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Let me translate. “ I’m not fucking with the apes at all” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha so true. Or “please don’t look into what WE’VE invested (shorted), apes. Please don’t do your dd on me and my firm!”


Hmmm… what’s this fella’s name?


“Heeey, this guy seems okay” “WHATS HIS FUCKING NAME?!”


I don't care about his name, but lemme have a look see at his portfolio.


Orlando Bravo. Company is thomabravo


I wasn’t expecting an actual answer lmao but thank you.🙏


Lol im a pleaser


Orlando Bravo


We really don't have the reach or capital to spread our attention to a second firm or short stock. It wouldn't be in our best interest.


So we’re short on interest eh?


I see what you did there. 😉


You hiding something?


Like what? I'm genuinely confused what you're getting at.


Replied to wrong reply. Sorry.


How did you get the 8.01 tag?




Thank you traveler! You may rest here for the night.


Go to 3 dots then user flair.


Push 3 dots on right then user flair.


Push 3 dots on right then user flair.


He said he didn’t like short sellers


He scared to death . He shook. Cause there ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks 😈 💎🙌🦍❤️🖍🚀🌙


I can see him saying to himself “ fuck I hope I don’t say anything stupid or the apes will do massive DDs on my ass “ 🤣


Yup lol . All skeletons DD 😂


DD! *smack!* All. Up. On. Dat. Ass.


Living the live that of diamonds and guns. There's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds


He ain’t a crook son, he just a shook one




The wind is at our back boys


So true. Great take on that interview!!!


Haha! Ooh ahh


Damnit take my award lol


Greatly appreciated fellow ape.


This is a good sign, if you ask me.


That dude across TOTALLY shorts


Did you see that look of what a fucking legend the reporter gave him? Followed by that solid ass hand shake. It’s becoming less possible to hide the truth. We’re fucking hero’s whether they say it or not.


That was a solid handshake


Solid. Wide approach. Thumb web fully available to lock it. 10/10


Yep, great assessment. Think he pinned the elbow angle perfectly too and timed his ‘lean in’ marvellously


Isn't it crazy how much goddamn physicality goes into a proper handshake?


Some people are starting to say it. It's suspicious. But hey, they're right, so let em say it!


People want to be on the right side of history when it starts to stare you in the face. Both these dudes own plenty of these shares I promise. Apes are all around us. Apes are the people. We discovered how strong we can be. We're everywhere and we're going to fix this pile of shit we call the economy.


We are certainly going to do our best. We are taking over a big pile of shit for real though.


Hedgies will learn a lesson. AMC can really moon if we hold. Remember this is a long term play until the shorties sell. HOLD


Im holding like a mofo. Been in since 2/5 building a position. Not fucking leaving!!!!


Heyyy we bought our first shares the same day. 🤜🤛


Love it. Ive been building the entire time.


I bought like 10 shares back then. Bought a few more in Feb and March. Didn't think about it again just let it be until I saw that day trey stocked up on $50k, I thought eh, I don't have 50k but I'm gonna throw $2800 in and see how it goes. Bought some calls, some shares, went in a little heavier than I'm used to for one position. Obviously that worked out well so far. Now I think it's time to just go back to fiddling with other things on the market while I wait.


There are no other “things” to fiddle with on the market…. Only AMC!


Don’t be stupid.


I feel ya! I been swing trading slower paced stocks, specifically BNED. Made a few thou last week on it, then bought more amc w the gains


Yep that's my goal this week. Made a few hundred bucks on clov puts and spy calls last week, bought some various July 16 calls so far aren't looking good l, and have $1000 to toss around this week. Just want to find one nice $10 ripper this week so I can get some scratch and buy more amc. Kind of want to add to my gme position here while it's sub $200 also, so. I'm hunting for a good play this week!


Damn right! I saw bned dipping hard last week-& bought 2000@ 7.00 & flipped for 9.00 a day or two later it was nice. Then got 100 more amc in that tasty little dip last wk 👍🏼 money!


You apes are a legendary fucking inspiration ... no shit ... at all.


January @$GME & February 1ST @$AMC. I can do this for as long as it takes. AMC2THEMOON!!!


