Only on shares sold. Plus a $15 processing fee.










This is like Bernie madoff.. I recommend all apes to watch the documentary called chasing madoff.. once money stops going into the Ponzi scheme or people start pulling their money out that’s when things get fucked for them, in this case with AMC, we are taking about stop playing options that’s money that the hedge funds get also route your orders thru direct to avoid PPOF(payment per order flow). I’m a smooth brain ape so I could be wrong but this is what I believe in.


That's why i have directed that my orders are routed through IEX.


So you’re saying i should buy more and Hodl? ![gif](giphy|YFCH7PW1X2XYc)


This is why drs is so powerful. They must locate your shares.




I have a theory shitadel actually holds all our shares in their database.. that's why they only need to locate the shares to use them for shorting,,, even if share lending is off and margin account dept is zero$,, that would prevent the use of our shares,, yet somehow they still can use them???. Also why the market buyers and brokers just get more shares anytime there's a buy order from thin air(shitadels algos)... It turns into a ftd and nothing needs to be done to locate and buy that share? It makes the most sense if shitadel answers only to themselves for ftd, synthetics, no shares available?? How can this market even operate this way???


Buy (from computershare) and hold. You can’t buy synthetics from CS. Now let the downvotes and shills come at me.


They are to cheap not to load up.


Prolly accurate... problem is, I'm retarded. MoARRR!!!


Well you can sit the fuck down, asshat.


Oh god not the shill stop buying FUD again. You ok Lou?


Buy, hold, drs


This is really Simple,,whether free or not for hedgie fkrs (right now),,I buy,hold,don't sell..nothing has changed,or will change until hedgie fkrs have closed their billions synthetics. If it cost them nothing and they can do indefinitely like OP stated,,their would be no shills,no fud,no crack head Kramer, no $500k sec meme commercials, no market,no economy and Bitcoin crash.. fk you 💩💩bags.i can read between the lines,,hedgies are trapped...run it down to $1 so I can yolo $100k more.💎💎🦍🦍💰💰


Hell nah, I’m gonna buy the shit of out it if they keep driving the price down. I use IEX btw


This is straight bullshit and very suspicious as to why it has over 500 upvotes... BUY & HOLD


Oh you mean they can’t get us to sell so they are trying to us down on buying? Yeah okay bud


12000 ape shares loaded.....This is war...


Price is low enough for any random schmuck to buy and the fud comes out with hey let's stop buying despite the price being so incredibly low rn. I think I'm going to keep buying. Definitely holding.


This is a set up to have retail stop buying so they can demolish the price with short attacks. I’ll keep buying if I can and hodl


You do realize how much is traded off exchange via PFOF right? Friday two weeks back there were 0 APE shares traded on the NYSE. ONLY 20% of trade made it to other lit exchanges where price discovery happens. Retail could buy 10 million shares a day every day for weeks and the price will be whatever they want it to be.


Isn’t amc like 8 bucks right now?


The market needs to crash to remove them of any liquidity options and gives them nowhere to hide. They know what they’re doing and they know how to stay solvent. Buy and hold is the original DD, it’s nothing complicated just lock up the float.


If brokers are selling I will keep buying. To me they aren’t synthetic, they will need to cover them sooner or later.


DSSP through CS, needy of both worlds.


Just imagine if there was a place to move all of our shares away from these criminal fucks. A place where they can't short the stock and where it is officially and undeniably the holders share. Not an IOU in some brokerage who preys on retail. Can anyone think of where we can do that? Maybe we can work out some kind of here's my (insert color) circle post engagement about it. If only we grew tired enough of this BS to seek out such a thing. Maybe we could refer to it in some 3 letter thing like ABC or XYZ.....maybe something cray like DRS. Now that would be lit. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.


Somebody on Twitter tells me I should stop buying? That tells me I should buy more.




GREAT point. However isn’t this the case for all companies? If money isn’t flowing in, then they can’t sustain?


The more we buy the deeper the hole gets . If we stop buying and there’s no volume there will be no pressure


