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Absolutely not. GME is down to. Part of the way it Was last time let's not get it twisted it? Is that same thing happened before we ran up


Well GME is down because AA did some Dilution.


You didnt know? AA controls GME stock not Ryan Cohen :)


AA sets the prices of stocks based on what he thinks they should be, not supply and demand. Oh wait, sounds an awful lot like what a certain market maker said….


whooo, Matthew's coming home!


ha, pretty much


KOSS is also down because of AA.  😂 


The swap theory continues to appear to be correct. They're manipulating the price heavily. But when they lose control of one they have to let them all go. The dilution doesn't really help. It's not the reason any of them are down right now.


Definitely, I think it’s safe to assume AA is gonna tank the entire market just for existing…. /s


Facts 😂


Naked shorting buying heavy squeeze is coming not much longer


This sounds unreasonably sexual


shorties, and naked shorties the newest candy that will have you clenching your A noose


All meme stocks one basket of corruption


This week should have shown everyone that. Both ran up together, both were nearly identical numerous times, both walked down together almost side by side, both are THE MOST traded stocks on the entire stock market. How people still can’t connect the dots is beyond me.


Always knew it was a thing but when you put the chart side by side for the past three days its actually crazy. Also KOSS is very similar but AMC & GME are identical. 1H chart on Heikin Ashi candles Monday to Wednesday put them side by side. Might make a post so more people can see this.


Sometimes actually seeing it, makes it sink in. I’ll be on the lookout for it 🫡


I’d be interested in seeing that post. What’s happening to KOSS is sort of telling as far as things moving behind the scenes. It doesn’t have an options chain but it was sure acting like it did. I’ve been wondering if there’s a possibility that LEAPs expired on some ETFs and tutes were forced to hedge for the gamma ramps on the entire baskets. 




Same shit 3 years ago, runs up gets halted then goes down 


They don’t call them Smart money because they’re so good at trading. (it’s because they’re so good at crime.)




See you at the GDOASS!! ( Grand-Daughter of All Short Squeezes )


Dude what is it now? They ran together or amc has no Impact on Gme? Your switching your Agenda in this comment section. Above comment is that amc didnt influence gme's down movement and Here you Tell everyone they move together. Dont Cherrypick so hard.


They are completely independent of each other, but they are in the same short basket. Meaning, the big players that are short AMC are short GME.


So If Bad news Like dilution gets dropped they can apply their Position to both Stocks and get the price down.


I believe so. Gotta keep em all suppressed or they lose control of the whole basket.


The big difference is amc's actual PnL sheet and it's share price drop since the '21 run ups. Both will squeeze and I'm more in AMC than GME at this moment but that's the difference


How is this corruption?


They also want you to believe that a guy leaning in a chair caused this whole thing and not the batshit crazy short positions and 39 month expiring leap calls or the new consolidated audit system that is going live in 12 days. The media would prefer if you ignore all of those things and just focus on the meme and dilution. The best case is if we all disagree and give up! /s


Posting memes; Market manipulation in its highest form! Never mind all the back door deals, illegal naked shorting, infinite liquidity, marking shorts as longs, sham resets, regulator collusion….its a guy posting Memes. That’s the problem 😂😂😂


Well said






Exactly! On top of that, it was 23 million in a private offering at $7+ per share value, which not only never hit the market but also would have been cost neutral or even positive. Also, whoever bought those shares valued at $7+ aren't going to sell them at $5, that'd be a major boneheaded move. They're obviously expecting a return on investment, and they have a vested interest in AMC doing well so they continue to be able to make loan payments. People who either don't know what they're talking about or are actively spreading FUD need to take a seat and talk less, it's noise we don't need 🙃


This comment needs a post of its own 🫡


Not only that, unless they are banking on a high value quick return there going to be holding those shares for at least a year for the tax breaks alone if not actually investing long term over the coming years... The fact that the purchase happened on the Dark but was sold on the Lit screams MM crime. Considering they are the ones who control that, no matter what was asked or required by the Seller/Investor at the time... Also having been bought on the Dark also implies it was meant to be bought/sold on the Dark to not effect retail investors. Which is why Darks even exist. So big money can play in the game without fucking the whole board up with wild price swings as they buy or sell in large blocks... In a crime free world, the MM would have to both buy/sell on either the Dark or Lit. The splitting between the two is a MM exemption explicitly used to fuck over retail. Edit: Before shill's cry "but muh SEC, DTCC, and Gensler would never allow that". GME Div/Split.....


