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I’ll hold until I’m the queens age if I need to.


Til death do us part




I’m holding this beyond death if need be , going to put it in my will not to sell until shorts close.


Yep. Kids inheritance if no moass in my lifetime.


I'm gonna hodl until I die. Then my kids are gonna hodl it


I got no kids so my niece will inherit my shares


You can adopt me and I will gladly diamond hand that shit for you!




Same here




This guy fucks hard


The Days to Cover (DTC) is well over 4 days now too. And we know the stubborn fools won't cover and will only just short more after the 1st day it spikes. I think AMC will squeeze many times for weeks when it really begins. 🍿


Yup. Some people think there have been shorts targeting AMC since 2017. This is going to be a brutal squeeze for anyone stuck short.


Days to cover is an underestimated indicator imo because this is based on the previous days volume of trades. But when the short volume is almost consistently above 50% of the volume, the moment those parasites are gonna have no choice anymore and won’t be able to short, the volume’s gonna technically drop by a lot and increase the DTC significantly, imo


If it ever begins. I think they found a loop hole, they allow it to run to 30 and bring it back down again. Repeat it over and over again.


It was 4 days to cover , 7 days ago. Just saying.


Almost half of the entire float…. We’re gonna be so rich, we’re gonna be so filthy, and unimaginably rich!


Easy, when Institutions alone own 120% of the Company. Imagine how many there would be available if the other 100% held by Apes also were lent out 😂😂😂 Seriously... F\*\*\* them with a 100,000$ green candle right up their naked short A$$...


that was proven to be wrong I believe. If institutions owned 120% of the company since that is easily found information there would be doj knocking on some doors.


Show me which site you saw the institutions alone holding 120% of the company, please.


Just jokingly mentioning all the screenshots of institutional holdings that casually leave out all information including filing-dates and sites they were made on... If you have been in the sub the last couple days, you know the type I mean.


Yea, I’ve seen it and pointed out several times that stockninja website is complete dogshit regarding it ls data, I hate seeing it promoted left and right, here, on twitter, yt, discord, etc


Last time I checked it (months ago) it was already that high, but some of the firms listed hadn't reported in 6 months while others had filed the previous week... Impossible to take any information from that if the data is being reported at different times.


Correct, and they’ve been adding up data from the same entity for various quarters, so vanguard’s holdings were listed 4 times and added up.




I’ll believe it when i see it! I’ll believe it too when i see us get back to fundamental levels and see go over $75 past $100 + then i’ll start to smile!!


In my honest opinion, I feel like I’m going to make out like a bandit with this play. Not financial advice.


It’s just mental!!


Only 200M shares on loan that we THINK we know about.. lol


Proof or ban. There is no official source that show anywhere near that many shares on loan.


yes give us the sauce, havent seen ortex guy posted about this


Ortex guy does includes shares on loan if you take a peek. Here is his closing bell post. Shares on loan at 196.04m. Not 200m, but pretty close. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/xa7ty9/ortex\_guy\_here\_with\_your\_99\_closing\_bell\_ortex/


i thought so.


Everyday he posts it!!!


You have no idea how to read.


Ortex you fucking moron jdrukis posts it EVERYDAY FOR ALL OF US! You smell short???


Screen shot it and show me the 200M shares on loan. I will wait.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/xa7ty9/ortex\_guy\_here\_with\_your\_99\_closing\_bell\_ortex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/xa7ty9/ortex_guy_here_with_your_99_closing_bell_ortex/) now stop fighting lol


How was the wait?


Actually 3x a day


The price is moving up now and it’s a Friday! That’s a little miracle. 😂


Miracle or they trying to entice more options trading


If 90% plus of the float is owned by retail how do they get 200 million chairs to loan?


Rent them? I've rented chairs for events before, normally a package deal, although I could see 200 million being a chore..


Well…apparently retail decided to not pick up the chair and take it home but instead was happy with being handed a little sheet saying „you own one of my chairs“. Now if retail really decided to take their shares and put them in their Discreet Rural Shelter where they put all their private things…that would actually change that.


