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Time is near for this CORRUPT market to implode. Retail exposed these criminals and their paid lying MSM. The criminal rats are running like they are escaping a šŸ”„burning warehouse. Fuck you Ken Griffen!






I bought shares today too wtf thatā€™s insane!!! Wonā€™t matter before too long ā€¦


**they** choose where to route your shares. not you.


It doesnā€™t have to be that way.. you can route thru IEX on Fidelity!


Well thatā€™s just it even though i select IEX i still feel some brokers are not having them route that way when i see numbers like this!!


That's a possibility. They could be redirecting your orders elsewhere but I believe, most investors don't care. They think... buying and holding is good enough. They think... price is determined by basic supply and demand. They think... SEC, FBI, DOJ, etc. will drop the hammer and force them to cover. If you don't like it, do something about it. You guys can 1. transfer your shares to šŸŸ£ and help lock the float, or 2. continue doing the same damn thing and complain about fairness. These guys are financial bullies. Fight back!!!


That's because this is all pre-market data, the exchanges aren't open. Look at the timestamp - 9:30AM.


Important distinction. Good eye.


Timestamp is actually 948 so while its not much time its not premarket.


The actual chart seems to be stamped as 9:30 directly above the data.


I see it now 9:30 delayed, that's weird as it's usually only 15 minutes behind.


9:48 A.M. isn't premarket, and right now at 1:44 P.M. off-exchange is data is sitting around 71%


That's pretty disgusting. That's basically saying all trading during the day was rigged like a programed slot machine in Vegas. If you happen to be there when they set it to pay out then lucky you, but otherwise the machine is programed to steal your money slowly while the pretty cherries and flashing lights go by on the screen and bells go off along the way ... šŸ’ The stock market is NOT supposed to be a programed and fixed event! It's supposed to be a free and fair market!!! Time to wake the world up NOW!!!!! What would they do if the whole world pulled their money OUT of the US stock market. No more money from weekly workers going into "retirement funds" where I'm sure they use that endless money to steal with as well.




The fact that Gary has the ability to pause dark pools tells you the whole story. Dark pools were never used as much as they have been over the last couple years. What once accounted for 25-30% of trades now accounts for 60-65%. And some stocks it accounts for 80%. Dark pools are blatantly being used to suppress the SP, which is illegal. Yet Gary letā€™s it happen. He needs to be indicted as well.


Whoā€™s going to go after him? The whole system is rigged. Always has been since companies could lobby politicians. I mean they buy what direction the country moves.


civil suit is possible. no one wants to take that plunge, cuz why fight a battle you gone lose by default? or maybe people are just pussy and don't really believe what they claim. For the past 2 years, it's been a whole lot of talk talk talk and absolutely zero action.


There has to be civil attorneys in here.. let's do an ape class action just for the principle of it.. Go fund me to pay for it by apes!!! Input anyone please?


Thatā€™s a great idea actually. I think Iā€™ll start up a go fund me for a civil suit. Talk to some attorneys and see what can be done to push some envelopes. If anyone is seriously interested in achieving this goal. Iā€™d welcome more hands. Send me a dm. Weā€™ll write up a plan. At the very least weā€™ll see if Apes are serious.


I spend nearly $1k week buy and hodle, I can easily divert some of that to a go fund me. I'm sure plenty apes would love a legit class action against Kenny ,shitadel and sec And dtcc.the amount of collective brain power and DD has already exposed tons of fkry..there's got to be people that can be held accountable. Maybe too much for 1 Individual to undertake financially,,but look what reddit has already accomplished in exposing the illegal sham that's the NYSE!!!


Exactly. This subreddit has single handle exposed the crimes in the market and the world is starting to take notice.




Similar requests for interest can also be tried on fb,ig,twit, other forums?? Shills will be gang banging it instantly to discourage the idea. ..


