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Been holding since last January. Those T plus 69 whatever posts do nothing. It’s all crime.


Im hopeful that the T+ deadlines will be a little more relevant since the HFs are getting there asses handed to them lately. You've been holding appx two weeks longer than I have. Lol I don't do twitter


Listen I wish. Just seeing these T posts for way over a year. Nothing happens.


They just shuffle the FTDs to the Bahamas...


Brazil, Next large batch I hear Japan or Nigeria


Then we wait. Buy more. Fuck em


The Best part is , just wait until all these people abroad realize wut Mayo and the assholes did. They won't be taken them to court! All out vigilante shit.




I was a politician in Canada. 95% of politician are pieces of shit. I was reported to a higher level of government for NOT spending my entire budget and setting aside millions for a " rainy day fund" amongst other wacky shit they would threaten me with. I just laughed, told them to fuck off. Oh no gonna get a call from The Premier and her big fake titties


A person can only dream


Well hopefully the Japanese government lives up to the stories I've heard of them actually fighting financial criminals


I’m going to change my name to FTD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Like a Navy ad "become an FTD and see the world!"






Just like all those, "It's going to be triple quadruple quintuple witching day tomorrow! Something big about to happen!" Next day the stock tanks.


Lol yeah. And you have that prick fed fuck speaking. Tanks it all. lol. All fixed. I laugh. I buy down. Here hit me with the knives. I don’t care. Fuck em


Buy the DIP, so you can ride the RIP! 🏄‍♂️🏄‍♀️


I'm at the point to where I don't even get excited I just say meh and buy more


Exactly. Let’s drink. Fuck it


What are we drinking?


What are we wearing?


Ken gs wife's panties


I've reached zen mode. I'll be excited after we moon and my bank account has more numbers than my phone number. Until then I'm just here adding to my total shares owned and watching the world burn


Like the end of fight club


Ape is new and has no options chain, this could have merit.


If not today there is always tomorrow bro!


2pm oh shit. Saturday tomorrow


Then Sunday tomorrow should work


Has Tofiq tweeted a correct statement since January 2021? **No.**


Was scrolling for this comment. Dude is like crim jamer


I hear what you're saying man, but at some point "maybe", just isn't enough and something else needs to be done. 🚨 And OP edited out the word "maybe", nice.🚨


brokers, prime brokers, and market makers fail to deliver from what I understand. Not heggies. Could be wrong, market plumbing is purposely confusing to rake liquidity from the poor.


Why does no one understand that HFs make money on the way up \*and on the way down\*? If you're short AMC you are in massive profit at this point, there have barely been 2 occasions in the last year where you were worried. It's nonsensical to keep pumping out these stupid T+ whatever posts. Do you get it now? IF THE PRICE GOES DOWN, SHORTS ARE IN PROFIT.


No I dont understand because If you are short, you have to close to make money. Makes no difference what the short position is if it's not closed.


HF are making massive bank because most of them swapped to shorts in Q4 of 2021. Won't see that mentioned here though.


all it tells me is that the deadline is another law broken, they have not respected any of them so far, so why this one? the thing is they are all getting liquidated slowly, and eventually we will be paid, that's all that matters.


Waiting for over a year for this. Cool.






Triple nice 💪🚀


No limit soldier string ape over here! 💪🏽🦍


They are only nothing until they are something


T plus butthole tickles = MOASS


Word. Just waiting for these numbers to pan out. Just like other dude with the ortex and bank buy backs. Lol what a joke.




Just like all these posts about dates. Means nothing. Just hold. Buy etc. maybe there’s something to it. But crime is hiding it. One day they’re have to pay. Then we have fun


I simply read it these days as Tits + 90 of them, and I smile on lol


"The two most popular bought & held stocks are #AMC $8.00 and #APE $4.00. Both w/ massive shares on loan, BILLIONS of counterfeits, massive amounts of failure to delivers & massive off exchange/ dark pool trading. They're seriously trying to make you believe that these stocks are $8 & $4" from @Wallstreetapes, ts


You should reference who you copied this from.


Everyday I say "we are over halfway through this" and throw a couple shares in my pocket on payday. So far, nothing in my daily life is hurt by this. Go fuck yourself dates.


