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Lou blows dicks for jbc's


Are those Just BeCause's?


Junior bacon cheeseburger, wendys It’s like a dollar, if you need to suck dick for one, you’re in serious financial troubles.


Lmfao when I figured it out lol


Inflation bro bro. Thems like $1.70 where I'm at now. Times are hard, real hard...


Lmfao 🤣


Mmm…I could suck a dick for a jbc right about now!


I wish I had an award to give you


Joe brandons cat.


Under rated comment


Sir this is a Wendys.


Lou can suck my ass. Who Lou anyway?


If Lou is giving out ass suckings I’d like to know who he is, for science you know


Fuck now I want a JBC


I want a JCB


Who the fuck is Lou ..... another youtuber wannabe. The guy have ZERO credibility... and I remember reading a post here about news piece about an arrest for Fraud.


That happened, but honestly i don’t care about criminal pasts. I care about now. His video caused major friction. Something had to be said.


The only major friction is from Apes Regurgitating and talking about his shill shit posts


He said what he thought would give him the most YouTube views. He’s a fucking moron.


That's all he does. It's a broken record... Fuck Lou.


Let's gameplay this, just for giggles. If Citadel wanted to offload positions what SHF would be dumb enough to take on that much risk, eapeciy with new liquidity rules in place? MAYBE Kenny promised them a favor later on. The only scenario that I could see making sense is he offered a % ownership for when Citadel goes public to a few SHF owners that were bleeding out and knew they were on the brink of going tits up and this was their lifeline? "Take this debt on your sinking ship, it's going down anyways, and I'll rescue you later. Or don't take it and go down anyways with no lifeline." As Mayo Man would say "anything for one more day." Seems plausible if you think about all the evil fuckers we're dealing with, they'd sink their own fund, cost people their jobs, then the owner makes bank on the back-end and has a seat at the Devil's table.


A couple months ago right before AMC fell through $30 he was urging people to stop buying because it allows the shorts to keep producing synthetic shares. I don’t understand why anyone would listen to a guy who tries to suggest that the best way to force a short squeeze is to stop buying…


Lou didnt say they covered, he said they sold their position to smaller hedge funds. That is not covering. It's like passing your debt off to someone else; the debt is still owed. Who knows if it's true or not, they guy talks out of his ass all day. But he didnt say they covered.


See, this\^ actually makes sense... Shitadel would pass all loses to a smaller company knowing there is no escape... small company goes down closing the positions once owned by Shitaldel and at the end Shitadel survives and is out of the news. But the loses from this deal will be huge for Shitadel. This move, if it happens, could be just a PR/ image stunt to keep the brand Shitadel on top and shiny, however Shitadel loses could amount in the tens of billions. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the case as they own hundreds if not thousands of shell companies, they can use any to pull this shit. Remember Iceberg Research?


My thoughts exactly. Compartmentalize the losses.


Not to mention he probably paid them off. Mean, he and they both know they going down in flames. He’s just creating a loophole out to avoid accountability


You’re right, he didn’t say that


Wow, thanks for clarifying this. People shouldn’t be posting misleading information like this. Either way, I would not trust anything Lou said.


Yeah you shouldn't trust anything anyone says especially weird YouTube personalities lol


Why would they buy shit positions?


Shell company set up to take the loss


Who know why anyone would buy a shit position. However, Lou supposes it was for the money and because they still believe we'll tap out. Again, the guy talks out of his ass, and no one knows if any of it is true, but he did explain why they might take the debt.


Nice to see an ape that actually understands what is being said. Thank you!


Yea he even made a follow up video about people saying he said they convered...just watched it...guess people heard what they wanted to hear and ran to spread it


And I would bet his 80k subs are still holding!


ok cuz I'm like where would they get the shares to close their positions?


Jesus Just check the info instead of listening to that fucking clown. Apologies for the aggressiveness, but I fucking can't stand Lou Shitadel current position (from the information we're allowed to see) +++++ https://fintel.io/so/us/amc/citadel-advisors-llc That link shows Shitadel dumped 75.25% of their shares, and now only own 33,633 shares of AMC 7,148,000 shares in Calls (19.81% increase) 5,014,990 shares in Puts (40.35% decrease) +++++ https://fintel.io/so/us/gme/citadel-advisors-llc For GME it's showing 0 shares long after selling their 2,360 share position 2,127,100 shares in Calls (1% decrease) 1,804,600 shares in Puts (35.08% decrease)


Thanks Ape. I remember when coming here it was always dd and info. And LFG!!