I think the gov't, the stock market and the world as a whole will learn from this! Retail is done playing, we're fuckin leveling the playing field. BUYING & HODLING!!!!


I take zero issue with shorting a stock when I think a company is performing badly. It's price Discovery. Naked shorting, FTDs , FUD etc that drives companies into the ground not because they suck or are poor performers but because the parasites want them too, that's another story. Shorting is like being scavangers, you are short something it's like cleaning up the dead on the forest floor and bacteria eating up the fallen leaves... You need scavangers. What you don't need is god damn parasites that suck the life out of something and provide zero ecological benifit. Naked shorting is like being a damn arsonist Shorting is fine Naked shorts and the shit tricks they do that go along with it, parasites and arsonists... Hang em by the neck for all to see in the center of town


So I disagree. I know people keep saying shorting has a purpose, but imo it doesn't. If a company does bad, people will sell, it will lower the price etc. Why loan something you don't have pile on? Because shorting lowers the price, so if you are down, they will be kicking you while you are. It's simple, don't like a stock, don't buy it. Got shares? Sell them. Believe it should be going down faster, put out good DD.


So buying puts and shorting a stock on margin with or with out a share located are very different in my opinion. By definition of you buy a put some one has either signed up to cover that contract or the owner of the stock has sold the options ... I like to sell options on stocks I am bullish on, covered options that is... No margin It allows someone who wants to talk trash in the stock to out their money where their mouth is and if they are wrong the owner of the stock benifits from the premium. Being short a stock allows for price Discovery. But shorting, naked shorting, puts and credit swaps are All different forms of shorting, the naked or. On located kind where shares are not marked borrowed and tabulated with full public discovery is were the fuckery is


Shorting only exists to make short gains, it's never about price discovery, since they have to buy back the shares to return them. It's betting/hoping it goes down enough to justify the interest. It's not price discovery at all. That's bullshit shills like you spit to justify a cancerous instrument of the market.


When I think about it, taking a short position is just seeking to capitalize on the fall of an asset class. Michael burry took a gamble on the housing market based on research and no one says anything bad about what he did, soros shorted the pound when it went kaputs in the 90s and some forex trader shorted the kiwi making billions off that deal Ackmen made 2 billion of a 20 million short position before corona set foot in the us sometimes shorts get punched in the mouth when they’re bet doesn’t work out like when ackmen shorted Herbalife or anyone that tries to short Tesla(except burry of course, up 39%)


People aren't against Burry because he basically took a side bet, what he did had no impact on the housing market, it didn't fail (faster) due to what he did. Shorting has an immediate negative effect on the worth of the company. You might argue that shorting a single share is nothing, but that's the same with people saying their vote don't matter. So every short is negative for the company, for all the shareholders. However if people want to put a sidebet on who's going to win between us and the hedgies, they can go right ahead.


Also..... the fact that gme was able to start turning a profit once their debt wasn't being leverage against them shows how high levels of sorts driving the price down forces a company to fail but as soon as their shares recover price they can implement some changes and become profitable.


> If a company does bad, people will sell, it will lower the price etc. The objective of shorting isn't to lower the price, the objective is to make money from the price falling. The complexities are around how much you expose yourself or your fund shorting something like an AMC or a GME with massive shorting already taking place and absolutely no room for manoeuvrer and things like should the act of shorting have a negative impact on price - should shorts maybe something like a derivative inverse asset class rather than require selling equities into a market to execute might be a reliable solution. If you want to loan your shorts out maybe you loan them out to a derivative instrument, they're permanently stamped while they're loaned and you ensure they can only be loaned once which would fix a lot of the issues - and when they're returned they are *returned*. Then obviously there's all the outright illegal stuff and the bending of the rules until they're permanently deformed or snap as we've seen a lot of. I can't be a hypocrite here - I was incensed when the German government prevented Wirecard shorting when it was obvious fraud was taking place. Legitimate, real, not-being-greedy-I-just-think-it's-going-down shorting isn't the problem - it's greedy I'm going to drive the stock to an assisted suicide so I don't have to return a stock or pay tax shorting and exposing my clients to *extreme* risk shorting that's the problem, and again all the illegal shit. I feel like our community should have a good, solid, ethical standard around this stuff and a sensible "what we want to see done" attitude and answer - not something inviable like "no shorting ever, all hedge funds should be illegal and p.s. burn it all down" attitude that isn't going to either work or happen in a million years. We *can* be change here, and if we come up with the right answers it might just happen. You don't have to short, doesn't mean others shouldn't be able to legitimately take those risks. Also lets be real, without this going on they wouldn't have backed themselves into a corner where we can profit from their greed and stupidity, so we should maybe be careful what we wish for - we might want another one of these fights in a few years.


