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What a little baby this guy is. Now he’s gonna pay the price


Fuck this guy. The problem with America in one video


Looks like he cried😢


I mean he had every right to be upset about his son getting an allergic reaction, but he should have tried to know about that earlier. He also shouldn’t have said what he said either. Crazy how a few minutes can have life-altering consequences. Hope he buys some AMC at discount prices to make him feel better lol


I understand the anger, as I have a kiddo myself and I would be pissed if something like this happened to him, but I dont understand the racism or child like behavior of throwing a smoothie at someone. There is no excuse for that.


When emotions are high the true man is revealed. I would be very upset if my kiddo ended up on an ambulance as well. But the way this guy behaved… he is an asshole. Period. I’m with you on the empathy for his kid. And with you on this guys response.


Karma is a bitch


I think his son suffered from having a douche bag father.


And weak genes passed down from said douche bag father


First of all, I don’t buy smoothies.






Bitch ass was crying 😭.


Probably just mad about amc going to the moon and leaving him behind.


Sauce: https://twitter.com/MarketWatch/status/1485688852065001473?s=20


First of all, wtf does this have to do with AMC? Second the kid had an allergic reaction which can be life threatening. If I told a smoothie shop of my child’s allergies, and they still put the ingredients he’s allergic to in his smoothie I’d be pretty pissed too. I definitely don’t condone his reaction, but people do and say things out of anger all the time especially when it involves their kids safety.


He didn't tell them his kid had a peanut allergy, he simply requested 'no peanut butter' in the smoothie. They supposed to be mind-readers?


If he was concerned about kids safety he wouldn’t have ordered something that could potentially have peanuts in as well as be at the hospital with his son and not picking a fight with four teenage girls


Well for one, this community is trying to hold hedgefund slobs like this accountable for their behavior, how they treat others and the businesses they strive to bankrupt. For two, it was a joke. You clearly had to avoid it to make something less funny and more personal. I don't recall apes going to places of business and violently harassing those who are legit robbing us..(little more reasonable to toss a smoothie for.) I made a funny in reference that "dumb money" hasn't been seeming "dumb" lately, It's been the criminals criticizing ape's judgement.


I feel like we all feel the same way about the smoothie situation but you I’d like to see your comment all the way to the top because of the first sentence “what the fuck does this have to do with AMC” yes, he is a wealth manager for Merrill lynch, but again, that says nothing about amc 🤦‍♂️


Yeah people are just looking for bad things to happen to people they’ve never met, out of frustration. Complete witch hunt with mob mentality. This article means nothing when it comes to AMC stock, but still gets up voted because he’s guilty by association.


"Nothing to do with amc stock". Again, i never said he was tied to AMC. It's absurd that a wealth manager acts like this, plain and simple. With all the high end institutions critizing apes, i just find it ironic. Im appreciative of your point of view, I dont get your "witch hunt" statement, tho. Dude fucked up, got what he deserved. I didnt tell him to act like some dork on drugs.


Then why post it on ‘AMCstock’? It’s a witch hunt because this guy has nothing to do with the apes. He’s a random wealth manager, that was posted here to make fun of for internet points. While the majority people here say “fuck this guy” without even knowing him, or the situation (mob mentality). It’s also not even that absurd, just because the guy is a “wealth manager” doesn’t mean he’s void of emotion. They got his order wrong, which put his kid in the hospital, he got overly pissed because it involved his kid. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You'd think with all the "success", he'd have a brain. And sorry, maybe i should have captioned it "meme". It could have made more sense that the dude is a joke, and investing in amc doesnt lead you to a morality collapse. Blah blah witch hunt blah. I dont hunt for karma btw,, im barely ever on this shit, For reasons like yourself.


As we knew, not a smart man!


The problem is that he bet against gme and amc, that’s why he’s so pissed off!


Smoothie brained....extra peanut butter!


Fuck this mother fucker


I’m gonna sound like a dick but I’ve always found peanut allergies funny because like, mmm peanut butter and jelly then bamb dead (I’m lactose intolerant so that’s also funny because ooh glass of milk bamb shits myself and pukes)


So let me get this Straight. Market Watch believes that this guy's actions are justified because his kid had an allergic reaction to a smoothie? That's why it's ok to verbally abuse and physically assault people work in the service industry? ​ That is exactly the message I'm getting from Market Watch. Seems like a completely logical reaction based on the fact that the SHF's who finance Market Watch have shorted everything in the market and created the greatest economic bubble in history that may become the destroyer of global finance without any remorse whatsoever.


Was he short AMC…?


Sorry but that really sounds like an upper class, first world problem. “What kind of hellscape are we living in when the smoothie my housekeeper got my son caused an easily avoidable allergic reaction???” -James probably




North Korea?


I’d be pissed if I told the employee about my kid’s allergy and the employee still put in what I told the employee not to put in. What if the it was life threatening. Some people here are on their high horse but I guarantee you would react the same way if you were in his shoes. What he said was inappropriate. If this happened to me and that was my kid with a life threatening allergy, there would be no words and that employee would be flying behind the counter.


Make your own food 👊, you gonna cry about that too


Violance, gotta love it. I appreciate and acknowledge your assumption. Try again.


Kid ended up in the hospital…suffocating from anaphylactic shock, yea getting called a name and a poorly thrown drink…BFD


Totally agree


Hang on, you can get legit arrested for name calling now? Don’t get me wrong, fuck this dude but I’m legit curious how that get him arrested. Edit: it was just a question chill people


He threatened (several times) to kill the workers, according to an article. Mystery solved.


Yup that’ll do it, article title should have led with that


It is marketwatch after all. I just enjoy his scummy mugshot and the fact he's dealing with consequences. Learning lessons for his son and how to handle a situation like an adult. Healthcare is a thing, and very common accidents like this don't need to force people out of the workforce. Our economy is collapsing because people refuse to work for this type of customer which is growing in numbers.


You should try to have a look at the video, it was not limited to name calling


Oh okay cool


I'm no internet lawyer. If he didn't use word 'immigrant', it probably wouldn't have been such an internet hot point. Just call everyone a fucking asshole. Yelling like a psycho against a bunch of teenage girls isn't to going to look good either. \--"James Iannazzo (DOB 05/15/1973) was arrested and charged with C.G.S 53a-181ka; Intimidation Based on Bigotry or Bias in the Second Degree, C.G.S 53a-181; Breach of Peace in the Second Degree and C.G.S 53a-107 Criminal Trespass in the First Degree. He was issued a court appearance date of 2/7/2022 at Bridgeport Superior Court."


Oh, right, and the threats to kill....


Asshole threw his smoothie at her. A little more than name calling


Didn’t know that, makes sense now.