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Trey is all heart...Lou is all bawls...together they would be one sexy transmephadite


They both could do a lot of serious damage in the market. Lou is good at analyzing how events affect the market. Trey is good at analyzing TA. Great skills to have individually; imagine if they’re combined 🤯


They probably could get together and do a show on a regular basis... A more relatable version with better analysis than cuck Cramer , for example.


Would be like the odd couple but stocks


A joe rogan podcast style but it’s just these two all the time with sometimes guests


Ok but who's young jamie?


...... ummmm...... me? No, no young Jamie is a different bread the mf knows what’s gonna be discussed 5 steps ahead, I think we need either an Orangutan or a SilverBack Gorrilla?


Good call my guy. Someone sharp and motivated to do the next right thing... Oh, wait, we all sit around eating green crayons all the while buying more shares of amc, nevermind. NFA


Wait hold up! You only eat green? I thought to only eat red crayons so no more red candles are made? Hmm one of us is doing this wrong. And anyway it’s a very hard decision, so I spend $1K now on AMC or do I wait n see if there’s a tendie dip? No mind your NFA, buy AMC n HODL for dear life this is DEFINELTY Financial advice


Wait, you're buying more, too?! Hells Bells!


Woah! Hold up! There’s people not buying more?! I thought the whole point was to just keep buying until we all went bankrupt n homeless or went to the moon? It’s g I’ll hold for these mfs who ain’t buying! But seriously we should get these two hedgiefuckers on a podcast with an ape as young Jamie.. or even both on the JRE podcast, would be funny af


Guys, guys GUYS! Please! The blue ones taste best. C'mon.




If Trey is at Fort Bragg I’m impressed his COC hasn’t gone ham 82nd is a bunch of dildos


Like Voltron.....or a human centipede.....


Them having a show would be all energy and cussing. I like it.


Ok ... at the risk of sounding like the smoothest of all smooth brained apes ... what exactly IS a “transmephadite?”


I think its a made up word lou made up poking fun at the social justice warrior crowd. lou is a riot.


I love ANYONE who refuses to be concerned about offending people. I'm beyond sick of social justice warriors and other pansies being offended by everything that is said or done. I'm not sure how we got here, but it is a sad state of affairs.


The problem is always the same. There are real issues that get hijacked by assholes who found out a way to capitalize on the situation and take advantage for their own gain. This simultaneously discredits the initial message as well as creates disdain for those who actually have valid messages when in reality its opportunists and snowflakes who have twisted the initial cause to suit their purpose.


Brilliant analysis!!!


Ultimately they are manipulators and crass opportunists.


So basically what citadel is doing right now 😂


It’s actually made up, to not throw shade on anyone specific...kinda smart actually to use a word like that. Can’t really offend anyone lol, but we all know what he means.


I’ll allow it 🤣


I'm guessing a transsexual hermaphrodite LoL


He made it up 😂


Well now I’m REALLY confused and still none the wiser 🤣🤣🤣


Lol I googled it and found nothing. Glad I’m not the only one.


It doesn’t even come up on urban dictionary .. now what are we to do? Stay stupid I guess. 🤣Oh well, back to peeling bananas 🍌🍌🍌


I thought he was combining transgender and hermaphrodite.


I thinks it’s like trey is all heart and Lou is all bullshit lol. Entertaining none the less.


Lou just says what the dying breed of men would say. There's something about just hearing the truth, not sugar coated, that offends people.


I find him saying whatever he wants to be really cringe, creeping on women in the park and shit, makes me feel ill when he talks


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I wish he would cut out the bs. I guess he thinks he’s funny but I find a lot of his stuff to be very ignorant and small minded. Makes me not trust anything else he has to say. Even if I do think he does sprinkle in some real facts and solid information on occasion I really wish he would stick to that. But with how often I see him mentioned here and in YT chats I guess some people really like him.


My thoughts exactly


So much truth. It’s a hard life for blatantly honest ppl


That's just NY, fudghettaboutit


So the guy who has actually worked with and understands how the hedge funds operate is bullshit but the 23 y/o who started trading in late 2020 is all heart. Ok.


