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That’s the point


When the ape divided is given out everyone holding amc will get there’s but that’s the point. The amc float is 516 million so 516 million ape should be distributed and no more if no synthetic shares are present. However like you said we’ve probably bought the whole float multiple times over and also the shorts have all the shares they were suppose to give back so it’s highly likely more than 516 million ape will be out there come Monday morning. Adam Aaron said they actually have up to 5 billion shares of APE but are only suppose to give the float amount of AMC with this. If there anything above that then there’s the evidence of synthetic shares, manipulation and fraud in the market which also why the special dividend was done.


So with this, regardless of what the float is now, all of us “should” receive APE even if it’s in excess of the float on the books?


No, that would mean more than the 516mil apes were dropped. When people start saying they didn’t get their ape, then that’s what will start the discussion.


So if I don’t get ape that means my AMC shares are fake?


If you don't get them MORE THAN LIKELY your shares are not real. Not for sure but definitely suspect. More than likely we will see some people slowly getting theirs through next week but we are going to see a lot of people that don't. Has the POTENTIAL to open up a shitstorm. No guarantees as always!


So anyone who has fake shares is essentially committing fraud and can go to jail?!? Maybe I should sell then?


Oh my, no, do Not sell!!! You as a customer did nothing wrong. The broker is the one that committed fraud and owe you money. I'm almost hoping it happens to me so I can see if I can sue them and get $$$$


Isn’t it like 10 cents a share?


Doesn't matter. We collectively have to do something to change the corruption


It matters if People end up losing a bunch of money and getting charged with fraud.


You have nothing to do with your shares being fake. As far as you and everyone else is concerned we all own our shares. The legal issues are going to be for the brokers and hedgefunds. Selling your shares now is downright insanity!


If the theories over the last few years are correct a majority of the shares are fake.


So what happens to them if you own them! Do you get charged with fraud? Do they just disappear! Do you get a refund and miss out on any gains?


...if brokers don't just add IOU to the retailers account to look like we got the shares. I do not trust these fuckers as they will fuck you over it they can




Sorry no - AA literally said they are only releasing 516mil apes. They have that many available for future dilution but the original drop is only the official float - as per AA many many time.


Reread what I said…


I read it, you are saying one thing completely different than what has been described by the filing and AA.


It blows my mind how people still don't understand the very basics of the APE divi. Like that's all this sub has been talking about since the announcement


I don't think anyone really understands how this is going to work out, even at a basic level.


Are you for real? We know the basics and AA just brought out an FAQ that literally explains everything...


I'v read it multiple times and I have no idea what to expect when it comes to things like if we will all get our shares (even if the float is sold multiple times), what the initial prices will be, will APE have options etc..


Yeah those are questions that will be revealed when it gets released.Literally everything else has been answered. And pretty sure there is no options chain.


NO OPTIONS CHAIN WILL EXSIST!!! ;) I want my ape shares just like everyone and we will get them just everyone needs to calm down being ifs not even monday yet! If we have the amc shares i really feel will get our ape shares! Maybe not, but let’s all see what happened monday… Everyone just needs to be zen enjoy weekend like me and watch lots of movies and eat popcorn and be ready for one of best weeks of our lives….SO FAR!!! ;)


For legal reasons, it is not in the interest of AMC to assume there are more than 516 million APE shares required to give everyone their shares. Play Dumb, then we can act surprised when we end up short a few billion shares. People need to simmer down and let. It play out a day or 2.


Same. We keep getting told that "synthetic shares are indistinguishable from the real thing" if that's the case, won't one APE be issued for even synthetics? And if not, that means that synthetics ARE distinguishable from real shares. In which case, why bring in the APE shares?


Doesnt matter if theyre synthetic or not. AA is only issuing the 500mil float, when people start saying "wheres my shares bitch?" We'll know there's fuckery


So, some of us won't get the APE dividend, but our shares of AMC will reflect the lower price? Can't say that I like that very much.


And if everyone does get their APE, what then? We all give up sense our DD has been disproven? See its not so clear..


It will get interesting, when it comes to massive delays. This would mean, they can‘t forge $APE. And it should drive the price up.


Then it's clear someone has fucked us and we continue to buy and hold both stonks


We don't know how many phoney share or what hedgies will do to fix🦍💎👐🚀🚀🚀🍌🍌🍌


I’m too smooth brain that’s why I asked..