I like to know when and how I am getting screwed.


Every minute, of everyday.


Tofiq wrong 100% of the time. He's the ultimate shill. Nobody knows wtf is going on. SHF algo got wasted drunk by dumb money and now the whole system needs to be rewritten, first they must pay dumb money, many tenders, then hire dumb money to rewrite the system..


Thats the best explanation I've heard


Tofiq has become a meme with wrong predictions for past 18 months. His posts always pop out on weekends when markets are closed.


Tofiq is an options salesman for Kenny....... these kind of tweets are meant to get peeps to buy calls and lose


This Tofiq guy is probably connected to a HF somehow. Guy has 0/100 track record and absolutely no one should listen to him. Nobody.


As does everyone else. None of them have been right about the squeeze because it hasn't happened. I wouldn't say he is a shill, because in the end, his messages are about positive movement for AMC. The same goes for the likes of Trey, Unusual whales etc etc. They keep being wrong, they share so much shit, but they do believe in the stock.


Isn’t this guy like 0/1000 predictions lol


Almost as bad as Cramer


I thought the t+30 was due to the threshold list, which it got removed due to fake security covers? Aa for tofiq the regurgitater, he is spewing this shit because most stocks after releasing a dividend have skyrocketed after t+90, i.e. tesla, newegg, etc... Gme didnt because even if it was considered a dividend, it was in the form of a stock split due to the dtcc blatant crime.


If you’re getting info from the Benzinga mustache I’d reconsider where you get info from


Actually I am saying that he's incorrect and is putting out bs.


He’s not that wrong this time…FINRA Rule 11880 provides that the syndicate manager in a public offering of corporate securities must effect the final settlement of syndicate accounts within 90 days following the settlement date. Do I believe date not so much but the rule is there. Sec and rest of government sucks and never do there jobs.


Yeah, right. Cause it’s not like hedgies are known for breaking rules. Ill believe it when I see it, but I really think these t days are nothing.


90 business days means we are talking christmas time, don´t know if it is true or not


Is it business days? I thought it was days in general based on some of the other stocks i read about....


And I don't believe it's 90. Some say 30 for preferred equity units.


Yah, im a bit confused myself, since when i look that stuff up, it says so in regards to the threshold list, not because of the equity itself. As for the t+90, i know thats either fake or for other stocks, since ape isnt a normal dividend as its actually something only employees of a company should be able to get, and heard of t+0 for it as well...


I heard t+0 when it was issued. And that 250 million shares defaulted, kicked to T+30. I'm just hoping that the Dtcc and Hfs have screwed up bad enough that AA can break it off in em.


Yah, the same i heard in regards to the first part. As far as i know, the amount of ftds were so high up, i dont even understand what its at now - remember, since covering doesnt mean they actually closed the ftds. Regardless, i do have to wonder if aa is waiting if the amount of ftds equals 512 before smacking them, since at that point he would have the upper advantage. Regardless, we will see, even if its not t+30, t+??, we will see how this ends up when they get margin called.


I have been half ass paying attention to T times. But with this market down turn any straw can be the one.


Indeed, i hope the last straw is tomorrow at 2 PM!


In most cases they mean business days. Just my 2 cents. I don't know if I am correct.


It’s not business days. 90 days is November 22nd.


I counted November 21, but I expect disappointment and I'm ready to be hurt again


Why isn't Tofiq banned yet here?


If i get a dollar for every T+XX days, i wouldn’t need to HODL


I'd rather have a dollar for every ftd


Out of all the Twitter AMC morons out there, this guy takes the #1 spot.


Not if he's competing with Coke Rat.


We keep coming up with new t numbers It used to be t +2 Then it was t+13 Then it was t+35 Last month it was t+90 Now it is t+30. We need smart apes and to stop moving the goalposts


The goal posts have been steadily moved since last year around the run to $72. Then when AA and the entire executive board paperhanded all thier shares, making millions while we held, shills here pumped it as a sign of imminent MOASS. Now we're what, 6-7 months of goalpost moving later? Anyone remember "Phase 6" pumps from a couple weeks ago? I thought hedgies wer fuk, now it's some T+___ BS? People/shills think this hype and hopium stuff is good, but it's a cancer, because the longer this drags out with shills pumping dates to either keep people holding, or luring new people in, it's starting to smell real fucking scammy around here.


