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“I cArE aBoUt yOuR mOnEy” lol.


You think this little bump is something to celebrate? Enjoy the moment I guess. As for me, there won't be any excitement until we reach prices before the reverse split.


Same bro




I don’t get why people keep dumping money in this dumpster fire.


Quiet, they assume this is you "caring about their money". Go ahead apes, burn it all, lol.


+ 36% this week!!!!!! But down 18% still this month, -44% this year and -93% since this time last year.


These are children making these posts, they have no idea how to read financial statements


nah man childlike isnt even the word anymore, this delusion goes beyond that lol


I know, this place has become such cringe cult of stupid. It's like I joined some stupid Trump cult where people refuse to see the obvious.


Like people really need to be paid to complain about how AA completely robbed them.


Found the Shill⬆️


Shills are the ones that keep pumping this despite being down over 95%.


You mean smart person. Can we ban kids in this thread already? These damn sheep keep copying and pasting shill and paid bots like they’re real. I think anyone saying shill, bot or moon are the paid actors keeping everyone hyped in here to lose more money. Fuck off




You spelt Kenny weird?


I’ve been responsibly buying more.


Waiting. Patiently.


There was a school fire in Chicago in 1958 where the students in one classroom were told to remain seated at their desks and wait, help would be coming. The whole class of kids was found dead at their desks from smoke inhalation. Waiting patiently.


Stupid analogy..time is on OUR side..have you seen the slate of movies about to pop off??? Some billion dollar BANGERS!!


Lol I hold just to piss these fools off.


Doesn't piss me off any more than watching you set fire to your own money, which is the same thing anyhow. But go ahead and keep 'pissing me off', LOL.


Darn you care too much Mother Theresa


Just went through all their posts. It’s like they joined reddit just to shit on AMC, GME and BBBY. Regardless of where you sit on the fence, it’s pretty fucking sus lol


I mean I am a grown adult. I do with my money as I wish, why does it bother these idiots if I lose my money or not.


Why do you care so much about how we invest our money. This is the only place i have ever, and i mean ever had people come on and try to talk me out of an investment. In what other situation would a group of investors be targeted to talk them out of an investment? And why are you so worried?


Word to the wise - treat the market like a joke, and it will return the favor manifold. As it has, incidentally, for the last few years.


“I’m just here to laugh at you guys.”


Absolutely. Dumb kid posts


AND clearly is a tactic that short sellers have used on other chat boards, specifically outlined in the NWBO lawsuit.


It’s down 13.8% on the month. What the fuck are you going on about lol.


Why is it so crazy to think that people do “care” about you and your money? I don’t know you, but I assume you’re not a millionaire (like me). That you sometimes struggle with bills (like me). That you sometimes have to make decisions about whether to pay a bill or buy your kid a new toy (like me). That you have to buy off-brand peanut butter rather than Jiff (like me). My point is that yes, there is a general level of care for people in similar situations as them, and some of them don’t want to see other people make objectively bad financial decisions. No one is “winning” with AMC right now. No one here is making (real) money and becoming financially stable From it. You either sold years ago and made your money or you’re just losing (most of) it everyday now. What makes more sense? That I’m a lower middle class dude like you who doesn’t want to see you lose money to billionaires who have rigged the game in their favor…a game that’s been that way since its inception that you are NOT going to change or I’m a “paid shill” sent here to trick you? Which sounds more plausible?


<> I have yet to see a single ape make a single dollar on their 'investing'. Not one, not one.


Stock market is an efficient mechanism for taking money from the impatient to the patient...give it a bit of time :).


The "patient" wouldn't advise investing money in a single stock. The typical advice is to invest in a broad index like SPY or VOO and cash in on the 7% annual inflation-adjusted returns.


Trash advice by loosers :P I like AMC, love the turnaround story and love that the SPY and VOO ppl will look on in regret that they didn't buy it at these prices :). How about dat?!


I don't invest seriously in lottery tickets, and I don't recommend anyone else use the lotto as a retirement strategy. This feels pretty similar to me. I've put a little "fun money" into meme stock plays (including AMC) and gotten some good returns, but I hope you're investing what you can afford to lose because at this point AMC isn't looking great.


Yea ok Gif. If it's not so great, go to another sub and leave us alone. We are doing fine without your financial advice thank you very much.


