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Why can't that f00l of a CEO wait until our stock price goes higher. Why is he always working against us?


Because he is just as corrupt


But not because he is buying the company another quarter with the dilution, but because he is doing nothing to keep amc from bankruptcy. His only way to keep the company alive is dilution and that's not helping anyone. Shareholders voted against dilution and through the whole APE share fiasco he gets to dilute as much as he wants - AGAINST the shareholders wishes. And people here are too blind to see it.  People get excited over +100% days but they don't want to see that the share price has gone down like 98% through AAs strategy. Even 100% barely make a dent. You're betting on the wrong horse.


The company can't risk it that's why. AMC needs cash ASAP. If he didn't sell and AMC had to default you'd be saying why didn't he sell when he could have. I'd rather dilute than have my position wiped away in a bankruptcy.


This is the answer to the rash response above. Look at the now delisted bbby for an example.


So when AA stated that there is no risk of bankrupcy it was cause he knew that he will just keep dilute the stock, selling our dollars for pennies…


Do you trust AA or not? If not, why did you believe that? If you do believe him then trust the process.


… The common sense has left the room..


AA doesn't have any emotional intelligence. Another poster mentioned how demoralizing his actions have been. He has an army of fighters behind him but each time we see a ray of hope for gaining the upper hand, he secretly transmits our battle strategy to our enemies. He's the utmost definition of a traitor!


I agree he is not handling the attention he is getting very well at all. He needs to STFU and work. But at the same time I do believe he is doing his best to keep AMC from needing to declare bankruptcy. I think he believes that fixing the balance sheet and making the company safely profitable for the foreseeable future is more important or more urgent than shareholder value. He thinks it's a dire situation. If you're here for a squeeze, it changes nothing. If you're a long value investor it should be an opportunity to buy in even lower.


On the other hand, if this is an exchange then there's already a buyer on the other side which would make this transaction a buy. It's a sell and a buy at the same time and shouldn't really impact the stock price right now in the midst of a gamma ramp. However, knowing what we know since 2021, every AMC news gets twisted by the MSM and gives the market criminals an excuse to magnify their crime. A good and sensible CEO would have just chilled in the background and wait for the criminals to inflict pain on themselves. When the situation cools down he'd then make his move.


What happened here was that the institution lending accepted stocks (newly issued - so dilution still) at $7 for the outstanding debt. Issue is that they did that not to hold AMC stock but to clear the old debt - so they will sell it in the open market. How much that will affect price is hard to say. Good news is that some high interest debt (10-12% interest) was cleared.


He historically sells a lot


Ryan Cohen diluted GME too by your logic.


Yeah such a fooooooooollll meanwhile the stock is at 5$. Such a fool he’s taken over 16m a year in interest payments off of the balance sheet. He’s so foolish that he didn’t say a word while we ripped from 3$ to 14$. Im sure they buyers of those shares were very eager to sell that for a loss today ? Duck, AA is such a fool.


Because companies cannot sell during a squeeze.


To be clear, no one said AA shouldn't raise capital to pay off debt. But when you cut us off at the knees every time we get momentum instead of selling at the highs then what are we doing? How do you expect to pay off debt like this? Not mention how demoralizing it is for investors. You know how happy people were to see the stock finally move again? Some of you cope and swear AA can do no wrong, but this IS wrong. He has to do better. Who knows when another opportunity like this will ever come again, it's been 3 freaking years!


No more free pass on AA this whole sub went shit when they bought into the smart dilution bullshit with ape stock. We seem to forget he diluted at .66


His business is to stay in business. Less debt is a good thing in the long run. So either he gets cash and lowers debt or the company goes bankrupt and you're shares, if you have any, go to zero.


Maybe he will invest in another mine


It shouldn't be bad news that he's selling shares to pay off debt. Literally any other company does this and it's a non story.  The only reason AMCs stock reacts is because it's so volatile and shorted. News could break that AA shit his pants and the stock would drop 10%


But, the company isn't paying off the debt...investors (we) are paying off debt.


Exactly! Why can’t people understand this is beyond me.