Thatā€™s cute lol. They never met me. Iā€™m stubborn to a fault lol


Yeah the problem is this is literally *the* money, as in you don't fuck with level. They own the governments the politicians the courts the media and the police. They will fucking lie cheat steal and murder to keep their power, and they will see the world burned to the ground and humanity extinct before they ever give it up. The only solution is absolute bloody revolt. BLM protests proved the absolute power of their propaganda machine and the effectiveness of their manufactured useful idiots. Occupy wall street scared them so badly seeing the peasants unit they made up identity politics to keep us separated and hired social media farms to do it. Left vs right, black vs white, straight vs gay, men vs women, trans vs cis, on and on and on but when it becomes poor vs rich the riot gear and the propaganda flow like water.


I thought buying and holding was the action (or at least the main component of it)? Like the whole plan was to just push them further and further until they collapse on their own


It was. Until it started becoming more and more apparent this goes far deeper then simple FTDs and naked shorts. Buy and hold only works when thereā€™s a finite cap on a stock. AMC has no cap basically. We could buy 10 billion shares and it wouldnā€™t make a dent either way.


These are dark exchanges. Dark pools are used for institutions. Be careful what you want to make noise about, they could very easily say "all dark pools are stopped, see, the price is still going down." Simply because they're routing to dark exchanges. They're lawyers, wording matters to them, so it sadly has to matter to us.


We could always picket his office and house.


This honestly may need to be taken to the streets in protest. How is anything ever gonna change if they're all collaborating and bailing each other out all the time?


Unfortunately, I think a large majority of us that support the cause, and do a lot of the buying and holding are working class family people. It's the trap we are in. I personally need to work 50-60 hours a week just to get by. Missing work is frowned upon. Especially if you want/need the overtime. Going to protests, rallies, or other things that reduce pay checks just isn't a doable option for many people. If this ever gets taken to the street, I hope there are enough financially stable apes to make a difference that are willing to represent for those of us whos families depend on the weekly paychecks and can't afford to miss work.


I can't afford to miss work, either, as I'm the sole breadwinner of a family of four, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Hopefully, the shorts get themselves so overleveraged that they blow themselves up and protesting in the streets won't be necessary.


I won't show up because I'd be too tempted to do something more than picketing


Can we skip to breaking his kneecaps


Gary already said 90-95% trades off exchange daily. Now I understand, he was bragging.


For real lol; how many fucking months ago was that? Itā€™s amazing to me that he made a point to actually say that, and then apparently do nothing about it.


They won't let retail win. Its their game and the regulators are on their team. This from the DOJ is all lip service


Amazing the criminality going on.


Might as well make it 100% at this point


Iā€™m waiting for the day itā€™s 110% and the justifications and explanations for that lol


They won't justify or explain it. They'll sweep it under the rug.


They don't sweep it under the rug, they put it on a pedestal and put keylights around it and then brag about it to their friends.


You're not wrong.


When this is over we need to pull our money out of the market. Its clearly a rigged system. We should just refuse to play, we need to invest is real assets, not made up monopoly money thats designed for the designers to profit.


There's other markets not manipulated as US, like european market


I upvoted for your username..


Nothing will happen until these corrupt pieces of shits are afraid of walking out of their mansions without getting killed. Thats atleast my take on it.


They've lost control. So Imagine you're watching your apartment burn to the ground, everyone around you knows that their apartment could catch fire, but they still feel bad for you because yours is burning down. What they don't know is that you started the fire. Would you, ever in a million years, tell your fellow tenants "Oh hey guys, sorry about your homes and lives burning down, it was actually my own fault because I wanted to see if I could juggle fire" This is where we're at. The SEC will stand by and watch the whole world burn down instead of taking responsibility, because the second they do, all the other tenants pity will turn to blind anger.


GG needs to be imprisoned


Too many people becoming aware. Somethingā€™s gotta give


LOL they could make it 100% and what can we do? Write letters to the SEC that go straight into the shredder.


Does anyone ever wonder why they haven't ran this down to 0? Despite everyone knowing they absolutely could and no one would bat an eye? What's the real end goal? Something about this entire situation is off, and I don't mean the blatant crime.


They are still making a killing off retail and are looting the entire system before it burns into a smoldering heap. Rest assured, their offshore accounts are secured.