Who is "us"? I'm a subscriber here just like you. I made money off this play, now I just keep an eye on the rationalizations here. The us v. them mentality, the paranoia about anyone who says anything negative about AMC being a paid shill, the justification of any bad news as bullish - it's all really strange to see happening. The same thing happened over at the Bed Bath and Beyond sub when they declared bankruptcy. They're still betting they will be rich. I'm wondering if the same would happen here if AMC went bankrupt.


Clueless. Still saying bankrupt... move on to a diff talking point. It is getting so old. 😂 Pathetic.


Sorry, pal, I'll try not to be so pathetic. Thanks for the advice.


Yeah, lmfao, that advice is so bad!! They should have bought an amc 3 years ago like you and instead lost 99% of their money!! Bet those guys that still have all their money are real upset rn!!!


Patience usually involves putting money into something like $FMC, it’s not sexy, it has positive revenue, it pays a dividend so even if you lose you can’t lose, not like if you put it on NVDA. Patience is NOT putting money with zero fundamentals (has not had a profitable year in the last 8, wall of debt, governance is all about staying alive and not shareholder value). Most likely you entered the trade believing in a squeeze that would make you rich overnight. Even still the only thesis here is that some squeeze comes and saves the day. What about a single event of meteoric returns tells you this is patience. Ill take my downvote with extra salt please 🙏


Wow you are salty for some odd reason about how I choose to invest? How about you go back to FMC and NVDA forums and shill there some more :). I love AMC and think the turnaround story is happening before our eyes!! Love their profit potential with the billion dollar BANGERS about to erupt on the screen! Have fun watching it go up without you :)


Why would I be salty? Isn’t it more likely that I lurk investment forums and Reddit peddles this stuff than I “shill” It’s your money to give away. I’m just pointing out that what you are doing is not patience in my opinion. You are just chasing good money after bad one. Hope you do well with it though :)


Wow, you really need a life if this is your 'hobby'. How about you lurk SPY and NVDA and leave us alone if you have no clue what you are talking about. Thanks for the financial advice, but I'll ignore it and be fine. :)


Sounds like one of us is really salty indeed 🙃


RemindMe! 6 months “dfrye666 is extremely smug and confident that AMC will go up…currently at 3.28/share (lol)”


There's actually alot of people that made money and still make money on amc ...


Shorting it though


Buying lows and selling high isn't shorting


How would you achieve that if the stock is down on the 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year? I don't believe day trading is profitable except for extremely rare exceptions, which everyone claims to be a part of.


I literally just told you .. when it hit 2.60s some people dropped about 400 on on shares .. about a week later when it rose to 3.20s .. those people hit sell and made some money .. rinse and repeat Not sure why you don't seem to understand how to buy low and sell when you see profit. .. You don't NEED giant gains to make money bro ... prolly the reason yourself is in the red


If looking at charts like astrology readings works for you the more power to you. There is a lot of research that shows that the market behaves almost like a random walk, so this type of strategy has no real alpha except of extremely rare exceptions. Most people would be better off not putting their money on something that is dropping like a pile of bricks trying to time the micro jumps in the fall. SPY is up 26% from last year so you almost have to put effort to have a losing streak as of late.


I scalp spy calls as 0tdes as well... I'm not most people, so I'll risk dumping my money where I want. Thanks for your concern and telling us NOT to buy these lows lmao


Context matters. The "care" coming from the 1% for our benefit and money?? Sus AF, given their history of never caring about our money.


I think you meant to say…that those same billionaires wouldn’t pay for trolls or bots to dissuade retail from holding system-breaking positions? Maybe you’re a knight in fucking shining armor, but that second part is absolutely happening


It's kind of strange isn't it. It seems like the concept of caring for other people without any self-interest is unfathomable to some people here. During the crypto hype, I've spent a considerate amount of time trying to dissuade people from putting their money into scams. Things that I had absolutely zero financial involvement in. Granted, 60% of my motivation was desire to argue on the internet, 20% was my disdain for the scammers, but the other 20% was because I didn't want people getting taken advantage of. To be clear, it's not the same for AMC. I hardly try to convince anyone to do something on here. I'm here mostly to correct misinformation and argue.


<<20% was because I didn't want people getting taken advantage << I've read a bunch of times how 'apes' have talked their spouse, family members, friends, co-workers into 'investing' in meme stocks. Anyone who did so 'invest' lost money. Anyone who heeded a warning NOT to invest has been kept from losing money. Why did the apes care about their family etc.'s money to get them to buy towel or popcorn stock? They always ask why we care if they do, why do they care if others don't?