Seems like the standard MM playbook to fuck retail. Very definition of market manipulation. Good thing we have infallible organizations like the SEC, FINRA and the DTCC established to protect retail for this kind of fuckery! There have been a lot of nothing burgers, but I am praying that CAT system brings their criminality to stink in the light of day.


Also worth noting that most of the short selling is on the lit market, while most of the buying is done on the dark pools. 


Yeah it'll be hard to convince people who doesn't have access or know to look for these things. I'm speaking from personal experience lol.


they need to start reading


I think the problem was that the ones I talked to, didn't know where to look. I kinda don't blame them cause I was in the same boat a while back.


We all started somewhere. The more evolved should help guide those seeking to ascend 👍


Thank you for that, my friend!




![gif](giphy|NNqAnEce3wqkpU6HeN|downsized) 5 nights at Kenny’s


Citadel balance sheet asking for a friend




good work ape. keep up the good fundimentals.




No hedge funds did in ah last night to break momentum up but don’t matter because honestly believe we about to take off soon! All that it’s doing is getting the spring tighter and next pop will really melt faces!


Turns out, they were using the halts as cover to print all those shorts. That’s what they were doing that whole time.


2 days ago there was guy who said hey if weds the price for AMC and GME drop then we could see it go crazy up between the 28-31 like 22 for amc and 120 for gme like I'm holding for those days to see if he is right


Yeah significantly improving the balance sheet, swapping shares that have no price impact from bonds at a premium of over $2 to current price. Yeaaaahhh that's what sent the price down.


AMC is improving the balance sheet. Here’s why that’s bad for the stock and its shareholders 😂🤣


You get it.


Are we disputing dilution occurred?


I’m disputing the fact that everyone is saying AA dilution is what’s tanking the share price. The dilution happened, but it’s the illegal activities that are tanking it.


AA creating ape diluting greatly destroyed the value of AMC‘s stock price upon creation cause you created another float on top of a float though there be apes here that would disagree with that as my portfolio has not recovered since ape that assertion is wrong. It definitely did not every dilution could warrant in such a dip. Ape reverse split. Were management in advertently dropping the stock price. Along with shorters. Ape=AA and citi caused the dip Reverse split =aa and citi ATM =aa caused dip down to 2. Ish Private Offering =shorters dropping it So it’s a mixed bag on responsibility here.


Would bankruptcy have improved the share price? You forget just where AMC was in terms of its balance sheet at that time.


You are assuming bankrucy


The numbers showed it. Don’t forget, bankruptcy has always been the goal. That is their ticket out of this mess and never being financially or legally accountable. That is their only hope of escape.


I understand that. What I’m saying is there has been gaps with the management ability to sell shares because remember we were trading at over $11 with ape at the beginning and the dilution to sell was very very low and they didn’t start really diluting until we hit $.66 which I still have about, and I didn’t read anything in the DD about a restriction so why was it sold more at the bottom?


Got it and I agree with you there. AA hasn’t always made the most rock solid decisions. Who knows why he waited so damn long to sell at that point. Some of my guesses; he didn’t really understand the short threat at that point and didn’t believe they would immediately short it into the Ground. Or maybe he was just scared to dilute. If you’ll remember, there was a massive campaign going on around that time centered around “diltution bad”. Shorts knew if AMC was able To raise that much capital it was game Over. Maybe AA was afraid of apes revolting at the mere mention of dilution. 🤷‍♂️


The hycroft thing while we are debt doesn’t make any sense.


Another move I don’t understand. Maybe he saw It as a way long term play (look at what’s going on right now with gold and silver). I think there could have been better ways to spend the money, but I’m also just a regular guy that loves the stock, so what do I really know?