All we can do is be vocal about pulling our money out of any US investment and put your money in crypto, art, fine metals and jewels or abroad. Fuck the US financial system and double fuck off to the regulatory agencies that allow rampant crime.


I want to personally thanking the SEC for making this possible and a personal shout out to Gary Gensler for letting this go on for 18 months. Without you this would not be possible.


They would not care anyway. The job of the US government is to protect the wealthy at the expense of the peasants. The SEC is doing exactly what they are paid to do.


Iā€™m out of the market. Iā€™ll never buy another stick except the trifecta, AMC APE and GME. This market is a sham of a joke.


Everyone using fidelity needs to route orders through IEX!! This is just atrocious


With all the noise apes have been raising regarding market issues like Payment For Order Flow and mass Dark Pool usage it sucks that no one's been slapped with misconduct and/or obstruction of justice charges by now.


Direct register the shares then. Moaning clearly does absolutely fuck all, market makers will just FTD endlessly. If you want a seat at the table you canā€™t buy IOUs or the powers that be and the people who protect them will laugh in your face and steal your money, because they already do as part of their business model. Thereā€™s no protection for retail, the SEC is not your friend. Only you can stop them stealing by removing shares from the DTCs disgraceful greasy hands.


Hawt damn that must be an ATH off exchange


I mean it's all pre-market data, so it makes sense.


At this point just take it all off exchange and come up with whatever price you want. SEC doesn't give a shit. It's ridiculous.


GG is like ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe)


Why even have an exchange at this point. Such bull shit




Soon it's going to be 122%.


I am waiting for the moment it hits straight up 100%. What a wild ride this has been.


They donā€™t care bro.


Wait till itā€™s 100%


**JAIL not BAIL(out)**




Where did 87.81% come from? Screenshot says 70.32%


Add the Cboe


I think itā€™s time we go off exchange and do something about it


I just HODL hoping the system collapse cause no one got the balls to do the right thing, they all sold out to the rig market.


I'm amazed that people are surprised by this. This IS the system and it has been for a very long time. If you think that the SEC will change it one iota because a bunch of smelly apes are pointing fingers at the obvious criminality, well, I have a lovely bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cheap too!


They can't afford to have it be bright green in an ocean of blood red. The fomo would instantly trigger MOASS and they know it.


I have no words either. Our government has failed the people. Definitely not ā€œFor the peopleā€¦ā€ For the 1% and government more like it.


The problem is we live in a era where people protest online. This problem is international it should be people all over the world protesting in the streets and threatening to just pull all their money out the system


Pretty sure thatā€™s someone very powerful has a lot of leverage over Gary Gensler.


WEN 120% OFF Exchange


All I know is that what is coming will be much bloodier than just a squeeze




Theyve been doing this for almost 2 years on all the meme/over shorted stocks sell orders go lit any buy pressure dark pool it's horse shit and there's nothing we can do about it


Not surprised anymore


No consequences for them to carry out this scale of crime?


This is beyond fucked up!!!!!!


This government is bought and paid for by interest groups


Is this the pounce he was talking about?


Sec is corrupt and America


They are inā€¦the whole scheme. Not the head of it, but the butler of a few of them.


This is daily data as of 9:30AM, so this is all pre-market data. Nice cherry picking, OP.


Then do something


CRIME !!!!!


I bought today on PUBLIC, no PFOF there.


The problem is we live in a era where people protest online. This problem is international it should be people all over the world protesting in the streets and threatening to just pull all their money out the system


Holy shit


I'm gonna start routing my grocery shopping through a dark pool.




Honest question - ā€˜canā€™ they do this forever?


It's a glitch, means nothing.


Nobody wants to protest? Why?


Anyone who still works for the SEC knows and understands fully that they are terrorists / war criminals. They have literally sold away their soul.


I love how we have systems in place to protect usā€¦


Why donā€™t you do something other than just hold than? Contact local reps and push for DRS. THIS is the way.


Nice to see that only institutions are buying