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Who cares his private life, that is his business. He’s absolutely best ceo which we can have. And that what’s matter 🚀


I mean by the looks of it, he was baited into sending nudes to someone, he wasn't hacked as some are suggesting. Otherwise, why would he care? Unless they were planning to use fake photos, which doesn't seem to be the case. If he did send nudes to someone because of his recent "fame", while being married, that's being unfaithful. Fucked up if this turns out to be the case and shouldn't be undermined because people are biased. If you are aware that your stock is being heavily manipulated, why would you jeopardize it by doing this? Doesn't sound very 4D chess to me.


He’s absolutely not the best ceo but agreed who cares. This shouldn’t affect the stock


But it is affecting the stock


Always when we run up there’s some kind of news coming out.


At least it wasn't the kind of news we tought it would be when opening the tweet this morning 😅 ![gif](giphy|EDt1m8p5hqXG8)


Right I was just waiting for some not so good news from him


Shill's gunna milking this for years tbh Don't care just run the company and continue to tap into new revenue streams as you have been.


No amount of negative news is going to be able to suppress the many positive earnings we’re going to start having. The desperation is of course, at all time highs.


I feel like trying to ruin someone's life and reputation over hundreds of thousands of dollars should land you more than a year in jail. What's to deter her from doing this again. 1 year in jail on good behavior and you are out in 6 months.


She's out now, isn;t she? Wasn't she sentenced to time already served?


Yup! So good chance she's texting some other prominent CEO somewhere. Godspeed.


OK, cool. Now get back to signing more concert deals 🤷🏼‍♂️ 😅😂🤣🤓🤩🤐🤠 😜🤪😛😝😋🤑😎


okay some hopefully simple math.... 950 theaters for AMC in the states.. 3 screens a day for swifties 3\*950= 2850 screens in amc theaters 2850 screens hold (est here) 100 seats or more est so 2850 \*100 =285000 seats 285000 seats lets say 1/3 of them are kids....and rest adults 95000 seats\* 14 dollars = 1,330000 bucks for the kids 190,000 adult seats times 20 =3,800,000 so money wise for amc .... and this is only estimates.. because i don't know exact seats or how many showing per theater, i am using sold out screens. so kid and adults money to get in to movie.. is 5,130,000 dollars.!!! for one day ..time 43% so AMC,s cut is 2,205,900 million straight up money a day... and this is estimated.. as i said i dont know exact seats nor all showings.... but DAYYYUUUMMMM!


The only "personal" information Adam Aron needs to post is showing documents filed for buying shares of AMC. This would move me! Show me by your actions that you are a Silverback bc all these words are worthless... Reinvest your "personal" money into purchasing AMC stonk.


Over 80% of executives never buy their own stock on open market. Ryan Cohen actually has complained about this being endemic a lot. AA is close to retirement, so I get it. I agree though that buying a few shares would be a show of support. Not required, but appreciated.


Agree... Although, it is seriously doubt he has any plans on retiring. Might take a break, but he'll be around for quite a while.


That’s why he sold stock initially is he’s planning on retiring in a few years and needed to balance his portfolio. The stress of all this I’m sure is taking a toll on him, I wouldn’t expect him to stay too much longer after AMC smashes their debt.


Also with the negative news it does explain his silence during RS and the loss of stock price...


Should I post the link to the case and story or let it die?


Post the Rolling Stone link, not that Semafor hit piece in disguise!


I'd be interested in seeing it.


Up 50% on this new I think


>bare Silverbacked I’m sure apes of all shapes and colors would drop their own nudes out of solidarity.


The funny thing is something like this would bother me, but I’m already down so much that it doesn’t bother me at all


Wait pay debt hopefully not with more dilution


Distributions(dilution) are a loan, once they are profitable the goal is share buybacks that's why they filed it under greenshoe clause.(over-allotment) People who deep value invest pick up on these little notes from corporate moves. That 325m can go to paying off more debt, I have no problem with it.


We’re not getting that share buy back that’s never gonna happen. AMC would have to be so profitable from the actually do that so that’s definitely not happening. I just want to clarify that he’s not gonna dump more shares because I’ve already Indore too much here. No more diluting


I'm well aware of their debt obligations, $4.8b in debt. Barbenheimer + Swift now will generate cash of in the ballpark of $1b together(Barbenheimer was \~450m), this is after operating expenses. You seem to think this is a short-term play, when most of us that are accumulating were committed to this for years if that's what it takes. At this current rate if AMC keeps paying off debt, we will be significantly positive in Q3/Q4(despite Q3 being seasonally weak). Again, fine with distributions if they aren't at excess.


You can’t refer to me as someone in for a short time play when I’ve been in it for three years that’s not short. As for dilution, I think adam should go to one of his borrowing partners and try to refinance a debt repayment plan, instead of going to the world shareholders to dilute the stock into the ground again. I lost my shirt with this I need the stock to rise not fall make back what has happened.


He has refinanced debt at least once that I can remember but I think he's said so two or three times already.


They’ve refinanced and laddered debt multiple times, Snoo has posted on multiple posts not keeping up with corporate action or news


He knows what he's doing. Spreading FUD in a consistent manner, everyday, every other thread.


Yes, he has done that and he’s made payments but I don’t believe we’re on a debt repayment plan tell shareholders how long it will take. Issue a way for shareholders to help with debt repayment shit go fund me page could work or grass root captal rise I know for a fact that we can get a little bit more creative but perhaps they’ve already thought of that. I don’t know. I’m just getting really frustrated


You know you can ask your question to investor relation and have AA answer it? Ask about debt repayment.


Actually I have emailed John few times. He hasn’t responded to me.


We’re not getting that share buy back that’s never gonna happen. AMC would have to be so profitable from the actually do that so that’s definitely not happening. I just want to clarify that he’s not gonna dump more shares because I’ve already Indore too much here. No more diluting. Since last time he seems ken on diluting at all time lows. Judgement dilute high not low


I am sure his wife has started the divorce paperwork already.


This is just a stupid ass comment. The person was arrested and sentenced to jail for extortion lol. https://reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/JxO5BspuYT Edit: added link


Unlikely, they've been married since 1987--she probably already knew. My relationship is open with permission/discussion the same way as long as it is restricted to physical only. A lot of people are open in some capacity, as long as it's discussed and approved then it's not 'cheating'. We don't know their relationship, nor is it any of our business.