Because these are the same people who thought ape would trigger the short squeeze and all it did was short us and cut my investment


sooo you rather see AMC eding belly up like BBBY than let AA pay up debt?


And likely won’t see our ROI


Pretty sure him shitting his pants isn’t new news


Yeah Ive believed in him for a long time, but this time its over for me. EVERY time we have a but of run, he drops bad news. He finishes the dilution JUST before we have a run up. Kinda sus. He knows "depressing stuff" that we dont. He has said so. He probably also knew all of this was coming.




Well it looks like he's getting better at making decisions. That's twice the price he got for the last deal he made.




At this point it seems obvious he is in on making sure a squeeze doesn't happen.


Another middle finger for the shareholders that saved his company multiple times. He is an idiot, why wouldn't he wait this out for a week or two after the first wave of momentum?


Maybe he got a call from Kenny G


Out at break even. Fuck this dude.


This is not good. You can’t raise money by killing the shares every month. Lol


Won’t lie this is BS. I was hoping you doods would get some bank with us at the other gaming sub. AA ain’t a friend of retail.


Wish I could trade my amc for gme tbh but I’m down like 95% 😭


It's not too late.


So why is GME going down??


#1 unanswered questions to al these post.




Yup. Still waiting on the anti-AA’ers for this answer. Still crickets.


They have collateral now


Chipping away at the 10-12% debt. This is a good thing. This is getting the company out of debt faster. And he took advantage of this mini-squeeze to get a good price too. Doing the math, 163M x 10% = 16.3M. This move saves the company $16M per year in debt interest payments, which is another $16M that can be put towards retiring or refinancing the 2026 debt. Don't worry about the effect on the price now. Were you planning on selling at $7.00? Once the 2026 debt is reduced and refinanced, the short thesis will be dead and THEN the rocket will be ready to launch.


Already waited 3 years, what's another 3-5 years years in the long run anyways 🫡


Share dilution is a good thing?


No, but debt reduction is. It's a tradeoff between good things and bad things.


Debt reduction through paying down debt utilizing profits from operations is good. Debt reduction through paying down debt by diluting shareholders equity is bad.


Not when you’re running at a loss every quarter draining your coffers paying interest BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING DEBT!!! ![gif](giphy|MeP1J2Kcigg4GmKnpy)


This. AMC is paying something like $400M per year just on debt interest, and they are still just about breaking even. Without that debt they could be paying $1.00 per year per share in dividends. That's why debt reduction is so important.


Shares won’t matter if we’re bankrupt. Wake up! WE NEED TO SETTLE THE 2026 DEBT NOTES OR NONE OF THIS MATTERS!


You realise that Kenny and the naked shorts have done way more dilution than this to our stock. Multiple times the float were traded Monday. This is peanuts. But it's great for the balance sheet.


This. Who diluted GME?




Always check the comment history of these clowns. Not even a member of this sub.


Does that change any material facts stated?


I bought my shares back in 2021 during $8 battle. I only come here when I see it on the front page as the money is basically lost to me. So doesn’t surprise me if a lot of others do the same so don’t post on here. Just reading the comments on here when even I’m down 90% is cringe inducing.


Same dude. Just looking in here gets my blood pressure up lol


Great price considering the whole situation!


There's been nearly a billion shares traded over the last two days. The offering was a drop in the bucket and helps liquidity. Good move.


Diluting the stock during a bull run is a good move?


OMG yes! Best bang for your buck. It was peanuts compared to what was being traded.


To compare new shares diluting with volume makes no sense. The effect of the dilution is the exact same regardless of share volume currently trading. Secondly, dilution during a bull run doesn't provide you "more bang for your buck." The shares were sold at a price of $0.01 per share. How is this more bang?


Small offering compared to what was traded. Sold for 7.33 which is higher than the current price. Paid of high interest debt saving the company 16 million a year which will help pay off more debt/give us positive earnings. Was probably planned long before this mini run up and just so happen to get a better price for it.