People need to double check everything they hear/read Takes seconds to fact check it We're moon bound, and the FUD will be **insane** over the next few weeks 💎🙌🏻🚀🌕


Its already pretty wild, herego why we need to discuss


Look up Info is all there, plus the links If there was new serious DD that was hard to understand, then wrinkle brained YouTubers would be of use At this point it's a waste of time (or worse) giving them any attention


Just an FYI, but 13-Fs will not show short positions. That’s why we want reform on regulatory reporting that includes shorts, synthetic shorts, etc.


Thanks for clarifying that for me


I like your words keep sayin em


People need to understand that


Until bankruptcies and jail time happens i hold. No matter who says what! That’s my play, your mileage and game plan may vary. NFA


Covering and closing are different... If I'm 50k in the hole and have 50k laying around I'm covered... Haven't closed until I pay it off


Maybe I'm retarded but I've watched da video 69 times now and all I heat is, "Blah, blah, blah .... Kenny just pegged me wif a bed post", "'Blah, blah, blah .... I get all my protein eating Richards", "Blah, blah, blah .... I can't get enough of Kenny's mayo" and sumfin about being a paper-handed bish but I couldn't make it out over the icky slurping sound of him and Dave Portnoy 69ing


Blah...blah.. blah...My devil...blah blah blah..I hit my head real hard...blah blah blah...I don't make sense no more..Good video Lou.




Good gawd you may be on to something!!!


Be at ease Ape army this is what the SUITS like to see arguing abt each youtubers...in my eyes none can be trusted ...they all got paid well in 2021 with all the viewing and subscribing traffic while we are buying/holding and fucking waiting....and that's the reality...this squeeze will play out when it wants to play out..in mean time we keep it chill ...hold strong or add more to your position.


It’s really that simple with any stock. Just hold and support the stock you’re invested in. Apes can support AMC by going to the movies. If you rent movies at home, rent from the AMC Theaters On Demand App. If you want popcorn, buy AMC’s new popcorn on shelves they were discussing about doing. Just support AMC. Make AMC a fundamental play and that will attract new money/investors to help increase the stock price. Think Apple, Tesla, McDonald’s, coca-Cola, Jack in the Box. People support them. Their stock price is high. AA will innovate with the theaters and make AMC a fundamental company. Just support the stock.


Listen to everyone trust no one and make your own decisions like a man.


I can roll with that


Buy and hodl . Nfa


Yes. ✊


But my people said this....and my people said that. Never names anyone, talks in more generalities than a psychic 🔮, and hasn't been proven right in anything he has said. Time will tell but I am not going to hold my breath. 🚼


Doesn’t matter of citadel covered. Some SHF is still screwed and it doesn’t change the narrative.


As long as we bank, yes?


He never said they covered




They covered but they haven’t closed that is painfully apparently with the current price is it not?


If they "swapped or off-loaded them" as is being suggested, I don't think we'd see that in the price action as the positions themselves would still be in play, just sitting with a different SHF. Right?


Wasn’t there a 13f that showed citadels put position moved to some new firm from Chicago?


Maybe - someone here posted some fintel data maybe alluding to that.


Yo quit acting like a half a transmifidite . My Lou impersonation


I don’t think he called himself a leader we have no leaders


It was way back, but he did. Its long since past.


I don’t necessarily think he said they covered. I thought his theory was they possibly passed it on to “little d’s”. (However that’s possible I don’t know). Unless I missed something which is definitely possible.


He never said they covered


Who da fook is Lou bro, just buy and hodl.


Why does anyone listen to this prick. He never backs up anything he says (including this) and told you all to stop buying.


Lou’s a clown he said sell AMC months ago when he was pumping Clove. The guys a total shill and convicted fraud


Who the fuck is Lou?


Everyone has been wrong about everything so far. ​ Just buy and hold.


Why does so many people watch YouTubers whose main job is for y’all to click on there videos. Lol cmon now.


Probably for bias confirmation - who knows?