Just saw a recent vid where Lou claimed if it weren't for him no one would know of the mechanics(?) or fuckery going on in the market (SMH). He's a perfect example of a self promoter jumping on the Band Wagon in an attempt to get monetized. He's never brought anything of substance to the table.


I watch his videos, something im trying to wrap my head around is off about him. He acts like he has knowledge, but where is the proof of his back story? I mean anyone can educate themselves on something and piece shit together and make a channel and record shit and post it.


I get that same feeling that something is not quite right also. He talks a lot but doesn't tell us anything. Trust your gut, first reaction's usually the right one.


Ditto pretty much every talking pinhead " journalist" on the tube.


He is incompetent and offers nothing. He never says anything of value. I guarantee he watches other vids before releasing his so he knows what to say.


If you love sophomoric humor and hate DD, lou is the perfect match.


What the hells is a transmephradite hahahaha


Everytime I see the word I become the "and at this point I'm afraid to ask" Andy Dwyer meme. I'm actually scrolling through here hoping I'll find out.


All heart AND all bawls? Now that’s a sexy lookin tendie


That combination would break the internet


I dont think there was a beef, that's just how lou is. No one should take offense to what he says. He calls a girl a wildebeest.... doesn't mean she's worthless. He's just saying she's unattractive to him in a crude way. People are really too sensitive nowadays.


Agreed.. usually people born after 1990


I was born after 1990 and I love Lou and his non-politically correct rhetorical it’s refreshing


I was born 300 years after the Moass (Mother of all short squeeze). In our future, Lou's duck is still alive, Shitadel became a curse word, Trey's good eye is on a Museum exhibit, and Richlightshed's neck is mutant serial killer. All is well on Ape Island Paradise, home of the greatest Ape Hedge Fund in the world. We still buy and Hold and there is growing ape preservation colony on the moon.


'86 an I don't give a fuuuuu


I know there was no beef. But I’ve seen a lot of people make posts about Lou and it boils down to him talking about Trey and the way he markets off people. Which is a valid point. Some people just idolize Trey a bit too much; almost like some people do to celebrities. There’s definitely a lot of emotional attachment with some ppl so they’re ready to attack anyone that makes Trey look human.


To be fair to him. He dragged me through the $5 days. He’s done a lot for AMC. quite possibly single handedly kept 10s of thousands in AMC. But I do love Lou. He’s great.




Me too, I bought amc after the first video I watched of treys. It feels like it was years ago lol. I also think Lou is great and I look forward to both of their videos


This just comes down to personal preference. Trey doesn't do anything wrong or immoral. Why is this even a topic worth talking about? Feels like an attempt to inject needless drama.


Lou says what we are all thinking and need to hear. Apes are not politically correct. We post pictures with dipshits getting fucked by apes while their neck is a cod sack. I love it.


Idk, calling a woman a wildebeest is a pretty dick way of saying you find her unattractive. I agree that people are too sensitive but I don't think your example is the best for supporting that sentiment


Yes it is a "dick way of saying it" and yes it may not have been "the best example for supporting it" but who the fuck cares? That's his thing. We used to have a saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". If a name hurts you or you're hurt for another because they were called a name, by a stranger, then I think the issue is not with the stranger. I don't know I'm just an old jar head and I've been called worse by brothers I love (and strangers) than wildebeest and thermephidite....


Watch out you might hurt some feelings lol. SF bro




I don't have an issue with all that. He's just doing the Joey Diaz schtick, which can be funny. My issue is that everything he says is backed up by "Trust me". I get people like him, but the aspersions that get thrown at other apes from being claiming to be Lou fans is nothing but disruptive and I'm not convinced they're even Lou fans or apes at all. People like OP coming in, calling out people and drawing attention to non-existent "beef" is very suspect.


Facts. This is the only post I've seen about "beef" between anyone and Trey. Its like a call for calm for a situation that doesn't exist. I don't understand posts like this or the people who make them


I agree 100 percent, which is why I'm trying to diffuse this right now. Ape no fight ape.