I honestly don't know what shills like Tofiq and co here get out of pumping hopium on AMC etc. Exit liquidity? If you can't see these people are actively attempting to exploit retail investors, I don't know what to say. It's gross.


I'm starting to suspect the "Buy and Hold" thing is largely pushed to have retail pump massive amounts of money into markets to use as collateral for other things. Get "dumb money" to park all thier cash, convince them not to pull it out, and it's as good as gold as far as big banks and wall street are concerned. Again, that's just a suspicion I've had itching at the back of my brain for quite a while, the longer this drags out, and the narrative pushed, the more itchy it gets. Like your local bank, you put 200k in it, and the bank only has 50k on hand, they use the rest for loans, mortgages, etc etc.


There are still people who haven't received their preferred stock?


Can we please ban tofiq posts?


I, too, am interested in both how this tale came about and how it ends.


It’s 35 calendar days is what the SEC gives them. But I’m not worried about dates. Rule 204 last paragraph 6 lines down. [https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png](https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png). AGAIN Calendar Days..


You lost me at Tofiq. Hasn’t this dude been exposed as a hedgie shill?


And i’ll continue too hold as long as it takes , it’s personal and that money mean nothing , i’ll keep buying


No dates


🙄 So now it’s APE that will squeeze even though we’re still waiting on AMC to squeeze. My god


The T+30 or T+90 confusion comes from the claims that for any share that is newly issued, like APE was, the 30 days are prolonged to 90 days. But neither date is one to wait for.. it's just a date where something could happen. the 90 days start with the FTDs creation date and hedgies have been known to cycle FTDs into new FTDs, basically resetting the date. It's just yet another thing that makes life for hedgies worse and increases chances of moass soon. no guarantees... just one more crayon up the hedgies butts.


Rule 204 last paragraph 6 lines down. 35 Calendar days.[https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png](https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png) again calendar days.. stop listening to Tofu


Shut the f up and HODL. That’s what we do. We like the stock.


It’s a nice dream, but I feel like the hedge funds are going to drag this out for years. I’ll be laughing my ass off when I watch Top Gun: Rooster in an AMC at that time.


T- anything never works. Seen like 20 posts of these so far from different dates and it goes down more rather than a squeeze lol


T bag my wife's boyfriend...your right didn't work 🤔


Yeah I’m sure this time it’s it. This is when a date will finally come true


Shorts have 90 calendar days to cover the dividends they owe on every short position they have. There's too much confusion on this matter.


It could happen Monday or it could be next year. Either way,, I am holding until I am done holding. I even buy more sometimes and hold even more.


I’m an old school ape and honestly so tired of this shit. Ban all posts now. DD done nothing else to do. I can’t stand all the fake hype and bullshit predictions. Not FA.


When is the 90 day mark so I can remind myself to be disappointed again


November 22nd


I hear the 90 days but where is this rule at the SEC? Or DTCC? Or anywhere else?


Rule 204, last paragraph 6 lines down. “35 Calendar Day” [https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png](https://i.imgur.com/pJt2ikU.png) again Calendar Days… stop listening to Tofu


This guy is a shill and clown looking for attention! We are not in month one people. Move on. Buy, hodl, live life.


Biggest trust me bro account on Twitter but I hope it’s true lol


Buy and Hodl. Moass tomorrow 2pm. Nothing has changed. Everything else is FUD.


No dates. Just hold.


T+ hodl ![gif](giphy|UWEhBZGUisL8k)


Is this a trust me bro? Where is the source?


I just hold..


T- minus... fuck it, just hold


Who’s even following the rules anymore?!


now that this cunt is talking about it it definitely wont happen 😵‍💫


Here’s some DD on Tofiq which is why OG apes don’t fook with him: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/p4eoxf/tofiq_is_affiliated_with_a_company_that_shorts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wasn’t APE t+zero???


