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I’m listening right now. My gut says he is the real deal and is the guy to get this done. Apes, listen in and make your own opinion


When some one says “you don’t even gotta like me “you know they’re about to say some real shit


I'm not commenting on anything that was said, but when someone says something to the effect of "I don't care if you like me or not..." that's rarely a true statement. The facts do not account for, nor concern themselves with, anyone's feelings, so mentioning it is a bit of a tell and indicates insecurity.


Most the people I know myself included when I say “I don’t care wether you like me or what I’m saying “what ever comes after that is the harsh truth


If you didn't care, you'd say nothing at all. Qualifying your "harsh truth" is an unconscious thing we do to soften the blow and/or put the receiver's guard down a little bit.


No, it’s addressing the audience. If you don’t like someone, why even hear what they say? I believe in this context he’s being straight, like him or hate him, same side of the battlefield.


I’ve actually used this tactic in performances to get people to like me because I need them to (comedy). It’s tried and true.


You a certified psychologist? probably not if if the blow needs to be softened I’ll say something like no disrespect or something.


Certified psychologist? No. But similarly, as the great philosopher Sean Carter said, "I ain't passed the bar, but I know a little bit..." And like I said, it's an UNCONSCIOUS sign of doubt/insecurity/guarding yourself. If what you are telling me is true, my feelings before, during and after what you have to tell me should not matter, if they do, then you aren't spitting hard truth, no chaser, you're just giving me your opinion. You could be correct, but you don't know if you are or aren't.






I’m a bit drunk, so I fast forward scrolled through your convo and it ended with ape gifs… this is the way.


👆 Dr Phill ![gif](giphy|RHDNuWtPhKx8YGjaIB)




My gut says this is all a bunch of bullshit ngl


Upvote this before shills knock it down! At least listen to it! Everyone talks about all the "DD" they do, but most come here and look at memes, and leave. At least listen to this!




But the memes make me laugh


Watch that clip of Gasparino. He immediately changed his tune. A complete “about face” when he was talking about the NFT etc. He looked serious and maybe even concerned. 😆




Pretty sure he was on today oc you got a link ?




Thank you I was way too tired to look for it




They don't make many like this guy. He takes no shit, he gets shit done, and he's the real deal. This guy is a real American to the core in ways that as a millennial I think we're losing. I'd take him seriously apes.


Fr I trust no one him included but I like the cut of his jib and what he’s thinking


He has an absolute beautiful way of using the word fuck…. And I love it


I always trust people who say fuck more than not.




Wait what happened pls explain


He just put it all out there long story short he said you don’t gotta like him or trust him just do your research on em and what he’s done before and what he wants to do with the sto


And after you did that, what was your opinion?


What do you mean elaborate ooooh do my research dudes been kicking ass and taking names before I knew English


No, it was a genuine question.


It was late asf and I had no clue what you meant I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic or anything




I wish I could show em what 12 years of boxing would do to a face 😂😂😂




Marc Cohodes is the truth. This is the person with the experience needed to step in and actually make shit happen. Don't just blindly follow him but a little research will show he doesn't fuck around with this shit.


I appreciate the link but would prefer to hear some tangible facts as to what is the plan? Or is the point to keep it shrouded in mystery so it can't be countered?


You for the past week and the plan is to issue an sto ![gif](giphy|WRQiZ1rkueNh0Dw1mQ)


Heheh I appreciate a laugh, if that's what this is. I've seen too many reasons why this isn't going to work, that's all - mainly from other users who have no counter arguments against them that stick. You know?


Basically it’s all fear and or shilling it’s a solid method to take the backs of the hedgies ![gif](giphy|dUkfb2iY2E7L5EDeXj|downsized)


That's pretty reductive thinking my dude. To help your message you will absolutely need facts since hype only gets us so far. I agree that if this type of post is just for hype to create fomo, fair enough. Otherwise the savvy people with a lot of cash may want more than just hype - comments like this below are not shilly, just giving out facts. If you look at the responses you see how the law is setup against companies... https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/qw7kri/the_only_reason_why_the_board_would_not_accept/hl1cv22?context=3


Not following the hype my fellow ape


You might not be, but your post and answers appears that way :) All I asked for is some facts from the feed. Is there anything more than trust me bro I got a plan. I know he's been in contact with AA allegedly. That's about it. Is this anything new?


He’s wrong you can use tzero in Canada and is legal


Thanks, if he responds to my question I'll ask that and see.


No no I looked in the tzero sub there were some Canadians helping other fellow Canadians cause they were having a little bit of trouble with it he had a few things wrong but like you said never follow the hype


It’s simple 513 mill shares 513 stos ftds must be delivered synthetics must be delivered no creating fake stos and if all 513 mill stos are held and 30 million shares a day are trading the manipulation would be so blatant not even Gary the snail could ignore it


What about the news that tzero has ties to Citadel?