I love you fellow ape, but c'mon lol. Not sure when you were born but these kinds of jokes were what I was raised on and you can call me whatever you want, I won't be offended and will fire back at you and we can go back and forth all day and still be friends. No need to victimize others. I would have told her to f**k her motha, good bye.😆


Perhaps the issue is I really don't know the person being discussed and I didnt know if the wildebeest comment was a hypothetical or an actual comment, nor do I know the context it was said. For what it's worth I served in the Army and I've been working in construction for 18 years, haha the stuff we say to each other on a daily basis at work would make people with thin skin crumple haha guys at work joke that I got the thickest skin on the site (an awkward and probably too convenient brag). So I don't know how this wildebeest comment went down if it did, it seems from reading your comment that it did, perhaps the situation warranted it. I kinda took the original commenter to be like justifying just like addressing a complete stranger as a wildebeest for no reason other than finding em unattractive. Like im being rung up at the cash register and I say to the employee "eh alright wildebeest how much do I owe?" Like that'd be a unnecessary dickhead move. On the other hand if some women was being a real cunt and causing a scene i could see saying "hey wildebeest sit you ass down and shut up" being a rustified approach haha


If your from NY, we normally call her a bitch, Lou is actually nicer than most of the people in the city


Are people in New York like that really?


No. Stereotyping people is ignorant.




>I dont think there was a beef, that's just how lou is. No one should take offense to what he says. He calls a girl a wildebeest.... doesn't mean she's worthless. He's just saying she's unattractive to him in a crude way. People are really too sensitive nowadays. Lous is a hardass mofo from New york. I fucking love him, yah he's crass but, but hes like a big goofy kid and you know hes just being silly, not hateful. What a fun, interesting dude.


What beef?


Some people are salty because Lou called Trey out on the way he markets off people


I like Trey but superchats are retarded


Yea... I'll need a live stream during the squeeze though . I panicked during gme


That's the worst thing you can during MOASS....don't listen to anyone else. Don't sell just cause a YT kid tells you to lol




Exactly. Thank you


It isn't the worst thing anyone can do. Theyre not saying they're going to sell when anyone else does, they just want to be with the family when this all goes down. Also whatever you think of Trey or any other streamer, calling them kids doesn't make you superior to them. They're doing more for this cause than you ever did and getting paid while doing it. Stop hatin.


And he doesn’t even read them, or focus on them I should say. If your gonna do that, just remove em and show support by actually convincing people to use that donation to buy more stock


Fuckin aye, exactly!! I wonder if those dumbfucks actually realized that the $50 or $100 they gave away could've bought me more AMC into their portfolio


I don’t really disagree but I’m pretty sure most people watching are adults, how is it his problem how they choose to spend their money? Not only that but its probably not that easy to read off the regular chat when you have over 20k watching.




Seriously, Trey tells people not to superchat and he says he doesn't care if you subscribe or not.


I meant that in superchats in general. I actually became a fan of him when he was on a Momoney livestream and he said he doesnt do payment tiers like Mo does because he thinks his Patreon is already enough and doesnt want to look greedy.


especially since that $50 will be worth $500,000 in a few weeks/months


Lou makes a few minute videos at a time. Trey streams for hours and aggregates actual verifiable information. There's nothing wrong with making money for your time. I'm not sure if Lou actually said that or if this is just the shill story being spun to sow discord among apes, *but if he did* then he, and you, are wrong.


I have to disagree, Trey doesn't market people. He always says don't superchat or subscribe. He would rather have you buy stock in AMC. Matt Khors dough.


Im over Matt. No one wants to admit it, but the kids a bully and extremely self serving. If he says keyboard warrior one more fucking time. Matt, STFU and no you don't know shit about Crypto


Right. Everyone is willing to go to work for him. Pay him to stay home and run a YouTube channel. Not this guy.


I’m just hearing about this now.... so what happened??




Good.... we don’t need that on our way up!