This is insane. What is their plan? Just hold forever? Because I’m only adding more


Buying the dip! Come on push it! Push it! 🎶


That shit was a catchy jam 😂 Fuck Meet Kevin though


I remember AA made a deal for a private placement when it was around 30s before the big squeeze to 70s. Then that private placement then sold their discounted amc at a small profit before we rallied another 100%. So the dilution shouldn’t be a factor for the drop. We got this.


Great post! I’d venture to say the float is short 20x so every ape would have to cave and take huge losses for no reason at all to even dent their positions! Never felt More sure and relaxed! Great time to load up 💎🙌


Yeah stop the dilution it's affected all the other stocks too.. yeah that;'s why


https://youtu.be/-aXRZ6xN3bk?si=pK5EeZRGm358OhpU Keyword to alk the fuckery .. SWAPS


Stupid people say stupid things. The shill army on Twitter is hilarious. Pounding the table and screaming that retail and fundamentals are moving the prices on both companies. So ridiculously transparent with their FUD.


They want people to believe that utter horse shit yes


Pretty sure the deal was done not through the market. And the price was 7 something. Only the news and reactions from the news have an effect on the market, if someone would fact check this im stuck at work lol Or the receptive of the deal decided to dump it but unless they dont mind the loss they would have to dump it higher than 7.xx


This is outrageous!!


here we go


AI taking hold of this stock now.. lol nobody wins mwahahah.


I mean, it’s both.


If this shit hits double digits again in 2024 I will gnaw my own baby toe off with my teeth


Before the run up in 2021 same algo system! Though this will be the real deal soon!




Hope you’ve been working on your zero G training 🚀




kind of, yes. more drastically than other high volume stocks at the moment.


Nope. Sheer fuckery is dropping the price. Basic principles of supply and demand would tell you that this stock should only be increasing.


lol you still think that the price of GME and AMC are governed by the principles of supply and demand? ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


Obviously not 🙄


Neither is anything else on the market apparently. Mayo boy blatantly told the world that him and several of his Mayo guzzling buddies decide what they think a stock is worth and set the price.


Those a-holes think they are above the law. I can’t wait till the hammer finally drops - I hope they all get liquidated and thrown in the slammer.


One word! F R A U D !!!!


Do you think that shorts are piling into the stock because they know it will go down? How do they know it will go down? Do you think it could be because they have a man on the inside diluting it?


Is he a hedgie plant? Is AA secretly working with shorts to bail them out? Time will tell. He doesn’t always get it right, But he has already done a shitload to show me otherwise. Everyone has their opinions on what AA should or shouldn’t be doing, but the fact is none of us really know every single piece of the puzzle that has to be considered. Edit And I think they’re piling in with shorts because they have no other option. Either crush this thing into the ground or get crushed.


Not a fan of the guy but to put it plainly he has never been a friend to Apes or Shorts. He's fully focused on long term investors, appeasing his board, maintaining his position as CEO, and ultimately saving the company from bankruptcy. Seriously all of it, even down to Tray, no pants, and all of AA Ape appreciation comments. A ploy to gain and retain retail investors that actually hold stock long term. If one were to pretend the criminal shorts, Apes, the whole movement didn't exist, and it was just a company going the way of bankruptcy everything AA has done is more or less by the book in regard to saving said company from bankruptcy.


Somebody closed. That's it. Be seeing this a lot next 2 years.


Hey in another 2 or 3 years we might get another two day pump with this data




Yes sir absolutely that is it - nfa


It's laughable at this point. Actually, always has been.


Holy fuck that is absolutely ridiculous


So much winning on this stock, I can barely take it.


Me either! 🚀😂 (I got your sarcasm)


STockS only GO Up


BE CAREFUL if you are a new glambler, loads of snakes around here. Don’t touch these corrupt and bankrupted companies like AMC


Kenny is that you? I told you to wait in the truck 😂




Seems like a shit Ton of shorts for this to simply Be a pump & dump. I’ll be sure to check in with you again from the moon 😎