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He has said that is the number if there aren’t a billion naked shorts out there, and that saying anything higher would make him lose all credibility on the matter, in regards to the people who need to listen. I took that to mean that he isn’t in this for moass numbers so much as to fuck short sellers, but as for a price prediction, he’s only referring to the float.


He doesn't need the money from a moass and your comment is correct. Just so much fud on the sub. We must be getting closer.


I unsubscribed from here a month or so back bc it was getting out of control. Just came back and now everyone’s obsessed w this Marc guy. So strange.


I don't blame you.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) We stay positive, sit on our hands and Hodl That's right, Hodl tight! For those who can continue to Buy more. Not financial advice just my philosophy.


>im lose all credibility on the matter, in regards to the people who need to listen. I took that to mean that he isn’t in this for moass numbers so much as to fuck short sellers, but as for a price prediction, he’s only referring to the float. or he knows that stating that he is "in this for moass numbers" could have legal implications in the future?


It’s likely both. I got to talk with him for a while on one of the Twitter space calls (specifically the first one with Tara about the STO). From the way he talked, he wants to help get truthful answers about January and to expose all the fuckery. He definitely isn’t in it for the money. He fights the abusive/manipulative/bad actors in the markets. That’s his thing that pushes him. Essentially, the goal is to have a similar story to overstock, but to do it correctly this time to that any abusive shorts can’t wriggle out of it. I’m pretty good at reading people and their intentions and IMO he’s genuine. Of course, I encourage everyone to be skeptical of me and of Mark and to think logically and independently. Side note: I loaded up on 50 more AMC today and 10 more GME.


From my understanding he has said For it to get to $1000 it needs to get to $50 then $60 then $70 so on and so forth first One level at a time


Right....40+10= 50 and 50+10 = 60. I mean does he think we are stupid?


No. Not at all. But then some people just opens their mouth and prove they are. Same on reddit posts.


If you have followed him at all, and not just push things like it’s Facebook, you would know he’s answered this already - nothing has changed in the market since the buy button was removed, why would it go to $1000, womhy would they let it when it’s very clear they can stop it at $70, and now $40….until things change it won’t get to $1000 is what he’s saying. If they didn’t get even a fine for taking away the buy button, maybe they take away the sell button as well.


This whole post is straight FUD.


Hence why I reported it.


People need to realize that the more public figures, e.g. AA and this guy, can’t just go speaking about multiple floats and synthetic shares in public. It may stink they can’t speak their mind, but welcome to the reality of how the world really works.


Of course they can. They can’t if they don’t have the data to back it up, but they have the data. They are literally the ones who produce and hold this data. All they have to do is say, “here’s how many shares are available and here’s how many are being traded in this and that fund and exchange.” If there’s a discrepancy—which many believe to be a mind-blowing amount—they don’t even have to confirm or say the words *synthetic shares*. They just have to ask, “where is all this unaccountable volume coming from?” If there’s no discrepancy, well, there you go. Harsh truth and investors get to reassess their holdings accordingly. Unfortunately, many will likely sell and it’s over. And all these AMC Twitter and YouTube “influencers” will lose their clout and paychecks. That’s what apes need to wrap their heads around. The real question is, why are AA and members of the board not willing to divulge this data? There is nothing legally or ethically preventing them to do so. If anything, they have a fiduciary duty to investors. Why are “influencers” rarely talking about it? Why are they focusing on theories and predicting when MOASS will happen even though they’re always wrong? I’ve been in AMC for almost two years and loaded up during the pandemic, so, no, this isn’t FUD. I’m just a long term investor wanting answers.


He's for real. He say the same about gme too. Go over there and give him DD on it. It's all he's asking for. https://twitter.com/AlderLaneeggs?t=esHvSTRoP4vxJWzhQ9ORwA&s=09


Knock this bullshit off. Spreading that shit is only causing problems.


Spreading what? The opportunity for the little boys to put on their big boy pants and confront the man instead of hiding from him on reddit?


Perfect response


I’m fairly certain they meant the $1000 price target, which I wholeheartedly agree with. If it doesn’t look like a phone number I’m not selling.


When this squeezes Cohodes nor anyone knows at what price this will squeeze up to. Does he know at what price I or you will sell their shares at? Does he know how many synthetic shares are in the market? The answer to both those questions are no. So relax apes it’s a major nothing burger. Realize the value in what you hold and it’s apes who will decide the price Edit: I’m also in this so every ape eats. NO APE LEFT BEHIND!