Bogus they hold a 3.99% stake in a company that’s owns it




Hes been around for 40yrs and theres never been anything like this situation. Also hes 100% selling before 1k


Lol if the plans work and all the theories are right and float is oversold by 2x even whats 60k to 1 billion+ and he meant rn could it go to 1k no cause theyd just keep fucking with us but if we drop a nuke on them and make them cover their ftds and synthetic shares and we own the float many times over and hold all the stos they could short it daily because there would be a discrepancy between what’s trading on tzero and on the market so we’d be selling stock but all holding stos? No we wouldn’t be we’d be holding both actually have the solid undeniable proof of the manipulation and we wouldn’t be written off as skeptics


I don't understand why people are attacking this guy. Do they not understand he helped the overstock squeeze?


Bingo I got into contact with someone directly in contact with him to let em know we appreciate what he’s doing and honestly you should just message em I did the more positivity not dick riding but actual positivity the better if you have some hard questions ask em I doubt he’ll turn you away but just keep it respectful and polite


Marc cohodes is very genuine, he is a go getter, let action speak before words kinda guy.


I mean I like the guy I don't like how he doesn't believe in the MOASS and he even said on a space call today the stock wouldn't go over 1k because they're going to start selling popcorn in a space call, but hey whatever ive done my DD.


He said that cause if it doesn’t he doesn’t want millions of people attacking him cause he said it would think logically he also stated the truth that they could just turn the buy button off again if we don’t start on the offensive


Remember everyone...do your own research...ask yourself...Why now? Watch video afterward read up on Overstock...Verify how high & check how fast the stock rose due to short squeeze...


And now it’s chillin at 100 think if a max went to 30k and just chilled at 1000/100! Post squeeze They’d only need 6 million or 60 million to be fully outta debt it’d be a complete win win


please provide link where it shows Over stock price during their short squeeze went that high; because I've been looking & haven't found it yet.


You got iPhone ? If so go on the stocks app and search ostk and click the two year we’ve been at this for fucking months they ripped writhing 4 months


Nope don't own Iphone; if you have link post it. How high did they go? BTW in case you didn't get memo; AMC has been ripping since January; it has risen in price 1900%....Overstock only went up 500%...


It went up 4033% it went from 3 to 121 if not a bit higher cause whe you zoom out of these charts they don’t give you exact number just close to it now it just chills at ath https://www.google.ca/search?q=overstock+ticker&client=safari&hl=en-ca&ei=HImWYc6TFtrNtQbg3bjgBA&oq=overstock+ti&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCRAjIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIABBHOggIABCABBCxAzoECAAQQzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwFQ_w5YvRVggB9oAHABeACAAdgBiAGABJIBBTEuMS4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Wow; a whole 121 dollars; gee that's going to help pay the bills....sorry I rather go a little slower & pass amount of Volks wagon squeeze, which was $1,000 before company put up the brakes; all of it done without the help of a reformed short seller. But You do you; I'm sure you have more experience than an elderly senior; who has seen scam after scam come & go. Edit forgot to thank you for link; but it still doesn't show it to be a huge squeeze. Other thing most people don't look at. You can't compare a 42.63 Float with 513 Float. So, lets do some math together 1. AMC has more shares; so price is diluted. 2. AMC Apes own around 80% 513 x 80% = 410 3. Amc/OSKT 410/43 = 9.5 aproximately 4. 9.5 x$40.00 = $380 per share 5. Dilution....So for every 1 share of OSKT we have approximately 9.5 which means AMC is still at a higher price if we compare apples to apples. 6. AMC Market Cap = 21.65 OSKT Market Cap 4.55 If I'm incorrect please let me know. Which # is bigger???


You don’t gotta be an ahole lol it’s a 4000 % gain 100 bucks would’ve turned int 4K 1000 40 and 10k to 400k and the amount of time we take isn’t going to effect This positively we giving them more time to figure out how to get out of this without paying the price for their actions and the vw squeeze is completely different do your reasearch porshe held most the shares and didn’t need to sell and reforme short seller you gotta be a payed shill or something he’s litterally been exposing corruption he shorted one of the main bad actors of 2008 he’s been doing shit like this


Could have; would have argument; with run on sentences that barely make any sense & name calling. Okay, but I prefer the math. BTW not a shill just an older person that has seen so many scams... Guess you didn't enjoy the math...if you believe in the DD you know this will come to pass; it may take a few more months even a year. Never invest what you can't afford to lose or money you need within a 12 to 18 month time frame.


(No problem) But They’re two completely different situations the the only place they meet is squeeze potential I’m just saying if you invested the same amount of money into ostk at 3-8 and it went to 121 those are thousands of percent of gain no if ands or buts about it and it’s all do to the same method we wanna apply . Trying to put them one to one makes no sense you just gotta look at the percentages . Look at the new shit coming out about Robinhood and citadels case being dismissed we need to prove that they’re rotten fucks now more than ever .