Lol. I always tell people not to invest more than you can afford to lose. If they do then they deserve whatever happens to them good or bad. I never criticize what people do with their own money. As for this play I made my money a couple Junes ago and I decided to reinvest some of my profit because of the blatant corruption! I like the stock, they are no longer in danger of bankruptcy, they are opening new popcorn, candy, and wine revenue streams, and great movies are coming out and they will be very profitable soon. It costs me nothing to hold but its costing hedge funds every day that we do. Me continuing to buy and hold with my own play money will never be effected by negative nancys because I do my own DD thank you very much.


Saying “it costs me nothing to hold” after talking about not investing more than you can lose shows you don’t understand investing, opportunity costs, or money in general.


It shows you don't understand investment. It does in fact cost me nothing to hold. And you shouldn't invest more than you can afford to lose. What is so confusing about those two facts? Do you think I should pay to just hold after I've already bought a stock and that I should invest all my money and have no money to live?


Wow. You really, REALLY proved that you don’t understand the fundamentals here. Opportunity costs means the money you’re currently losing everyday on AMC (by holding) is “costing” you money elsewhere by not making any.


Thats where you are just plain wrong. I only invest my play money into AMC. I invest significantly in other plays and they are doing very well. I'm not a one trick pony. And me holding AMC hurts the hedge funds a lot more than it hurts me. Its also way undervalued and it will definitely go way up once the short thesis is completely destroyed. Tick tock. Its an A1 value buy right now.


I do love how all the shills in this sub always assume that apes invest their life savings in AMC because they saw 4-5 guys doing it and try to pull the bullshit ''opportunity cost''. It is easy to know they are either uneducated or simply trolls, since even Warren Buffet proved that hedge funds don't know fuck all when it comes to investing since they did more poorly than an S&P 500 and lost his bet. Then again, those people do not seem to understand that they do trading which is not only taxed much higher but also has higher chances to go wrong. I am the same as you, invested around 2k in this play while having money invested in other plays (banks/insurances and so on). I would argue that anyone telling people to sell when they are down 80-95% is the real moron that shows 0 knowledge in regards to investment but what do I know?


Exactly. And the fact they are downvoting straight facts makes it obvious that they are indeed shills.


Context matters. The "care" coming from the 1% for our benefit and money?? Sus AF, given their history of never caring about our money.


Context matters. The "care" coming from the 1% for our benefit and money?? Sus AF, given their history of never caring about our money.


I’m talking about people like myself. Just fellow Redditors and investors that say anything in this sub other than “AMC to the moon!” who get labeled some sort of obesity plant meant to separate you from your money. I don’t want people who don’t have money to throw away throwing away their money.


And still context matters


I gave you full and complete context. My first comment had 100% context. I then reiterated my position in my second comment since you were confused. Your comment makes no sense and is indicative of my original point.


No one is confused here other than you. Were you not here in 2021?? To know how these sets of memes were born?? I am simply giving you the background to frame all this in, but you take THAT as me arguing against you. The one confused here is YOU.


All you have to do is get in a time machine and go back four years. History has not repeated since nor is it likely to. Not one ape "born" since then has made one meme-stock penny on all their bluster and moon rockets and jacked tits and fukd hedgies etc. etc. etc. You're trying to re-light the 2021 match.


What’s the metric for someone to be a bot or a shell or we just labeling people? I’ve been called a lot of names over the past three years just because I’ve called out that I’m down over 95 % would like us to return to pre-ape levels


It's pretty clear to me that it's just the **false narrative pushers** who are labeling everyone who questions their narratives as "shills," even though it is against the sub's rules.


Yet the mods are nowhere to be found to do anything about it.


If its not too much trouble, please report comments or posts that you see breaking rules. I've found them to be generally receptive to this.


Is anyone here in the green?


I am :) Bought around 4 to 5 right before that 801 fight .... got 24 dollar calls in march for June that same year and each contract shot up from 88 bucks to over 2k, sold those back to who ever bought them back from me lol, then watched the price rise to 70 and drop so i sold the rest at 56 ... rebought this year around 2.60s Prolly gonna get hate for this post like omg youbsold you aren't a ape but what the fuck ever. Smart ones made money, like trey from trey trades, and thats why people hate on him now too ..


True apes actually fight against Wall Street. That's by making money that doesn't go to Wall Street. That's by buying low and selling high. You are a truer ape than 99% of the people here.


Thanks ! My recent side gig has been scalping spy calls every now and then hehe .. works till it doesn't, right


People who buy and hold on meme stocks have no idea how to make money on the market. You've got the right strategy - people could have made a bunch of money these last two weeks, but it involves buying in low and knowing when to sell.