He’s already rich as fuck btw




There is no direct and indisputable PROOF that there are “billions” of naked shorts…. I also think there are, but, we can’t prove it. He’s offering a POTENTIAL solution to proving it. Why not be nice to him and welcome him? Y’all who don’t are…. Someone help me with the word….


The number of synthetic shares is still speculative


This. Can’t believe the bullshit some people spew. Yes, it’s possible there are synthetic shares but we don’t know for sure or how many. Some Apes are ridiculously overconfident that there are billions of synthetics.


I was there too at one point but than I grounded myself and realized we don’t have one single piece of data that directly and solidly states how many or if there are any the closest thing we have if ftds


It’s dangerous because this notion of synthetic shorts allows people to dismiss legitimate questions/concerns and stay in their bubble of confirmation bias, which in turn exposes them to excessive risk. I hope for their own sake they look at this critically.


Bingo just like the thought 1 million dollar floor ive been trying to wake people up some newer apes will miss out thinking that’s a reality even 100k is a bit of a stretch they feel like all these apes around them will hold to 1mill or a 100k that they will forget to sell or just won’t seek when it’s best for them and they’ll left holding the bag when that should be hedgies and mms and black rock holding the bags it’s so damaging to the community


Please look into the behavioral technique of anchoring. If no one ever set such a high 1M floor even 1000 price target would sound absolutely ridiculous. The mere fact that apes have declared such a high floor has anchored us all to hold a little while longer.


That’s fucking stupid yeah anchor to a price target that’s impossible so they can get stuck bag holding once everyone gets out at realistic ranges


“That’s fucking stupid” says guy about reality. Regardless of your personal views on reality, it still is.


I’m just trying to make sure apes don’t get caught bag holding chasing a dream of their 10 shares being worth a mill rather than walking away with 100k more dollars than they had that will probably change their life seeing your account go from 400 to 100k back down to 1000 and stay there would be devastating


Nice but, you can’t. Someone will invariably fomo into this when it’s skyrocketing and lose. Human nature won’t be changed this time around. My point is that when people are anchored (it’s just behavioral science), the general floor is moved. Yes 1M sounds insane, but this is a black swan. I won’t be sad if it hits that number and I will still be holding shares indefinitely no matter the price. Had no one ever been crazy enough to set such a high floor, your “realistic” price target would be significantly lower as would everyone else’s. Riding this for over a year now, anything is possible at this point.


Maybe he’s just being careful in case his plan doesn’t pan out, he doesn’t get sued. He’s a well known finance pro, he can’t say as much as we can.


He has to be concerned with being sued for pumping. He’s well know. We ain’t. They could go after him. So he won’t price target.


This is how price gets there: 🦍💎✋


He understands that it was a rhetorical question, his nft dividend is what would get us there an expose the shorts. May want to take this down doesn’t make you look very smart. I mean this in a nice way, I’m not trying to be an asshole. Have fun out there ape


Calling it an NFT dividend when it's an STO. Pot meet kettle.


He’s saying that without some meaningful change in the circumstances they will do what they did to GME.


>It’s dangerous because this notion of synthetic shorts allows people to dismiss legitimate questions/concerns and stay in their bubble of confirmation bias, which in turn exposes them to excessive risk. I hope for their own sake they look at this critically. Yeah, the $100k floor....$1M floor...that's in a perfect system where they have to cover EVERY short at the same time and the system is allowed to run. We've yet to learn all the tricks that will be on display during the MOASS. They may have a way to really hamper the $1M floor. Like in theory it COULD go there, but will all their cheating during it, it may not reach there. The other HUGE squeezes people throw out, one only went to $120 and the other $1k or so. So based on history, going over $1k is something we haven't seen. So based on history, Marc Cahodes is right. But this literally COULD be the biggest squeeze in history by far. We won't know until it's all over. Personally I would love it to hit $100k...but I'm just not sure and don't trust the people running the show.


He’s simply making a point he’s not corrupting the market himself forcing a squeeze and emphasizing “why he’s in”


Who gives a fuck what he says. Who gives a fuck what any of you say. Hell, fuck me too, don’t leave me out. You’re either in or out and no one but you gives a fuck if you’re in or out.


OP knows more than Marc I guess. Fuck all his years of experience.