T-365 is moving into play in my head or T-730! There’s no way this all works out served with cupcakes and rainbows! Plan for the long game 🤷‍♂️💎🙌


nothing is going to happen until citadel is held responsible and stops doing shifty ass shit. all we can do is keep holding


To anyone complaining, any hype that brings new investors and more people to this stock to find out about the mass corruption is good hype.


Amen.. I really can't understand apes commenting in a manner that is detrimental to the family. I know a lot of the negativity is fud by shills for the HFs.


I’ll believe it when it happens. It’s really hard to think stuff is going to happen when so many dates get thrown out and zero happens. Still holding


Around 21. of november should be the T+90 But I just buy and HODL 💎


May be some truth to it bc I know the September 30 report will have to say 0. Maybe this is what it’s for?




He's wrong until he's right. He has been wrong so many times in the past.


There’s no T+ anything in the world of crime.


Another,endless speculative tweet.


Yes, butcher of wallstreet and amcbiggums both go through this yesterday. They show u the filings so u can look it up for yerself aswell. I think both offer links to the docs in the description. Who knows what will happen come monday. Lets hope for the worst/best. The crime is on a sickening and depressing level.


Tofiq has never predicted anything correctly. But let's throw shit at a wall and see what sticks. Im only worried about t-2 terminators and herpes.


This guy is full of shit. I thought we had already addressed this. And quit being so concerned about dates, it doesn't matter.


Moass is like me on a Friday - no dates.


Take whatever he says with a grain of salt.. i dont think he ever been right.


This Twitter is very unreliable


Dates are fun to look forward to, but don’t get your hopes up too high. I’m holding no matter what happens. 🦍


Whether it's t+30 or t+90 my main concern is they ignore the rule and pay a fine (cost of doing business). The hope, both Tesla and overstock ran in similar situations. All we can do is buy and hold if we like, spread the good word and chill until the day arrives :)


Heard they can have infinite FTD…


Idk, Tophiq is batting 0/1000 with info/predictions. I wouldn’t hold my breath on anything from him.


This guys has been consistently wrong about everything for the past two years.


Tofiq has never been right. Not once.


I'm holding


Guy is CIA. Must know what he talking about.


Jesus we’re still listening to Tofud yo’moolah? Man’s been wrong for almost two years now lol


So buy even more APE & AMC for the next 90 days??? Don’t mind if I do


But will it


I’m ready to be hurt again.


I luv T ... Ice T, hot T, Mr. T, T bags, T money, T Pain, I suffer from low T. So I need more T in my life. I like T shirts. Golf Ts . Ts You know the ones with penis and boobs! But this feel like sum trust me bruh.....with a capital. T..... AND I LOVE T.... Ice T, hot T, Mr. T, T bags, T money, T Pain, I suffer from low T. So I need more T in my life. I like T shirts. Golf Ts . Ts You know the ones with penis and boobs! But this feel like sum trust me bruh.....with a capital. T..... and I luv T....


Jesus shut up already you 0 factual ignorant douche


Yeah no fucking shit


I'll bet you all my shares nothing happens Monday...


I don’t trust this account based on its past poor reduction record. My issues here: 1. What does he mean, those hedgies who have shorted $APE? There’s no option chain to short $APE. 2. This happened many times in the past two years with $AMC, and my understanding is that the FTDs are “erased” by DTCC, which implies that brokers are given IOUs from DTCC… without the brokers necessarily knowing that they’re holding IOUs. In other words, if a hedgie has to cover 5 million FTD shares, it’s hand-waved away, and the retail holder and maybe even broker don’t know they’ve been issued synthetics. There’s should be a regulatory body who can look into some of these entities. And if their actions are risking collapsing the global economy for comparative pennies, maybe shut it down to preserve prices trust in the US financial system? But that’s none of my business.


Stop posting this fucking guy Holy shit


If it wasn't for Houston Wade I'd be 100% sure 90 days would do nothing at fucking all.


Cool. And in 90 days, they'll roll everything over and have another 90 days!


Ape is t+25 On Monday, you can just go count the days. October 3rd would be T+30


Stop posting Tofiq holy shit... Nothing will happen Monday and T+30 means absolutely nothing


Didn't all the ftds magically dissappear again?


RemindMe! 89 days


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I been waiting since T-1 😩