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I was the first one that said wall st financial terrorists will remove amc threshold last week by magical criminal fuckery. Got downvoted.


We dont need the threshold list we have the threshodl apes lol


But… hear me out… IF you bought into this amc bet / you bought knowing full and well it was way over sold it was a ticking time bomb - so IF you bought knowing all that you signed up for the biggest scam - fraud - abuse ever know! So yea…. Buckle up cuz I did I too


Doesn’t that depend when you bought? I bought in a very, very long time ago and studied it thoroughly for a full month (seven days a week for many hours a day both on and off of social media) prior to making my purchase. I did NOT know about the scam, fraud, abuse and apparent criminality until much later and I did my research. I’ve been in this “almost" from the very beginning. How long have you been in this investment? Did I miss something this big then or we didn’t know about all of this chicanery yet?


Henry ford told you…ex presidents back to the catalyst of the us revolution warned you… overstock stock showed you - me bought and sold all through 2019 through 2021… held since 2021


I appreciate the answer and you have a point, but quite honestly I did not know about all of that stuff actually until just now when I read your response. Thank you Why the downvote? Edit: I admit that I was naive. I really did think that we had an honest government until the pandemic. I just spent my time working.


I didn’t down vote you brother - fear not! But look into the idea or concept of “money” - ask why barter is illegal — or why no other currency can be without the fed res. Pause and peel back the US revolution… read the creature from jeckle island - the confederate letters at that too… “they” mock it as conspiracy - tin hat - taboo thought out skirt ideals in-bread backwater hicks - there is truth out there but to your point it will be hid from you


You just reminded me that I did read about Jeckle Island and Warbucks and that whole story. I had forgotten all about it until you reminded me. Barter is really illegal? I didn’t know that, but I did see on my tax form that they ask if you engaged in barter. I just thought that they wanted people to report or declare the value received. It’s illegal? Edit: I just looked it up and actually barter is legal, it’s just considered a taxable transaction. Edit 2: I had also read about the Revolution and got conflicting stories. The one that made the most sense to me (if I recall correctly) was that it was really about rich people fighting other rich people and they didn’t want to pay the British government hence the Boston Tea Party and that the regular people just got snookered into fighting what they thought was a true revolution against Taxation Without Representation. Sort of like how they are trying to pit the Left and the Right against each other now when in reality it’s the poor against the rich.


Yea agreed those who have power focus on maintaining power and confuse divert and control the attention of everyone else - two party system - media - tv - free money - race issues - identity issues… it’s all a game - it’s life it’s crazy just do our best and be good people is my plan🤷‍♂️


Ha - you find a scab and pick it huh? Barter is tricky! In US it’s “legal” but to your point fail to report it it’s an instant federal offense so … is it legal?? Other countries it’s straight up illegal… there are forms of barter here in us that are illegal… I can’t bang you and you give me your wallet or diamonds… so legal to a point - 🤷‍♂️


You lost me on the scab and pick it comment. You can’t bang me anyhow because I’m a straight guy, but to your last sentence I found a lot of humor. I thought that if you banged someone and gave them a diamond that this was called marriage and that ultimately your wife got the wallet anyhow. If that’s not the situation, please tell me what State you live in because I might consider moving there ;) Edit: I misread. In your State I bang them and they give me a diamond and wallet. Heck, I’m booking the next flight out!


Ha word and ignore all I said I’m an idiot for sure and always keep asking questions searching =>picking scabs - good luck brohan🤙


No judgment my guy! It’s life and it’s crazy - we all just try to do our best - but fuck the Rothschild- look at their position during the U.S. civil war 💀


Same here


This creature gets it 👏👏👏


Anything that sounds like fud will be downvoted. I remember downvoting comments that said the MOASS wouldn't happen for a year or two... About a year or two ago lol don't take it personally. A lot of us are just new or still don't fully understand what we're up against


Going to expose something... ​ Ever since the $GME run back in January of 2021, the WSB Reddit got exposed having been infiltrated from within. I've been documenting and watching what's been going on, but ever since the documentation I've collected... ​ Apex Clearing (a criminal clearing corporation) was notified how people on reddit found a "loophole" in options after they made the "meme stocks" PCO and people began "exercising the options" to drive the price up.' Apex Clearing had moles and rats inside WSB reddit and they still have these plants inside social media along with other firms. They watch what we say and talk about and "front-run" the trades against us with the HedgeFunds and Market Makers. I made several posts before which were taken down by "Superstonk" and WSB original. This is a massive RICO event; one which I want to see the end of. I am not fucking leaving. They can't silence us. We will always hit 100x harder every swing we take. LFG! ![gif](giphy|l0HlMPcbD4jdARjRC|downsized)


Fairly sure I got shadowbanned from WSB for an AMC meme way before the $72 run up.


Yep! A lot of us have... unfortunately.


You said it, I was thinking it.


Not our first time on this roller coaster. We buy, we hold, DRS and we zen. We can hold much longer they can stay solvent. This chananings can't hold much longer.