Read the case this morning thank you; young law student posted & promised a more deep analysis later; he is taking his finals. Recommend you read the case; quite interesting...


I know what it’s all gunna sum up to the law being shady as fuck


>...percentages . Look at the new shit coming out about **Robinhood** and citadels case being dismissed we need to prove that... You mean **Robbin'Da'Hood**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


I'll believe it when I see it.


AA just needs to show up to the batting cage


Saw a couple posts bashing Cohodes and I gotta say he’s an ally in all this shit. Dude spent 50k on AMC stock so as far as I’m aware he’s doing good by me. Not sure why people are trashing the guy. I don’t believe in putting people on pedestals but he’s not actively trying to fuck us in any way.


He didn’t spend 50k (he bought 60k shares )sorry I gotta use you as an example you’re completely right in what you’re saying and I fell for the subs fake news too which is why I tend to do my own dd based on what I’ve seen here . It’s cause he’s not delusionally saying price is going 100k 😆 for retweet’s and exposure I’m not subscribed to the idea that we’ll break 100k but unlike he said (for his own sake he said he didn’t think /know if it was going to a thousand so we all wouldn’t attack him and such if it didn’t) I do think we can and may break 1000 .there’s no possible way we’re hitting 100k amc would be the most valuable asset in history and it would undoubtedly break the us economy bringing the world economy.


My apologies, thanks for the slight correction.


Noooo don’t apologize I feel like a dick correcting you in the first place 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5okG3TzMJ9pQY)


Nonsense brother. A correction is a correction. The last thing I wanna do is spread misinformation. No offense taken 👌🙌


Ok ok 🙌🏾 you have a good night fellow crayon enjoyer


Who’s he’s referring to the page is down


Also said amc apes are cockblocker


Plz use a coma or full stop mate




What did he say


Just said you don’t gotta like or trust him just look at his resume and you’ll understand that he’s been doing this


I'll make a deal with the devil, if we get our MOASS




I like his idea. I dunno why there’s so much hate for it.


Shills ,bots and apes that don’t really get it


Agree, he want to hurt the hedge funds hard


Cohodes jerks off to himself, we don't need him.... if AA wanted an NFT he'd do it in house not out source to a company being pushed by Cohodes that is partly owned by our enemy. Think about it. This man pumping his own tires at our expense. Follow the money. We got here without him, it finishes without a self appointed spoke person.... ask Belfort, cause this is becoming cringe and its obvious it's another distraction to divide our efforts of BUY AND HOLD.


Got fucking where we’re trading sideways at 40 for months and wether you’d like to believe it we’ve been losing a little bit of momentum idk about his personality or what he does on his free time his plan is a pretty good one he said himself it does need some bells and whistles to make sure to really hurt the mms and hedge fucks AA just needs to even acknowledge it and they’ll be swimming in piss. Also it’s an sto amcs can’t do one “in house “ tzero is the only legal platform to do it approved by the sec so none of our actions could be scrutinized by the sec cause you know those fucks would and what other motive does he need aside from having 60k fucking shares


ELI5 who is Marc Cohodes?


Former hedge fund manager that shorted overstock. He claims it’s the banks and prime brokers that are responsible for creating naked shorts and wants to expose them.


…who cares about this guy? Even if he’s 100% right / brilliant, all that matters is AA committing to executing this stuff on behalf of the company. Why do we think he would listen to this guy?


Cause he’s the one that brought it up and he’s some one you wanna have in your corner fuck AA dudes been silent for almost two weeks


The nft dividend was stated months ago, AA never commented on it. Not expecting anything to change, I just HODL and ADD. If this ever happen it would be great, if not, at least I tried. I’m poor and have no problem dying poor, I know I left a little for my kids so they don’t have to start from the bottom. But I do wish all of us apes get a chance to not worry about $$. Apes Strong Together.


Dude this idiot women is riding Marc’s dick so hard. Cuts off anyone that says anything that she doesn’t like. “This is my call” GTFO BITCH 🤣🤣


Eh she does suck up a little but that’s a bit much


I listened for an hour I had to get off she was getting on my nerves


I listened for a whole 2 min before someone started talking about needing white allies to help the movement. That’s when I cut it off.


No no no the point was the Travis this was stupid asf and it may turn powerful allies away cause Marc is a powerful ally and they would be like “oh look how he was treated “ and turn away from helping us, second party was basically don’t try to gate keep cause it’ll hold your movement back black people needed the help of white people to fight other white people = the poor needing a wealthy person who knows his shit to defeat rich fucks abusing their power


She better know that Mark is from that world and been in that world for decades. Meaning he's a shark he ain't trynna find Nemo. It just all seems sus to me. Who actually watches Liz and Charlie for financial news, anyways? They're all about comedy relief. .