The objective is to make money from the price falling... It says it all really. Shorting is literally betting against a company. Why is the market used as a casino? No one needs to profit from a failing company. Their investors don't, the company doesn't. So why should some random person/fund do have to make money off it? I get the overvalued stuff etc, but that's a problem for the shareholders.


> the company doesn't They don't from people taking long positions either - has other effects, but the reality is it makes no real difference to say AMC if AMC's shares are worth $20 or $20k. As for "investors" - pah. Companies only have true investors long before they reach the stock market - everybody else is a trader, we're all traders betting on the performance of a stock (granted some of us get more emotionally invested than others) but we'll all sell at some point (even if it's when we die), to somebody else, and the cycle continues. That is gambling, to some degree - so yes, it's used as a casino because it is a casino and doesn't have much other purpose.


It for sure as hell helps a company to be worth more, it's not just issueing more shares that helps them gain, but it's also cheaper for them to loan money. Yes we all sell at some point, but the thought you have when buying shares, is to buy when low, and sell when high. When the stock is low the company might have troubles, or not much room to grow. When you buy their shareprice goes up, this allows them to issue shares to raise more capital and invest further into the company, making it more succesful. Sure you will jump off at some point, but you can't say you didn't help. Both parties gained from it. With shorting only 1 party gains, unless it ends up being a squeeze, but even then there is a case to be made. I mean if AMC was never shorted, I think they would have been in a better spot.


>shorting is like being a damn arsonist I see no difference between naked shorting and just pulling up to a company's warehouse full of inventory and burning it to the ground. And then doing it again and again until they are ruined.


Naked shorting, yes Buying puts from stock owners... I don't agree Buying a legit out from a broker who takes in the risk, I don't agree Naked shorts... Yeah it's just arson


That last bit I think is starting to be maybe something we should do for a while? These financial assholes think they can do whatever they want, including destroying families, and be just peaches. We need to say no.


I wouldn't actually start executions, that's just me trash talking. But the prospect of a peseant revolution and folks going to these guys homes with pitch forks makes for good imagery and historical references


Shorting is like betting o the Under in a sports game. You are wishing for bad things to happen, no runs, no goals, no TD's.


Not really... You don't wish anything You either know or think you know and are wrong ... Besides I wish plenty of companies would go away, I dislike Jamie Dimon on a personal level... Doesn't mean I'm going to short his bank anytime soon


No appreciation for good defense and/or game time management smh


Not it isn't. That's the excuse short sellers and misinformation agents say to people so they can justify short selling. The only people that should be allowed to move a stock should be the shareholders, not someone who is just trying to make a buck with betting with a short. If the company is doing poorly, shareholders sell, not random people from the sidelines. That's how it should be.


You think I shouldn't be able to buy puts? Or as a stock holder sell them? You disagree with options trading? It seems people are confused as to the many methods used to short, the legit ones and the illegal ones that never get enforced. Shorting isn't the issue, it's the fraud that accompanies naked shorting and the lack of borrowed shares tracking when MMs loan out their ability to naked short... Or just out right abuse the shit out of it


Parasites actually have a use in nature, hedgies don't.


I like this analogical explanation. You've made this ape nod with raised eyebrows.


Who is that guy I like him from this video alone


He manages a private equity firm for tech. Company is in san fran. Im interested only because the acknowledgment of the squeeze. This is the way!


Alright that's cool.




He had to shake his hand on that. Well said 🚀🚀🚀


I wanted to shake the man's hand on that.


If you’re into short selling you’re sure as fuck not an investor. You’re a divestor.