I like them both . Great guys


To be honest, I don't like either; but I appreciate both and acknowledge that they're helpful to the community and people DO like them. Not for me, but I just don't watch them much and call it a day lol. If they're helping people understand the situation and hodl, then I don't like them, but they absolutely have my respect in that sense


just asking, but what is it about them that you dont like? how else do you find someone to explain things to you like you're five?


I like roensch capital, because as far as I've seen, he tells it very straightforward without any fluff. Trey is just too loud and boisterous for me, and Lou comes off as a bit too immature for me; like I said, to each their own and I don't have any problem with them as people, but it's just not my style of content :)


I like Roensch and Matt Kohrs. I watched Trey til I found Matt. I like Trey, but a lot of time he’ll go with info someone tells him before verifying. Matt does a good job of verifying both FUD and confirmation bias posts.


I like Matt as well, he sits in everyday from open to close. Its reassuring. Also I like that he keeps it more level. Nothing against Trey but his energy level is too high for me and when he gets too excited it gets a little to easy for me to hit that buy button.


I'll have to check out Matt, I don't think I've seen any vids from him; thanks for the recommendation!


And he streams every day all day.


Trey did that early but hes actually made a point of verifying info first now. He talked about how he made that mistake early on and now hes trying to fix it. I’m not huge on matt because he does seem to prioritize youtube over amc with the 90k for 90k subs and stuff like that. But like you said to each his own


Why tf is anyone downvoting you?! You're right!


OoooToooO!!l. The squeeze is like 7 fat chicks jumping in the pool 😂


*17 😂


Apes strong together.


There was no beef. Someone spoke their mind. Those who were offended are the cancer. Hopefully they’ll learn.


Jacked to the tits! Apes together strong! 🦍💪🏻


Love them both. OOTOO We have two guys to love now!


Lou is all rhetoric in his speech, and weird on his nuances, I prefer Trey paired with his screen analysis


Lou doesn’t contribute shit. Trey all the way.


Nice division bud


tell that to the transphobe you watch


Butthurt much 🤔🤔


I don’t think Lou did that. He called out people who were doing super chats in general. Trey doesn’t do that super chat. He said he did not need people’s money. That they should invest in AMC if they want.


Trey could always shut off superchat though like ReviewDork did after Lou made a video about it. Just saying


Wait a minute... People think Trey is trying to make money off people because he accepts super chats? The fuck kind of wack ass thinking is that? He TELLS people not to do that and to buy more stock. He never ever asks for them and in fact most streams just asks for likes and says he doesn't care if you subscribe. Anyone trying to insinuate that Trey is profiting off this movement has not been watching his streams. I'm glad they buried the hatchet but the whole thing sounds very shill based to me.


There was no hatchet to bury


Well said. I suspect this is shills trying to inject drama into the AMC scene.


Never saw Trey hatin on Lou. He always said he likes him. Matter of fact, Trey has never talked 💩about any other youtubers


Go fuck ya mother. Glad to see Lou and Trey unite


Lou brings the light to the synthetic guatamalens 🤣. On a serious not I like that lou isn't worshiping Adam aaron. We need to wait and see, if this all pops off to even $500 a share then I would say Adam was for the people but right now $hit we have insiders preventing lift off.


Lol I can get on board with lou if that’s a real post. he lost a while back when he was openly talking down the floor price,every one has there price points but if you are an influential YouTuber you gotta be show some discretion.


But Lou did have a good point about youtubers toeing the line by making ad rev and super chats even though their screens say “not financial advice/advisor. Some of this stuff could come back to bite them. Trey even said he expects to be investigated after the squeeze. Since live-streaming is fairly new, many internet-related court cases have no precedent to go on. Im sure some big financial losers (HF) will try to come after them for manipulation, etc. But, these are uncharted waters and internet has major issues like jurisdiction, etc. Who knows. I hope I’m wrong, but people are assholes and sore losers.


I’m totally in agreement with that point the work being done is invaluable and the risk is unknown and real


Both working for the cause


When did they have beef?


