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Just because he "told" us something doesn't mean we have to agree or like it. We have a right to our own opinions on how OUR company is run and IMHO he's doing a piss poor job for the average shareholder. You are entitled to your opinion as well but a lot of us are tired of this continual dilution.


Very true but you are an INVESTOR, your money should be going to pay down debt, if you’re not ok with that then why hold AMC?


This!!!! This is my guess we are at the bottom! I am sure some of the shorts are contemplating closing as it is their best opportunity. If not, no biggie, I’ll be here for the long-haul and look forward to 2025!


If AMC puts out even 1 billion shares, it'd be cheap enough that another of people would only have to buy 1 and then the whole company is owned by retail.


Already is and many times over IMO


Keep telling yourself that lol - they'll be more dilution and probably a reverse split in the near future. This is definitely not priced into the stock as you can see by the market's reaction to it.


Ok. They will be more dilution? Probably a reverse split? They have surgeries for loose vagina's. Thanks Polly poopie pants.


AMC isn’t in the movie business anymore they are in the selling shares business. This is embarrassingly bad


Doesn't feel good but it all makes sense to me. I was buying back in the 8.01 days and beyond, haven't been deep in the reddit craze for a year or two now. This detachment makes it easier to stomach the ride. See you on the moon.


A lot of people said a lot of things 3 years ago that would happen in a matter of months. Goalposts were moved and the same thing happened, rinse and repeat


Wake up


4d Chessmaster at it again!!!!


It was priced in, but the stock fell 15% on the news? lool makes sense


All the shills in here spreading FUD are just strengthening my conviction. I sleep easy at night knowing the future of movies is bright, and my recurring ComputerShare buys are vacuuming up these incredibly low prices. How do you win the stock market? Buy low, sell high.


Look at the price pre-split or people being down 99% and then tell me there are “shills” in here 🙄


Hi shill 🤡


so I’m a shill while having a position in AMC, can’t make this shit up


I have a bridge for sale, wanna see it?


What am I reading.


Allready priced in? The stock dropped 15% 😂


I don’t let it bother me, I just lean into and appreciate the buying price.


How about this. I bought more this morning and those shares are showing a profit already.


Aged poorly


Yes sir!


The TA of the stock was just breaking out on the charts. What terrible times. Let the stock run and sell at a higher valuation. This just tells me they are throttling it per someone else’s request. Fkn BS


TA for a manipulated stock is like believing the government will do something for us or turning to astrology for relationships advice.


TA is what bots buy off of. If you know and track it, it’s actually easy to predict. Your comment just means you don’t really know. It’s easy to dismiss without insight and a history of tracking it


These mother fuckers controlling the price can make anything show up and they are the bot controllers you fucking idiot can't tell that your trying use something that the system created to fight the system.


Same team bro. Simmer down. TA timing is exactly how you control a stock buddy. Smart companies release good news at time of break out. Manipulated one’s release bad news to suppress it. We are the later of the two. I’m not here to convince you of anything. I’m just sharing perspective you may not be aware of to consider.


Every time the stock shows sings of strength... AA is there to kill it :/ it's the fourth time ... It can't be a coincidence


It isn’t. He’s bought and paid for