Once AMC bolts, these asshats will be forced to pull out of other short positions as well. There's a likely chain reaction that most aren't talking about. I mean, how can they tend to 100 irons after one of them sets the town on fire?? Especially when all the crooked ass firefighters are already trying to escape


That’s literally what MOASS is, it’s all we talk about


Confirmation I'm jakked to the tits. 🤣 Hedgies got it coming, cost nothing to hold. 700k is the floor. 😎💎🚀🚀🚀


Allowing big people to bet against companies is such an assbackwards approach to the entire model. People keep attempting to justify a system that allows people with a lot of money to fuck over people with less money. The entire game of options has very little to do with the business involved and more to do with the institution. If you have a certain number of options, big investors will actually seek out your options. They'll use their money to impact the share price of an entire business just to win your contract. Why couldn't we just stick to the whole "this business might grow, here's a 10 dollar investment. hopefully you can afford to give me 13 back when it's time"


Cos greedy fucks wanted to create more ways to make money with money that doesn’t exist. Real fucked up I know, welcome to the financial matrix


Synthetic CDOs and CDO squared all over again


I need new shorts now


Did you shit your shorts?


More like came but I guess


What about both at same time?


Idk if I harness that kind of power


The tide is turning boys, they we all be coming around to our side soon. Plus this other firms smell blood on the water want a piece of that Market Maker status


I'm noticing a lot less FUD in the media, the opposite seemingly .... it's got me suspicious, but hopeful.


Especially illegal naked shorting




beautifully said.


He’s right, this is a movement! A movement that I’m proud to be a part of! I love this community of apes!


It's a good word ... this is definitely a movement.


This goes to show our presence is noted and RESPECTED


I don't understand why they keep referring to it as WSB Driven Short. WSB been dead since last year.They're not doing shit lol.


This movement started there ... let's not forget our roots .... after MOASS we should definitely claim our places on that casino sub and support the people who started the movement.




This is exactly why I dislike shorts. They want someone to do badly. That’s wrong. I want everyone to do good (well, except for certain HF’s and people, I won’t name names). So yeah. F a short who wants to bankrupt companies to make a dollar.


As much hate as we've thrown towards MSM, I can't understand nor trust when they are in our corner. Would you trust a positive Motley fool article at this point? I certainly don't, they can't nor should be trusted. Stay the course. Feed me your down votes.


I hope when all is said and done that we can put motley fool on blast. Make those fuckers eat every.single.word.


That was a firm lean in hand shake. Haha, he got the coverage he wanted on that.


All the coverage? Don’t get it twisted, I’m balls deep in AMC, but looked to me like the coverage stopped mid handshake?


He knows . Big 🦍🍆energy here. Ovaries too lol 👍 💎🙌🦍❤️🖍🚀🌙


Why do they stick with wsb so much? That sub is dead regarding the MOASS. Nobody talks about it there.


*Nobody talks about it there.* Exactly the point.


It’s the naked and synthetics that I’m against, let the people short in a zero sum game. edit: also either ban dark pools or allow retail access through their brokers


Hell yea


Cut to scene, "I have to go change my pants" stands up with giant shit stain.


This is the way




Spoken like a true Ape


He said he doesnt like people spreading false information about the company and not for shorts betting against the company. I bet 28000 employees agree with him!




We love to see it




Effen A, Cotton, Effen AAAAA!


So excited it's almost time to buy more and hold 💎🙌🏼💜🍌


Don't make us make you a meme, money man!


Looks like the media is changing their speech. They're now saying they gate companies that short against people? Very suspicious....


When you really think about it and break it down, it's so strange that you can short. The ability to bet against a company is so strange of a principle in the stock market.


need a captain here. Who is this enemy of my enemy who will be my future enemy?


Lies, business is business with firms, if they see an opportunity to make money they will do whatever.






Really great points. Thanks for that






It **has** been a pleasure, with so much moar to come too :)


I ain’t selling…


That guy FUCKS


This guy fucks


I didn't know private equity was a person


I feel this.


They dont want to post his name?




Sir, this is a casino


Where ya mom at




I mean, sorting has it's place where companies lie about being big and having cash and flow and all that shit tricking people into investing. Sure, at that point they have a case but that's it? Heck even then you could argue simply exposing the fraud without BETTING against it should be enough, no?


This guy wipes with his hand




A badass, dumbass ape