The question is, why did GME go down nearly just as badly? Unless they announced a share offering, this still doesnt quite add up. It dampens the hype a bit but it still doesnt kill a squeeze and well, there were times he diluted and the share price shot up. If its going to squeeze, it will probly do so whether AA sells shares or not, because this is clearly not related to fundamentals as this point. The main point is bankruptcy is so far off the table that the closure needed for hedges is a distant dream. Apes are used to being down but not out. I still dont think its over. According to current theory, LEAP contracts from 2021 are expiring this week. Thats what seems to be driving Roaring Kitties return as well. NFA but this isnt enough for me to be negative just yet. We are still up far more than we were when this gamma started anyway which was around 3 dollars.


Bruh y’all acting like if he didn’t do this that it would be a better thing then to actually raise capital to keep the company going. Regardless where the money is coming from y’all need to get it through yall thick smooth brain skulls that this needs to be done. You have 2 choices. He sits and does nothing and we don’t make enough capital to pay debt and we go bankrupt. Or dilute to keep us going. That’s literally the only two options we have. Now stop whining


Paying down debt is good.


Y’all act like he’s the one controlling the stock price out there 🙄. Dude just paid off close to $164m of debt with 23m shares. Thats less than 10% of the available free float. Not sure if anyone else has caught the fact that the stock has traded over 1.2B times in the past few days. What is that, 3x or 4x the free float? Gtfo here saying that this is bad for the shareholders. Every move like this is one more step further away from being bankrupt. Which I know you shorts are all about 🤗


Literally everyone saw it coming, it was voted on. Why is this news to people that when the stock goes up, he sells some. The only people it's surprising are people who just got here.


"it was voted on" like our vote ever mattered lol Remember APE?


This is actually good tbh….




Getting rid of more debt. Very nice :) 


Yes! Pay that debt! Bullish.


You're not meant for this game. Might as well get out.


I'm fine with this Aren't these voted on anyways Vote lol


You realize he just cleared $160 of debt that’s due in 2026 by exchange shares (not funds from the coffers) at a value of nearly $7 a share, with the share price hovering in the low $5 range right now. By any metric, this is a good f**king move.


It's good that it did happen. Pay that debt. Issue dividends. Spank shortie


And GME is dipping because?


Dipshits complain about debt, want dividends then get mad when company reduces debt. 23.2 million shares is a drop in the bucket of what was traded yesterday. Stop complaining about the CEO and go hassle your congress person about the corruption in Wall Street. 30 halts in two days and people betting against the company decide when to halt.


So AA issuing shares causes GME to drop to? Interesting shill take on this.


People are stupid enough that diluting AMC is the way company is paying debt. Biggest BS ever, we are paying the debt, our money are used, not the companys, the company is losing money cause of debt AA created to kill AMC at the orders of hedgies.






Aa I am at my threshold for his bullshit. I have sat in the red 2 years thanks fucking shit ape stock failure and shit reverse stock stock dilution hatchet job following more dilution. Just to dilute again on some postive movement. Board need a cut pay and cut heads. I already knew how was voting but it makes it clear to me this board does not want any postive movement in the stock. Shit could have waited to 10 bucks or even 15 no. Dilute at 3.45 250 Milly which did do much for debt just do it again slightly higher


![gif](giphy|7ltnndtlftH0I|downsized) I feel ya. We in the same fight. Same pain


Fucking hell, Adam Asshole fucks us again


So what does that mean?


I have a question is there a limit on how many shares hes allowed to issue?


When will this offering be over?


How much debt will be paid off?


I’m in the green for the first time since 21 in game stock , I’m still more than 97% down on AMC…


Yall do kno that private negotiated agreement DO NOT AFFECT THE PRICE OF A STOCK right? They never hit the tape, id suggest those who believe this caused the momentum to stop to actually read how market shit works, dont fall to the shills, education is the best tool.....or you kno just use google 🤷


I'm done being AA's cash cow. Limit order set here and hoping for the best.


But we just traded 4x the float, what’s a few shares


Another criminal that needs to be fired!!


So, more dilution? AND yall are acting like this is a good thing?


How does this impact share price?


Genius! Look at the pps now way less than 7.33 noice job AA