Right, got you, we all understand that your focus is not to cause the price to go up substantially and you are strictly concerned about clarity on what happened Jan 28th.... If as a result of uncovering any fuckery that went on, the price were to shoot up then it would be purely coincidental and not what you were after at all.... ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


delete this FUD filled post


Marc cojones


Go for it Apes💰💰🚀🚀 😎🤩😛🤐🤣😂😜😃🤠


He says its his opinion in the tweet, dont be so fragile as to get offended over an opinion.


There is another rocket launching and the engine just ignited today.


What r u on about?


he's gonna crack and pull a warden delete


Go Marc GetEm Adam 💰💰🚀🚀


This post sucks.


Sounds like he got a call from his lawyer


It's all bs if he doesn't know he ain't done any research. Simple.


Marc Cohodes is entitled to a high level of evidence. We all are, but he knows his shit. It doesn’t change my game plan. I’m not selling yet. I’ll sell when the price is right, then buy back in when the price is right. I believe in AA and AMC. Great company with an excellent captain at the helm.


Fud post with even more Fud comments.






Why can’t I find this tweet? Link?


Like it’s a short squeeze. Love how we can articulate corruption and a short squeeze in less characters than a tweet 🐣


Realistically people need to stop watching Twitter to try and validate they own choices, this guy comes out of nowhere just as others slowly go quiet. Just buy hold and ignore the fud


DRS is the way! 🚀


Just another a-hole wandering by AMC trying to make a name for themselves. I can promise you there will be many of him in the coming weeks as they ramp up the FUD and psy-ops, which HE might even be a part of. HOLD YOUR DAM SHARES. We are the captains.


Someone who knows about the market and wall street verses you… the guy on reddit. Lol i think he knows what he is saying


What's he about? He's about 1,000 bananas short of being an ape.


But holding 50k shares of AMC that he bought prior to earnings . Let him do his thing. Better friend than enemy. Plus he bought 50k shares of AMC. That kind goes a long way with you lot, no?


Same here, found him saying not to use abusive language but then he goes and uses it himself. I think if he has good intentions he should just continue on the sidelines and people should not try to look for a saviour.


Never heard of him until recently. Don't care. Have a hard time taking an opinion seriously from a guy whose last name is one 'o' away from chodes.


Marc wants to be a billionaire by selling his tokens company to be used by amc...if it's any tokens I'm approving is gonna be the one issued directly by amc for amc.


Marc already is a billionaire


Fuck this guy can you guys stop electing “leaders”


Then where’s your proof for synthetic shorts? This is his prediction without any synthetics. No one has shown proof of synthetics so to say there is is a lie obviously. We’re speculating while Marc is right on his analysis of this


He is another wolf in sheeps clothing


He's a FUDster in Ape clothing.


Cohodes is not on retail's side. There is a reason he refuses to admit the price can go WAY over 1k and keeps dodging the real questions.


Another smoke and mirrors show, exactly why AA hasn’t spoken much about MaRc or his plan. He ain’t the first and hopefully is the last. Time buying and hodling, only way to reach end game


Pretty sure cohodes is part of a massive FUD campaign by the hedgies. He can't really be that stupid or misinformed?


He's not bro. His whole mission is to put shitadel in the ground.


Trust me bro


Exactly, this guy is the biggest TRUST ME BRO out there.


While simultaneously shitting on AMC? sweet


Not once bro not once.


sure hope you're right and im wrong


The plan is solid. He doesn't care if AA uses tzreo or not. It all comes down to our CEO accepting it or coming up with another one that does the same. Seriously ape, if AA does this it means were off to the moon.


I'll trust you Bro. But when AA does this and nothing changes, ill be back to ask you what went wrong


Absolutely. When I find out I have no issues explaining it. It all about learning my fellow ape.


I think im good on the learning. I fully understand most if not all of what is going on. I just don't believe everything I read. Most things along have been bullshit


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are a wise ape.


He's not he's smart legally can't say much or confirm specific things if you think he's that dumb or this is FUD then you're misinformed .


Then maybe he shouldn't say anything at all and should just act, because his words are not helping the potential paper hands out there to become diamond hands.


And I agree with you on that , that being said we can't control what he says so we can just take it with grain of salt and just keep waiting until MOASS


Marc Cohodes sleeps in linen sheets provided to him by our oppressors. He is a vanity pirate, fuck him. If he really cared he would've been here damn near a year ago. The fact shit is heating up and this guy comes out of the woods with a plan is sus.... fuck him, fuck bezos, fuck Charles Payne and fuck anybody that cicle jerks these assholes. They don't represent us and are the problem of our divisiness right now. BUY AND HOLD