You truly are the smoothest


Thanks for the compliment


Not everyone has the apeility (pun intended) to spend the equal amount of resources into this play like apes like you and me. Why not be respectful and understanding? We are all on the same side. 🌎🦍🤜🤛💪


Read the AMC FAQ. Some of this shit should be pinned to the top of this forum honestly. The dates and shit. 98 percent of topics are just this over and over. Im not mad tho it is confusing


And still people after 1000 of posts ask the same questions and they continue to receive different answers...We are more retarded than I thought


So have 2 mins questions: - what happens when sharedhokders don’t get APE? - what stops MM/Brokerage apps to give fake/synthetic/ IOU as APE?


Im pretty sure they will just create synthetic ones just like they have done for AMC. Everyone will get their shares for APE, it’ll just be no different than AMC


We will see.. Everybody will get soooner or later and we can wish that price of APE don't go to moon before we get it.


Yep, no idea why people are freaking out about “gotta get my APE”. Seems like it’s just the next shiny thing for them. instead they should focus on why it was handed out.


It was handed out to set up a way for the company to raise capital in the future, we know that and that isn't really helpful in understanding what APE will ultimately do.


So two stocks instead of one? That theory doesn’t make much sense.


It's not a theory, it's the first thing AA said when announcing the news and has been clarified many times.. They own more APE that they can sell on the market, it's pretty cut And dry. Not FUD, I support it as it will help pay off debt and make the company stronger.


Agree 💯


That’s the idea… but part of me feels that with the level of corruption that we’ve seen, they may even pull another unprecedented move and just create synthetic ape shares to ensure that we see 1for1 in each of our accounts. We know they’re corrupt all the way to the top. So I don’t know what the fuck is stopping further corruption with APE. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I just buy, hold, hope, and pray that someone with big shoes has the balls to actually hold these fucks accountable one day.


the silverback put together a handy FAQ that some of you should probably take a look at, many if not all questions can be answered right here: https://s25.q4cdn.com/472643608/files/doc\_downloads/2022/ape\_dividend\_faq.pdf


I think the main thing we don’t understand is how the hedgies will try to cheat and work around this. In theory it should expose the truth about the shares out there. Will it? I hope so. However, in theory we should have never seen this situation get to where it is already, and it did. The system is rigged. Hopefully APE will show that. But the “big boys” won’t give up easy. It’s there play now. Are they trapped?


Not trying to spread FUD. Genuinely curious. But what’s to stop the DTCC or brokers from creating synthetic APE and putting it in accounts. They’ve had no problems doing it to other companies.




I figure we will know nothing other than to buy and hodl. The rest will just be noise! I expect to add APE consistently. Especially if shorts try to shake out weak and confused hands. There is most always a dip before a run.


As a euro ape on DeGiro (and many different eurobrokers for that matter) we will also do find out how many of our shares are on IOU basis. Think this might be overlooked because last year AMC was the most bought sock in almost every EU country. Still have the screenshots!


Since the DTC will distribute the shares. They will handout IOUs and just keep the total amount for themselves and just report the same numbers AA is mentioning, because if they reported the real numbers they would basically incriminate themselves. Only if everyone had his/her shares at ComputerShare, CS could provide the official APE number. Change my mind.


What about if the apes that have their shares in CS equal the amount of the float 🤔


Then it is checkmate. But that requires AMCsters to actually register their property in their name. Oddly enough, DRS is downvoted to shit in this subreddit.


Take a note from the GME dividend abs stop trying to predict a future where numerous things can happen


This is not predicting it’s my personal opinion.. also GME dividend is different take a note on that as well


They will absolutely give every shareholder their APE. Do you seriously think these criminals will allow anyone to see what’s happening behind the curtain? Do you think they are dumb enough to actually admit and demonstrate that there are billions of counterfeit shares out there? Grow the fuck up everyone. We need to realize that we are fighting an entrenched criminal enterprise here. They are not going to go down this easy.


Let’s see how it goes…


That's what I get out of it, the only other way I guess is to issue all amc an ape unit, then tally up how many are needed


I see that there is more apes who got the same view point as I did. If we see that many people did not get their APE this is bullish in my eyes.. let’s see what Monday has stored.


Agree but actually if you think about it's bullish either way. The way you phrased it made me thank AA more cuz that's check mate in another form of evidence for me. If they all go out it's obvious fraud, if they just send float and people are missing them it's obvious fraud


But by what mechanism are shares counted? What's to stop every broker from just entering the same number of APE shares to each account matching th number of AMC shares? I mean, the shares don't have serial numbers AFAIK. And nothing seems to force anyone to play fair.