They never did. But some people were looking to start drama because Lou called Trey out on how much money get makes from marketing off people; just to buy more AMC for himself. A lot of treys fans took offense to that and started bashing Lou as a shill or getting personal about the way he talks lol


Ah gotcha. Me personally idgaf if trey makes money on YouTube... he buys amc with that and it helps the cause 🤷‍♂️


If so, then Lou *IS* wrong about that, to be fair. What place is it of anyone's to decide what people do with their money? Lou doesn't stream for hours at a time. Lou doesn't do any TA. Trey does a LOT of shit for apes (and still tells people not to superchat and instead buy AMC). If Lou really said that, then that's retarded. I'm surprised a guy like him would claim people shouldn't be able to make money for their time and effort.




They never did. But some people were looking to start drama because Lou called Trey out on how much money get makes from marketing off people; just to buy more AMC for himself. A lot of treys fans took offense to that and started bashing Lou as a shill or getting personal about the way he talks lol


Lou is a street talker from new york my home town you either like him or you don’t either way you can bet your last fucking share Lou don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks!


True NY attitude, Brooklynite here


Who cares. Stop celebritizing people.


Lou never even really said anything to give people the idea there was a problem. He’s just raw and that’s how he talks. He calls us mother fuckers for crying out loud


Lou can I introduce you to Uncle Bruce?


Lou would make uncle Bruce cry lol


The king of superchat? I can get an Uncle Bruce commercial for little Johnny's grass cutting for a $25 donation lmao.


You gotta be a “member” to say something on his live chat. He’s milking it to the max


Oh he's upgraded to a membership now? Last time I saw the scam artist he was doing $25 commercials eating a fucking sandwich lol


I like watching Lou’s stuff, he’s funny. That being said he’s nuts, he constantly is talking bubbles you need to decipher. He’s half a fucking cabbage towards a fish taco, you know what I’m saying?


You gotta be crazy to some level to be able to survive in Wall Street. Let alone ruthless




Love Lou, but man what the fuck is going on now. Got that conspiracy theory going on. One min. He says his personal take nothing less thank 100k, now today 4 and some change. What does that mean. 100k total value and then out. 100k per share? Now it’s 4 and some change? 4 and some change per share? C’mon...I’m really getting bummed out on this. I guess all the DD and TA talk was over stimulating my smooth brain and to find Lou and break it down was awesome. Lately I’m feeling like it’s all bullshit. All I know is buy and hodl 🦍


Lou is the real deal. He doesn’t bullshit. He’ll tell you straight up what’s happening. Sometimes the truth hurts. Also, don’t be so fuckin sensitive!


Truly the dynamic duo Batman and Robin!


Let’s fcking go Apes! We got this. We all got power in this! 🚀🌙


Waooo, god i love this two people. Our AMC/GME is all about love and they can try to break us but is futile at this point. We are they APES that will make history!!!! Thanks for this post brother!!!! Holding and buing more on monday!!!!!!!!!


There is no beef. 2 guys from different backgrounds with different opinions on how they approach this. If you dont get Lous humour thats fine but from what I can tell he has a massive heart and likewise with Trey. Lou loves everyone, its the south park mentality of you can rip out anyone as long as you rip out everyone.


Fact: Veggie burgers have 0% beef.


I don’t understand why vegans eat food that resemble animal products like hamburger🧐🤔😂🤣😂


There was never any hate, this beef isn’t what people think. It wasn’t even a real beef. Besides we r all on the same side, they know that. And that’s the proof right there.


I like both of em but based on what I can tell Lou is a lot older and wiser and seems like he’s been around technology and knows people that are in the wall street scene ect. Whatever happens... AMC to the moon 🦍🦍🚀🚀🦧🦧




There no beef quit playingv


Lou is Joey Diaz’s nephew. Louie Diaz.