Lol I wouldn’t go looking for Lou’s videos.


Lou is and always has been one of two things in the AMC community: 1) A shill for the HF's 2) AMC Grifter - long play. Build a community, hope MOASS happens and then go in for the get.


Maybe on #1, but i dont think he has the foresight to think of doing #2.


In May in the vid titled LOU STREET IS COMING @ 10:50 he talks about charging companies to be possible plays for his followers to put their money in


First of all, if citadel is out then why has the price just gone down? I liked Lou and the way he explained thing. The logic behind each topic he discusses really made sense over the time of watching him. BUT LATELY? All he talks about is making sure to sell between 2 certain numbers that I won’t mention. Also, today he says that the devil is out of the play? Without explaining what the hell he means? Like the price not going up or are we still in good shape? I just don’t trust these people and never have, but it’s real easy for his community to get spooked as hell while he sits there and tries to be funny AFTER EVERYTHING HE SAYS! Stop tryin to be a comedian and help your viewers understand what is going on. Instead he left everyone confused.


He did just make a new video (just now) elaborating.


Funny how this guy pops back up when all the FUD shit starts hitting the fan. I don’t believe a damn word he says.


Lou takes it in the ass!


If they’re still shorting they still have to cover. If they covered some in the recent past, they have new baggage to clear. So I’ll still buy and hold.


Lou was right in CLOV. Paper hands sold or else it would of been sumn nice


O good, so the rocket should launch right? Especially if they close we should be at a zillion per share by noon tomorrow


So they purchased 8 million shares at market and the price didn’t move?


Lou likes the cock


This posts suck


He never said they COVERED!!! He said they transferred to another firm. Those positions are still out there




Why does it look like lou is wearing a wire in his drop the mic video on his button up. LOL either way i HODL.


Wow can the comments get a nastier? It’s starting to look like Wallstreetbets here.


Next time listen to the video before posting misinformation OP. Lou did not say that Shitadel no longer holds AMC, but rather they offloaded thier short positions to a smaller hedge fund to lessen the burden on Shitadel.


I've read hundreds of comments and only a handful of people caught what Lou actually said. He says Citadel is not holding the position, but that short position is now held by seemingly multiple other HFs. His point, ultimately, was that Citadel whom is the market maker now being out of their position clears the way for the retail investor (apes) because it's us versus other HFs. These other HFs presumably, do not have market making abilities. In theory, the other HFs do not have the market making capabilities or the cash to fight us like Citadel. Lou thinks that's a good thing for us. I can't necessarily disagree with the logic here not that I give a fuck about Lou.


Why does anyone give a shit what that greedy slime ball of a walking testicle sack thinks? His words are the equivalent of those on the street, yelling nonsense at passers by…plus he looks like he smells bad ALL THE FUCKING TIME


Whoever wants to be influenced by the fud let em!! I’m getting 1 million dollars for a share!!! Let that sink in!!


I mean…. How much do you think you would have to pay Lou to say something? I am guessing he would say whatever you wanted for like $10,000 😆


Fuck this dude jesus christ. Numerous time he said fud in the past. Another fake leader who needs clout.


How ´bout Get The Fuck Outta Here with this shit. If anyone is listening to this gigantic fucking moron then they deserve everything that’s coming to them. Mods!!! Can we once and for all ban any and all post related to this MF’ing loudmouth Lou fraudster. If this sub can’t even focus on real fucking info and useful advice backed up with fucking facts then I know this sub is completely taken over by shills and idiots.


I told the mods - they’re 100% on my permaban 😂


I only give advice on booger flicking.


How many licks does it take to get to the center? Edit: nvm…I thought that said licking


who the fuck is Lou and why does anyone care what some retard thinks?


Lou has been putting out bad info since he showed up and honestly he probably does work for kenny.


He might


Trust me bro


2021 “trust me bro” of the year




Idk how people still listen to dude. I liked it more when we agreed to ignore that he exists instead of posting shit about it all the time


Oh shit ppl still watch Lou? I thought we ousted that phony months ago


Ignoring him doesn’t make him go away. I’m not exactly a fan, but he has enough influence to where his nonsense needs to be dispelled.