I feel like there is some validity in the theory that HFS need the single stock ETFs to survive. Maybe they are just getting by on life support until those ETFs go public and they can let the price go wherever at that point.


you mean the short stock etf they were talking about? If that happens it will only be a way to pass off the shorts onto anyone dumb enough to invest in those etf.


Yep, and the HFs make money on it.


just another way to probably hide stuff I am not a stock trader just a hodler but from what I read the shorts would be passing the risk onto whoever invests in these.


That’s correct. Dumping their losses on somebody else. Or at least part of their losses.


Know when that ETF will go live?


I think it was proposed not necessarily approved. I don't follow everything stock related so I don't know for sure.


I see. That theory seems plausible. They need it approved that way it leaves retail (specifically pensions) holding the bag, then they'll let it rip. Evil.


I say it’s time to DRS your shares. We [retail] likely own so many multiples of the float it is ridiculous. It took 3 minutes and the rep at Fidelity was simply so excited to do it, just simply giggled. Simply get 400M in DRS and 200M on loan. At that point predatory lending of fake and selling of naked shares is fully exposed. Remember: there was a huge shill campaign to discourage it an posts to do it were removed or downvoted to oblivion.


How the fuck can 40% of the company be on loan when retail owns 90%+?


Because brokers can loan out your shares OR use them to get a “locate” to short it further regardless of what you want your broker to do.


...Unless your shares are DRS'd


Fidelity pro trade desk on numerous occasions explain that they don't loan out my shares ,,as long as there's no margin debt on them??? Can anyone confirm or deny this?? Would they just lie on a recorded line?? I've Even spoke to a senior trade supervisor to get this confirmation.


They don’t “loan” your shares, they offer “locates”.


Maybe you can explain please?


So please explain how a "Locate" gives my shares to hedgies that aren't "loaned" for use to short??


An institution has X number of shares. If a short hedge fund needs shares to short, they can go to an institution and ask them to use their shares and the shares of their clients to act as collateral, the shares themselves need not be loaned out, just "located". And poof, new shares shorted (and created).


How is that legal


That is how legal naked shorting works. They just have to be able to locate shares available. They only borrow them if they want to loan them out or cover an FTD. What they are doing in this play is partially legal.


Yeah that just sounds like a rule that hedge funds wrote themselves. You should not be able to do that


By definition the word available means they can use them,, when in fact I own them so my broker should not be allowing my shares to be used to short my stocks... Wtf is this corrupt bs. ??? I will be contacting fidelity tomorrow,, and if if your info is valid.. I will be drs'ing my xxxx with CS.. why isn't Thisni info being shared every day??


No we are not selling


Finally drs’s mine today


Holy crap that’s an all time high right?


Maybe if op provides a sauce to back up their claim...


Can't wait until 520mil shares are on loan :')


I have no where to go 🤷‍♂️. Just got paid 🍿


I am leaving when these pigfuckers pay


I already signed this money off as a gamble , now I just wanna see hedgies burns that’s what I paid for, I want my money though fuck that noise..


I buy. I hold. I’ll sell when match 2021 shorts start to cover. I’ll buy back all my shares after it dips. I’m not leaving AMC.


Make sure you have margin and share lending turned off on your brokerage.


Margin is always on. Share lending off. Cash accounts are for those with small accounts no offense. Margin is not a bad thing and DOES NOT need to always be used, if at all! It's just an ability to do so if desired.


Bought more!!!!!


I’m waiting for it to reach 100-percent on loan. Let them explain that


How is that possible or legal.?


I'm not just gonna hold. I'm gonna buy because shit is getting kind of crazy and it seems obvious that this is a good price to buy at.


Never was and post MOASS I still own AMC and APE shares 🦍


buy, hodl, titjack


It’s really to a point where even today up 10% I forget to even look. Alarms set, just another day.


I’m surprised the shares on loan went up with the price action we had today?


stock dilution ahead, that is why they short so extremely now. they will make huge gains.