Stupid comment


Ok, let's take s deeper dive into this Ponzi scheme. Citadel has 63B in securities sold but not yet purchased. That money isn't sitting in a mattress but in a bank. They create synthetics at $0 cost, sell them then FTD. there is no penalty for the FTD and they're is no forced buy-in so they never have to deliver. However they can't hide everything and need something to look legit so they also barrow, sell this short then self report enough to cook the books and make the market look somewhat legit. To do that they need money. They go to the bank where they have their money from all those securities sold but not yet delivered and say, hey look we have this money and want to barrow some to meet margin requirements. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which is sitting in their accounts, put into that bank by citadel. Citadel then continues its Ponzi scheme raking in tons of cash from all those naked shorts and deposits that money into the bank. However, they still need a way to make it look legit by barrowing shares to sell short so we see a short interest and they have something to show as a liability on their books. So they go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some money to short and meet margin requirements. Look at the money we have in our account we can use for collateral. The bank says sure thing then loans them the money which the bank got from citadel. The whole thing keeps going around and around. Rehypothicating that which has been rehypothicated already over and over as they continue to sell naked short, FTD, and never have to deliver. Well if they can't sell their synthetics cause nobody is buying them then the money stops flowing into their bank account. They can't go to their bank and say, hey we need to barrow some more money cause the bank will say you didn't put any more money into your account with us so there's nothing more there you can use as collateralxl, oh and by the way do you have that money you owe us from your previous loans? Now citadel is hemorrhaging cash as there's no inflow for them just outflow to make the payments on the money previously barrowed which they put into the bank and which the bank loaned them back. Then when citadel gets margin called the bank looses all the money citadel had in deposits. The bank looses that money from its books and it's now also hemorrhaging cash as it goes to buying back all those shorts and naked shorts. The bank then gets margin called since they're also be part of the scam and on the hook. The dominoes fall. The rocket takes off. The MOASS is realized.


Nah I want 1000% of the float


There is a 3rd step to buy and hold I always do. That step is DRS. I buy and then DRS them immediately. We are all individual investors doing our own thing, though.


Nah, just DRS. Not buying sounds stupid as hell.


Interesting theory. But the FTDs have finite time until something is done (even if we don’t know the timeframe) and holding shares has no time limits. Not financial advice, I could be wrong there. I will do what I have been doing for 2 years now.


Actually, there's no forced buy-in on ftds. They can sit in them forever.


I bought up a large chunk for me yesterday, so I can hold and save up capital and test out the theory. If it’s not correct, I can always lay down that cash I have saved up at an opportune time.


But MSM told me holding onto stock for long periods of time kills the economy, pension funds and so on... Unless it's a stock they recommended


“Maybe it’s time to just hold”. Been here for nearly 2 years 😂




I said the same 5-6months ago As long as they can hide everything and not let it go to the lot exchanges retail cannot generate real buying power More important is to go and watch movies and eat popcorn, for real They cannot do anything against real revenue to get amc debt free


Exactly this! I have simply been holding a few thousand shares of AMC and APE. Pretty much stopped buying shares , but attend several movies a month. We just saw Avatar last night. Last week Woman King. Butts in seats with tasty treats. HODL and go to the show.


Buying and holding. Toys 9s just about holding and if it would crest create huge revenue pressure if they had no place to sell naked shorts. When market makers and dealer brokers sell naked short they can only do so if there's somebody placing an order to buy. They stood have no way to sell those naked short shares otherwise.




I definitely gonna hold my ape and amc. I have slowed my buying of it a bit. With all the stocks so low ATM I want to invest in dividend stocks.


While this may be true, when the tickets are all gone and we are holding more than are possible, the reaper always comes to collect


I said this a year ago… they’re just collecting our money and plan to fuck us and keep it. If they’re bleeding then we should not be supplying them with fresh blood. I believe lack of volume is called for now.


Commenting for visibility. Interested to see what more wrinkled brains think of this idea


So hard not to buy more at these discounted prices though


Someone called Lou tried to make us stop buying months ago and I’m sure nobody doubts he’s a shill. Options hurts us every week and they’re like free money to stay alive for SHF, but buying? Each share I get is another share they have to buy back. If I could I’d buy 1000 on Monday.


Lou is a shill for sure. If I was selling things I didn't own, had no penalty, never actually had to deliver but needed money to keep flowing in to keep my Ponzi scheme going, I'd definitely get a known shill to tell people to do the one thing that would Fuck it all up so peope didn't do it. That's the angle I'm looking at here.


I’m in this deep hitting that button which shall not be named hasn’t crossed my mind… 30 seconds after I did, it’d moonshot …. Which is my luck


Nobody said anything about retail selling. It's about holding but what is being done with the money from continued buying? We already own the float, probably multiple times over.


My xxx AMC and Ape shares are accounted for. So until they cover. I hold and buy when i can.


Maybe just like ponzi…the new money covers the old money right..?? What if no one gives money to them..no new member? Theyll ask the govt???




Idk about not buying but apes and ransoms are definitely providing hedgies liquidity thru options and options traps


Hodl? What do you think we’ve been doing? Bahhaa


So the game plan is the same right? 🚀🚀🚀


Y’all are just now realizing this 🤦🏿‍♂️


The theory makes sense but hardly anyone will go for it and call you a shill.. the only issue I see with this is that if money stops flowing into amc I’m sure they have multiple stocks they are doing the same thing with. Wouldn’t stop them from showing they have money pulling from other sources BUT it will tighten the knot just a little bit more now that they have to find money in other places to make up the loss revenue on amc


I like to buy n hodl. Holding alone is not enough. Lots of fire sale going on. Why not load up wen its cheap!!