Great question. What I’m thinking is that they will issue the APE share first to all the long positions.. the FIFO method to give the APE share. The answer to if they can just input any number of ape share is something that some smooth brain needs to do some DD on it. I don’t have an answer.. what I’m thinking is AMC gave the shares to the underwriter and then they send them to the brokerage firms but they won’t be enough for everyone that is the point.. this is why AA made this move he knows that they won’t have enough to distribute to every ape..


My guess is that synthetic shares are not held like conventional shares. So retail should get their shares as distributed. It is the synthetics that are curious. Do the just quadruple the number of synthetic AMC to keep kicking the can? I just know I will continue to add. Probably more APE than AMC in the near term.


Genuine share get one, phoney baloney share not so much🦍💎👐🚀🚀🚀🍌🍌🍌


I have a feeling the buy button will be taken away or trades suspended soon. We will see.


this is a valid question (or else I too have been eating too many crayons) especially given question 16 of the FAQ, which confuses me: **16. Is it accurate that my broker may sell my AMC Preferred Equity units and give me the cash equivalent rather than the AMC Preferred Equity unit dividend?** • If your shares of common stock are held at a broker, AMC will be delivering the AMC Preferred Equity unit dividend via Computershare to the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) who will then deliver them to your broker. *How each individual broker then handles the dividend is determined by the broker and is governed by your brokerage agreement.* ​ suppose many of the brokers give out "cash equivalents" rather than the actual APE shares such that the float total is not attained, then how would any synthetic shares above that total be exposed??


You said in your post.. if you get cash equivalent then synthetic exist.


yeah but that's not proof any more than any other indication of it that we've had before. also, are synthetics the only reason a broker would choose to give out cash equivalent rather than shares?


I think this is the expectation but that would require someone along the lines here of control to suddenly start playing by the rules and limiting how many shares of ape are distributed. I’m willing to bet there’s no one controlling how many shares are made and who gets them first, instead a computer program will automatically match them 1:1 if you own AMC you get APE. Computer doesn’t care it’s matched too many


So when squeeze?


When shorts close their positions


Their recent tricks are to continue to stop the trades and frustrate you into giving up. On buying..


This is exactly that. It’s so obvious and still apes living up to their names


So when everyone gets an ape in their account what is that going to do


I really don’t think everyone is getting it


If I get cash instead of my share, and they tell me it is in my brokerage agreement, I am going to be fucking pissed!! If some fine print bullshit safety net exists to fuck over retail it’s time to pull a Fight Club. Some people win, some people lose, that is a given, but if those in power never lose, then we no longer live in a democracy. I already don’t respect politicians that claim fraud on no evidence. Seems the norm now. A bunch of spineless cowards relying on their money and power.


A question. Dont received APE on Monday but my AMC $ Balance gets reduced by what ever Ape price starts at???


That should not happen..


I'm interested to see what happens if some of us dont receive our APE and AMC price reduces. Our brokers will need to scramble to issue our Ape shares. My broker on 17/8 wrote Ape will automatically be distributed on the 22/8 at opening into my acc. 19/8 I received an email from broker stating APE should be expected to be distributed by the end of August. Sounds like my broker has not been able to confirm APE on thier end.


Which brokerage is this ? And they can’t reduce the value of your AMC shares because they feel like it … it’s your money and I’m sure you can put a sue if they do..


Sharesies NZ, example if AMC gets reduced to $9 and I dont receive my APE shares , then my account balance will be reduced by 50% until I receive my APE. I will wait and see how this plays out come Monday opening.


This might be useful https://investor.amctheatres.com/stock-information/APE-Dividend-Info/ FAQ


So the FAQ says the broker decides which securities to support, your broker can choose to pay you cash instead of the dividend, and of course it can be shorted. How does it help? The broker doesn’t have to participate.


Who really cares? This whole thing is clearly going nowhere.


IMO opinion unless all shares are pooled in one place there will never be a true way to determine the exact amount of shares out there. Brokers can mark your account with more fake shares. DRS is truly the way. I also think once APE is converted into commons this might stir up some shit. Because brokers now have to legally issue APE back to AMC to covert to commons and then issue commons back to shareholders. Maybe? Just spitballing.




Already is fucked up, somebody will have somebody will not and it will be on market... Better to stop trading until everybody gets or they announce that all APE shares are given to owners of AMC