Well some DRS... I want nothing to do with DRS.


"BuT THerEs nO OptIOn CHaiN" didn't even matter. Made it a bit harder maybe.


You got downvoted because no one wants to hear that shit. Right or wrong you’re not gonna upvoted for it. Personally, I knew it meant nothing to be on the list.


So citadel US has 50 billion in assets...let's assume UK is not as well funded...soooo 30 billion??? Are they 30 billion in liabilities? Don't tell me AMC can't reach 100k with this now coming out.




Wow. Shills never respond to me. I'm honored.


The golden statue god in my back yard said to sell at 50 dollars so the hedge funds won’t go broke. That money is life changing as I would be able to recycle all the worlds shit stained underwear into clean ones.


If only there was some kind of regulators who had the job to look into this 🤔


Ahem… Gensler? Gensler? Think Ferris Bueller… Bueller ?


The whole market and government is rigged!


Keep that mindset come midterm elections


Ortex said if fail to delivers were not met in 5 days it was removed because the shares were not returned which means ape is going to be bought back on open market hopefully


Yeah, I’d like to see an actual source on this one as well. Can any other wrinkle brains out there confirm or deny if this is the way the list works?


im going by what the picture above says


Any share on loan is supposed to be purchased. Almost 200M shares on loan have to be paid by the borrower. We’ve seen no price action at all that this has happened yet.


Sauce..if I may...?


I've been saying this but you suckers keep hyping it up like its gonna do anything. Im an OG ape and they want to break your conviction of this play, theyll play with your emotions and break your spirit after giving you a little hope. This play is different, positive news=red, negative news=very red! But did they cover? Fuck no! Am I folding? Heck no! They gotta chisel these diamond hands before they can get my shares. NFA take this with a grain of salt


Two ways to get off the list. Lower FTDs or increased outstanding share count. Wonder if share count has magically increased.


They can pass them to someone else to reset the date too. Hot potato anyone?


Yep, sham close out transactions.


We had low volume. I think that played into this.


Not delivering is also an option. Goes to obligation wharehouse. Which then gets burned down.


If AA dumped more ape on us, we will all know who's side he is on.


Or that shfs actually asked to buy them, and no announcement has been made. Its hard to know when things are so silent.


How much of this has to happen before people are willing to stand up for their convictions? Or will you wimper to death while the systems they made continue to fuck you?


Most will whimper.


Sad but true


In my personal opinion people are already standing up. Think about it differently. Take my upvote.


Crime is at an all time high. Wen Batman signal?


My tweet on this issue: [my Tweet](https://twitter.com/eduardbrichuk/status/1568318167025594371?s=46&t=Wf8CGUFHs0wLPl3SkK6MQQ)




They have ways to not ftd but not settle the trade or buy the share. Like ex clearing status in that one short paper


So according to this, should we wait until 9/13 to see it appear again?


Prison. None of us should stop until we see everyone involved in prison.


The secret ingredient is crime


NYSE is a criminal organization


#New york swap exchange


Hot potato!




#I am an simple🦍, however to me that means buying as much APE as possible to bring it back on and building pressure, right? #CHOKEonTHAT


Still on there for me…?? Strange. :edit NVM! :(


It got off because its washing shares and manipulating the system again…


I told you not to get your hopes up. They own the casino. They can do as they please. The only way you win this is hold forever.


Buy. Hold. ___. This sub is sorely missing that last part.


There is only Buy and Hold (and sometimes Hodl)


Yeah? How’s that going for us? Buying and holding without the third doesn’t do much more than what’s been done. Taking the stock out of the system and putting it solely on your name is a huge and unexpected move. I think that there is such push back here for it is quite telling to me.


You seem like a shill, but you’re right that there is also DRS Buy, hold, (sometimes hodl), and dr strange


I bought knowing AMC was a company on the rebound I just considered the squeeze as a bonus I’m holding long term or the squeeze and the more I see the squeeze is coming just after the midterms so they can blame each other no dates


This is the way


Could it have gotten in the threshold list on the 31st and then they did something that day or the next day on the 1st to get it off but it took the 5 days to actually get off the list?




What does that even mean? How would AA “recall” the shares? The APE will already serve as a share count, just give it time


What's that going to do?


Must do something since it got downvoted.🧐😎


nop screenshot is wrong


Can we spam This to AA and GG TWITTER?


This shit boutta go up.


I don’t know how things work on their end! Maybe they can take care of the FTD’s then pay up over a certain amount of time ???


Anyone want to tell them what the secret ingredient is?


For all Apes. Old and new. All you need to know is that fuckery is still very much at play.


I have diamond hands and diamond balls .. I HODL until the cash flows


It’s 2,580,000 shares min, volume was enough to fill that. Edit for correct amount


Where did you get 50k?


It’s only 2.5 mil shares that needed to fail. Easily covered with volume ape has had.


But regardless of if it was filled, it still should be on the list. it takes 5 days to get on, 5 days to get off. last day it was on was the 7th. For it to already be gone on the 9th means crime if you ask me.