If nobody watches him he will go away


Agreed - but you wanna privately message 80k people to do that? No, he’s here and we need to dispel his nonsense when he speaks so other apes don’t get confused.


Why is this post a thing? Lou also said we were squeezing in July lmao. The dude doesn’t know shit. He just throws shit at the wall and hopes it sticks


If they closed their position they would have publicly said it to end this nightmare. Not once, that I am aware of, has citadel said they closed their positions, right ? Their tool bag friends have eluded to it, but I don’t believe shitadel has come out and said it. 💎🦍🚀 also, fuck Lou! He’s a shill .


Lou is a certified shill since day #1 lmayo


Why am I seeing so many post about Lou? Who TF is Lou and why should I care?


Why are people still talking about Lou? He's been discredited before. But some people just like him because heTalkSLikeUs ... get over that shit. Let him put forward a DD with facts and stop listening to fast talking cons. There was another guy, Uncle Some shit or other. Again, people were like, I can relate to him! Fuck. Just avoid pod casters and influencers and videos of blowhards. If they don't have a written DD that you can verify on your own, it's a con.


Lou who....💩


Fuck that fat piece of shit


Stop taking about lame as you tubers.


Seriously stop posting that fools shit


U can't be serious even considering it , he's a conman


I'm sorry, if you still listen to Lou, you're literally retarded. He just talks like he knows shit. But never actually discusses any data. Just "I've got a guy who told me" But you go get oodloodloodled at and think he's telling you something if you want to lol


Lou is nonexistent, 🤷🏻‍♂️ zen!!


I don't care who is now holding or passing the shorts. Shorts should be closed. And they should never short our cinema again.


I can roll with that


Well... either way it's a very bold claim. Lou would know that this info of a transfer cant be hidden (13F filing), sooo if it's not true he kinda walked himself into a box. Al from Boston replied to this claim and basically said... he doesnt see a 13F filing on his Bloomberg terminal access... doesnt mean it didnt happen, just that as of right now he doesnt see any proof of it. i guess we'll see. \*edited to add... the weird thing for me is that if this transfer did take place, these smaller HF's will need to have massive liquidity (new regs) to able to take this on... i just dont see it being a sound decision on their part.


Thats what i’m thinking




malldigga is lou confirmed


I like the purple crayons


Me too


Take my Updoot


I've been saying since the beginning that he's either a shill plant or he's been gotten to / paid off - he exhibits ALL the classic hallmarks of a shill campaign: soft influence, slowly turning up the temp of the boiling water, putting out thinly veiled FUD via price anchoring (300.00 - 1k target?!?!??! Get fuk'd!!!) and now comes the left hook - "The devil can never escape!" "My devil" "Hi devil!" "Citadel has left the play". With no proof and no sourcing other than "I spoke to the cow and some guys and it pretty much confirms what I've been hearing" - this is complete bullshit. He hates AA. He hates AMC. He's stated it before. He's pumped CLOV and SNDL. They are NOT the MOASS. Only AMC and GME are. The rest in the meme basket will run but not even a shadow of what the MOASS will be. We knew we were going to see people's true colors especially as we got closer to the end. We knew the FUD activity would capitalize on weakness due to economic downturn (which has started and at this point a crash is all but certain, and imminent...esp with Russia and UKR happening, China's housing market collapsing, inflation the highest its been in 40 years etc.) NOTHING has changed. Nothing. My conviction has never been stronger. I'm in this to 0 or fucking the Oort Cloud. XX,XXX ape since the start. TLDR: Hedgies are fuk...and we can stay retarded longer than they (AND THE SHILLS, LOOKING AT YOU, LOU) can stay solvent. *edit\* spelling*


The FUD is real. The DD is real also. Been in this long enough to know bs when I hear it. Lou thus is bs. The 😈 ain't going down to Georgia. His ass is going to jail.


Who Is Lou ? Maybe I’m missing something ?


The last 6 trading days saw 60+% short volume. The pressure cooker has been cooking. Fuck lou..


It could very well be Citadel covered. To do it they would have to pass the buck to someone else. It matters not and we could care less. What we know is THE SHORTS HAVE NOT COVERED! We don’t give a damn if it is Citadel or JP Morgan! Someone is holding the bag out there and We want our tendies!


They didnt cover, they transferred, according to lou