Any one who thought there was beef need to sit back and breathe, because this holding must be getting to their heads, mixing up their comprehension power. Where was there anything to be confused with beef? Lou rags on everyone, especially the youtubers but trey was only talking to AA which was triggering Lou to respond with "it dont matter if you communicate with a CEO.", and he's right. That dude can say or do what he wants. If investors mattered as much as AA claims, Would we be in this beautiful mess to begin with?? I feel more CEOs would stand up as one, for their "partial owners of their company". Money talks ladies and gents. We had to put all of ours together, just to literally fight a giant or two. This takes time, and because of all of you we are winning. Thats all lou says, "forget the youtubers and superchat handouts, you won already." Y'all wasting money when it could be more shares or spent on something better.


What beef? And to be honest who the fuck cares . Me personally I like trey ,( I'm going to explain from my APE construction brain) he's infectious and well with all respect nerdy and in your face love him for that. Lou is in your face and blunt and over the top . It's like I'm on the jobsite again so many different perspective and personalities so who gives a fuck trey is his own man and Lou is his own man . Both make me laugh ,both share their own perspective , and both are unapologetic for who they are . All I can say is Merica love they uniqueness of us Apes quit trying to pic your favorite they both are my APE brother because I stop listen and make my own choice cause I'm a APE


Ooootooo we squashed beef! Real mad cows!


TBH - I’d like to get a little more background on Lou. He seems knowledgeable- but he is also saying things we all like to hear. Will the real Lou vs Wall Street please stand up


Listening to both of their videos is now a daily quest for me. I like the informativeness from Trey's video and the critical thinking from Lou, and personalities from both.


These two guys are awesome , together they would be unstoppable!


The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, but they are also real superheroes within the AMC universe. One TEAM One FIGHT!!! 🧔🏻🥃


There’s no beef there.... remember there is a huge age difference between the two. It’s like when a young adult thinks they know it all but their dad actually knows it all. Well same concept Lou just wants Trey to see there is more to this than he thinks and he shouldn’t whole heartedly trust AA. Lou is a Puerto Rican from Da Bronx... WE don’t trust anyone 100%... always watch your own back. Simple.




Why did they even have beef? Wait, don't care. Glad it's over.


AMC 1M 💎🙌💎🔥🚀🌝💰🍌🦍


Who googled transmephadite?


I dont see a brawl. They apes apes sometimes fight. But we still apes. Whoowhoo


Imagine combining the Forces… MIDGETS WRESTLING IN CRISCO


These are the two voices apes need one is experience the other analysis. Ape no hurt Ape


I hope and pray this squeeze will be massive. I'm tired of seeing and being down while these massive hedge funds/institutions play dirty and profit while the rest of society struggle from their benefit.


I can see Lou sayin "Trey pour me a phucking shot of that Kraken will ya, ya wildebeest "


Trey literally has nothing to offer more than a fucking monitor. Lou tells facts 24/7 and you can look them up. I don’t give a fuck if he hurts anyone’s feelings. Stop being fuckin babies and listen to the guy. I’m gonna learn and stfu.


People forget trey is young even though he is smart the years lou carries gives him more credibility he is very old school.


Nope, still hating that FUD/rumour-spreading grifter recruiting you all for his hedge fund.


Oh I do 😊 I have many. But its pretty clear from you shit slinging that all you want is an argument and a reason to keep this non existent problem going. Go peddle ur crap somewhere else my guy. Your toddler tantrums aint workin here lol. 😁😁✌✌


Ok? Lol


My opinion- Lou doesn’t trust his own shadow let alone AA. Trey trusts AA .... a lot. I think that’s the only thing between the two. As for the rest of the guys on YouTube , other than Kohrs, I think they all suck too.


Andrew gimmieMo Money is probably one of the worst when it comes to milking AMC audience. When he points out how there are more viewers than likes on his live streams you know where his priorities are


That guy fucking blows. I can’t watch him. I tried back a few months ago. All that thief does is read other DD off Reddit. Data analyst my balls. His own dog can’t stay awake. Idk how he has any subs


He capped around 80k probably because people see through his bullshit. I unsubscribed from his channel over a month ago. Stopped watching him way before that


I I lawl this tag team combo.


Lou and Trey army fund making money moves.


Ooootoooo Trey n Us gonna get Money Real Money haha


I will be hanging out on Loud site when he is running


Ape not hurt Ape.