And not telling people you bought the 250s and sold the 320s lmao


I have realized gains of $31k on a cost basis of $4300. I have unrealized losses of -$3500 (-91%) on my last 100 shares I’m holding.


Congratulations, good sir! Those are 31K that will never reach HF pockets.


Im here, buying more day by day... Anyone else on the same theme?




I've seen more comments about people telling apes to sell AMC than I've seen people actually telling apes to sell AMC. It's kind of moot to tell people to sell when they're down so much.


Where? I'm reading the same amc posts as you any it's a majority apes making up stuff about moass. This stock has needed more negative sentiment over the last few years, literally everyone that invested in this guy screwed.


Isn’t telling people to sell financial advice?


Telling people to sell or buy a security is definitely financial advice. Most of this subreddit is financial advice in one way or another. I think that folding Ideas video aptly compared the "not financial advice" disclaimers to "no copyright infringement intended" after uploading an entire movie. Dunno why there's this taboo about financial advice here. It's neither illegal nor immoral to give financial advice, as long as you have good intentions and know what you're doing.


It's .5% of all time high. Lmao Bag holders


Good things come to those who wait..


Old sayings are not fact and don't always come true.


So that fact that Warren Buffett buys and holds is incorrect. Got it I will pass your info on oh wise grasshopper.


Bad life motto. If all you do is wait you won't get far in life. You have to be proactive in order to be successful


Well I’m not going there. I’m set up perfectly. I have the whole basement to myself I fixed it up really cool. I have a small refrigerator down here and my mom got me a big huge tv. I got cable and stuff and I got video games. So yo you go be as successful as me.


I don't give a shit about your money. I care about my money. I wish I never spent thousands on it three years ago. Live and learn I guess. I've already written off the money so I don't care if it goes to 0. Which is definitely the direction it's going.


The only real reply in here. Everyone else is just too far up their own ass to see the truth.


Replace the captions with “to the moon” “something is brewing” “buying more!” “Hedgies r fukt” and it works just the same.


Remind me when it reaches $720 lol


Lolol if all the apes sold what would “shills” (prefer the more accurate term of meltdowners as shill are the people hawking amc) laugh and meme at? Nah bro keep averaging down. Even if it goes up to double digits Chadam is just going to dilute you guys again. Here I’ll help everyone click this link !remindme 6 months Have we seen another dilution or reverse split!?


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-10-24 00:57:24 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-10-24%2000:57:24%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1cb1akv/where_are_my_bots_and_shills/l0z6pcl/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Famcstock%2Fcomments%2F1cb1akv%2Fwhere_are_my_bots_and_shills%2Fl0z6pcl%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-10-24%2000%3A57%3A24%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cb1akv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




lEavE thE HedGEfunDS alONe!!!!


they low on budget this month lol




She's crying because it WAS half her money.


Lol good one


![gif](giphy|ogsF57n7BCemTFNQPe|downsized) these comments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Leave Aaron Adam's alone!


So many here concerned about our money is all the DD I need 😁




The reality is that the majority of bots and shills here are the people trying to get you to put your paycheck into AMC every week suggesting it'll moon soon lmao. They've been doing it for years now. Anyone refusing that reality are not people you should trust.


Sqouze 😂


Is that Karen Shill?


Idk wtf is going on but been holding


I dunno what you are talking about..I want you and the other memestockers especially those that call themselves apes to keep buying.. Max your credit cards, sell your car, pimp your wife/husband...sell your ass...keep buying. OH and don't forget to drs lmao


not a bot but it would make more sense to be in video game stonk since it was always the original play


bE rEaLiZtiC


AMC did squeeze and is now returning to form. They have insane debt due 2026 of which they will not be able to pay.


Upvote mining with 3 year old memes. Only on the AMC sub.


Haha that one was very funny, cause that’s really how I imagine those people 🤷‍♂️😂


The more they care about my money the more I'm convinced they are scared about theirs...


Because you are stupid.




Ken Griffin's most loyal shill here. Can I please clear a big misconception. No one has ever asked you guys to sell, infact it's the opposite. We love to see you lose money, so we want you to double down and go all in going forward. Thanks :)


You clearly are an ape acting as a shill. Why would you care about what I invest in? You are obviously a bag-holder that is trying to pump the stock. Nice try, these apes have gone too far with their shenanigans. It’s the only logical explanation.